Sunday, 11 November 2018



This message was given by Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak, to the children of Awa Meka Yahweh-Yahweh, during the Believer’s covenant meeting with Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak, on the above mentioned date. During the praise and reverence service hour, Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak began to speak thus:

Do you say yua Meka is mighty? Yes, AVA. Are you sure? Yes AVA. Can you tell Me what you will use to identify something that is mighty? Tell me, if you call Me a Mighty Meka Yahweh-Yahweh, but I heard when they say mighty wind, mighty this and mighty that; but the truth is that I AM Mighty, more than yua own expectation. My little children, you are welcome into My presence. I don’t have much to tell you, but I have much. I want to ask you a question, based on the little knowledge of My children, I listen to people as they call themselves laying blame, charges and accusations on Me, asking Me why should I allow all these things to be before now? I come to ask you question; if they should answer this, let me know that what I did was wrong. Is there any beauty of life among them that first send their children as they call to the university? I asked a question little children! No, AVA. When you send that child to the University, then later you now send that child to primary school, can that be done? No, AVA. Then if they cannot do it, that is why I started from little and it is growing. I want to ask them question again, if it is possible for a tree to grow to a high level and start reducing. If it will be possible, then, they should know that also it will be possible for Me to start at the top most. I do things the way it’s supposed to be; this Truth I AM revealing now is a real Truth.

Children! Yes, AVA. I want to ask you a question, do you realize that there are some that have money in their account but they don’t have a building, why they have never built, it could be they have no child and they consider who will do this, who will do that, but at the end of the day or night, if that man could not build till death, bank will eat the money. Otherwise, the establishment of the man must be inherited by other beauties of life, whether the man likes it or not. Children, are you aware of that? Yes AVA. I will tell you the truth. Why I AM saying this is that, if the man keeps on watching and watching, at the end of the day or night, the man has a child, the man will be happy, and will begin to invest on behalf of the child. I want to tell you that all the things that are here on earth are My own, but the children of the world have taken them, as bank will take the money of that dead man.

Children! Yes, AVA. Well, Child of Truth, Child of Truth, Child of Truth, Child of Truth, how many times have I called you? Well, I come to correct, I told you the evil that was done by English when you say Child of Truth, what link does ‘OF’ has with addition to something, all of you went to school, right? Yes AVA. And that is what they taught you. But I come to correct things. Like I said, I AM taking you from a little to a higher level; yua name should not be called Child of truth from today! What did I say? That his name should not be called Child of truth again. Yua name should be called Truth Child or Child from Truth, when you say Child of Truth, what are you saying? Child that is off the Truth. Then, does it agree? No, AVA. Children, I AM asking! No, AVA. When you say United Nation of Truth, how does it look like? Does it agree with Truth? No, AVA. You detached it from truth. But if as they say, those who feel they have knowledge leave them with their knowledge and do what I asked you to do. If they say child of that man, what link does the child has with that man? Children I asked a question! There is no link AVA. I hope that is what they taught you? Is that not what they taught you? Yes, it is. Whether they removed a word or they put it, it is the same thing.

Well, all of you are expecting Me to say something about the wife of YahwehProsper, but there is something I will not do which is to deceive you or to tell you lies. I gave that woman a long period of time to amend her ways, but the woman was stubborn, there are accusations on her, listen very, very clear, the woman beauty of life has an unforgiving nephesh, it’s a charge. All of you should take precaution, I didn’t hate the beauty of life, I love Ngozi, but there is a standard that was set before now. I gave Ngozi a long period of time to amend self’s way, Ngozi acted wickedly to My servant YahwehProsper. Truth child, I spoke to you, I told you and I asked you a question, right from the time you have been noticing beauties of life that are dead, have you spotted a beauty of life that defecated and the excreta covers all the flesh and face? Point it to Me, it’s a sign. I come to tell you that Ngozi was in My Qahal and I gave Ngozi the privilege to amend self’s way, but Ngozi was unable to use that privilege to do something. If I tell you that the woman beauty of life is in My dwelling Place, I AM a deceiver, I AM a deceiver.

Truth Child, I told you that many are coming to My Qahal but it is not many that will be with Me or see Me. I stand on My word, and I told you, I want to repeat to you what I told you, if only you will bring first to first hundred beauties of life including you… Truth Child, if you should behave as you like as they say, feeling that after everything, you will be with Me in My dwelling place, you are deceiving yuaself, I AM not a respecter of any beauty of life. I love all of you, but there is a standard that has already been set, and I cannot go back. Children! It is quite unfortunate, really unfortunate, really unfortunate and really unfortunate, how many times have I said it? First to third times. That Ngozi was not ready to use the privilege that was given to Ngozi-self to do something. But let Me ask you a question, if you give a beauty of life meat to eat, but the beauty of life refuses, and hunger was on the beauty of life, who will you blame? The beauty of life. Will you blame the beauty of life that gave the meat? No, AVA. Can you blame Me? No, AVA. But I made that thing to happen to use it to tell others a mystery. 

Some of them are doing a lot of evil in the name of Qahal, I have the record. Tell them that I said, the name of Qahal cannot save them! The name of Qahal cannot save them! The name of Qahal cannot save them! The name of Qahal cannot save them! But what will save them is obedient to My instructions, if you stay here playing game to yuaself, no problem, at the end of the day or night you will understand where you belong. If you don’t want to take precaution to respect and obey me, go ahead and do whatever you are doing. You may do that where no beauty of life or Truth Child notices you, I AM taking note of everything and I said it, I want to repeat it to yua own hearing, there is a limit of information I will give to Truth Child, there are some things I will not make Truth Child to know about. It is best known to Me, but remember that it is Me that will pass a verdict on you. I repeat Myself, remember that it is Me that will pass verdict on you. I told you that you should pray and tell Me not to open yua file. And you can remember what I said, but I cannot forget My words. But what will make Me not to open it is by yua little obedience, if you obey Me, I have every right to cover it, but when stubbornness is found in you, that book must be opened. Children, I repeat Myself, when stubbornness is found in you, the book must be opened, and I want to tell you that there is no how you will be free if that book is opened.

Well, I AM always yua saviour, Truth Child; I own you and all of you. Good! I will clap for you, you went and bought vehicle, will you tell all the children I gave to you, will you tell them with boldness that this second vehicle was bought under My permission? I allowed it to happen but I want to talk about it. You said that you bought this vehicle for the beauties of life’s use and for their benefit, fine! The idea is good, but will you say that I permitted you? That is yua own thought. But I come to tell you that this vehicle that is parked here will be a distraction. Children, is it Truth Child that is speaking, right? No, AVA. I kept it and I want to speak on behalf of this vehicle today. The only thing you will do, after working it, go and sell it. Whatever you are going to do, go and sell it, work it, I will provide the people that will buy it. But keep yuaself away from distractions. I promised you that I will guide you, but I choose to speak it to the hearing of My little children. But let me tell you, you were telling them that it is a miracle, where is the miracle? The miracle is that you have bought it and you will sell it. Focus on My work, yua wife didn’t accept, but you were giving yua wife facts. Don’t do what you are not asked to do, repair the first vehicle for the work I called you, I accepted that, do you understand Me? Yes, AVA.

Well, I do things the way it pleases Me, Truth Child, if you want to behave as you like, behave, but I choose to speak to you in the midst of My children, but I want to tell you that you are privileged, I promised you that I will guide you, I have covenant with you, the covenant I will use to deliver you, even when you are going astray. If not Me there is no beauty of life among you that will say you are free, I heard all of you, you were speaking about enemy, enemy, satan, satan. Is there any beauty of life among you that has never accepted the suggestion of the devil? I keep laughing at you, but, will you follow Me? Will you obey Me? Yes, AVA. Will you do My will? Yes, AVA. Will you please Me? Yes, AVA.

Well, I love all of you, but remember that the love I have, have condition, the condition I have is for you to obey Me. Do you hear what I have said? I will defend you. But I want to ask you a question, what do you think about the statement I always make that I will defend you? I want to talk about that, let Me explain to you what defense is all about. Do you realize that a man that is in the house, the defense of that man is in that house, are you aware? The building will defend that man. Children I AM talking about what defense is all about, but do you know upon that, that building that is defending that man is artificial defense? If they want to capture the man, they will break the house and penetrate, children! Is it true? Yes, AVA. This space that is here now in this compound, if you run inside and feel that you are secured, the fence is high, the gate is high, they can break the fence and penetrate, Is it true? Yes, AVA. Is there any defense? No, defense. I want to talk about those that are inside the vehicle that has bullet proof; do you know that there is protection in the vehicle? Are you aware? Yes, AVA. In as much as bullet cannot penetrate, such protection is also artificial. Why this so called problem givers use to have confidence is that, they always move with bullet proof vehicles, right? Now, if you have Me and I said I will defend you, what do you think will happen to you? Nothing, AVA. 

Children! Yes, AVA. I ask you a question again, what do you think will happen to you? Nothing, AVA. Truth Child that is why I AM defending you, likewise all of you, but don’t be stubborn to me, I notice stubbornness in some of you. But I want to appreciate Truth Child, Truth Child always accept corrections when you speak to Truth Child. Some of you, when I rebuke you, you will start reading meaning, I know you, even when I AM speaking and pointing yua mistakes, you will start reading meaning. At that time, you are proving to Me that you have the knowledge. But remember that, it is only Me that will call evil, evil! Right? Yes, AVA. Are you aware? Yes, AVA. When I say I will defend you, I will defend you, but by yua obedience. Let Me ask you a question, have you noticed a man that calls a lawyer as they call it, right? Yes, AVA. The man went to court and started speaking ill against his lawyer, under that condition; can you assure Me that the lawyer will defend the man very well? No way, AVA. You said no way? I will use what you know to teach you what you don’t know. But if the man humbles self to the lawyer and tell the lawyer the evil self did, the lawyer will defend the beauty of life to the last. But any time the man try to prove stubborn, to prove intelligence, the lawyer will nod his head waiting for the man, at that point, the man will be disappointed, children is it true? Yes, AVA. I will use what you know to teach you what you don’t know. Don’t try to be stubborn to Me, I AM everything to you, I will speak for you, I will defend you, the only thing I AM expecting from you beauties of life, is to humble yuaself to Me.


 Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me, it shall be well with you

Follow Me, I say follow Me, follow Me, it shall be well with you.

Truth child, don’t listen to the voice of men, what did I say? Don’t listen to the voice of men, the voice of men are echoing day and night, remember how I started with you, had it been that you listened to the voice of men, you wouldn’t have gone with Me till this time, now, I want to call you to remember where you started with Me, I, even now, want to call yua attention. How you started with Me, whatever I tell you to do, do it, it shall be well with you, when you are going astray, I have all it takes to call you back. Let Me tell you, the case between Me and Petros is a mystery. I told Petros that self will deny Me, what was the response? No. But I allowed it to happen, but I didn’t allow Petros to be destroyed, but do you know that another beauty of life may do it and be destroyed. I want to declare to all of you that the privileges Truth Child has, you don’t have it, but you will not understand. I hold My servant, whatever Truth child is doing, truth Child will always return to Me.

Truth Child I will again bring to yua notice, when I started with you, I took you inside forest, and showed you okazi leaf and told you to walk round, you turned, turned and turned. You were like, what is happening to yua understanding. But at the end of that day, you finally found yuaself where you spotted that okazi leaf. Then I told you, any where you want to go, you must return to Me and do My work. Is there any of you that heard that message? Yes, AVA. I AM ever where I AM, Truth Child, any where you want to go, you may go, but you must do My work. I called you, I ordained you My servant, is there any man that ordained you? Children, yes, AVA. Obey Me! but at this point I want to say something, I can tell Truth Child to do something, if delay is coming, don’t try to call devil, I may stop it by Myself, do you hear Me? Yes, AVA. So whatever I want to be done must be done. I may use lack of money or inability to stop it. I come to speak to some of you; you can’t carry this work, on the account that it is so heavy. What did I say? We can’t carry the work. But the little you can do, do it, I will reward you. So be it. But all of you cannot carry this work, if it is easy to carry this work, know that it is easy to carry Me. But all I AM saying now is a mystery; you may not understand what I AM saying. Well, I believe that some of you have strength, but I want to give you an assignment, right? Yes, AVA. Use yua hand to lift yua leg, and allow it for some time, then when that is done, if you find it easy, then you know that you can carry Me, if not, then you should know that you can’t even carry yuaself, let alone carrying Me or My work.

Truth Child, I have a time for everything, since I told you to go and open an account, right?  Yes, AVA. It seems --- YahwehShem, yes, AVA. I appreciate yua effort and commitment but I come to speak on that account, right?  Yes, AVA. Truth Child go and open an account, before you go, whatever you want to do about it, stay in My presence praying and fasting, after praying and fasting, go and do whatever they ask you to do, do it. Do you hear what I said? Then, return and fill the form. There is something I want to do, what I want to do is for My children and even other beauties of life that will want to support this work, who are not here, when they notice that name, Truth Child, they will easily support the work, have you heard what I said? Yes, AVA. I will lead you through. So be it.
But as for all of you that is committed to this work, I will not deceive you, I will not deceive neither to pretend, the enemy is by yua side, trying to push you out from where you are suppose to be. AVA have mercy. Listen, there is nothing like have mercy, right from time that is how the enemy works, even when I was here on earth, do you know that the enemy came to My side, are you aware? Are you aware? Yes, AVA. 

The enemy is always there, but if you depend on Me, you will overcome yua enemy. But there is no how the enemy will not come, even as I AM speaking, you may not understand, whatever that make you not to follow the instruction that was given to you is yua enemy. Laughs! I come to speak, do you know how I use to bless? No, AVA. You don’t know? Me don’t know. Why don’t you know? It’s a mystery. It’s a mystery? Thank you. But blessing depends on obedience, there is a word I always speak when  AM speaking, laughs! How I wish all of you will understand Me, it would have been better, how I wish all of you will understand Me better. But some of you, yua academic qualification, yua position, yua age, this and that is far from Truth Child, is that not true? It is, AVA. Can you ask Me what make Me to choose Truth Child. Now, let Me tell you, that is how gold is. If you bring out a lump of gold, when you observe it, you will throw it away, right? Yes, AVA. Are you aware? Yes, AVA. You will not value it, without knowing that what you throw away is what will make you to be wealthy, it’s a parable, what did I say? It’s a parable. But if you pick that gold even when you don’t recognize it, and purify it, you will know that you have a good thing, is it true? Yes, AVA. It’s a mystery.

Some of you are letting down on Truth Child, not only here even some of the servants, if you are letting down on Truth Child, they are pushing their blessings away, I repeat and I want to say it. I love all of you, if not Truth Child who among you would have been here? Answer Me! No beauty of life. The knowledge you are having now, would you have had it? No, AVA. What? No, AVA. I asked all of you! Be very, very, cautious, I speak to you, be very, very, cautious. Yahwehdinma, yes father, is it yes father? Yes, AVA. Listen, I come to speak to you, if you recognize the man I gave to you, congratulations, if you take the man I gave to you as that man, yua husband, you may create a problem to yuaself. What did I say? Me may create a problem to Myself. Be very, very, cautious, respect My servant, obey My servant, honour My servant, you will be honoured. Yua effort is not yet enough, I love all of you, but when I AM speaking you may not understand, but all I AM saying is for yua own good. Have I ever told all of you to serve Truth Child? No, AVA. Is there any day I have said it? No, AVA. But recognize who I AM using to speak.

Well, now let Me ask you a question, do you realize that there are some who will use a good plate to eat meat, after eating they throw it away, are you aware? Yes, AVA. Then dog will be using that plate to eat, and that plate was a plate that has always been on use for eating meat, but when they finished they don’t value it, when they will remember the plate is when they want to eat again, right? Yes, AVA. But the plate can be outside where dog and other animals will be licking it, but when they want to eat they will remember the plate. But I want to ask a question, that beauty of life that did that, is the beauty of life wise? No, AVA. Is not wise. Do you realize that if that plate has mouth to talk, that plate would have said no, I will not allow you to use me again. But let Me ask you, have yua understanding reached to that point? No, AVA. Now, what you ought to do is after eating, you wash the plate and keep it where it will be, what? Safe!

Now, I want to talk to you, there are different ways that Heylel make beauties of life to behave like animals, the same plate you are using to eat meat, you will leave it outside for animals to use it to eat, are you are not eating together with animals? Children I asked a question! Yes, AVA. Then what is the difference between you and animals? There is no difference. Now, the pot a beauty of life used in cooking, the beauty of life will keep it outside, dog and other animals will also eat from the pot, don’t you realized that you are bringing yuaself down. These are the things you don’t value, you don’t take them as something but it has a meaning. What did I say? It has a meaning. Whatever that you suppose to take inside the house, take care of that. When you start doing well, yua blessing will start coming, but let me tell you the truth, how yua blessing will come, you don’t know, the hour it will come, you don’t know. Now what you need to do is to follow Me. 

The trip you embark on is like a man that is going to a place the man has never been before, until a beauty of life tells you, this is where we are going, you will never know where you are going. That is the trip of My blessing, and also the trip of My Dwelling Place.  Have you observed the deception? Satan has assured many of them that they are going there, well, they are going to the heaven of satan. But to My Dwelling Place, except I take you there, you will not know it. How I AM taking you there is through these corrections, can you hear Me? Yes, AVA. What did I say? Through these corrections. But I AM here to announce to you for you to suffer a little, right? Yes, AVA, and be glad forever.

I want to ask you a question; do you notice how yua flesh is smooth? Yes, AVA. And if it reaches to a point, you start having some strange development like boil or whatever in yua flesh, how will you be comfortable? Will you feel comfortable? No, AVA. If it continues, don’t you think you will be ashamed of yuaself, children, is it not true? It is AVA. What? It is. Sin is like a boil, like something that is eating yua flesh, and there is no how you will be happy with it. And remember, if that continues even yua loving beauties of life will be far from you, is that not true? It’s true. So no matter how I love you, when there is sin I will not be close to you. Well, who have understanding, let the beauty of life have, but I repeat where I started, tell My children to take example from what happened to the wife of YahwehProsper. If they have restitution to make with their husbands, their wives and their relatives, they should do it. Whatever you know that you suppose to give to a beauty of life which you have never done, do it. Of a truth, I count charges on the area they don’t expect, if you owe a beauty of life, if you are making effort to pay it and you have the nephesh to pay it, I know. What you need to do is to go and meet that beauty of life and tell the beauty of life, please, me is owing you but bear with me.

Truth child I showed you the woman that delivered you in hell, the beauty of life case was that, self was sitting on it without making effort to pay the debt that have lasted for many years. I AM not wicked, if you are owing keep on praying, telling that beauty of life to be patient with you. I will not send you to hell fire on account of that, do you understand Me? Yes, AVA. But it is when you get it and use it for another thing and remain praying to Me, that is when you will have problem with Me.
Well, Truth Child, I come to speak. Yahwehdinma, give Me yua ears, I AM here to declare that all the women should start implementing My commandment, I told you to dress like the Muslim women. Listen, you don’t know what is happening, this is the origin of Christianity, this hair tie is a snake, then if I love My own children, why should I allow them to dress with a strange garment? Yahwehdinma, do you hear what I said? Yes, AVA. Do you hear what I said? Yes, AVA. Do you hear what I said? Yes, AVA. Remember I will not ask Truth Child about this, I called you and that should be implemented to differentiate My own children. Well, as I said this, you may not understand the benefit of it, but is for yua own good, whatever I gave to you is the best.

Let Me ask you a question, right? Yes, AVA. If an earthly Ava has children and has visitors, and the earthly Ava has something in abundance to divide, whom do you think that will carry the larger part? The obedient child, what? The obedient child. You didn’t get what I asked. I said, if an earthly Ava has earthly children and has visitors and it happens that the man is shearing things, whom do you think that the man will give the greater part of it? The children! So I AM giving you the best. Thank you AVA. My little children, will you follow Me? Yes, AVA by yua grace. You spoke well, by My grace, My grace is there.
Awa Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak renders a praise

You cannot do it by yua own power

You cannot do it by yua own wisdom

You cannot do it by yua own understanding

They will disappoint you.

You cannot do it by yua own power, by yua own wisdom neither yua understanding, all these things will disappoint you but depend on My power and My wisdom and everything, I will do it. So be it. But as you proceed, I didn’t tell you as you are coming and going you should leave yua hair open for now, is that what I said? No, AVA. Is that what I said? No, AVA. Be praying but these things should be implemented, right? Yes, AVA. Is the foundation of yua obedience. Thank you children! Thank you AVA. But are you happy to be in My presence? Yes, AVA. If I should ask you a question, can you tell Me any word I have spoken today that I spoke against you? No, AVA. It’s for awa good. Is it for yua own good? Yes, AVA. Is it not for My own good? No. AVA. Is for awa own good. Congratulation! If you obey, that is the time the goodness of being in Me will be in you, right? Yes, AVA. Love yuaselves, understand yuaselves, endure yuaselves, I endured you, tell Me any beauty of life among you that I AM not enduring, then if I AM enduring you, endure others. I want to bring My word to your notice, whosoever that will endure till the end shall do what? Shall be saved

Endure, what are you going to endure? Accusations, what are you going to endure? Can you name them? Mockery, insults,  persecutions, and the rest. Endure, but remember if there is nothing to endure, I wouldn’t have told you to endure. I want to ask you a question, have you noticed a beauty of life that is walking along the road and you tell the beauty of life sorry? No way. Is it possible? No, not at all. That word sorry is attached to a beauty of life that is under pain, the pain is what the beauty of life will endure. I saw all of you, you were pitying YahwehProsper, you were saying sorry, some of you don’t even know what to say, all of them were as a result of the departure of the wife. Is that not true? Yes, it is. Apart from that, will you be able to tell YahwehProsper sorry? No, AVA. But I come to tell you to endure and not only endure now, endure till the end. If you say you will not endure again, that statement contradicts My word. Truth Child, you have said it. That you will not continue enduring and I want to tell you if not My mercy, that statement is evil statement, so I come to speak to you and to correct you, endure till the end.

AVA, me want to say something, me don’t want you to be offended, me have a burden in My nephesh that wants to shift My concentration in this work I AM doing, but me is keeping it to myself, on account if me do, it won’t augur well with me, AVA is all about the union, me want you to give me confidence so that me will be able to do yua work. About yua union? Yes. What happened? About the woman beauty of life you gave to me, me want you to give me confidence. Confidence as? Me want you to give me a word of encouragement, you said we should endure, me want you to give me a word of encouragement to encourage myself. 
The encouragement has been given to you. Now, let Me ask you a question; I know all of you, is it not true? It is, AVA; when some burdens are coming to you, don’t you always hear a small voice that speak to you that it will be well? We do hear, AVA. I ask you a question! Does it come? Yes, AVA. Then what word of encouragement do you need again? But remember what I told all of you that the enemy is by yua side, did you hear when I said it? Yes, AVA. To make sure that satan do what? Detach us from this work. Whatever I AM saying is a proverb, you should ask yuaself a question, which area is the enemy operating by yua side? But I have heard what you have said, even before now I have been speaking to you, I will keep on speaking to you, if you have My understanding, but I will lead you through. 

AVA please me have a question, question? Yes, AVA. All right! Please the case between me and Ditobel, concerning her money, what should me do? On the fact that me have made effort to call her, but me couldn’t reach her. Well, I gave you a servant, this question you asked Me now, have you gone to ask My servant? No, AVA. Then it is a privilege for you to ask. If I should answer you, that means any of them that have challenges elsewhere will come here to ask Me, that is not how things should be. Some of you are keeping yua matters to yuaself, so you should know the procedure and follow it. Thank you AVA.

Well, I love all of you, thank you AVA. Please AVA Yahweh-Yahweh; there is a burden in my nephesh concerning restitution. Little children, yes, AVA. Alright speak on, I know what you want to say. Speak! It’s the vows that me made in the church which me did not pay before going out, there are some things that happened, how is me going to do? Thank you, I will ask you a question, have you come to My servant to ask this question? Yes, AVA there was a time me came. Then what was the answer? Me can’t remember.

Thank you, you can’t remember! Now, I want to tell you that My servant, I have the document, Truth Child doesn’t hid any secret from all of you, if you should remember, Truth Child have told you how self made his own restitution, Truth Child went to the pastor and told the pastor that this money me promised, me will not be able to pay it again, is there any of you that have not heard it? No, AVA. And I said that if you make any vow in all these churches which are operating under wrong foundations, and I told you if you don’t have it go to the pastor and tell the pastor that this vow you made you will not be able to redeem it, that is what I said. Follow My word, follow My word, I come to rescue you, I come to set you free, I come to deliver you, so whatever that brings bondage I will not allow it, only what will make you to fall into that is yua carelessness. I told you that some of you are here but you are not here, and that is why I told you that some of you will be in My Qahal, yet you will find yuaself where you don’t want to be. All these things you don’t know, use this opportunity you have to do something.

Well, who has understanding, let the beauty of life have, who want to obey Me, let the beauty of life obey Me, who want to do My will, do My will, it shall be well with you. Thank you AVA. Remember all I AM saying is for yua own good not My own good. As many that want to obey Me, congratulations to you, I will guide you, so be it, I will defend you, so be it, I will fight the battle and give you victory. Says yua Ridima Yahwehshua Ha Mashiak. So be it.

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