This message was given by Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak, to the
children of Awa Meka Yahweh Yahweh, during the new day devotional meeting with
Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak, on the above mentioned date. During the
praise and reverence service, Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak began to speak
thus, Good new day little
children. Good new day, AVA [father]. You are welcome in My presence! Thank you,
AVA [father]. I want to ask question; some of you are raising yua voice that
you have AVA [father] that will never fail you but some of you are experiencing
failure, some of you are unstable. Then, why are you giving Me praises that you
have a AVA [father] that will never fail you when you had already considered
failure in yua life? The purpose
I say in yua life is on the account that, had it been it is the life I gave to
you, you wouldn’t had experienced failure.
Well children, I want to ask question; is there any beauty
of life among you that will be healthy when you have not eaten meat? No, AVA [father]. Is there any
beauty of life? No, AVA
[father]. Well you beauties of life have made Me feel happy, I AM glad to speak
to you. Some of you are surprise on what happened during the passover, does it
mean that I AM not with you beauties of life again? Is it true?
Yes, AVA [father]. I want to ask a question, how do you think that a man who
has all it takes to make up his building to be in order will start and abandon
it? Is it possible? The man has all it takes, is
it possible? No, AVA
[father]. But have you considered, the program which I called all My children together,
I was unable to speak, have you thought about that? But the question is, did I speak or I didn’t
speak? You spoke, AVA
[father]. When I gave My servant assignment, do this, what do you want to hear
again? Some of you have
developed a habit that if you didn’t hear from Me directly, it look as though I
don’t speak, I do speak! And the message I told My servant to preach which My
servant gave to you beauties of life and told you that ’My AVA [father] said’,
how many of you are keeping to the assignment: Obedience is Better than Sacrifice? How many of you are ready to obey? Even upon all, yet, there is
stubbornness. I know you more than you know yuaself. But I come to speak to
you, without obedience, all yua labour will be in vain. I repeat Myself,
without obedience, all yua commitment will be in vain. What keeps Child of
Truth to this level, is it his qualification?
Is it by his connection? Is
it not obedience? Some of
you are going astray, but hear My word, it is better for you to obey Me than to
be stubborn.
Well, how many of you have been taking note of My word? You wish not to write My word.
Well, there is something that happened during the Passover. You beauties of
life were amazing about My servant ImmanuYahweh; you beauties of life were amazing,
have I spoken from then? In
as much as I never speak, has Child of Truth spoken about it? No, AVA [father]. What is
Child of Truth going to speak?
Now, what is the source of the accident? It is as a result of
distraction, and it brought a lot of damages. Write My word to My servant ImmanuYahweh.
Tell My servant that I say My servant should notice that the source of the
accident is distraction, on the account that My servant was looking at another
place. Tell ImmanuYahweh that I know what happened. And the accident that
happened damaged his vehicle and another beauty of life’s vehicle. But had it
been that My servant was focused, the accident wouldn’t have happened. But the
question is, does it mean that I AM not in existence? I AM in existence. Tell ImmanuYahweh that the way
from Ekiti to Onitsha was where they had the accident. I come to tell ImmanuYahweh
that, there are lots of distractions in his house. Despite his commitment,
despite all the efforts My servant had made, if My servant focus on the
distractions, the distractions will also bring about accident on his way to come to My Dwelling
Place. For this purpose, I know ImmanuYahweh, tell ImmanuYahweh to focus; tell ImmanuYahweh
to focus, tell ImmanuYahweh to focus, how many times? Third times. Tell ImmanuYahweh My servant to
focus. There are lots of distractions, and if My servant focuses on this
distractions, My servant will not be able to reach his destination; but I pray for ImmanuYahweh that My servant
will reach his destination, but with condition: to avoid distractions.
So children, I come to speak to you, likewise all of you. If
you allow any distraction to stop you from following Me, sorry is yua name. So
children, give My servant ImmanuYahweh My message, Time to Look unto Me and
Depend on Me. Tell ImmanuYahweh to check the damages that occurred on
the account of the distractions. Tell ImmanuYahweh that I love ImmanuYahweh.
The purpose I used this is to teach ImmanuYahweh to learn his lesson, and is
for ImmanuYahweh to understand that if ImmanuYahweh allows distractions that is
what will happen to self. If I don’t love ImmanuYahweh, I wouldn’t have told self
that. All that brought about the accident was distractions, nothing but that.
At the same time, tell ImmanuYahweh that I said when self was looking by the
side I released My Ruak to tell ImmanuYahweh that self should focus, but ImmanuYahweh
couldn’t listen to Me. I repeated this to ImmanuYahweh, self wouldn’t listen to
Me. So tell ImmanuYahweh, that is how I AM sending My message to ImmanuYahweh now
to listen to Me, so ImmanuYahweh will not have another accident. Tell ImmanuYahweh
that I speak to self, that all the children I give ImmanuYahweh have grown to a
level to decide, but My servant should not allow anything, anything, anything,
anything, anything to keep self away from doing My will. However, I love ImmanuYahweh;
ImmanuYahweh is My child. Even Child of Truth whom I AM using, if Child of
Truth allows distractions also, I know how to handle Child of Truth. I AM not a
respecter of any beauty of life. Tell ImmanuYahweh that I say, what makes a man
to be wise? There are
things. If you have a tree that decides to die but you keep pouring water on
it, pouring water on that tree will make you not to meet up with other demands
that are waiting for you, and if you discover that the tree is still dying,
what will make you to be a wise beauty of life, is that beauties of life have observed
that you have tried to give that tree water to make it to survive, but it
decides to die. Then what will you do?
You will go ahead to look at how you will take care of others so that it will
not affect others. Well, I don’t have much to say. Those that want to obey Me,
Well, My child that come from the place they call Lagos, you
took the risk coming down here to prove that you beauties of life have given Me
a place. But I come to speak to you, giving Me that place is good but not yet
enough; have you heard Me?
What I AM expecting is total obedience. By so doing, I will take care of you; I
will take care of yua generations: I will reverse what has been done. Listen to
Me, let Me tell you, you and yua family have made a wise decision on the
account of what has been done! Have you asked yuaself this question, “what
makes you and yua other beauties of life from yua earthly Ava [father], not to
return home? Have you
asked yuaself such question?
You were afraid, but what brought about the fear?
“It is what a beauty of life has done, but I want to tell you that I AM coming
to destroy whatever that has been done. Listen, consider My words, I did not say
I have destroyed it, but I said “I AM coming to destroy it”. And tell the man
beauty of life from the woman that delivered you, that, I AM calling the man beauty of life to
come and serve Me. Tell the man beauty of life, give the man beauty of life My
message. Tell the man beauty of life that giving Me this place, is not yet
enough, but tell the man beauty of life that this place is where I will bless the
man beauty of life, and this is the place I will secure the man beauty of life.
This is the place I will fight his battle with MY REAL NAME.
Tell the man beauty of life that I said any other place self is going, My presence and My protection will not be as
self wants. I want to ask the man beauty of life a question; have you witnessed
any man that builds a house and after building went outside and lives in a
place where there is no house?
Is it possible? No, AVA
[father]. Then tell the man beauty of life that, it is self that I AM looking
for. Self is the survival of the family. Now call the man beauty of life and
tell the man beauty of life to come and stay in the house which self has built.
Tell the man beauty of life that I said if self wish to go outside, the light
that shines in the day will shine on the man beauty of life; the water that
come from My throne will also fall on the man beauty of life: but if self run
inside the house, there will be safety. Tell the man beauty of life that having
provided this house for Me, I AM calling the man beauty of life to come inside
the house. It is a parable. Have you take a note of any man that has garments,
clothes as they call, and wish to go without garments? Children, I ask a question! No, AVA [father], if
such happens, is there any wisdom in that beauty of life? No, AVA [father]. Have you noticed any man or
woman beauty of life that has a vehicle and instead of going with that vehicle,
parks it and start walking on foot?
Is there any wisdom in that?
No, AVA [father]. Let Me ask a question;
is there any man that has what they call phone for communication but
decide to keep it inside the house and
start walking without it? No,
AVA [father]. Then if such will not be done, tell the man beauty of life that I
speak to the man beauty of life that self has good things, let the man beauty
of life not go outside: being inside will give the man beauty of life what self
needs. Well, I repeat Myself; I AM coming to fight yua battles, the battles of yua
Child of Truth, don’t waste time, go there before anything
will be done, don’t expect to put that place to be nice-looking. If you wish,
you will delay by doing so. Go there, put things as small and as little as you
can and start there. From there you will go for radio program. But before the
radio program, you will fast and pray with other children of Mine. As you call
them, you will have program with them. Pray against the demons there and tell Me
to arrest them and chain them before gathering of believer’s service commences;
is it understood? Yes, AVA
[father], this is what should be done. And take note, I have told you how the
prayer will be done, even as I told you before this time, then you will go and
possess yua possession. When the demons are being arrested, then you will behold
My power. Remember that, as it is, that place is called Solution Centre. With this, I told you beauties of life that
you have not experienced My power. Let Me ask you a question; in this Passover,
when deliverance was taking place, were you beauties of life not surprised? We were surprised. Is it a
surprise? Even the beauty
of life that claimed that the demons inside of them have power which no man can
withstand, but at last, what happened?
They bowed. The power surrendered.
I call My servant and I give My servant all it takes, it is
left for My servant to activate it. Child of Truth, up till now you don’t know
who you are. Even the beauties of life that surround you, going with you, don’t
know who I made you to be. I honour yua words; and I come to speak to all of
you, be very, very cautious! Any day any
of you will make Child of Truth to
raise his voice on you, I will not be pleased! Be very, very cautious! I
come to speak to you, I honour the words of My servant. I repeat Myself, I honour
the words of My servant. Child of Truth, earlier before this time, I told you
that you should not use yua mouth to curse any beauty of life; and all of you
should be very, very cautious! What did I say?
We should be very, very cautious! You should be very, very cautious about the
way you do things. Before you do something, think about it. Child of Truth, I
have told you not to curse, I repeat Myself, I honour yua words on the account
that you honour Me. If not yua obedience, I wouldn’t have come out to expose
Myself! In otherwise, beauties of life would have been serving their idols
thinking they are serving Me. Child of Truth, go and do My work. In the day, in
the night, I will be with you: every time, every second, every hour, I will be
with you. Fear not even if the whole beauties of life conspired against you,
don’t shake! Don’t shake, go! In as much as it is an assignment about this
Truth, go, I will be with you, and I will defend you. Child, listen, I want to
assure you, and I will reassure you, that I have all it takes to protect and
guide My children. If an ordinary native doctor keeps boasting of a charm,
little charm, how much more you?
Fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not! How many times? Likewise some of you that obey
Me, I will fight yua battle.
I will fight yua battle
I will fight yua battle
I will fight yua battle
Day and night.
I will fight yua battle
I will fight yua battle
I will fight yua battle
By My strength and power.
If it is strength, I have the
strength; if it is power, I have the power.
Children, I want to ask you a question; the pillar used to
hold the tank there, if a man now stand up and say the man beauty of life will
pull it off by his power and strength, is that not foolishness? It is. If that man wish not to
go anywhere from day to day, counting to counting, will that man pull it out? No, AVA [father]. Is it
possible? No, AVA [father].
But that thing is what a man put by self. If that cannot be done, then, do you
think that My own will be possible?
Children, that which I did by Myself, how do you think it will be possible to
pull it off like that? No
way! Children, I want to ask a question; that gate that is there, they used
cement to close it for security. Watch that gate, that gate was done by man, it
was fixed by man. But if a man decides to use his hand to pull it off, how
possible is it going to be?
Impossible Children, but what makes it to be so?
The mystery about it is that, there is mixture and the concrete has dried; is
it not true? It is true.
But when the thing was fresh, a man can pull it out, the day they fixed it.
Well, if you mix yuaself in Me, then, what is that power, who is that demon,
who is that beauty of life that will pull you out from Me? But some of you are confused.
Well, I have a word for My children: follow Me, Obey Me, Serve Me, walk with
Me, I will lead you through.
Child of Truth, you beauties of life were giving testimony
about the success of the Passover. You are yet to witness the success of the
Passover. Listen to Me, what did I told you about this year? it is year of Awa Meka Yahweh Yahweh’s
blessings. My own blessings, but do you know how it will happen? No, AVA [father]. I told you beauties
of life that the second year was the year of establishment of the Truth. But
remember there was a word I told you: I told Child of Truth that even Child of
Truth won’t know how it will happen. Did I say it?
Yes, AVA [father]. But did I establish the Truth?
Yes, AVA [father]. I did? What
is the evidence? At the
end you told us the meaning of Roman Catholic. Well, the establishment of the
Truth is that the Truth went and uproot lies and show it for beauties of life
to make out.
Who among you knows Me?
None, are you sure? Yes, AVA
[father]. But let Me ask you a question; you don’t know but you are serving Me,
how will you serve Me? What
do you call Me? Awa AVA
[father]. Hai! It’s a mystery. Does it mean that you are a bastard? No, AVA [father]. No, you
don’t know yua AVA [father]; you said you don’t know Me. [we know you by yua
name] laughs! Well, the conclusion about it is that, what I can do you don’t
know. I AM able to do all things, and there is no how you will know Me by yua qualifications
and yua wisdom and knowledge. And let Me
tell you, have you asked yuaself this question; what makes YahwehMoshe to ask
Me “If me go, who is me going to tell them sends me? “ If YahwehMoshe knew Me, won’t YahwehMoshe told
them who sent self? Children,
you read but you don’t have understanding. YahwehMoshe would have asked as
well. Tell them that it is Yahweh Yahweh that sends you. But YahwehMoshe never
knew who sent self and say “who is me going to tell them? “ And I told YahwehMoshe, tell them that Yahweh Yahweh
is still the Yahweh Yahweh that sends you.“
of Truth, I was speaking to you, when you went inside yua washing room, about
the mystery of this white beauties of life. But children consider, they say
they are whites, isn’t it? Yes, it is. What did white signifies? Cleanness, good things, Now,
they give you picture of a white man as saviour, isn’t it? It is. The conclusion is that
they are yua saviour. Now, they painted the devil black, and call you blacks,
by implication they are calling you Devil. When you say that you are black, that
means you are claiming to be devil, the identity they gave to Devil. But the
question is, is the devil black? No! Children, is the devil black? The answer is no. Heylel is not black. Then, why did they make devil
black? Is
it not a lie? Children,
do you notice mystery there? So this things are deceptions. Tell them that I say any beauty
of life that draws satan saying that the devil is black is a liar. Children, I
repeat Myself, it is a lie! And no liar will enter My Dwelling Place. Though
black signifies evil, are you getting it? If you are drawing Lucifer and say that self is black, it is
lie, total lies! Let Me ask a question; if it happens that a beauty of life
changes yua colour and say you are like this or that, is it not lie? It is. Do you get Me? Yes, AVA [father]. What did you
point about God as they call it, Chiukwu by Igbo beauties of life, Yahwehdim;
now, let Me ask you a question; by this, they have EKEUKWU and EKENTA, is it
true? Yes,
AVA [father]. Is it true, children? Yes, AVA [father]. EKEUKWU, EKENTA on the account that the demon
of EKEUKWU is greater than the demon of EKENTA. That is the same with CHIUKWU
and CHINTA. That is the same with God and god: there is no difference. Child of
Truth that is what I was telling you yesterday. There is nothing different
about EKEUKWU and EKENTA; CHIUKWU and CHINTA in Igbo; then small letter god and capital letter God. That is all about it. So if
they say Chiukwu, what about Ekeukwu and Ekenta? Children, these are real deceptions. Follow the Truth, follow
the light, I will lead you through. It doesn’t matter how you start, but what
matters is yua obedience and how you end up. You may start with confusions and
then become convinced that this is Truth, that is the time I call and count you
among My Children. Some of you are inside yet I AM looking at you as an outsider;
what did I say? Some
of you are inside I AM looking at you as an outsider. But why should you choose
to be outside?
I have a word for you all: walk with Me, I will lead you through. Let Me ask a
question; have I settled Child of Truth? I ask a question, have I settled Child of Truth? Yes, AVA [father]. I have settled
Child of Truth. Let Me prove to you: if not that all of you who are here know
Child of Truth, do you know that thousands and millions of beauties of life are
looking for a way to set their eyes on the Child of Truth? Are you aware of that? Yes, AVA [father]. Have I
announced Child of Truth all over the earth? Yes, AVA [father]. But what makes Me to announce Child of Truth? Is it by his qualification or
position or what? So
you have to obey Me, how I will establish you, you will not know.
Child of Truth was giving testimony to Me and I laughed. The purpose I laughed
is that My child is yet to witness what I AM coming to do. Child of Truth was
saying that self went to Ekiti empty handed, is it not true? It is. But it is an
understatement: Child of Truth did not go to Ekiti empty handed, do you hear Me? Yes, AVA [father]. Child of
Truth said it with his own knowledge. Did Child of Truth go to Ekiti empty
handed? Child
of Truth went to Ekiti with TRUTH. So
if Child of Truth said that self went empty handed, it is a lie! Laughs.
Children, when you are speaking you must speak like a child. That is why I
don’t count many charges. But Child of Truth was speaking hoping that self was
giving Me testimony. How can Child of Truth say that self went to Ekiti empty
handed? Was
it not this Truth that took Child of Truth there? Did Child of Truth went to Ekiti without this Truth? That means if I should pass
verdict on Child of Truth, self was saying that I AM empty. I AM warning on the
account of another time. Sometimes you will be saying you are giving Me
testimony not knowing that you are insulting and abusing Me. Was it not Me that
took Child of Truth there? Child of Truth went with Me. Let Me ask Child of Truth a
question, a man that planted yam, a little yam with hope. When the man beauty
of life planted the yam, it could be that self was in hunger, but instead of the
man beauty of life to keep that yam, self decided to plant it so that the yam
will multiply. When the yam multiply, will that man say that self planted it
empty handed? No,
AVA [father]. Will such happen? No, AVA [father]. If that man say self planted an empty hand, is
that not lie? It
is. So that was exactly what Child of Truth did; and by this, I will keep on
you observe that each time I come things do change? Each time I come corrections
takes place. Each time I come more understanding will be unfolded. Each time I
come more wisdom will be unfolded. That is why I AM yua AVA [father], but don’t
depend on yua own wisdom and knowledge. Yua own wisdom and knowledge will fail
you. And when Child of Truth testified that, you beauties of life were glad
that Child of Truth spoke well. But based on My verdict now, had Child of Truth
spoken well? Is that not an insult to Me? Was it not an abuse to
Me? I have forgiven Child of Truth on the account that Child of
Truth didn’t know what self testified.
can any beauty of life ask Me question? That is how you beauties
of life were doing all these things out of ignorance, but I have forgiven you.
When you were calling God and doing whatever, Monday, Tuesday and all the rest
of them, you were ignorant and I have forgiven you. Does it means what you were
doing was right? But I AM calling you now. As I correct Child of Truth now and
told Child of Truth that what self did was wrong, if Child of Truth tries it
again, is that not sin? It is. But when Child of Truth was saying it, Child of Truth was
saying it with gladness of his nephesh. But what is happening now? I have passed a verdict based on his testimony. Any time Child
of Truth say it again it will result to sin. So that is why when you were
calling God and Jesus in ignorance you didn’t know too, I kept quiet, I did not
count them as charges and accusations. But now you have known; if you call it
again, it is a sin. Children, I believe that I have answered some questions
that are in yua nephesh based on the statement of God and Jesus. Now, do you notice
how I attended to the matters? But is there any among you that
can handle it like this? No, AVA [father]. Do you notice that, is good for you to be in
My presence?
want to ask a question; who owns this place? It is a man. Alright Children,
then, what makes Me to speak here? Here is not a place you
call Qahal! Now, this is to prove to you that anywhere you are, when you are
walking with Me, when you are obedient to Me, I AM with you. That is to say I
will fight yua battle. Listen and listen very clear, if you are doing things
from time to time and you are having a lot of challenges, return and check yua
ways. That is why I said some of you are inside but are outside.
I have spoken to My children, but it is quite unfortunate that you always hear
easily and forgets easily. If you should keep all My Words I gave to you, you
would have been on top. But some of you easily forget My word, and when you
easily forget My Word, you will easily fall into the hand of the enemy.
children, there is something I want to point out. You beauties of life, Child
of truth called you and showed you the meat [as you call it, loi loi or Fufu]
that was kept for Child of Truth and his wife. Child of Truth asked you a
question, if it happened that it was given to you, won’t you be offended? Won’t you say it is cheating? What brought all of you
here is not this physical meat. What did I say? It is not the physical
meat. But some of you are relaxing; after eating, you relax waiting for the
next meat. Have you asked yuaself this question of how this meat is coming? If not the management of the house, all of you would have suffered
in hunger: on the account that the way you feel it is coming is not how it is
coming. Why not eat with gladness of nephesh that you will be satisfied? All of you observed how Child of Truth used to go out daily
without eating meat and return, to whom is Child of Truth going to complain? Will Child of Truth come and complain to Me? I AM asking you question! No, AVA [father]. What brought you
here is not meat. Some of you have eaten meat. If it is in yua place, yua
earthly Ava [father]’s place, you will eat and eat enough. Be focused.
is something that brought you here, and you must be focused. But have you considered
or asked yuaself question that after eating in the new day you carry this word
and preach to some beauties of life, have you thought about it? Children, have you thought about it? No, AVA [father]. Yua own is to eat! No, continue looking for
meat, continue looking for meat, no problem! But you have a lot of things to
do! You have a lot of things to do! I have make you to be a partaker of this
Truth, so you have to impact it into another beauties of life’s life, You have
to let other beauties of life know about it. The only problem you have is cook,
eat, that is all. Is that what makes Me to bring you here?
arise and do My work! What did I say? Arise and do My work!
If you are not committed to My work, you are not suppose to eat! I repeat
Myself, it is not Child of Truth that is speaking to you; if you are not
committed to My work, you are not suppose to eat, on the account that the meat
is for My children, who are committed to My work. But learn how to be humble,
learn how to obey Me. Have you sighted Me before? No, AVA [father]. You
have never sighted Me before, then how will you obey Me? By obeying yua word.
Child of Truth, you know that I don’t have secret, I have told you. The point
you are giving is very, very good: this place is very small, but in times of
meeting, this place can contain you beauties of life. So I have come to tell
you what I told you, and it must start from this night. During yua prayers, you
should come together. All of you should come together and pray before any of
them will go and sleep. Early new day prayers should be the same thing. The point
you are giving may be genuine but I have come to nullify such on the account
that I own you and every other beauties of life. So who have ear, let the
beauty of life hear; who have understanding, let the beauty of life understand.
All of you should behave like a child: humble yuaself, give yuaselves to learning.
If you are doing something and there is a signal that this thing is wrong, stop
it, change! Or else, you will lead yuaself into another thing.
But let Me ask you a question, by the way, when
I called YahwehAdam, did I intend to drive YahwehAdam away? I asked a question! No, AVA [father]. But when sin come and
made YahwehAdam to leave where I positioned YahwehAdam, despite the union, what
happened? YahwehAdam was driven away. When I called satan, I kept satan in
My Dwelling Place; when satan was trying to be stubborn, what happened? You sent satan away. Did I intend to chase satan away? No, AVA [father]. I intended not to drive any of you away, but
it is yua character, yua behavior, yua disobedience and stubbornness that will
make you to leave My presence. So if you wish that you will be in My presence,
obey Me, serve Me, it shall be well with you.
take note, this message I gave today you must write it and pass to My children,
is it understood? Yes, AVA [father]. I will stop at this point; says Yua Ridima
Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak, So be it.
This message was given by Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak
to the children of Awa Meka Yahweh Yahweh during the new day devotion with Awa
Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak on the above mentioned date. During the praise and
reverence service, Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak began to speak thus, Good
new day little children, Good new day AVA [father]. You are welcome in My
presence, Thank you AVA [father]. I come here this new day to talk with My
children. There was a question that was asked yesterday, that I said about YahwehEsav
and YahwehYaakov, is it true?
Yes, AVA [father]. Why now, then which one is the first?
Well children, based on what I AM telling you
that you are My first children, I want to ask a question; is there any
difference from that history?
No, AVA [father]. YahwehEsav and YahwehYaakov, who is the first child? YahwehEsav. YahwehEsav is the first child, is
it true? Yes, AVA [father].
Now, how did YahwehEsav sold his birth right?
On the account that YahwehEsav did not know the value of what self has. When
the beauties of life that call themselves white came to the place they call
Africa, the people they call African accepted them and gave them what they had.
The treasure I gave to them was given to the whites. Remember, even from the
history, they came here in the place which they call Africa and learn in the
beginning; is it true? Yes,
AVA [father]. But it is My word: on the account of the disobedience of My
children, that make them to scatter all over the Nations. That is what made
them to be where they are. So, it was based on this that the first child sold
his position to the young. This should make you to understand that from the
beginning you are the first child. So give yua ears to My words, what I said is
when I come, I will put things together, and that is why I AM here today. And
the promise that was made was when you are ready you will fight in order to
take what belongs to you. Are you not fighting battle now? We are.
Now, I want to ask a
question; based on the establishment in the Scripture of Truth, do you notice
that the wisdom that is in the Scripture of Truth is greater than the wisdom in
the Bible? Yes, AVA
[father]. The wisdom in the Truth
Time I gave you is greater than the Time they introduced. The wisdom in the Truth Date I gave you is greater than the Date they gave. So children, I come to
declare to you, right from the onset you are the first, right from the time.
That is why I have decided to come for yua deliverance on the account that the
cry is so much. For instance, if you have a child and the child did a mistake,
that mistake will start affecting that child and when it is affecting that
child it will affect you too. And you have all it takes to call that child and
say to the child, child, this is not the way it supposed to be: it was yua
earthly Ava [father] that gave out this thing ignorantly. And having taken it,
there was no agreement that was made. Won’t you tell them that this property
belongs to their earthly Ava [father]?
Won’t you say it? And you
have all it takes to defend. Then, if the children are wise, they will go out
and look for what belonged to them. And that is the time you will support them.
But at the same time, you may tell them and they will say no, what will you do
then? Nothing. You keep
quiet! So having told My child, Child of Truth, self stood up and started
spreading this Truth.
I have all it takes to support Child of Truth including
all of you. But had it been Child of Truth kept quiet, what do you think I
would do? I will be looking
at you and you will be suffering. So right from the time, who is the first
based on what I said now?
Who is the first? We
Yahwehmdi- AVA [father] please, does it mean that the
descendants of YahwehYaakov are the white?
Well, you asked a good question. But let Me ask you a question, how do you examine
Muslims and where do you think Muslims come from?
Good child I asked you a question. AVA [father], me don’t know. Then if it is
so, does it mean that Muslims did not come from a Nation? Well, it is a mystery. But I come to declare to
you that there is something you will know later. On the account that when you sight
the dressing of the beauties of life that call themselves Muslims, it is
similar to that of the beauties of life that call themselves Jews, is it true? Yes, AVA [father]. Laughs. Well,
then, who are the Yahwehdims? It is you. Child of Truth, I have told you
and let Me speak it out. I have told you that yua women’s dressing should
reflect the dressing of the beauties of life that call themselves Muslims. I
have told you and I AM expecting that soon, it will manifest. But this type of
hair-garment you children are using is not the type I introduced, is it
understood? Yes, AVA
[father]. Child of Truth, I told you, remember what I told you years ago that
there will be a time that yua women will dress like them.
Well, you know those that call themselves whites, eh
children? Yes, AVA
[father]. If you are digging it, you will dig a lot of things. What did I say? That those that call themselves
whites, if you are digging it, you will dig a lot of things. Yes. So, that is
how it is. As for you children, follow Me, I will lead all of you through. So
be it. The purpose I speak is based on the question, which Child of Truth as at
then has no answer to it. But let Me ask a question; based on the answer I gave
this new day, is there any satisfaction about the question? Yes, AVA [father]. Well, who
will follow Me, who will go with Me, who will obey Me, who will do My will, who
will depend on Me?
Child of Truth, I spoke to you before the time of prayer, I
spoke with you. Now, let Me use what happened; when you returned, you and yua
wife were discussing about the action of YahwehGidon. You took a decision that
by today YahwehGidon will go, and you have sort for money to give YahwehGidon to
go, and you have already decided on yua own that this is the end of all these.
Well, if you do it, is it sin?
No. if you do it, is it an abomination? No. but yua wife called you and said no, don’t
do this, give YahwehGidon a chance. If this young man should go now, where is YahwehGidon
going to start in life? Yua wife was raising some points, I was there,
and interceded on behalf of YahwehGidon and told you not to do it. After pleading
with you, you returned, yet, you still considered the response of YahwehGidon,
you were still provoked. When you returned, yua wife still called you to order.
Well, I want to use it as an illustration. That is how I AM interceding on yua
behalf day and night before My AVA [father].
When My AVA [father] take a decision to destroy you, when My
AVA [father] take a decision to abandon you, I will come before My AVA [father]
and say, AVA [father] please have mercy, consider this, consider this, consider
that, consider this. But at that point, I want to ask question; did YahwehGidon
know that yua wife was interceding and pleading?
The answer is no, then will that make
YahwehGidon to change? No. But yet do you know why I say this? That is how I AM interceding even for the beauties
of life that are committing fornication, even the beauties of life that are
killing, even the beauties of life that are doing a lot of evil day and night.
Otherwise, every beauty of life would have been destroyed. But at that point,
had it been that Child of Truth say no, enough of these! I will not take it
anymore, do the wife has power to stop Child of Truth? Children I
ask question. No, AVA [father]. Though it will be hurting to the wife but
herself has no option than to surrender and submit to the words of the husband.
So, that is why I told you before that the day My AVA
[father] say no, enough of these, I don’t have any power to contest. And I have
come to announce to you My children that there will be a day My AVA [father]
will say enough of this. Based on that, have I done evil? No, AVA
[father]. On the account that My strength cannot contest with My AVA [father].
And I AM not a stubborn Child. I AM obedient Child; I will obey My AVA [father]
to the core. On this account, it is only My AVA [father] that has power to say
enough of these. When that is been done, there is no remedy and there is no
solution again. But yet, all of you don’t know that I AM interceding on yua
behalf, even as YahwehGidon didn’t know what the wife was doing. Yet YahwehGidon
will regard the wife as a beauty of life that is doing evil, as a beauty of
life that hates YahwehGidon or a beauty of life that doesn’t want YahwehGidon to
be or a beauty of life that always like things to be difficult for YahwehGidon.
But all these are the verdict of man. Likewise all of you, I know how the wife
of My servant used to plead on behalf of you all, yet some of you are saying
what you don’t know. Have you asked yuaself question; sometimes money will be given
to you, take do this and that, do you know how come about that money? Sometimes, it is the wife that put Child of
Truth on the know, “My husband, please do this, do this.” Let Me tell you,
anywhere you find yuaself and don’t have any beauty of life that will intercede
on the behalf of the need of that beauty of life, it is a problem. What did I
say? Anywhere you find yuaself and you don’t have
any beauty of life to intercede on yua behalf, it is a problem. Either the
husband will call the wife, please, do this or the wife say, please, do this.
But at the same time, if YahwehGidon should continue behaving as self used to
behave, this pleading that the wife of My servant is pleading, will it make YahwehGidon
to change?
Children, I ask question. No, it is left for YahwehGidon
to decide and determine. That is the time the pleading will be able to bring
good result. What I mean is, I AM pleading on behalf of the beauties of life
that are stiff, if they continue with their business until death. Is it Me that
leads them to destruction?
No, AVA [father]. That is how I AM
pleading for those that are committing fornication and doing a lot of evil yet
they continued until they die, is it Me that lead them to where they find
themselves? No, AVA [father]. As I AM pleading until the
day My AVA [father] will say enough of these, every beauties of life will
receive their payment, is it My fault?
No, AVA [father]. But in this little
time I AM interceding, if a man should realize self and return to Me and say
sorry, don’t you realize that the sin of the beauty of life is forgiven? Yes, AVA [father]. If YahwehGidon will return
and say me is sorry, and starts a good life, don’t you realize that all the
things self has been doing will pass away?
Well, I will use what you know to teach you what you don’t
there will be a day My AVA [father] will say,
of these! Enough of these!
there will be a day My AVA [father]
say enough, enough of these!
have no power to contest with My AVA [father],
have no strength to contest with My AVA [father]
the will of My AVA [father] will be done.
the will of My AVA [father] will be done
it will be done, it will be done, it will be done!
it will be done on the account that My AVA [father] is all and all.
it will be done, it will be done, it will be done!
it will be done on the account that My AVA [father] is all and all.
have no power to contest with My AVA [father]
children, hear My word.
you hear My word, it will be well with you.
you hear My word, it will be well with you.
you hear My word, it will be well with you.
will not regret on the last day.
will not regret on the last day.
call you My little children
I call you My little children is for you to depend on Me?
of you are above correction; some of you have grown so big,
of you have grown so big; some of you have grown so wise,
you depend on Me.
Well, what do you want to hear from Me? Have you come in contact with any man or woman
that was given expo during examination and yet failed? No, AVA
[father]. I ask again, have you come in contact with any man or woman that was
given expo but yet failed the examination?
Yes, AVA [father]. Do you say yes? Yes, AVA [father]. That beauty of life is the
most foolish beauty of life. If a real expo on how examination should be was
given to you, yet you fail examination, who will you blame? No beauties of life.
Well, I don’t have much to say. I love all of you more than
as you love yuaselves. I cherish all of you more than as you cherish yuaself.
But at the same time I want to ask a question, all the things that are
happening, even some of the characters you beauties of life are displaying, is
it friendly with Child of Truth?
No, AVA [father]. But have you ask yuaself
what makes Child of Truth to endure?
Have you heard Child of Truth say if self
has his way, self would have say every beauties of life should go, so that self
will be on his own? Have you heard it from Child of Truth? Yes, AVA [father]. Then why should Child of Truth say that? It is on
the account that each beauty of life among you have their own characters and
behaviors. But Child of Truth accommodates and endure. That is, I endure, even
Child of Truth, even the wife; all of you. But what will save you is yua obedience.
No matter whatever you did, you will come to Me and say AVA [father] me sorry.
I will forgive you. When you say sorry, I will present it to My AVA [father],
do you notice that this beauty of life has realized and return, and My AVA
[father] will forgive you. Keep quiet, keep quiet, and keep quiet! Do you know
who is speaking?
Well, tell My children, I have said it severally and I want
to say it again. Child of Truth I showed you a night vision where you beauties
of life went for a program. Beauties of life even new faces were coming and
they were happy to celebrate with you and also to greet you. But all of a
sudden, at about the beginning of the event, when you felt that everything was
fixed, the microphone, all the facilities that will be used to speak to beauties
of life, you now realize they were not ready, and they called you and reported
to you at the beginning minutes, and you don’t know what to do again. What I
showed you there is the carelessness of those that are following you that
called themselves servants. They always do things the way they want, so when
things are getting worse, that is the time they will report to you. Tell them
that they should be very, very, cautious! On the account that, I have made True
Goodnews Revival Movement a place I will gather My children, they should put
things in order. They should arrange things orderly, not to do it when there is
no time.
Well, I don’t want to go into detail on what they are doing,
but tell them that I said they are doing things the way they feel, that when
things have gone wrong they start calling. That is what I showed you. I AM perceiving
what is happening. So tell them that I say, in their carelessness anything that
happen, that affects My Qahal, I will ask them about it. Did you hear My word? But I want to ask a question, children, how do
you think that a beauty of life will have a building after building there are
no chairs, a visitor came and the beauty of life say, take a chair and sit;
have you witnessed where it happened?
No, AVA [father]. You must make chair
available before you tell beauty of life to sit on the chair. And when that beauty
of life sit on the chair, that is the time you beauties of life will talk. I
have made chairs available for My children. Do you hear what I said? Yes, AVA [father]. The chairs is My Qahal.
Everything that is needed for Me and My children to discuss is there, but other
places where they are telling you to sit, there is no chair there. Children,
yes, AVA [father]. You may not understand.
Child of Truth I showed you a
revelation and the revelation I showed you lies on Amala; John as self call self,
that came out from Qahal. I showed you when the wife was happy and saw you, and
was talking to you. Based on yua discussion with his wife, the wife knew that
something is wrong in the church, but the wife’s happiness was that the husband
has followed the wife. And you were there, you saw how their building looked
like, very nice-looking, but you saw where they are living, in a very ugly
place! Very ugly place! And the wife said when self finish this building, you
will distinguish. You saw where the wife told you that they have a site.
Let Me explain that revelation to you. The site the wife
said was inside bush and it was by the left side that they followed to go
there, what does it signified, children?
What does it signified? And they were telling you that they are living
this place to that left side, what are they saying? Obviously,
I showed them the right thing but they refused and now choose to go to the left
side. And you saw the husband when the husband returned with his garment with
half of the buttons and with different colours, and the husband was ashamed of looking
at you.
Well, listen children, anything that go with church and their
general superintendents as they call it, they are My worst enemy. I don’t mix
up words. Children, did you hear what I said?
Yes, AVA [father]. I don’t mix up words? I don’t mix up words! Well, it is only those
that choose to obey Me that will be with Me. Even them, I AM still interceding
on their behalf. As for you obey Me, it shall be well with you.
Before I summarize, I want to ask question: if a beauty of
life cook a soup, put all the ingredients, everything was put but the beauty of
life forgot to put salt, how do you think that the soup will be sweet? It won’t have a good taste. But remember that
animal flesh is there, fish is there, everything is there remaining salt, and
will beauties of life eat that meat with gladness?
No, AVA [father]. You say no? Yes, AVA [father]. Think before you answer
this question. I ask again, will beauties of life eat it with gladness? No, AVA [father]. That’s good; you answer well
good children. Then, how about yua life?
If you have all that it takes, but there
is something that is missing in you, how do you think that you will have a good
record? There is no way Children!
Yes AVA [father], you have answered well. Then take this to yuaself; whatever
yua fellow beauties of life is pointing, that this thing is wrong, don’t you
suggest that it is similar to that man or woman that cooked a good meat but
forget to put salt therein?
The absence of the salt has destroyed every effort that was made to cook that
soup. In fact, it will make people not to eat that meat, children is it true? Yes AVA, for there is no good
taste in the soup. For some of you are like such.
Yes! I will use what you know to teach you what you don’t
know. Then, what are you going to do?
But take note, at the same time, there will be a solution to that soup,
if the beauty of life is called to order, the beauty of life will show remorse
and amend the meat by adding salt to it, what do you think will happen? It will have a good taste; it
will have a good taste. Yes AVA [father], then there is need for improvement My
children , so what you need to do is, whatever that is pointed to you that is
wrong, go and drop it and put a good life. None of you was delivered with evil,
but you now think is part of you, you have all It takes to drop it.
Now let Me ask you a question before I round off; how many
of you, I know you, how many of you both men and women beauties of life have
never developed a habit of fornication before?
But now, despite all, are you not holding yuaself?
We are, I asked a question, we are. Then if you can endure such and do away
with such life, tell Me what will be difficult for you to drop! Yes, I have all
it takes to pass verdict on beauties of life. Whom do you think that I AM by
the way? Then if you can
avoid such a thing, what else do you think that you cannot avoid? Is it talking carelessly? Is it being hostile? No, now think about this. Now
if I should use this to pass verdict on a beauty of life, how do you think that
that beauty of life will escape? There
is no way, if you will be able to amend yua ways in certain characters, what
makes others to remain?
Well, children, yes, AVA, have you noticed any day that a
woman that delivered a child, will carry that child, and go to a place, the
child then tell the woman, “please drop me, I know my way.” Right? Yes, AVA, don’t worry, let me
go by myself. How do you think that that child will survive? And the child doesn’t know
where the woman that delivered the child is taking the child to. How do you
think that that child’s trip will be easy with that child? Children, I AM asking a
question! It will not be easy. Do you
know that in process of that, that child may lost?
Yes, AVA. Some of you are depending on yua own wisdom and knowledge,
hoping that you know it when you don’t know anything, and it will make you to
have problem. Before this time, is there any of you that never knew and believed
that Jesus is yua saviour? No,
AVA, but on the account that you depend on Me, I now showed you the real way.
But those who claim that they know it, where are they? Those who are passing verdict on Me, claiming
that they are intelligent, where are they?
But let Me tell you children, it will be too bad and
abnormal for a little child whom the earthly AVA decide to carry despite the
stress, despite all the pains that the earthly Ava is passing through in order
to carry that child, so that the child will not suffer so much, the child now
tell his earthly Ava, “please drop me, let me carry you.” now, the question you
should ask yuaself is, what strength and ability does that child has that will
enable the child to carry the earthly Ava?
If that child tries to do it, what do you think will happen, the child
will fall, probably, the child will be wounded. Laughs! Well, children, yes,
AVA. It is a proverb. Some who ask Me not to carry them, let them carry
themselves, that is what brings failure, that is what will make them to fall.
Well, children! I want to ask a question; I want to interact
with My children. Do you notice that this building now has been wired? Yes, AVA. But without
connecting to the main wire, how do you think that light will be here? There is no way. Without that
man or woman beauty of life I created connecting to Me, all the efforts of the
beauty of life is in vain. Now at the same time, if you connect wire and put in
yua house but you did not wire the house, how do you think there will be light
in that house? There is no
way. Well, some of you have connected light but you didn’t arrange the wire,
what is the wire? A good
life, be humble and accept Me. Well, how do you think about this? Yes! I will use what you know
to teach you what you don’t know. How do you think about this? If all the rooms has been
wired and there is light, when you switch off yua light, will you have light? No, AVA. Will you have light? No, AVA. Listen, I come to
speak to you, some of you have switched off yua lights based on yua characters
and behaviours.
By the way, I want to ask a question; who granted all of you
the privilege to be here? Is
you, AVA, Me? Its Me! I
come to speak to you women and men beauties of life, some of you that I brought
together, if you behave good, some women, don’t you notice that yua characters
may make any of the men beauties of life to say, “AVA let Me have this woman
beauty of life as a wife”? Likewise
some men beauties of life; all of you are studying yuaselves. But some of you
now, if it is said “have this beauty of life as a husband or wife”, you will
say, “No, if it is this beauty of life”. Why?
Have you not switched off the light?
Children, I asked a question! We have. I come to talk to you by Myself;
why not have a good life, so that yua light will shine, so that there will be a
prize, so that you will be able to bring the light? but let Me ask you a question; how possible is it
for a man to switch off his light and still call for beauties of life that
handle light to give him light? Impossible!
You say there is no way? Well,
have a good life and you will witness what I will do, I will stop at this
point. Who have ear let the beauty of life hear, who have understanding let the
beauty of life understand, who have wisdom let the beauty of life have. Those
that wish to obey me, it shall be well with you. So be it!
I believe that this new day I have spoken to My children,
yes, AVA. I believe that this new day I have advised My children? Yes AVA I believe that this
new day I have lectured My children. Yes AVA. Then remember that you don’t have
any excuse before Me; says yua Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak. So be it!
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