Monday, 15 January 2018



Me had a burden concerning the way individuals and churches were fighting against the end-time messages Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave to the people of the earth through me with the financial restraint which seemed to have crippled the propagation and spreading of the messages of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Therefore, me decided to take the challenges to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach in prayer. In the night of the 18th day of 9thCounting Year, 2015, me left my room and went outside, kneeling down before Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, making my request.
In my prayers, me asked for financial break through to facilitate progress of the Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s mandate. Me told Our Maker Yahweh that it was not because Satan had power to stop I AM that I AM’S end-time assignment but because I AM that I AM wanted me to seek I AM that I AM’S face. Me also presented to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the challenge of the churches not only discarding I AM that I AM’S messages of correction to them but also kicking and warning their members against it. Me, therefore asked Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to break the backbone of the churches on earth, which I AM that I AM has faulted and condemned, and make them lose their strength and sway over the people.

Then on my knees, me raised my hands unto Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and reminded I AM that I AM that me did not call myself, I AM that I AM is the Person who called me to this work. I did not compose and deliver any message by myself, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is the Person who gave me all the messages which the people of the earth and churches are refusing and fighting against. Again, I reminded Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the covenant which I AM that I AM made with me when I AM that I AM was sending me to the work. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach promised me I AM that I AM’S favour, I AM that I AM’S wisdom and heaven at last. These are the first to third promises on which I AM that I AM’S covenant with me was established when I AM that I AM sent me to the work. Me also reminded Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach I AM that I AM’S promise to send men beauties of life  who will support me in the work and me asked I AM that I AM to raise them wherever they are.

After all those supplication, me stood up and challenged Satan. Me told him that himself should empowers all the demons himself operates with. In the same way Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has empowered me to do I AM that I AM’S work, so me have come to do my father’s work. Me declared to Satan that when Goliath stood before the children of Yisrael, no one challenged him except Dawid. Then me challenged him with the name of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. At this point Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach fed my mind with prayer points which the elects of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will do well to repeat at every strategic hour of prayer.
  1. Me passed a decree in that night of 18thnight of 9thCounting Year, 2015, that the meeting point of Satan should be destroyed in the name Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and let the blood of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and fire from the presence of Our Maker Yahweh trace and locate the meeting point of Satan and destroy it.
  2. Me declared to the devil that himself is operating on the foundation of disobedience. Himself disobeyed and rebelled against Our Maker Yahweh in heaven and was cast down. Therefore, me commanded all the demons and everything under him to disobey him and let the entire creation of Our Maker Yahweh disagree with him because himself is a rebel and himself disagreed with Our Maker Yahweh.
  3. Me decreed that the verdict of Our Maker Yahweh should follow Satan anywhere himself goes, on air, land or water and in the cloud.
  4. Me declared to Satan that he claims ownership of what does not belong to him. That it is only Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach who paid the price with I AM that I AM’S blood to redeem man beauty of life. Me told him himself cannot stop Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach from reigning.
After these prayers the voice of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach began to speak to me. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Child, you have proved to Me that you need a solution to your challenges”. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach promised me that I AM that I AM would provide the money for I AM that I AM’S work. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also told me that I AM that I AM saw me when me left my room and came outside to pray. So Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Child, do you know why it is as if I have no power? It is because My children always pray where it is comfortable to them. Most of them find it difficult to come out in the night for fear of danger. If My people can make the sacrifice to come out in the night and pray, delayed answers will shortly or immediately come. For this reason your prayer has been answered.” Then, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me to go in. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that my meeting with I AM that I AM would continue till First Day of the week, 21stday of the 6thCounting Year, 2015. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said I AM that I AM had something to give to me on that First Day of the week because that is the day I AM that I AM resurrected. Also Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned that any voice which would tell me to stop the fasting and prayer before that First Day of the week is not I AM that I AM’S voice. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me I want to show you some things. Then I went inside. In that night, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach showed me many things to prove to me that I AM that I AM has won the battle.

Satan’s Confession
It happened in the early hours of the day of 19th day of 9thCounting Year, 2015, after my meeting with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the previous night. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach opened my eyes to see Satan. Satan was coming towards me with strange weapon me could not describe. Suddenly, a barricade was placed between him and me, so that Satan could not pass on to me. Satan wanted to turn to another side but there was barrier on every side himself turned. Suddenly Satan was enclosed in something that looked like iron net. Satan struggled to free himself from the net but it was impossible, so Satan brought out a pair of scissors and tried to cut the net but couldn’t. Then me heard Satan say, it was barbed wire sent by the righteous man. On discovering that himself could no longer do anything, Satan began to confess.

Before me will expose the confessions of Satan, me wish to remind every soldier in the end-time army of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, that the war between the army of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and Satan’s host is not as if it is a fresh and inconclusive war. It is rather a war fought and won by the captain of our salvation. Every fresh attack by Satan’s host is an opportunity to fly the flag of the victory and to reassure the devil that himself has been conquered. Thousands of years before now, our victorious Master said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you”[The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 10th chapter,18th and 19th verses]. The sequence of this statement is reasonable. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach announced to I AM that I AM’S army that Satan is no longer on top, as their feeble minds could think, but down. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave them power to tread on the powers of the enemy because men can only tread on something when it is under their feet. Even if believers do not know this, Satan knows and only succeeds because of the believers ignorance of their position. Satan’s confession in this divine revelation is still a function of the triumph of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach over him. It is written of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, 

“And being found in fashion as a man beauty of life, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach humbled I AM that I AM’S SELF, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore Our Maker Yahweh also hath highly exalted Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is King, to the glory of Our Maker Yahweh the Father.”[The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Philippians, 2nd chapter, 8th to 11th verses].
Yes, to the glory of the Father, Satan started confessing inside the cage of iron net: “The righteous man has frustrated me. All my demons are now against me. Nobody had ever prayed this kind of prayer before, that reveals how I laid the foundation of my kingdom on disobedience and rebellion against the most high, therefore all the demons and man agents and all creature of Our Maker Yahweh should disobey and rebel against me. I am in trouble already, now that heaven and earth are against me, the whole earth is against me and the power of the righteous man is against me.”
This prayer that throws Satan off balance is scriptural and means paying Satan with his own coin. The scriptures say, “The man or the woman beauties of life that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his/her anger shall fail.”[The Proverb of Our Maker Yahweh through Shelomoh. 22nd chapter,8th verse].
Be not deceived; Our Maker Yahweh is not mocked: for whatsoever a man Beauty of life soweth, that shall the man beauty of life also reap.”[The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Galatians, 6th chapter, 7th verse]. The eternal law of sowing and reaping applies both to the spiritual and physical realm. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has revealed this key prayer point to I AM that I AM’S end-time army as one of the most effective strategies to win the end-time battle against Satan and his host. If we must pray this kind of logical prayer and knock Satan out of the ring, every soldier in the end-time army must be conscious of perfecting his or her own obedience to Our General Commander, so that the enemy will not accuse us of sharing in his offence. We should as well be committed to making maximum use of this key in our daily prayers to keep the host of Satan in daily disarray. The scripture says, “And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”[The 2nd Book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians [2nd Cor.] 10thchapter,6th verse].

Satan continued, “When Our Maker Yahweh sent Moshe to go and deliver Yisrael [Israel] from the hand of Pharoah, Pharoah tried all himself could to stop the plan of Our Maker Yahweh but Pharoah failed. The power of Our Maker Yahweh conquered Pharoah and Pharoah was frustrated and confessed to Our Maker Yahweh. The people of the earth does not yet understand the message Our Maker Yahweh passed through the case of Pharoah.”
Pastors and Churches who refuse and make mockery of end-time revelations and messages and would not let go of the people Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach died for, that they may serve Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach at the place Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach calls them, are treading the path of Pharoah. They will learn the lesson of Pharoah. On them the message of Pharoah will be understood. Our Maker Yahweh kept Pharoah alive to witness the devastation of the country of his pride and the destruction of his military might, before Pharoah latter paid the losses with his Nephesh [Soul]. “And the Mitsrians [Egyptians] shall know that I am the Maker Yahweh, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Mitzrayim [Egypt], and bring out the earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to Yisrael [Israel] from among them.”[The 2nd Book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through to Moshe, 7th chapter,5th verse]. Then the General Overseers and their pastors shall know that they have only worked against Our Maker Yahweh when Our Maker Yahweh shall make them to pay for the lost souls with their own soul in hellfire.
Satan continued: “I have tried everything possible to stop the messages of Our Maker Yahweh delivered through “True Goodnews Revival Movement”, by moving the churches in the world to mock them so as to provoke them to shame and stop them from propagating the truth but they continued. I caused individuals to mock them and their messages, yet they continued. In the midst of dryness of money and materials, they still continued. Upon all these weapons I used against them, they still kept to their conviction. I am confessing now because the power of Our Maker Yahweh has conquered me, I cannot do any other thing than to confess. I regret for disobeying Our Maker Yahweh. If I knew my disobedience would bring this trouble to me, I would not have disobeyed Our Maker Yahweh. I am weeping seriously, because I thought I had conquered the whole earth and was happy not knowing that the righteous man will suddenly overtake me.”

More courage to the members of “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. The covenant of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach with Petros and the early Qahal[church], ….“Upon this foundation I will build my Qahal; and the gates of hell shall no prevail against it.” [The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 16th chapter,18th verse], was the anchor that held Petros from falling and kept the Qahal [Church] sailing even against the rocks of intense persecution and martyrdom. When Petros denied Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and when himself went back fishing, it was Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s faithfulness to that covenant that constrained him to go after Petros until Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach recovered him. The covenant of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach with “True Goodnews Revival Movement” is the strength of the movement in all situations. If not all the believers, most of them could give up the fight for the truth and give in to Satan’s strategies, in the midst of those challenges but Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is only being faithful to I AM that I AM’S covenant of wisdom, favour and heaven at last with the movement, therefore Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach keeps them in I AM that I AM’S own strength.

Satan continued: “I was after the righteous King to eliminate him at birth but it was not possible. I also accused the righteous King of what their Saviour did not do, to provoke the righteous King unto disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh. I pursued the righteous to death, to terminate the Saviour’s mission, thinking I had conquered the righteous King not until the righteous King resurrected and subdued me. I moved the thief on the cross to mock the righteous King, so that I could provoke the righteous King to act against Our Maker Yahweh’s will. In all these things I did not succeed. Now the righteous King has come to reveal to the people of the earth the secret of my success over them by telling them the ways I made them to disobey him.”
In deed the key to Satan’s success in the struggle over the soul of man is disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh. Himself disobeyed Our Maker Yahweh and lost out of heaven, himself tried Adam with the same vice and succeeded. Till his last moment of freedom, his stock-in-trade is to cause mankind to continue disobeying Our Maker Yahweh. The Scripture explains his activity as this, “wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”[The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Ephesians 2nd chapter,2nd verse]. Divine revelations and end-time messages of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach contains nothing less or more than correction to believers, revealing the ways churches and individuals are disobeying Our Maker Yahweh, so that they will realise their errors and return to the old path of total separation from Satan, self, society and sin. The great sin of disobedience moves on these four legs. The foundation of Satan’s kingdom was built on disobedience. The revelations of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach in this end-time are like strong erosion digging deep and exposing his foundation. Like the tower of Babel built on disobedience, Our Maker Yahweh has come again to destroy the foundation of Satan’s kingdom.

Satan’s confession continued: “My disobedience made Our Maker Yahweh to cast me out of heaven, anyone who disobeys Our Maker Yahweh will also be cast away from heaven. I am confessing these secrets now because I have no second chance. All the claims I make over the earth are false. I make the claims in order to intimidate people and make them disobey Our Maker Yahweh and believe that I have the power to do all things. The power of the righteous King is greater than mine. In this way I tried to intimidate Daniyel to make him disobey the law of Our Maker Yahweh but Daniyel did not listen to me. I also tempted the disciples of the righteous King but they did not yield to my temptations. I was disappointed in them. For that reason I raised my solders to kill all I am that I AM that I AM’s disciples. Though they died physically but I did not succeed.
After all this, I went after Yahchanan [John] the beloved, to stop him from giving out the message of the righteous King but I could not stop him. The reason for the success of the early disciples was because they were united in one doctrine, one faith and one purpose, that made it difficult for me to overcome them. Therefore, to defeat them, I raised a Roman emperor to embrace Christianity on the foundation of error”. Satan confessed.

Indeed the Body of Believers that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach founded is NOT the same the people of the earth is practicing today. All the churches on earth today, without exception, take their root in the Roman Catholic model of Christianity with some plus and minus to and from the Roman Pagan-Political Christianity. The original foundation of Christianity was unfavorable to the people of the earth, completely separate from Satan, sin and society. Early Believers had no quest for wealth and popularity and did not crave for academic excellence. Their lives made no meaning to them if it was not for the need to labour more for Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. To die was gain to them and to live was for Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. The entire earth was a workshop to them so they never desired to go home for rest at the end of their toils. No wander the devil failed at them like himself failed at their Master.

That original foundation of Believers is what Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is rebuilding with “True Goodnews Revival Movement”, “for other foundation can no man[Beauty of life] lay than that is laid, which is Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.” [The 1st Book of the law of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians, 3rd chapter,11th verse]. Little wonder, the devil is moving the churches and individuals to resist and mock at the members and the messages of correction and revival of the truth Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is giving to men beauties of life  .
Without discrimination and bias, I wish to advice all heaven conscious Believers to check well on the practices of their various churches and religious groups and compare them with the early Believer’s practices, to know the plus and minus their founders, pastors and themselves have made in the system. This is important because no addition to or subtraction from the standard practice that qualified Petros, Paulos, Yaakov [James], Barnabas and others can qualify any Christian for heaven. “Thus saith Our Maker Yahweh, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your Nephesh [souls]. But they said, we will not walk therein.”[The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yirmeyahu [Jeremiah], 6th chapter,16th verse]. Any body who refuses to find the good way that gives rest to the soul will definitely find the wrong way that gives trouble to the Nephesh [Souls] and that eternal trouble.
Satan continued: “I always give people suggestions and when they accept and obey them, it becomes possible for me to claim them as my own. This was how I suggested to Adam and Eve and they obeyed me. That is why the word of Our Maker Yahweh says I make myself as an angel of light. “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”[The 2nd Book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians, 11th chapter, 14th verse]. That is why when I give individuals and churches suggestions; they follow those suggestions thinking they are right not knowing they have gone into the error of adding and removing from the standard of Our Maker Yahweh. With this strategy I suggest to people to build churches on foundations of error and disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh, and they obeyed me. This is how all the churches in the world are standing on error”.

Truly, the churches in the world are standing on error and disobedience. Therefore, all the churches of man’s foundation will soon sink. The founder of the original QAHAL [Church] has already come to make an end of denominationalism which Satan established on earth. “And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not , shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” [The Goodnews Of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach Through Mattityah, 7th Chapter,26th and 27th Verses]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has announced the close down of all the churches in the world and presented “True Goodnews Revival Movement” as the  only fold into which I AM that IAM will gather all I AM that I AM’S children for the rapture. Come into True Goodnews Revival Movement in the war against satanic entanglements   and bring back the good old days of believer’s on earth.
Satan’s confession continued: “When Our Maker Yahweh dealt with Pharoah, Pharoah confessed. When Our Maker Yahweh dealt with Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar also confessed. These were the Servant of Servants [kings] of the world as me is also.”

Satan, like Nebuchadnezzar, claims himself owns all the powers and glories of the world, for this reason people honour and fear him. Men beauties of life do not understand that Satan is a thief and a dupe who claims ownership of what does not belong to him. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 10th Chapter,10th  Verse].
Satan continued: “I promise the world eternal security only for them to discover at death, that I deceived them. I deceive earthly children to disobey their earthly fathers and mothers [Parents] at last they go to hellfire. I make wives to disobey their husbands so as to claim ownership of them here and in eternity. This is how me satan is controlling the world under disobedience against the laws and will of the righteous man. I got hold of Adam and Chaavah [Eve] to disobey Our Maker Yahweh. Every generation that obeys Our Maker Yahweh conquers me. That was why Daniyel, Hananiah [Shedrach], Mishael [Meshack], Azariah [Abednego] and other Disciples of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach who obeyed the commandment of Our Maker Yahweh defeated me. Our Maker Yahweh raises servants to do I AM that I AM’S will.

Our Maker Yahweh  raised Shimshawn [Samson] to fulfill I AM that I AM’S will but I deceived him and himself failed. Our Maker Yahweh raised Shelomoh [Solomon] to fulfill I AM that I AM’S will but himself failed. Dawid [David] was chosen and himself failed. Moshe [Moses] was provoked by the earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave Yisrael [Israel] and Moshe sinned and broke the tablet of stone and at another time Moshe smote the rock instead of speaking to it, then I had reason to accuse him. The main key me satan used in defeating the people of the earth is disobedience to the law of Our Maker Yahweh. I make people to obey me rather than Our Maker Yahweh. I raise churches to make men beauties of life stand on disobedience, that is how the foundation of churches today is faulty yet me make them believe they are right.

The righteous man gave a message for Believers to come together into an indivisible church but I make them refuse the messages because, if they unite together they will fight against my camp. Two cannot walk together except they agreed. Satan quoted,  [The word of Our Maker Yahweh to Amos. 3rd Chapter,3rd verse]. The righteous man gave a message to His servant for people to stop burial ceremonies but they discarded it. Pastors and church founders are the instruments I use to perpetrate disobedience to the word of Our Maker Yahweh. I wish to be considered like the people on earth so that I can repent and be in the kingdom of Our Maker Yahweh but it is impossible for me. Now the people on earth should use the chance given to them to amend their ways. The righteous man has always defeated my camp. When I caused the people to build a tower that will reach to heaven, which was against the will of Our Maker Yahweh, Our Maker Yahweh scattered the people by confusing their language. Man beauty of life who I used as agents have been captured by the righteous man and the righteous man is using them to reveal the secrets of my camp. I am defeated. The world has known that I have no power. The death of the righteous man has caused more problems to my camp. If I had known I would not have killed HIM.

I change the word of Our Maker Yahweh with my own. While as the word of Our Maker Yahweh says, “The fear of Our Maker Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom” [Good praises to our Maker Yahweh [Psalm], 111st Chapter,10th verse], I changed it by making the world think that much academic qualification is wisdom. When the word of Our Maker Yahweh says, “love not the world neither the things that are in the world” [The first book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Mashiach through Yahchanan [1stJohn] 2nd  Chapter, 15th  verse], I tell people to love the world and the things in the world, in disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh.
My main focus is on the servants of Our Maker Yahweh. I want to make them disobeyed Our Maker Yahweh so that I can lay claim on them. When Adam disobeyed Our Maker Yahweh, though  Adam was living but in disobedience. I have also been working hard to make people disagree with the end-time revelations of the righteous man to His servants so that I can lay more claim on people. That is also the reason churches and individual Christians disagree with the message of the righteous man calling them to come together into indivisible fold. I am looking for a hiding place from the anger of Our Maker Yahweh. I could have done so but there is no hiding place for me. I am confessing but it is all the confession of a thief that is about to die. I have done so much to deceive the world. I know I will suffer greatly in hellfire, yet I have many converts to share with me in the punishment of hellfire”. “Therefore be glad, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the gathering of waters! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because himself knoweth that himself hath but a short time. And the dragon was wrath with the woman beauty of life, and went to make war with the remnant of her earthly children, which keep the commandments of Our Maker Yahweh, and have the testimony of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.” [The Revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan,[Revelation].12th  Chapter,12th  and 17th verses].

Satan is prosecuting an intelligent war against mankind and the church in particular. The mystery in this revelation is that the devil knows he has but a short time. In spite of the millions of years he had existed as a rebel and perhaps more millions ahead yet he understands and counts it but a short time, because he knows that after a hundred trillion years in the lake of fire, his punishment has but only started. When he compares the millions or billions of years he is allowed to operate in the world with the period he will stay, roasting and rolling in the bottomless pit, he understands he has but a short time. So his war of intelligence against the people on earth is with great wrath and great speed. Satan understands the meaning of eternity more than any man beauty of life. So he makes men and women beauties of life think they have more time to settle with the world before they prepare for eternity. His war against the inhabitants of the earth is with high display of intelligence that he never fights any man and woman beauties of life by himself, he uses man beauty of life to fight man beauty of life. In all the trouble in the earth and the disagreement in the churches, devil is never seen with weapons but mankind has always been his tools. He sets up men and women beauties of life to come up with intelligent suggestions that cause the so called G.Os and G.S of churches and notions to derail from Our Maker Yahweh’s principles and make them consider disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh’s authority as a light matter. The purpose of his war is to make every mankind on earth to be a rebel like him so that man and woman beauties of life is set up against his maker and finally shares in the punishment of eternal hellfire.

Satan continued: “I used the so called community leaders, State leaders, National and World leaders to deceive the nations and peoples of the earth. I also used the church founders and their pastors to make their members to discard and disobey the revelations and messages of the righteous man to them. My camp is on fire. Satan said. While as Our Maker Yahweh commanded men and women beauties of life not to serve idol, I changed the commandment and tell people to pledge to serve their countries, States and communities. I make the world believe that heaven and hell are here on earth, that if anybody is rich and happy here himself is in heaven already vice versa. This makes the world not to believe that the words of the righteous man concerning Lazarus and the rich man beauty of life are true. Also I confused the world with academic pursuit and qualifications, so that they will not understand and agree with the word of Our Maker Yahweh.”
Fellow elects of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, having heard the confessions of our arch enemy concerning the confusion in education and how it makes the highly educated people to disagree with Our Maker Yahweh’s original terms and conditions of engagement and relationship, let us therefore, be wise, only in Our Maker Yahweh’s own wisdom. The word of Our Maker Yahweh says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh in Proverbs, 4th  Chapter,7th verse]. Before somebody  thinks or ask, where do we get it if not through academics, let us consider what the word of Our Maker Yahweh says. “The fear of  Our Maker Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do I AM that I AM’S commandments: I AM that I AM’S praise endureth forever.” [Good Praises to Our Maker Yahweh,111thChapter, 10th Verse]. Glory to Our Maker Yahweh who has not left us without a guide to the source of I AM that I AM’S recommended wisdom and understanding.
The root cause of the fall of man and woman beauties of life is in the quest for knowledge. The devil suggested to man beauty of life that it was possible to be equal to Our Maker Yahweh in knowledge. He gave man and woman beauties of life the formula to work it out, and that is to discover how not to obey Our Maker Yahweh. Let us see how it all started

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which Our Maker Yahweh had made. And the serpent said unto the woman beauty of life, Yea, hath Our Maker Yahweh said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman beauty of life said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruits of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Our Maker Yahweh hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman beauty of life Ye shall not surely die: For Our Maker Yahweh doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be wise, knowing good and evil.” [The first book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 3rd chapter,1st  to 5th verses].
The devil has not changed his strategy of suggestion, as is evident in his confession. He knows that the position Our Maker Yahweh has placed man beauty of life cannot permit him to force man beauty of life into a decision. He throws out the ball and allows man beauty of life to choose where to score, so that man beauty of life will always be responsible for the consequences of his choice.
Given the source of Our Maker Yahweh’s wisdom and understanding, “the fear of Our Maker Yahweh”, higher education is not the way. It rather teaches people how not to obey Our Maker Yahweh by discovering the ways the so called great brains made it rather than the way Our Maker Yahweh made it. Permit me to speak the truth without fear or favour. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil standing in the midst of Christianity today is theology. The devil is the originator. Our Maker Yahweh is against it. Those who go into it are eating the forbidden fruit and touching what Our Maker Yahweh said, “thou shalt not touch”. The word of Our Maker Yahweh says, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” [The First Book of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 2nd  Chapter,17th Verse]. What attracted Adam and Chavvah [Eve] to the forbidden tree was not the beauty but the knowledge it promised to offer and their eyes it promised to open. If it is not for the opening of the eyes and knowing more like Our Maker Yahweh, what is theology for?
Theology is the center for pride and ambition. In theology, they teach men how to socialize Christianity and blend it with world best practices. They sell their Satan induced dogma to their scholars and teach them how to associate scriptures with researches, debates and scores, tests and proofs. They award to men titles and honours that make them equal to Our Maker Yahweh. They give certificates to men and women beauties of life and tell them they are qualified to rule the church of Our Maker Yahweh, when they have not been with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. They fill the world with certificated preachers without sanctification. They make light spiritual qualification in ministry and hold high the academic. Worst still, different churches have their own theological schools where they approach what they call knowledge from their own angle of belief. This is confusion. Hear what the word of Our Maker Yahweh says: “Canst thou by searching find out Our Maker Yahweh? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than hell; what canst thou know?” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yowb, 11th Chapter, 7th to 8th Verses]. History has no record of the best Believer on earth as a theologian. The first Believers did not qualify for ministry through theology or academic knowledge. Being with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach qualified them. The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach says: “Now when they saw the boldness of Petros and Yahchanan, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.” [Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, 4th Chapter, 13th Verse]. Only those who are taught by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach are qualified to serve in I AM that I AM’S household. The Garden of Truth Knowledge [school] of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach teaches, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your Nephesh [souls].” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 11th Chapter, 29th Verse]. The theologians are not meek and lowly in heart. The theologians speaks proudly and tends to work to get returns for what himself spent in studying.

The devil is into theology and much academic learning. Our Maker Yahweh is not in it. All those who run theological schools should close them down. And believers who go into theology and much academic studies should stop it, if they wish to be with Our Maker Yahweh in eternity. To know more than what we need to obey Our Maker Yahweh is to follow the steps of Adam and Chavvah [Eve] and that will lead one out of the garden of Our Maker Yahweh.
Satan’s confession continued: “I am confused. The power of Our Maker Yahweh is on me. How I wish the world would understand and repent so that they will not perish with me in hellfire. I never knew that the righteous man will destroy all the efforts I have made for many years.
I used flashy things such as music, football, fornication, drunkenness, lies, automobiles, computers, electronics, movies, fashion and other attractive things to deceive the people on earth. I do all these to make the people on earth remain in disobedience to the word of Our Maker Yahweh. It is written that for this purpose the Child of Our Maker Yahweh was manifested that I AM that I AM might destroy the works of the devil [First Book of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 3rd Chapter,8th Verse], Satan confessed. I used my own authority to make the world disobey and sin against Our Maker Yahweh, but now the authority of Our Maker Yahweh has subdued me. I allow people to attend churches but never do the word of Our Maker Yahweh. I suggest to people to buy children in disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh. The eyes of people will open in hellfire. Though the righteous man has defeated me but the people on earth will continue to disobey Our Maker Yahweh because they choose to obey me rather than Our Maker Yahweh.
When the righteous man said that I AM that I AM’S SELF would destroy the temple of Yerushalayim [Jerusalem] and rebuild it in first to third days, they did not believe I AM that I AM. Again when the prophecy of the birth of the righteous man was fulfilled, the world did not believe it because the world is standing on disobedience. The rich-man was in hellfire, himself asked earthly father Avraham [Abraham] to send somebody from the dead to preach to the male beauties of life our Maker Yahweh gave to his mother on earth so that they could repent. Earthly father Avraham answered him that if they did not obey the prophets on earth they will not also obey, if a person comes from the dead.”

End of Satan’s Confession
It should not be considered unbelievable or impossible to say that Our Maker Yahweh has in these latter days considered the request of the rich man in hellfire, as well as the cries of the lost Believers in hellfire, “my pastor did not tell me”, “I didn’t know”, “please a second chance”, and so on. Now the righteous man is granting live encounters with people, divine revelations of mysteries of eternity and those who died and met with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, whom I AM that I AM sent back to the world with messages of correction to the believers. How many churches and Christians accept and believe the messages?

When I came back from making the restitutions Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach directed me to make, and I decided to seek I AM that I AM’S face, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach revealed to me the entanglement of satan in the BIBLE. Thereafter Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach directed me to go to EmmanuYahweh’s house, without telling anybody this secret except my wife. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach assured me that when I got there, I AM that I AM’S would continue I AM that I AM’S dealing with me.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach had earlier told me to go and make my restitutions so that I AM that I AM would be able to give me more revelations about the Bible. Thereafter, on the 17th day of the fourth Counting Year, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s Day, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach directed me to suspend my program of waiting upon I AM that I AM to go to the Qahal. During the time of praise-worship in the Qahal, and I was in a lying-down position, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach opened my eyes and showed me the reasons for the present crises in the Qahal.
The first thing Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach showed me is a huge lion inside the Qahal. I saw a giant hand carried the lion and went away with it. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach explained it to me that the lion I saw is the lion the Bible referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Yahda [Judah] which people are calling I AM that I AM now. Immediately I saw a giant man standing by the door of the Qahal. The man had on him white cloth. The man pulled the cloth off his body. Thereafter I saw different shapes of triangles in his chest and at the back. The triangles are similar to the chaplet that are worn by the Roman Catholic Church Priests around the neck.
I saw another figure, half man and half fish, with a crown on her head. Herself went away. The demon with different shapes of triangles was arrested and bound, the hand locked together at the back. I saw what looked like a reddish wrapper in his body and I saw a hand removing the article. The articles was very big. Thereafter, a black article similar in shape to the reddish articles followed. The black article was equally removed. At this point the demon started making some confessions.
The demon said that the white clothe that was removed was the white paper which they used to write the Bible. That the Black and red are the colours they used to write the words of the Bible. The demon further confessed that the Holy Scripture is so Holy that it was impossible for them to tamper with it. As a result of this that they decided to use their men agents to change it and called it Bible. The demon confessed further that from the Bible, not the Holy Scripture, they could blaspheme Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and Our Saviour’s Word.

In this confession, the demon continued that what they rewrote and called the Bible is what they studied in their camp and used to change a lot of things in the Word of Our Maker Yahweh and translated into many versions to mock the Word of My Father Our Maker Yahweh and water down the Ruach’s meanings [spiritual meanings] of these words. For example the demon said where the Scripture introduced kings the demon said that they have to introduce kings on the earth as a parallel mockery of what the Our Maker Yahweh did in the scriptures. Examining the type of crowns the kings of the earth wear somebody would know that they look like the crowns of the Illuminati. The demon spoke about introducing servants in the area of interpreting the law [Judges] to mock the those [Judges] in the Scripture. Where there are warriors Satan introduced the armed forces, and many others. The demon further emphasized that to intimidate people himself would refer them to where the Scripture says you should honour your servants [leaders] so that they would respect and obey government and its agencies.
The demon confessed further that himself was the one behind the crises in True Goodnews Revival Movement. According to him they had tried to stop the Movement without success, the reason why they now began to use individuals to frustrate the Movement. The demon said they began with Len Lacroix and his cabinet to pollute the minds of the people who had already believed the truth. Thereafter, himself proceeded to use individuals inside the Movement. According to him, himself said that himself was the very person that used Ezekiel and told him that himself is Jesus Christ, in order to make people pay attention to him and bring confusion into the Qahal [Church] without giving any profitable spiritual message but to cause havoc in the Qahal [Church]. Thereafter, himself proceeded to use Bright to blaspheme the Qahal[Church]. Thereafter, according to him, himself proceeded to use Noyenrem and moved him as the Ruach [spirit] of Our Maker Yahweh when himself discovered that his mind was not stable. The demon said himself was the person that gave him all the points that Nonyerem was using to advice to silent the voice of Our Maker Yahweh because of his respectable position. The demon confessed that himself knew that himself had been defeated.
Brethren, in the early new day of the 21st day of the fourth Counting Year, 2016, while we were in the presence of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach directed that we should bring out copies of the BIBLE and show evidences of perversions and pollutions of  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s Word. What we discovered are that:
1st The Bibles are named after man personality and places such as “King James Version, Darby Version, Young’s Literal Translation, American Standard Version, New American Standard Bible, to mention but a few
2nd The introduction of pictures and pictorial representations, including the map of the world and many other places like Palestine, in the different versions of the Bible contrary to the standard of the Word of Our Maker Yahweh
3rd The printing of logo on the Bibles and signatures as a mark or seal of ownership of satan
4th  The use of the colour identity of satan – black and red to write the Word of Our Maker Yahweh
5th The word Bible is not anywhere written or indicated in the Word of Our Maker Yahweh.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM recommended the King James Version because it presents a clearer picture of I AM that I AM’S Word than others not because it was a perfect work. And that is the reason I AM that I AM is now using I AM that I AM’S QAHAL [Church], True Goodnews Revival Movement [TGRM], to correct and give a standard picture of the Word of Our Maker Yahweh as it ought to be.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM has history with every generation. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that this is the time to bring the history of this generation through “My QAHAL [Church] which I raised.” For this reason, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM’S children should see Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s authority of following Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to be able to do what I AM that I AM commanded them to do.

[Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh [Psalms]115th chapter 4th to 8th verses]
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, on the 20th day of the fifth Counting Year, 2016 [being the sixth day of the week], told I AM that I AM’s servant, Yahwehnedu, that I AM that I AM is building a new earth that is free from the world with its idolatrous entanglements. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the original earth I AM that I AM created is different from what we have today. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach original earth was created perfect, but according to I AM THAT I AM, satan captured it after the fall of man beauty of life and recreated it black. In I AM THAT I AM’S words, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach calls this present world “Black World”. That is why satan is recognised as the god of this world [The 2nd  word of Our Maker Yahweh through Paulos to Corinthians ,4th chapter 4th verse] and the prince of this world [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 12th chapter 31st verse; 14th chapter 30th verse; 16th chapter 11th verse]. On the basis of this, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach instructed him to identify areas of idolatry in various departments of man’s life, and pass it to the world with I AM THAT I AM’S authority and commandment that they should abstain from serving idols if they must see Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. I AM THAT I AM said that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is bringing I AM that I AM’S Own earth created in perfection out now in this generation for I AM that I AM standard and mandate to be achieved.

DEFINITION OF IDOL, Good praises to our maker Yahweh 115th chapter 4th to 8th verses; Yeshayah[Isaiah] 44th chapter 9th  and 10th verses; 46th chapter 6th to 8th verses
“. . . Idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every person that trusteth in them.” [Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh [Psalm].115th chapter,4th  to 8th verses];“They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed. Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah[Isaiah].44th chapter,9th and 10th verses]; “They lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith; and he maketh it a god: they fall down, yea, they worship. They bear it upon the shoulder, they carry it, and set it in it place, and it standeth; from it place shall it not remove: yea, a person shall cry unto it, yet can he not answer, nor save him out of his trouble.[The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah[Isaiah].46th6th  and 7th verses]; “Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that Our Maker Yahweh spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire: Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the light that shineth in the day[sun], and the seasonal light[moon], and the little light[ stars], even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which Our Maker Yahweh hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.[The 5th book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh given to Moshe[Deut].4th chapter,15th  to 19th verses]
These verses of the Scriptures describe very vividly what an idol is in the definition of the Almighty Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. An idol is an entity, material or anything  created by man himself [that is, a work of man’s hands] that cannot speak, see, hear, smell, handle with their hands, nor walk with their legs. An idol is a molten or graven image, made out of wood, stone, gold or silver to be entity of worship. Idol could be in the form of pictures, photographs, symbols or emblems used by its maker to represent Our Maker Yahweh’s creation.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave I AM THAT I AM’S commandment to man beauty of life, “Thou shalt have no other Idols before Me . . . Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:[The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 20th chapter 3rd to 6th verses]. Therefore, idolatry is an act of serving, or bowing down to/for  Idols. Idolatry could be overt [The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 20th chapter 3th to 6th verses] or hidden in the heart [covert] [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yetchezkel, 14th chapter, 3th to 4th verses] Child of man beauty of life, these men beauties of life have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: . . . Thus saith Our Maker Yahweh; Every man beauty of life of the house of Yisrael that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet; I the Your Maker Yahweh will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols”

The material that are being used as idols are pictures, photographs, drawings, logos and the images thereof, decorative materials [ornaments] such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants, bead, etc as pointed out by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

1st  THE CHURCH: Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach had earlier revealed in I AM that I AM’S message of “The Mystery of Bermuda Triangle and One world Government” that the entanglement of churches with idolatry started with the success of Emperor Constantine in bringing the church under the control of the government. With this, the devil found it easy to enforce his camp plans in the church and to plant his agents at the altars to achieve those plans.

[a] CHURCH LOGO: Logo is a requirement for registration of business firms and other organisations with the government, among many others. A logo is a graphic mark, emblem or symbols commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition as a symbol of ownership. Spiritually speaking, a logo is a symbol, mark, emblem or sign that satan places on man beauty of life or whatever himself [man beauty of life] uses as a means of establishing public recognition and claim of his authority and ownership.
After the fall of man beauty of life, man beauty of life lost his authority and dominion to satan who became the owner of this world [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 4th chapter 5th and 6th verses; The 2nd word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians, 4th chapter 4th verse]. Everything, including man beauty of life, became his property. Satan puts his logo on them as a mark of ownership. This mark is in triangle or anything that is shaped in the form of triangle. The drawings or patterns of drawing, symbols, signs or marks on the logo signify the interest of the source and the spirit behind it. These spirits are the three principal demons that form the devil’s trinity of Bermuda triangle as God[god] the sun, God[god] the moon and God[god] the star, the capital seat of satan, from where Satan rules the world.
A logo carries the identity of a single or more of these demons, thus classifying it as idol. Logo, therefore, is an idol. In addition, any sign, drawing or pattern of drawing that represents anything that Our Maker Yahweh created further puts logo in the classification of idol. The reason is that everything that Our Maker Yahweh created moves – Man, Beasts, Plants, Water, the Firmament, even the Earth moves to show that they are not idols. Wherever or whatever logo is placed is spiritually declared and recognised as the property of satan.
Logo could even be in the form of a graven image or picture. In the scriptures, anytime Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent messages through people Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach granted encounter, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s command was always “write” and not draw. In fact Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach specifically commanded them only to write. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach did not ask them to draw The 2nd Book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 34th chapter 27th verse;The revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, [Revelation] 1st chapter 11th  and 19th verses. Drawing originated from satan, because it could not be traced to the scriptures. In fact, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, in I AM that I AM’S previous messages, called logo a mark of the beast and that satan introduced it, whether it is on a product or in a church.
All logos adopted by churches carry the identity of “Bermuda Triangle” in them. The images or symbols they use as logos are idols, because logos personalize the church. It shows that satan has the right to claim ownership of the churches and the members thereof; any item or place wherein logo is placed, such as the certificate of registration, belongs to satan. Using or patronizing such article or place means patronizing satan, thus making such people to be idol worshippers The 5th Book of law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 4th chapter 15th to 19th verses.
[b] CHURCH REGISTRATION: The prevailing condition all over the world today is that churches must register with governments before they are allowed to operate as legal entities and institutions. Without certificate of registration, they cannot conduct wedding ceremony; neither can they send out missionaries abroad. But does Our Maker Yahweh  the Owner of the universe, need to take permission from the Government to operate in the earth that Our Maker Yahweh created by I AM that I AMSELF? No!.Government or Our Maker Yahweh, who is superior? Of course, the answer is Our Maker Yahweh. The implication is that any church that registers with the government has already submitted her power to government who is acting as the agency of satan; they are already bowing down to satan. This is what Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach refused to do when Satan demanded from I AM that I AM to bow down to him so that himself will give him the kingdoms of the world and their glory thereof [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 4th Chapter 5th and 6th verses].
For instance, in Nigerian, the Corporate Affairs Commission is the government agency charged with the responsibility of registering companies, organizations, business names and churches. It issues certificate of incorporation to the registered firms. These certificates bear the Nigeria logo [which is satan’s identity of claim of ownership]. In this case, the churches have ignorantly registered with satan and Satan himself claims them because himself is the person that issued them certificate of operation. By this, such churches are serving the devil, and this makes them to be idol worshippers. In the scriptures, we have no such account for registration of the Qahal of Our Maker Yahweh with any government of the day before they could function as the representatives of the Almighty Our Maker Yahweh on earth. The Word of Our Maker Yahweh says “. . . it is written, Thou shalt worship Our Maker Yahweh, and only Our Maker Yahweh shalt thou serve.”The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah [Matthew], 4th chapter,10th verse

[c] DRESSING CODE: Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach revealed that the style of English coat or suit Pastors and gospel ministers wear was introduced from the camp of satan. From the collar to the button point, and inside of the coat, there are many shapes of triangle, representing the trinity of the devil. The neck-tie was also designed to showcase triangle both at its knot and the tail end. It is obvious that the ministers who wear them, knowingly or unknowingly, are under the entanglements of satan.
By the authority of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the present crop of ministers who were either called or not called, who are known by a particular style of hair cut that does not agree with the standard of the Truth Holy Scriptures are leading their followers to hellfire. Those of them who carve the corners of their head and beard or barb the clean cut hair style that removes all the hair on their head are showing example of cultists and not believers. In a particular message of I AM THAT I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach pointed out that barbing the clean-cut hair to the scalp or scraping their beards identifies with the idol worshippers who did so in honour of their dead or during their unholy festivals. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach referred to those who hold such pattern as cleanliness to check The 3rd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe  21st chapter 5th verse which reads, They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh”.
[d] WEDDING: Our Maker Yahweh initiated marriage. It was not of man beauty of life’s idea. The moment Our Maker Yahweh finished I AM THAT I AM’S work on Chavvah [Eve], Our Maker Yahweh brought her unto the man, Adam [The 1st Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe. 2nd chapter, 22nd verse]. The marriage process was completed the moment the earthly Father of the woman beauty of life [Our Maker Yahweh] was through with the woman beauty of life and the man beauty of life, and handed the woman over to the man and blessed them [The 1st Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe. 1st chapter,27thand 28th verses]. Immediately the transaction was done, Adam was declared married, and Adam went home with his wife [The 1st Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 2nd chapter, 23rdto 25th verses]. Based on this, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach said that, in all cases, at all levels and in all places, marriage between a man and a woman beauties of life must stop at the point of settlement of dowry between the man and the earthly father and mothers [parents] of the woman beauty of life. Anything more or less than this is an offence against Our Maker Yahweh and will take somebody to hellfire.
Our Maker Yahweh does not intend in any way to put a burden on man beauty of life through marriage. Marriage is not supposed to be a burden or bondage to man beauty of life.  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked how much any of the earthly father and mothers [parents] of the bride paid I AM that I AM before I AM that I AM gave them their children that would call for the exorbitant amount of money being demanded for dowry. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further asked the amount of money they paid to I AM that I AM to make the children grow. And how much they paid to I AM that I AM to preserve the life of the children to the point of marriage. Facts about marriage in the Truth Holy Scriptures show that there was no list of items handed to the man beauty of life; the man beauty of life gave what himself had. There was no other form of wedding after the dowry was paid. In the whole Scriptures, there is no account of church, court, or traditional wedding. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach  attended a marriage ceremony at Cana in Galilee and not a wedding ceremony in the synagogue [The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach through Yahchanan [John] 2nd  chapter 1st and 2nd verses]. Our Maker Yahweh approved the marriage of Yehowceph [Joseph] and Miryam [Mary] without a wedding ceremony.
Where then did church wedding ceremony come from? Wedding originated from the English culture with its introduction of wedding ring, bridal gown and suit. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach  pointed out that anything a man beauty of life does that shifts his heart away from Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach is idol. Wedding ring is an idol; it is supplied from the marine camp. When an individual weds with the use of wedding ring the man beauty of life or woman beauty of life is married to the god of gold or silver. The artificial flower held by the bride, the toast cups with first to third [three] steps are ornaments of satan. When the rings are put into the fingers of the couple they are wedded with satan. The aim of the whole exercise is to give marriage the identity of satan.  
This has made the youths to commit themselves to a lot of evil in order to have money before marriage. The fact is that anything that shifts the heart of man beauty of life from Our Maker Yahweh is an idol. The devil through man beauty of life inventions has pressured them into unrighteous shortcut that leads to darkness. Furthermore, all the documents issued on marriage bear the logo of the government. No such thing ever took place in the scriptures, from Adam’s marriage in the Garden of Eden, through Yitzchak [Isaac], Yaakov [Jacob] to the marriage at Cana of Galilee in the New Covenant [New Testament].

[e] DAYS OF THE WEEK AND COUNTING YEARS OF THE YEAR: The names attached to the days of the week such as Sunday, Monday through Saturday and those of the months of the year called January through December are names given by the Roman demon gods. The original names given by Our Maker Yahweh to the days of the week are: the first day of the week, the second day of the week, through the seventh day of the week. Similarly, to the months, we have the first Counting Year of the year through the twelfth Counting Year of the year.
When such names as given by demon gods of the Roman Empire are attached or mentioned in connection with man’s activities and operations, such activities and operations are recognised to the glory of the demon gods. For example, Sunday school is recognized as an announcement to the honour of the sun god of “Bermuda Triangle”. Any testimonies given in the Church with the attachment of such demon named days or months [for example, on Monday, in January, etc] are given in glory of demon gods. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that activities and operations of man beauty of life should be named after the days and Counting Years I AM that I AM called them  as can be established from the Scriptures.

[f] CHRISTMAS AND EASTER CELEBRATIONS: The meaning of Christmas is Christ + Mass. Christmas is idolatry and it is of pagan origin. There is no record of Christmas celebration in the Holy Scriptures. Christmas is serving Christ and idol together. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that Mass is from Mistral, the deity of sun. Its celebration usually holds in December of every year. The celebration of Christmas was brought into the Church by the repented Roman pagans so that they could disguise to their leaders in order that they [their leaders] would not know that they had been fully converted; and the Roman Catholic Priests accepted this because they were looking for converts without considering the evil they were committing against  Our Maker Yahweh Almighty. They used Christmas to replace the celebration of Mass which they used to celebrate in December, as the birth day of their Idol, their Lord Jesus. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach was never the personality they were celebrating. Whoever celebrates Christmas celebrates idol. Similarly, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach affirms that Easter celebration is also idolatry.

[g] VIDEO FILMS IN THE CHURCH: Every film showcased presents false information about the characters and the actors. They assume imaginary names that are different from their real names. They create and present imaginary situations. They take the position of  husband or wife of another person who is not their real spouse. These are pure lies. In the “film of the Passion of the Christ”, the actor is an imaginary Saviour [Christ], a false Saviour [Christ]. The actor is an agent of the power of darkness, a demon incarnate. Specifically, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach referred to him as the false Saviour [Christ] which Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said would come in the Scriptures [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 5th chapter, 43rd verse; I am come in My Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive”.]  Every act in the film is a make-believe of the original. The film was meant to showcase an imaginary picture of Our Saviour so that the same demon spirit could use the same face to successfully appear to people in order to deceive them. The film was purposely showcased to mock the suffering and the death of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Whoever repents to the “Jesus” of the film has repented to a false Saviour [Jesus] and an Idol, and has by implication repented to the devil. The person has repented to idol. Similarly, the film of hellfire and heaven is another idol in disguise. No one has ever captured the picture of hellfire or heaven. Using imaginary pictures to represent heaven and hellfire is falsehood; repenting to either of them is idolatry.
These are serious areas that the devil has used to capture many people that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach granted encounter. After coming back from heaven and/or hellfire they showcase pictures of heaven, hellfire, demons and all they see while they were in the heavenly region. Some even go further to showcase themselves in pictures and videos despite the command of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach in the Scriptures to the contrary [The 5th Book of the law of Our maker Yahweh through Moshe 4th chapter 15th  to 19th verses].

[h] CHURCH FOUNDERS: People tend to take their church founders as their gods. They have substituted their obedience to Our Maker Yahweh to their G.Os. Even when Our Maker Yahweh speaks, some of them will go to their church founders for verification, validity and approval to seek whether it was Our Maker Yahweh that speaks to them or not. In most cases, their Pastors will dismiss their vision or encounter, telling them that it was evil spirit that appeared to them. This is purely idolatry. Some go to the extent of pasting the pictures of their Church leaders in their individual houses and offices as indication of their loyalty, submission and support to them. There is no such record of Church founders, General Overseers, General Superintendent, International Director, etc in the Holy Scriptures from The 1st Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe to the  Revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan. In Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh 20th chapter 28th verse, the Word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas says; “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Ruach ha Kodesh hath made you overseers, to feed the church of Our Maker Yahweh, which Our Maker Yahweh hath purchased with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach own blood”. Here, the emphasis is on overseer, and not General Overseer. Only Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach can be General Overseer and not man beauty of life.

[i] BURIAL CEREMONY: The sin of Adam brought death into man beauty of life. Thereafter, everything Our Maker Yahweh created is bound to die, animals, plants, man beauty of life, the righteous and sinners. The physical death is a transition, either to glory or gnashing of teeth [The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to the Hebrews 9th chapter 27th verse, Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 16th chapter 22nd  to 23rd verses, The Revelations of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 4th chapter13th verse ]. That is why we think of eternity, beyond the grave. Some people who die have the privilege of being buried by their loved ones while others rotten away in unknown places. There was no account of burial for Lazarus the beggar, yet himself  was found in paradise. But the rich man beauty of life who was given a befitting burial landed in hellfire. [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 16th chapter 19th  to 24th verses].
Any person or church adding anything in form of celebration, ceremony or sacrifice to this perfect pattern, is committing sin of idolatry. Burial ceremony is of the world and all those that have pleasure in it, love the world. [The 1st Book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 2nd chapter 15th to 17th verses]. Celebrating the dead is the same thing as celebrating mere sand; it is useless and sinful. Death came as a result of sin and anytime we celebrate death, we hurt Our Maker Yahweh by reminding Our Maker Yahweh of the fall of man. By burial ceremonies, we declare that we are comfortable with sin and its ugly consequence. Any person or church that goes on to announce and collect burial levies, organize embalmment of corpse, ceremonies and rituals is idolatrous. Similarly, any believer that supports, participates, eats and drinks things prepared in burial ceremonies  is sacrificing to the spirit of death. This is pure idolatry.

[a] LOGO: Every document issued by the management of every institution of learning always bear their logo. These cover certificates to graduating students, application forms for admission of new students, identity cards, and letter heads in various sign posts. Logos, as discussed earlier under idolatry in the church, is a mark of ownership signifying the identity of satan, thus making the establishment a place of idol worship.

[b] PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH: Passport photograph is a direct violation of the Word of Our Maker Yahweh in the [Second Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe [Exo], 20th  chapter,4thverse and the fifth Book of law of  Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe [Deut].4th chapter,15th to 19th verses]. Passport photograph, like any other photograph or drawing of the image of  Our Maker Yahweh’s creation, is idolatry. It is a mockery of  Our Maker Yahweh’s creation; a challenge that man beauty of life can do what Our Maker Yahweh did. Everything Our Maker Yahweh created moves. The image of the person in the passport photograph does not and cannot move. The devil devised the technology of producing photographs or pictures of Our Maker Yahweh’s creation to make man beauty of life an idol worshipper. “. . . Idols are . . ., the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. They bear it [idol] upon the shoulder, they carry it [idol], and set it in his place, and it standeth; from it’s place shall it not remove: [Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh [Psalms], 115th chapter,4th  to 8th verses; the word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah [Isaiah], 46th chapter,6th  and 7th verses].

[c] SCHOOL CURRICULUM: The school curriculum is a complete perversion of the will of Our Maker Yahweh for man beauty of life. [The Scriptures say that you should train up a child in the way the child should go: and when the child is old, himself will not depart from it” The word of Our Maker Yahweh in Proverbs.22nd chapter,6th verse]. Many errors have been fed into the mind of man beauty of life which makes him to believe wrong things. Today man beauty of life believes himself is an animal [Homo sapiens] because that is what they taught him in Science, in the theory of evolution. But the Holy Scriptures tell us that man beauty of life is created by the knowledge and wisdom of Our Maker Yahweh [The 1st Book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 1st  chapter, 26th  and 27th verses; .5th  chapter,1st verse]. From the first book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh to the Revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan in the Holy Scriptures, there is no reference of man beauty of life being referred to as human being. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that when Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach created man, Our Maker Yahweh called him beauty of life. This is so because man is the crown of I AM that I AM’S creation. Without man, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, creation will have been meaningless. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said the devil, after Satan had successfully made man beauty of life to fall changed his name to human being.
The fear and the glory of Our Maker Yahweh have been completely removed from our educational system. Children are taught and encouraged in the ways they can live without Our Maker Yahweh. Earthly father and mothers [parents] are forbidden from correcting their children through the use of cane under the law of human rights violation. This is a direct violation of the Word of Our Maker Yahweh Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, himself shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his nephesh [soul] from hellfire[The word of Our Maker Yahweh in Proverb, 23rd chapter,13th  and 14th verses].
Pictures shown in educational books, from nursery to the university are all deliberate strategies to showcase a particular satanic sign or the other. In recent times, some schools teach the children both to draw and make satanic signs done by the fingers, which are means of communication among satan’s agents. The so-called “Sex Education” teaches and enlightens children on the use of condom and safe periods. It actually promotes fornication and premarital relationship drive in children. All these are pointers to the fact that the school curriculum is actually designed in hellfire and handed over to man beauty of life by satan.

[d] SCHOOL REGISTRATION WITH GOVERNMENT: The registration of schools and subsequent approval by relevant government authorities is simply handing over schools to satan because the government is an agent of satan. Among the requirements for the registration of any school before approval of location is the availability of a football field, among others. Soccer was designed in hellfire to take people’s heart to hellfire. It is a game of anti-Yahwehshua. Wherever football is played, satan and demons are present because it is their game of entertainment.

[e] NATIONAL ANTHEM AND PLEDGE: National Anthem and Pledge are promises made to serve satan through service to the country. The word of Our Maker Yahweh says, “ is written, Thou shalt worship Our Maker Yahweh, and Our Maker Yahweh only shalt thou serve.”[The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach through Mattityah. 4th  chapter, 10th verse].“No man beauty of life can serve two masters; for either the man beauty of life will hate the first, and love the other, or else the man beauty of life will hold to the first, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Our Maker Yahweh and mammon”.[The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach through Mattityah. 6th chapter,24th  verse].

[a] LOGO: Much has been said about logo. The design of the logo of the manufacturers represents the devil they are serving. They are idol worshippers.

[b] MANUFACTURING OF PRODUCTS: Representatives of manufacturers are agents of satan. This is confirmed by James Agboola in his submission of the meeting of the International conference of Demons which himself was granted the privilege of witnessing by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Every product has its own trade mark in form of logo, emblem or sign that represents satan’s identity. According to the revelation, representatives of manufacturers were present in the meeting; and in the meeting, there’s a covenant pot of the devil wherein blood of innocent nephesh [souls] are collected. Blood of aborted children, people that died of accidents, in wars, etc. From the pot, the manufacturers would fetch the blood and they mix it with their products. This signifies their covenant with the devil. Once anybody consumes the product, his nephesh [soul] automatically belongs to satan. Consumption of such products means the consumer is patronizing the devil, and of course, this is idolatry.

[a] SALARY PAYMENT: Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach pointed out that the days of the week and Counting Years of the year as we know them now are named after Roman idols. Any work done in reference to the days or the months as they are named after demon gods, are done in honour of those gods[God]. When salaries are received with the attachment of these demon named months [e.g. January salary received on Monday, etc] they are received from demon gods. The implication is that such work is done in honour of satan and satan is the pay agent.

[b] ELECTION: The act of thumb printing the ballot paper during election signifies identification with the New World Order System which points to the One world government of the anti-Yahwehshua during the Great Tribulation after the rapture of the elects. As many as have used this system of voting have directly or indirectly participated in voting satan into power to rule them.
Furthermore, in the ballot paper, there are different identification marks, emblems, or logos of the different political parties. Much has been said about logo as idol. By implication, political parties are idolatry parties.

[c] GRAVEN IMAGES: The graven images at the entrances of states and within the metropolis are all idols. They represent the gods that such lands have been dedicated to. They show that governments of the land are dedicated to idols. Government officials are members of secret cults. All of them, in order to retain their seat of power or gain a higher  position, make sacrifices to the devil who gave them the positions.

[d] MONEY: All the designs made on the money of each country were made by the agents of satan. All the impressions created on the currencies and coins of nations of the world are the visions satan wanted to achieved in the countries concerned. For example, the one dollar note has a triangle of a pyramid placed on a single side of it. The triangle represents the Devil’s Triangle popularly called Bermuda Triangle. On top of the triangle is a cone, also shaped like a triangle with an eye in it. The eye is the famous all-seeing eye which represents One world government, showcasing towards the New World Order, where the whole world will see through the eye of one man [the Anti-Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further revealed that the eye in that cone is the eye of Lucifer. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach therefore, revealed that this features of U.S one dollar stands as the most important agenda of America which every successive president must pursue. This is the secret behind the power of the U.S dollar over the world economy. The dollar is satan’s money. It carries his logo, it carries his eye, it carries his message of one world government all in a symbolic representation.
Similarly, in Nigeria, taking the one thousand naira note, someone will see the logo of satan’s camp  [the sign of “Devil’s Triangle”] placed openly near the heads of two former governors of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Because of that symbol, this currency remains satan’s property anywhere it is, so it carries the presence of satan. The same is true of all other countries of the world.
Apart from the symbols of satan’s presence in every world currency, the image of dead statesmen and heroes of nations that are placed on currencies make them idols. The implication is that as people pursue money, they pursue their grave. The spirit of the dead plays a role in the currency. People go into ritual killings and sacrifices so as to be able to satisfy their thirst for making more money.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach also said that the spirit of money makes people to serve money instead of Our Maker Yahweh. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach said: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto Our Maker Yahweh the things which be Our Maker Yahweh’s”[The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach through Lukas[Luke].20th  chapter,25th verse]. Caesar was already dead. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach said that the money I AM sent Petros to bring is I AM that I AM’S Own money which has never been used. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach has I AM that I AM’S Own money that belongs to I AM that I AM and not that which belongs to Caesar. And Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM is bringing out I AM that I AM’S Own money through I AM that I AM’S QAHAL [Church], True Goodnews Revival Movement, which is without satanic entanglement. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach calls it “TRUE FOUNDATION MONEY”. According to the Scriptures, “Anyone that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and anyone that is unfair in the least is unfair also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?  And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own? [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 16th chapter 10th  to 12th verses]. Again the Scripture says and the blessing of Our Maker Yahweh, it maketh rich, and Our Maker Yahweh addeth no sorrow with it”[The word of Our Maker Yahweh in Proverb 10th  chapter 22nd verse]. There are blessings that come from Our Maker Yahweh and not from satan. These blessings do not bring sorrow to man beauty of life.

[e] OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: International passports, visas, residential permits, drivers’ license, certificate of occupancy, birth certificates, to mention a few are issued by relevant government agencies. Such documents carry their logos and the coat of arms. All these are idols. For example, in the Nigeria’s coat of arms, the first to second [two] standing horses represent the idols of the Hausa and Igbo tribes while the eagle represents the idol of the Yoruba tribe.
In the Scriptures, there was no record of obtaining International Passport, Visa or Residential Permit for anyone to move from a place to another or to enable him settle there like Avraham, Moshe leading the earthly children of Yisrael from Mitzrayim [Egypt] to Kana-an [Canaan] land or Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach moving from place to place for purpose of preaching the Goodnews, even the disciples in their missionary trips such as Paulos, Barnabas and Silas, to mention a few. The current practices whereby people submit to government’s approval by obtaining all these documents signify that they have submitted to the idols the governments represent.

[f].THE JUDICIARY: The Judiciary is a peculiar institution. It claims superiority over others establishments with their satanic arrogance of arrogating the status of Lordship to their Judges. The symbol in the Judiciary’s logo is idolatry. The obeisance being paid to the Judges places them in the same position as Our Maker Yahweh. The Judges’ acceptance of such is arrogating to themselves that they are equal to Our Maker Yahweh. This is what satan did in heaven that led to his fall and exit from the heavenly happiness.
The Servants in the area of interpreting the law of Our Maker Yahweh [Judges] instituted by Our Maker Yahweh were not by academic qualifications but by the knowledge of Our Maker Yahweh. In the Holy Scriptures, we have a personality that is Supreme, and that is the Almighty Maker Yahweh. Any other thing is an idol.

[g] THE LEGISLATURE: Only the presence of the maze in the Chambers of the Lawmakers in the different Houses of Assembly [Local Governments, States Governments and Federal Government Levels] can make discussions and operational business of the Lawmakers to be legal and effective. In the absence of the maze, all discussions, operations and decisions taken are illegal, null and void and of no effect. In the Scriptures, decisions are taken with Our Maker Yahweh’s guidance and leading, and not by appealing to mere wood, the work of man beauty of life’s hands, which is idolatry. Here are few examples of decision taken in the Truth Holy Scriptures by asking from Our Maker Yahweh: But when Moshe went in before Our Maker Yahweh to speak with him, Moshe took the vail off, until himself came out. And himself came out, and spake unto the children of Yisrael that which himself was commanded”[The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 34th chapter 34th verse]. “And it came to pass after this, that Dawid enquired of Our Maker Yahweh, saying, Shall me go up into any of the cities of Yahda? And Our Maker Yahweh said unto him, Go up. And Dawid said, Whither shall me go up? And Our Maker Yahweh said, Unto Shebron [Hebron] [The 2nd Book of the word of Our Maker Yahweh through Shemuel 2nd chapter 1st verse]. And Dawid enquired of Our Maker Yahweh, saying, Shall me go up to the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And Our Maker Yahweh said unto Dawid, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand. And when Dawid enquired of Our Maker Yahweh, I AM that I AM said, Thou shalt not go up; but fetch a compass behind them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees. [The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Shemuwel 5th chapter 19th  and 23rd verses]Then there was a famine in the days of Dawid three years, year after year; and Dawid enquired of Our Maker Yahweh. And Our Maker Yahweh answered, It is for Shaul [Saul], and for his bloody house, because himself slew the Gibeonites [The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Shemuwel 21st chapter 1st verse].

[1st] Idolatry is disobedience to Our Maker Yahweh’s commandment: “Thou shalt have no other idols before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:[The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 20th chapter 3rd to 5th verses].
[2nd] Idolatry is a challenge to Our Maker Yahweh’s power. It is a claim of equality with Our Maker Yahweh that man beauty of life can do what Our Maker Yahweh does. When pictures of man beauty of life or created beings are drawn, man beauty of life or satan is communicating that they are capable of doing what Our Maker Yahweh did, “And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aharon. And himself received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after himself had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, You earthly children of Yisrael, which brought thee up out of the land of Mitzrayim [Egypt]” [The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 32nd chapter 3rd  and 4th verses]
[3rd] When images are created by man beauty of life, man beauty of life is making mockery of Our Maker Yahweh’s creation because the image created cannot move; neither can do what Our Maker Yahweh created it to exist for “. . .idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. . . [Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh, 115th chapter 4th  to 8th verses].
[4th]The film, “Passion of the Christ” is a mockery of the suffering and the death of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach
[5th]  Finally, idolatry leads to destruction and death: And Yisrael abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their idols: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their idols. And Yisrael unite himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of Our Maker Yahweh was kindled against Yisrael. And Our Maker Yahweh said unto Moshe, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before Your Maker Yahweh against the greater light that shines on the day, that the fierce anger of Your Maker Yahweh may be turned away from Yisrael. And Moshe said unto the servants in the area of interpreting the law of Our Maker Yahweh[ judges] of Yisrael, Slay ye everyone his men beauties of life that were connected unto Baalpeor. And those that died in the plague were twenty and fourth thousand.” [The 4th Book of Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 25th chapter 1stto 5thand 9th verses].

By the authority of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, we have been mandated in True Goodnews Revival Movement to declare that all idolatry should be abolished. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has come to rebuild I AM that I AM’S Own earth where Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will rule in righteousness and holiness because the present world has refused Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach demanded that every individual and government should repent and return to I AM that I AM in I AM that I AM’s Qahal [Church] to prepare them for I AM that I AM eternal kingdom; failure to do so, they are all doomed.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach pointed out that as satan used his agencies to change the original earth Our Maker Yahweh created into the present mess, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is equally using I AM that I AM’S Qahal to return I AM that I AM’S glory to man beauty of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach pointed out that I AM that I AM always have in every generation, a servant like Moshe, Yoshua [Joshua], and even Petros who represented I AM that I AM after I AM that I AM exit from the earth to carry out I AM that I AM’S programmes and mandate. So also, in this generation, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is sending I AM that I AM’S Child to establish I AM that I AM’S standard in the earth.

By the authority of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, we hereby command that people should come out of idolatry of government, churches, etc and submit to the Authority of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach for their redemption and deliverance. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has assured that if they respond to I AM that I AM’S call, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach would deliver them. Many will continue to ask questions; they will continue to ask their questions by the time Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will have completed I AM that I AM’s programme. Yowb [Job] asked questions from Our Maker Yahweh, and in return Our Maker Yahweh answered him with I AM that I AM’S Own questions to prove the foolishness of Yowb [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yowb [Job] 38th chapter, 1stand 2nd verses].“And Our Maker Yahweh answered Yowb out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man beauty of life; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou Me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding . . .”.
The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yowb [Job]42nd chapter, 1st to 6th verses. Yowb repented of his foolishness.

Then Yowb answered Our Maker Yahweh, and said, me know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholding from thee.  Who is that man beauty of life that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have me uttered that me understood not; things too wonderful for me, which me knew not. Hear, me beseech thee, and me will speak: me will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. me have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore me abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes”. At the end Yowb receive the blessings of Our Maker Yahweh in double portions “And the Our Maker Yahweh turned the captivity of Yowb, when himself prayed for his friends: also the Our Maker Yahweh gave Yowb twice as much as Yowb had before. Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all the female beauties of life our Maker Yahweh gave to his mother, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the Yowb had brought upon him: every man beauty of life also gave him a piece of money, and everyone an earring of gold. So Our Maker Yahweh blessed the latter end of Yowb more than his beginning: for Yowb had first to fourteen thousand sheep, and first to six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. Yowb had also seven earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave him and first to third [three] earthly daughters. And Yowb called the name of the first, Yemima; and the name of the second, Kezia; and the name of the third, Kerenhappuch. And in all the land were no women beauties of life found sofair as the earthly daughters of Yowb: and their earthly father gave them inheritance among their brethren. After this lived Yowb an hundred and forty years, and saw his earthly children, and his earthly children’s children, even first to forth [four] generations. So Yowb died, being old and full of days” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yowb, 42nd chapter 10th  to 17th verses. You also can repent like Yowb instead of arguing on what you do not know.
Quoting from the previous messages  of  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “When I speak they use the knowledge that satan invested in them to ask Me questions. Why? When I was doing these things they were not there. When the entire world they are defending now was captured by the devil, they did not know. When the original earth was in existence, they did not know. Why do men beauties of life choose to argue about what they do not know? Have you seen anywhere a blind man beauty of life will stand to tell you the beauty of a city? It can’t be done. Can a blind man beauty of life describe how a crossroad or how a road or a place leads to another or looks like? A blind man beauty of life? Have you seen anywhere such has been done? No, because himself is blind. Himself cannot see.
I want to tell the entire world that they are blind. But any day miracle happens, and then the eyes of the blind man beauty of life will open. The blind man beauty of life will be glad. Himself is now able to see the beauty of the road, the connections that lead to places; then himself can start to comment on them. Because True Goodnews Revival Movement is My Qahal, that is why I decided to use it to open the blindness of the people in the world. What I expect them to do is to be glad and say thank You to Me for what I have done for them.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave the following summary in Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach own exact words: That is why Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me to declare to the world that I AM that I AM has a United Nations of Truth where I AM that I AM will stand to correct the world, this is because I AM that I AM will not stand by the world, the world that I AM that I AM has already condemned to correct it. There was a time I AM that I AM wanted to change this world, but the world is proving its intelligence. That is why I AM that I AM said I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No body cometh unto My Father except by Me. And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. For this reason, as many as will want to key in to this new earth of the Truth should run for their head because destruction is coming upon this world. I AM here to declare what Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked me to declare.

The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
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