Closely watch the Nigeria Coat of Arms above you will discover
that, the forked tongue of the snake is exactly the replica of the “Y” sign in
the Nigeria coat of Arms as you can see above:

You are
welcome in My presence. Good new day little children. You are saying that I AM that
I AM has made you glad, but some of you are not glad.
Child of
Truth, I told you with this symbol of truth you will go for the battle and
overcome. Hold this truth as a symbol anywhere you are going. Concerning the
mystery about Nigeria, you people copied My message based on the information
you have. Before Flora Shaw called the name Nigeria, the name of Nigeria has
been Niger area.
In other
words, the name of the demon is Niger and anybody that carries this name goes
with her.
My good will
message to Nigeria, said the Redeemer YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I want to tell
Nigeria that the spirit of ownership is operating in Nigeria.
Child ImmanuYahweh I have physical evidences, do you know why I
ask you people to send the massages to all the prominent people in Nigeria? It
is evidence: the receipts of the waybill, keep it. You know how much you people
spent in sending those messages; will they tell Me they don’t receive it? I
know they have received the messages. Make a commentary that all these messages
I sent, they received them but decided to sit on them.
Children, I
will stop at this point but before I round up, this message should be written
and typed, and Child of Truth should be there. Bring out the things I showed
you in the Bible and those in the music. And tell My children that the whole
of Africa should come together to establish this Truth because this is their
time and I have decided to use the place they call Nigeria which is now the United
Nations of Truth to establish it. I’ve shown My Child, Child of Truth,
how to establish them. Tell My children that the name they gave to them as
Nigeria is from the white, but now, I have come to reposition you people to lead
the white in this generation.

According to what our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me, I AM that I AM said that logo is an idol. Nigeria coat of Arms is ɋ logo and was deliberately design from serpentine kingdom to enable snake have leadership over Nigeria.

According to what our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me, I AM that I AM said that logo is an idol. Nigeria coat of Arms is ɋ logo and was deliberately design from serpentine kingdom to enable snake have leadership over Nigeria.
Closely look
at Nigeria coat of Arms; you are going to see ɋ “Y” sign, two horses and an
According to
what our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me, the “Y” represents forked tongue
of snake which shows that every tribe in Nigeria, Igbo and Hausa which are
represented by the two horses and the eagle representing Yoruba is feeding from
the mouth of the snake [forked tongue of snake].
The question
is this: Is it not an insult and ɋ disgrace to our maker Yahweh, the creator of
beauty of life and for beauty of life to use animal to represent himself/herself?
For your
understanding, this is the more reason, churches, schools, company; certificate
of all kind must register with Nigeria Corporate Affair Commission [CAC].
President and Pastors are serving this python knowingly and unknowingly and do
force people to do same. This is why the Leaders are causing problem, killing
the masses in order to submit blood to the snake [devil].
Me as ɋ
servant which our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent in this generation for
the deliverance of Nigeria, Africa and the entire earth because it has been the
programme of our maker Yahweh for this to be, right from the time of Esav and Yaacov [Esau and Jacob]that although
Yaacov which represent white race used
cunning to deceive the male beauty of life our Maker Yahweh gave his mother and
collect his birth right that ɋ time shall come when Esav [Esau] representing
the Black race shall gain the dominion, himself shall break the yoke of slavery
of the whites off himself, and that time is now!
For this
reason, let’s come together and pull down all the evil imagination and every
thought that has risen against the knowledge of our maker Yahweh.
Me has tried
as much as me could to get this messages across to them [Pastors and others]
but they are asking question; how can this be possible? As if they are the
owner of this earth.
Before this
message is published, as our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach demanded, the
message has privately reached to the hands of the concerned persons more than a
year now, but they decided to sit on the message of their creator, as ɋ result
of their negligence; our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that the
message be published publicly.
Do not look
at this message as personal issue; it is for the freedom of every one of us.
Both those serving satan and those that are not, everyone is suffering it; and
this is the time to return to our Maker Yahweh and access the benefit of the
freedom that our Maker Yahweh offers. For more information for the messages of
our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach
to Nigeria, Pastor W.F Kumuyi and other Pastors and the
messages on how you can escape hell fire; Click to www.nationoftruth.org or www.tgrmearthwide.org
Before this
message, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent a message through Me to
Buhari, Chief of Army staff, IG of police, Labour Congress, Chairman of CAN,
PFN etc and the refused to heed to the call and liberation mandate of Our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach but they sat upon it.
Tell Buhari that I
said that I the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I will not blame him
because himself has not recognized Me. But tell him that himself has been
deceived by not recognizing Me. I have sent My message to him before but it
looks to him that I AM joking. I AM the very Saviour and the Redeemer of the
world. I AM coming to redeem My people. Tell him that all his life and his
secret are in My palm. As himself reads this message with others that I will
document and give to him, himself should surrender to Me. The devil has
deceived him much. Buhari is serving the devil. This is the last chance I AM
giving him.
If Buhari doesn’t
do what I ask him to do, himself will face My wrath and I will deliver My
people from his hand. Buhari should submit to Me. I AM going to change this
land to the United Nations of Truth. Buhari should trace My servant and ask him
what should be done. Tell Buhari that I have come with My power and strength.
Buhari sees what others do and himself joins them. Tell him that I AM the One
that makes him to be. Tell him that I said that himself should consider that I
AM the One that molded him. My breadth gave him mouth to talk. My breadth gave
him ear to hear, brain to reason. My breadth gave him heart to breathe, blood
in his arteries, water, bones, etc in his body. Tell him that I said himself
should fear and respect Me and surrender to Me now.
Tell him that I
said that no matter his power, if Buhari understands Me, it will be good for
him. But if himself doesn’t understand Me but Mohammed Buhari will know that I
AM the creator who created the heaven and the earth. Tell Buhari that himself
has been deceived. Buhari is serving the god of moon and star which are idols.
But I AM the One that created all these things that himself is serving. Buharihas”
the truth of Maker Yahweh into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature
more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen”.
Tell Buhari that I
said that since Buhari has been trying to put things in order in this country,
Nigeria, has Buhari achieved his vision? No, says the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach. Why? Because himself chooses not to recognize Me, himself chooses not
to obey Me, because himself chooses not to respect Me but the devil, no matter
his security there is no security except Buhari obeys My commandments and
If Buhari has
power to fight against this message let him fight and let Me see it. Tell him
that I said that no matter what they are doing I AM coming to rule from this
country. Nigeria. That is what I AM coming to do. I allow them to claim that they
are Presidents and Governors. I allow them to claim My names. Tell Buhari that
I know all their secrets, and all their sacrifices I know. If Buhari doesn’t
surrender to Me, I have come to
disgrace them.
They force church to register, although the churches they force to register are
not owned by Me. They use force to initiate children. I know them one by one.
Inasmuch as their vision is to dedicate every child to idol I say enough of
After reading this
message, himself should say sorry to Me and return to Me. I love him. I love
man with everlasting love. The devil lied in the calendar and the time. The
devil introduced them through the White men to deceive them. Tell Buhari to
come and enjoy My service and establishment and do My commandments through My
servant who I raised by Myself. Tell Buhari that the foundation of the calendar
they are using now is built on lies. It is a foundation of lie. Tell Buhari
that any product that bears the name Nigeria and its logo, I have condemned it.
If they will not fear and respect Me I will come to destroy their handwork.
Tell Buhari that I
Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the Saviour and the Redeemer of man, hereby declare
that any product that bears the name Nigeria and its logo I have condemned it
and all the birth certificates and all documents that carry Nigeria and her
logo I have abolished them. I hereby introduce My Own United Nations of Truth
wherein I have introduced My Own birth certificate and products.
I have empowered My servant to go
and deliver the captives. I have empowered him to go from place to place, state
to state, country to country but I will start first in this place. I will use
this country to establish My standard in this generation so that all countries
will come to this place to learn. I have brought dominion to this place says by
your Redeemer, Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
My little children, If they ask you,
what about Nigeria currency? Tell them yes, it is included. It carries the name
Nigeria and its idols. But I will use the currency to destroy what the devil
introduced and I will introduce My Own currency. As I AM sending you out to
rebuild, no power, no demon, no man can stop you people. I make you people to
be children of the Truth. The Truth which is Me has buried lie which is satan,
the deceiver. That is why My word says that “For this purpose the Child ofour Maker Yahweh was manifested, that I AM
that I AM might destroy the works of the devil.” 1 Jn.3:8. These things
I AM pointing out are the works of the enemy.
About the inventor of all these
things, if they are not introduced by Me when I created the earth, they are not
in My record. I gave Petros [Peter] assignment it was registered in My book.
When I changed the date of the Israelites it was registered with My authority
and My name. If all these things are not introduced by Me then, they are not in
My record. That is why I raise True Goodnews Revival Movement to put things in
order. They have My name and authority.
Tell Buhari that his days are
numbered. Tell him that My Qahal cannot be one and a half talk less two or
three. Tell him that I said that as I AM giving him this message, if Buhari
thinks that himself is secured, himself is no longer secured. Tell him that himself
should tell other presidents that there is no security for them. Every one of
them, they know there are problems where they are. Tell him that I said that
his spiritual security and physical security will not save him.
When Pharaoh felt that himself had power
with all that surrounded him, I subdued him. I AM the same Maker Yahweh that
sent Moshe[Moses] to Pharaoh. As I sent Moshe, I AM sending My servant
Yahwehnedu [Child of Truth] to him, and no matter his opposition I will subdue
him. As I AM writing this letter to him himself should pass it to the House
(Senate and Representatives) and others. What the governors do in the states,
the idols they are serving I know and they cannot stop My Child. If they have
weapons and strategies to fight they should prepare. If they have gods they
will invoke they should do it now.
If they have plans against My
servant who I AM raising they should plan it now. I will not stop them from
planning. The worst thing I will do, is to stop any of them from their planning
and arrangement. They are not afraid of Me. when I was making this earth were
they there? Do they know the stress I had when I made the earth which they
think that they are controlling now? Do they know why I worked in six days?
In the beginning, I created heaven
and the earth. I stopped because it gave Me stress. However I will still accept
them if they recognize Me and say sorry to Me says your Redeemer, Yahwehshua Ha
When the devil gave them assignment
of causing chaos and confusion in the countries so that there will be killing
as sacrifices to the devil, tell them that I see them. All the confusions that
are happening in the whole world, tell them that I said that they are the ones
that are causing them. They are enforcing people to have false certificates
such as Birth certificates which will enable them to secure employments and
enjoy some other government benefits, making them liars before Me.
Tell Buhari that I said that after
reading this message, himself should look for My servant, My servant will tell
him what is to be done. If Buhari believes that I AM the One speaking I will
tell him through My servant what is to be done to subdue America and other
countries. Instead of Nigeria looking for America, America will look for them.
I will tell him the secrets.
Tell Buhari that I Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach, the only Saviour and Redeemer asks him whether Buhari is happy about
all the abusive words that are being spoken against him? If Buhari is happy
about comparing him to animals, calling him all sorts of abusive names, himself
should know that I AM also happy for all the insults they are insulting Me.
Tell him that himself is not afraid of Me by calling himself President, His
Excellency, insulting Me. Tell him that I said enough of this insult. And I
repeat his days are numbered.
Tell him to use this letter to
recognize Me as his creator and Saviour and say sorry to Me. Any other place
Buhari feels himself can be protected; there is no security, as himself is
reading this message, himself should pass it to his men who believe they have
power and authority. I will remove their hearts from obeying their sacrifices
so that when they fail they will face their torment. Buhari knows what I AM
I allow you people to make your
plans as you plan such. Enough is enough. Tell Buhari that I Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach said that all their secret plans and arrangements are in My palm. Tell
him that I AM not begging him to obey Me and I AM not begging him to recognize
that I AM the One speaking. As I AM sending this message to him, himself should
recognize Me and act on it. If Buhari refuses, the message will be published
and people will know and I will also expose his secrets to the world. No man
will challenge Me and go scot free except himself repents. Tell him that as I
AM talking, all the messages I sent to him will tell him the foundation wherein
I will save My people. If Buhari recognizes Mehimself should follow Me. if himself
recognizes the devil let him follow the devil and let us know who has the
Tell Buhari that himself should not
waste time to respond to My invitation and message.
Note: This Message has been edited as and by the directive of our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach:
second year of the United Nations of Truth is the year of establishment of the
Truth, Ɋmen.
declare that we are saved by the blood of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach,
For more information for the messages of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach to Nigeria, Buhari the President of Nigeria, Pastor W.F Kumuyi and
other Pastors and Christian organizations like CAN, PFN etc, and the messages
on how you can escape hell fire; Click to www.nationoftruth.org or www.tgrmearthwide.org
The CD of these messages captioned Snake [Satanic] Symbol and
Ownership in the Churches and entire World:
Will soon be out: To enable you get the full details; do not miss
to grab the CD.
Whosoever that wants to assist the publishing of these messages
should contact us:
Any Mass Media or Marketer that is interested and or need Truth
information for the deliverance of the captivesand of the entire earth; should
please contact us with: info@nationoftruth.org or info@tgrmearthwide.org
The reason
why Nnamdi Kanu was unable to carry out this assignment of the leadership of
BIAFRA [Igbo-People] is because Nnamdi Kanu deliberately refused to accept the
invitation of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. When Nnamdi Kanu returned
from prison, our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent me [Child of Truth] to
tell him to call all the Biafrans to leave that name Biafra and invite all the
Igbo people to establish the UNITED NATIONS OF TRUTH, this is because according
to our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, there is no day the Igbos will gain
their FREEDOM with that name BIAFRA.
Me as ɋ
servant went to Nnamdi Kanu’s residence and delivered the message. Himself
neglected the invitation because Himself uses animal as ɋ symbol and had
behaved as an animal. The result of the fall of Nnamdi Kanu started when himself
neglected the invitation of his maker.
about the full and exact messages of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to
Nnamdi Kanu: Log on to www.nationoftruth.org or www.tgrmearthwide.org
Remember, UNITED
NATIONS OF TRUTH is ɋ land that was not made by any man but by the owner of the
earth, ɋ land that was established on RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH which our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach raised to free Nigeria and entire Africa from
the slavery of the White men and reposition the Black to lead the Whites.
If you want
to know more about the messages of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to
Nnamdi Kanu, Biafra [Ndi-Igbo], MASSOB and other important messages to other
people; Click to www.nationoftruth.org or www.tgrmearthwide.org
As you read,
we pray that our maker Yahweh will open your eyes to see the TRUTH and see the
reason of our coming together to establish the UNITED NATIONS OF TRUTH. May our
maker Yahweh bless you, Ɋmen.
I the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach the Saviour of the entire universe who died on the cross of Calvary, I
AM here to give My message to Rochas Okorocha. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I said
that if a child feels that herself has grown up to the extent that herself can
no longer listen to the counsel of her earthly father and mother and concludes
that herself can have her own ways to commit fornication at will; even when the
parents are telling her that this thing is wrong and herself keeps on saying
“Leave me”, tell Rochas that a day shall come when that child will be pregnant.
Though there were some other pregnancies herself has been taking care of in the
past, there will be a day herself will be disappointed. All the strategies and
previous experiences will fail her. If it happens that the child is a man himself
will be jumping from one sickness to the other; and a day will come that a
sickness will visit him and all his experiences will disappoint him, and this
will lead to premature death. Before the young beauty of life dies, himself or
herself will remember the words of the earthly father and mother.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that I the
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the Owner of his life who died on the cross of
Calvary said that himself is doing what that young beauty of life in the
parable is doing against his or her earthly father and mother. Rochas Okorocha
is challenging Me in different ways. When I speak, himself does not listen to
Me. Anywhere Rochas Okorocha feels, himself can seek solution, himself should
go. Anywhere himself thinks, himself can have power to stop Me Rochas Okorocha
should go. Tell Rochas Okorocha that all his activities are in My palm. Tell
Rochas Okorocha that himself is challenging Me by serving idols, feeling that
satan has given him a high ranking office. What the devil did not tell him is
that as himself was going higher destruction is waiting for him. Tell Rochas Okorocha
that no matter how big a cow is, it is in the hand of Fulani to be controlled.
Cow has no power to challenge the man that is controlling him.
Why I AM using these parables, himself
knows what I AM saying. Rochas Okorocha has the power to intimidate others but himself
is under My control. If himself wants to gather people for prayer, himself
should gather more than himself has done before. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I
know him. Even if himself converts his idol building into church; Rochas
Okorocha is not afraid of Me. After all what himself has been doing is that,
Okorocha is using My name to deceive people whereas himself has his own idol
that himself is serving. This information I passed when I wanted to destroy the
city of Pharaoh. The same Maker Yahweh has come again to pass information to
Children, were you not there when I
said I would deal with him? Tell Rochas Okorocha that I made him to fail his
idol. That is why Rochas Okorocha is having problem in the land. Tell Rochas Okorocha
that as I AM giving this message to him, if himself has any reason to fight My
servant, himself should do it more than himself was doing before. Tell Rochas Okorocha
that the only thing that will save him is for him to say sorry to Me and return
to Me. All the idols himself molded I AM sending My Child and My Child will
destroy them. All the idols Rochas Okorocha molded are the strength of his
leadership. Even the one himself positioned in the Government house where
people come to snap pictures which himself uses to initiate people unknown to
them I know all these things.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that himself
initiated children with the school uniforms that himself sewed for them and
through the suits Rochas gave to the civil servants himself also initiated
them. Tell Rochas that I know how himself initiated the state in different
ways. This is a fight between Me and him. Tell Rochas Okorocha that as the
devil gave him assignment to accomplish, I AM also giving My servant My Own
assignment. Tell him to go to the devil to acquire more power to challenge My Child
as I AM sending him.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that I said
that the different kinds of caps that himself wears I know. Tell him that the
different types of clothes himself has are for different assignments, so also
his different attires are for different assignments and I know. Tell Rochas
Okorocha that I the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that himself has done
well to challenge Me. I have come now to show him a little of My power but
Rochas is too small. Tell Rochas Okorocha that no matter his power I want to
call his attention to know that car have four tires, at the same time
caterpillar has four tires. Both are built with iron. Car has steering
caterpillar has steering. Both the car and the caterpillar have engines but the
time when people will know the greater is when they jam together. Whichever has
the greater power will be shown.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that we are
coming to check up the strength of satan who gave him assignment and My Child who
I give assignment. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I have written to Buhari. Tell him
that among other Governors Rochas Okorocha has challenged Me more than every
one of them. Tell him that I said that when a child sees fire, the glittering
of the fire will make the child to admire it. The child will not believe that
the fire can destroy until himself enters into the fire. Tell Rochas Okorocha
that when himself was entering to have covenant and relationship with satan himself
did not see it as evil and that it would hurt him. Satan has surrounded him and
there is no way of escape except by My mercy and grace.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that My weapon
is My word and himself will see how I will achieve My mandate. Tell Rochas Okorocha
that himself should go and mould more idols in the state but I AM coming to
destroy them and himself will have problem. The devil has given him mouth to
insult Me but I AM coming to insult him before the people himself is leading.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that My eyes are on him. His own case is another issue
with Me. Tell Rochas Okorocha that all the sacrifices himself makes to idols to
initiate people with things himself molded where they snap pictures and the
people think it is normal I see everything. Rochas Okorocha in deceit calls it
decoration but I know the meaning. For this reason tell him that as I AM giving
him this message himself should call all his demons to acquire more security I
will not stop him. Exactly what happened when I sent My Child Moshe to Pharaoh
I did not stop him.
Tell Rochas Okorocha that I give him
the privilege to stop My project and My Child who I AM sending. Tell Rochas Okorocha
that himself has the power to control the churches under them because they
issued them certificate of operation upon giving them idol in their kingdom. In
addition to this message, I AM also sending these messages to read:
1. The message about the name Nigeria and the
evil in the name Nigeria
2. The message of the Secret Power of three in
3. The message of the Old man
Note this: Before Okorocha
will decide which action to take himself should read all these messages says by
your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
second year of the United Nations of Truth is the year of establishment of the
Truth, Ɋmen.
declare that we are saved by the blood of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach,
This Message has been edited according to
the directives of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
The CD of these messages captioned Snake [Satanic] Symbol and
Ownership in the Churches and entire World:
will soon be out: To enable you get the full details, do not miss
to grab the CD.
NOTE: Whosoever that wants to assist the
publishing of these messages should contact us:
Any Mass Media or Marketer that is interested and or need Truth
information for the deliverance of the captives and of the entire earth; should
please contact us with: info@landoftruth.org or info@tgrmearthwide.org
For more
information for the messages of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to Nnamdi
Kanu, Pastor W.F Kumuyi and other Pastors and Christian organizations like CAN,
PFN etc, and the messages on how
you can escape hell fire; Click to www.landoftruth.org or www.tgrmearthwide.org
Little children, Welcome to My presence.
I don’t want to talk much.
Child, Child of Truth, when you were having meeting with Me this night I told
you some things: I told you the reason why I want to disgrace pastors. Pastors
have made men and female [beauties of life] I created to put their trust in
them more than Me. They have made their own words to have power more than Mine.
After having meeting with Me, when you were going in, I showed you first and
second cockroaches, a bigger and smaller one.
You picked a foot wear to kill them but
ended up killing only the smaller one while the bigger one ran away and hid
somewhere. After much search, you could not see the bigger one to kill it, why,
because, it went and hid somewhere. I then used it to show you that the pastors
will try to kill you with their weapons as I AM sending you, but they cannot,
because, you are hidden in Me; the only thing that can let them kill you is
when you don’t hide in Me.
Whosoever that see this should not feel bad. This message has
started since 2013 Gregorian Calendar to 2014. And Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach has been sending general messages to the so-called G.Os, that they are
not serving I AM THAT I AM, Our Maker Yahweh and they are defending themselves.
So as a messenger, Me is doing what Me is asked to do by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach.
The personality that exposed them is their Maker not Me.
If you had closely look at those pictures above, it will be seen
that this knowledge is hidden from the wisdom of man and woman beauties of
Closely looking at the flaps of the suits on the pastors and the
G.Os, there is an undeniable resemblance to the flaps of the Snake (Cobra).
Also, closely look at the throat or the belly of the Snake, it starts tiny and
enlarges downward which is replicated or similar to the neck tie they are
putting on. This covers their chest and reaches to their stomach like the belly
of the Snake. The suit and the tie are created and initiated by Satan. They are
patterned after the physical features of the Snake or Serpent (COBRA). And were
introduced to men by Satan’s agents.
Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh through Dawid which they call
Psalms, 135th chapter, 15th -18th verses; They
that serve idols look like idol, The idols of the heathen are silver and gold,
the works of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they,
but they see not; They have ears, but they hear not; neither is there any
breath in their mouths. They that make them are like unto them: so is every one
that trusteth in them”.
As you see these people that
their pictures have been shown above; it is not limited only on them but as our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos (Paul) wrote letters to Qahal
(Churches) in Romans, Corinthians, Ephesus etc, so our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha
Mashiach is using I AM that I AM Qahal[True Goodnews Revival Movement] in this
generation, to bring I AM that I AM’s elect back in readiness for Rapture.
Therefore, whether your Pastor is in the pictures above or not, all the
churches and the Pastors, GS and GOs in any country are all involved no
Do you really know that our
maker Yahweh had issues with pastors right from Old covenant [Old Testament] to
New covenant [New Testament]
Let’s consider what our maker
Yahweh said concerning suit and Pastor in the Scriptures [Bible]
The word of Our Maker Yahweh
through Yirmeyah [Jeremiah] 12th chapter, 10th and 11th
10th. “Many
pastors have destroyed My vineyard, they have trodden My portion under foot,
they have made My pleasant portion a desolate wilderness”
11th. “They
have made it desolate, and being made it desolate it mourneth unto Me; the
whole land is made desolate, because no man beauty of life layeth it to heart”;
23rd chapter, 1st and 2nd verse,
1st. “Woe
be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the gathering of My children!
Saith Our Maker Yahweh;
Therefore thus saith Our Maker Yahweh, I AM that I AM of Yisrael Am against the
Pastors that feed My people; ye have scattered My children, and driven them
away, and have not visited them: Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your
doing, saith Our Maker Yahweh”.
[ISA 3:22-24]
[ISA 3:22-24]
22th The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles,
and the wimples, and the crisping pins,
23th The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and
the veils.
24th And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet
smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well
set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and
burning instead of beauty.
This is ɋ promise which our
maker Yahweh promised to disgrace them with their changeable suits and mantles,
therefore, now is the time of fulfillment.
All these
things me is using the name of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to say is
exactly how me was commanded because the scripture says, woe to him that says,
thus says our maker Yahweh when our maker Yahweh has not spoken. If it
happened that it is my own vision, me would have lowered (diluted) it like
others. But me is a captive of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach for the
deliverance e of the elects. Me is like someone under ɋ gun point, do it or you
die. That is more reason why me always say it how it was given to me by our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach without omitting any.
Remember, if
you are fighting against this truth, you are fighting against your own freedom.
Let’s believe that all this years are the years of ignorant. We have been
playing our own righteousness which is as filthy rags in the sight of our Maker
Yahweh. All have sin and come short of the glory of our Maker Yahweh. The sins
that our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is revealing now are the things that
made us to come short of glory of our Maker Yahweh.
Finally, the
Word of our maker Yahweh says that, before the rapture there shall be falling
away [apostasy] and the man of sin will be revealed. All these revelations our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is revealing in True Goodnews Revival Movement
is nothing but revealing the man of sin.
Word of our maker Yahweh through Paulos to These
2nd chapter, 3rd verse].
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Child
of perdition;
The complete CDs on these
messages are about to come out very soon. Where we will bring more exposures of
the demonic activities of the Pastors, GS and GOs.
question put to the Pastors: What makes the pastors to
call the native doctor an Idol worshipper, is it not because the native doctors
worship what is caved with stick? It has eyes, ears, mouth, nose, legs etc but
it cannot see, hear, talk, perceive nor move; that is how all the graphics
designs of logo of Globe, Bible, Dove, Fire etc designed through the system
which they are using cannot talk nor move and that make them idol worshippers,
Now what makes the pastors different from those they call native doctors.
Satan the founder of idol
mandated them [the Pastors] through the government to register with the idol of
If you hand over something to
somebody, the person will have claim over the thing. The handover through the
registration of the churches gives satan the snake the power to have claim over
the Pastors and their churches as the owner.
Ask the Pastors, Since they
have been reading the scriptures, have they seen where the Qahal [church]
registered with the government of the world to enable them operate? For these
mentioned reasons and more, the owner of the earth is hereby declared the
[Pastors] idol worshippers.
This is why the devil built
the churches as to suit him: Politics, Titles etc can now be seen in churches.
On the 1st day
of 12th month, 2014, “Gregorian Date and Time” in the late hour of
that day being 2nd day of the week, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me to
This was in fulfillment of
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach earliest promise to take me again to
show me mysteries for the benefit of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach’s
children on earth.
So on that fateful day, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me
to heaven to observe the roll call of all the churches on earth. When me got
there, me saw a Malach [Angel] having a big register that contained the names
of all the churches on earth. Me saw Satan sitting on a very great seat, on the
altar of a mighty Cathedral. The cathedral represents all the churches in world
with Satan as god [God] and controller of the Churches.
Me saw Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach weeping profusely
outside; there was no space for Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach in the
Then the roll call started. The Malach opened the register and
2nd. Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Movement! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
3rd. Assemblies of God! “Captured by Satan”
and it was market bad.
4th. The Redeemed Christian Church of God!
“Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
5th. Living Faith Church aka Winners
Chapel! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
6th. The Apostolic Faith Church! “Captured
by Satan”! Marked bad.
7th. The Lord Chosen Charismatic Movement!
“Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
8th. The Apostolic Church! “Captured by
Satan”! Marked bad.
9th. Salvation Ministries! “Captured by
Satan”! Marked bad
10th. Catholic Church! “Captured by Satan”!
Marked bad.
11th. Anglican Church! “Captured by Satan”!
Marked bad
12th. Jehovah’s Witnesses! “Captured by Satan”!
13th. Holiness Revival Movement! “Captured by
Satan Marked bad.
14th. Holiness Evangelistic Church! “Captured
by Satan”! Marked bad
15th. Christ Embassy! “Captured by Satan”!
Marked bad
16th. The Synagogue Church! “Captured by
Satan”! Marked bad.
17th. Gospel
Missionary Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
18th. Celestial Church! “Captured by Satan”!
Marked bad
19th. Baptist Church! “Captured by Satan”!
Marked bad.
1st Deeper Life
Bible Church:
[a] Pastor W. F. Kumuyi does not allow his people to
listen to the warnings and messages Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach is
sending to the believers through encounters and revelations, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach is giving to some people nowadays.
[b] The
women in Deeper Life are still, plaiting hair with thread. No addition to the
original hair will enter heaven.
[c] Pastor
Kumuyi and his ministers lodge in hotels when on programmes.
[d] Pastor
Kumuyi moves with escort. It is pride and self defense. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach said I did not defend
Myself and My early disciples were ready to die for Me but these people
want to save their lives.
[e] The photograph of
W.F. Kumuyi is placed all over the places, on bill boards, posters and
handbills. Pastor Kumuyi and his people are taking Our Maker Yahweh’s glory.
Preferential treatments given to their leaders to the negligence of the
members, in programme and other events is pride in practice.
[g] Long
courtship in Deeper Life marriage and other bottle necks attached to marriage
is making marriage difficult and leading people to fornication.
[h] Wedding
ceremony, burial ceremony done in Deeper Life Bible Church is against Our Maker
Yahweh. For these reasons and others, the Church is condemned.
2nd Holiness
Revival Movement
[a] They adopt
the imaginary picture (so called the picture of Jesus). Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach considers it as lying against I AM that I AM and worshipping image.
[b] Rika and his
ministers lodge in the hotel.
[c] They go with
armed escort.
[d] They throw
out some of the messages Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach send through other
3rd Lord’s
Chosen Charismatic Renewal Movement:
[a] Lazarus
Muoka operates with a deceiving spirit.
Muoka, preaches sound messages but the source of his power is demonic.
[b] Muoka should
declare the secret in apron and handkerchief.
4th Assemblies
of God Church:
[a] They are
[b] They
advertise Worldliness in the church.
5th The
Apostolic Faith Church:
[a] Their women
do not cover their head while praying.
[b] Their
ministers take special seats at the altar.
6th Redeemed
Christian Church of God:
[a] They allow
worldliness in the church.
[b] They don’t
preach against worldly dressing, jewelries etc.
7th The
Synagogue Church:
[a] The anointing oil they use is the source of
their power and it is from the kingdom of darkness.
8th The Catholic
[a] They worship Mary and images.
9th Christ
[a] They permit
fornication and adultery and all form of worldliness.
These are the reasons why all
the churches are high-jacked by Satan.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach said that, the reason I AM that I AM highlighted Deeper
Life Church is because the churches on earth takes them as a role model. So
if I AM that I AM has so much faulted
the church, all other churches should know where they belong.
All the G.O’S and G.S’ of the
churches in the world have diverted the heart of their followers from I AM that
I AM to themselves. The attention of the people is no longer on Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach. They listen to their G.Os and fear them more than Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach. For this reason Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided to
raise this movement, “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” to bring back
attention of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s people to I AM that I AM.
Therefore, all people should listen to and come into this movement to come back
to I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
All the churches in the
world, without exception, were called and the response was “captured by
Satan” and the Malach [Angel] that called the roll, marked each bad with
red ink. Those not mentioned here are those me couldn’t remember. So, whether
mentioned or not, in as much as any church is existing in this world, that
church was marked bad.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach told me that every church marked bad, invariably all
the people under the cover of that church are marked bad and they will not see
I AM that I AM face at last. So Me should inform the pastors.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach said that, Me should inform the pastors and churches all over the world that
I AM that I AM (Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach) has sent I AM that I AM’S
messages severally to them, to correct them from their errors but they cast off
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s
messages. That as much as they cast off I AM that I AM messages, they
have cast off I AM that I AM. For this
reason, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided to come by I AM that I
AM’S SELF, to establish I AM that I AM Truth through this movement, “True
Goodnews Revival Movement”.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua
Ha Mashiach said, Me should tell the people on the earth that I AM that I AM is the
Founder and Director of “True Goodnews Revival Movement” that Our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided to reveal all truth and mysteries
of Heaven through this movement. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, Me
should plainly tell anybody that wants to see I AM that I AM or enter Heaven at
last, to come into this movement, irrespective of personality, position or
status in religion or other circles. That
failure to follow this movement, “sorry” is the name of that person.
second year of the United Nations of Truth is the year of establishment of the
Truth, Ɋmen.
declare that we are saved by the blood of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach,
Note: This Message has been edited as and by the directive of our
Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach:
For more
information for the messages of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to Nigeria,
Buhari the President of Nigeria, Pastor W.F Kumuyi and other Pastors and
Christian organizations like CAN, PFN etc, and the messages on how you can
escape hell fire; Click to www.nationoftruth.org or www.tgrmearthwide.org
The CD of these messages captioned Snake[Satanic] Symbol and
Ownership in the Churches and entire World: Will soon be out: To enable you get
the full details; do not miss to grab the CD. Whosoever that wants to assist
the publishing of these messages should contact us: Any Mass Media or Marketer
that is interested and or need Truth information for the deliverance of the captives
and of the entire earth; should please contact us with: info@nationoftruth.org or info@tgrmearthwide.org