Monday, 15 January 2018



On the 1st  day of 12th Counting Year, 2014, Gregorian Date in the late hour of that day being 2nd day of the week, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me to heaven.
This was in fulfillment of  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach earliest promise to take me again to show me mysteries for the benefit of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach’s children on earth.
So on that fateful day, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me to heaven to observe the roll call of all the churches on earth. When me got there, me saw a Malach [Angel] having a big register that contained the names of all the churches on earth. Me saw Satan sitting on a very great seat, on the altar of a mighty Cathedral. The cathedral represents all the churches on earth with Satan as god[God] and controller of the Churches.
Me saw Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach weeping profusely outside; there was no space for Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach in the Churches.
Then the roll call started. The Malach [Angel] opened the register and called:
  1. Deeper Life Bible Church! A very loud voice sounded “Captured by Satan”! And the Malach [Angel] marked bad with red ink.
  2. Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  3. Assemblies of God! “Captured by Satan” and it was market bad.
  4. The Redeemed Christian Church of God! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  5. Living Faith Church aka Winners Chapel! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  6. The Apostolic Faith Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  7. The Lord Chosen Charismatic Movement! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
  8. The Apostolic Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  9. Salvation Ministries! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
  10. Catholic Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  11. Anglican Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
  12. Jehovah’s Witnesses! “Captured by Satan”! bad.
  13. Holiness Revival Movement! “Captured by Satan Marked bad.
  14. Holiness Evangelistic Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
  15. Christ Embassy! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
  16. The Synagogue Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  17. Gospel Missionary Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
  18. Celestial Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
  19. Baptist Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
1st  Deeper Life Bible Church:
[a]    Pastor  W. F. Kumuyi does not allow his people to listen to the warnings and messages Our Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach is sending to the believers through encounters and revelations Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is giving to some people nowadays.
[b]    The women in Deeper Life are still, plaiting hair with thread. No addition to the natural hair will enter heaven.
[c]    Pastor Kumuyi and his ministers lodge in hotels when on programmes.
[d]    Pastor Kumuyi moves with escort. It is pride and self defense. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said
I did not defend Myself and My early disciples were ready to die for Me but these ones want to save their lives.
[e]   The photograph of W.F. Kumuyi is placed all over the places, on bill boards, posters and handbills. Pastor Kumuyi and his people are taking Our Maker Yahweh’s glory.
[f]     Preferential treatments given to their leaders to the negligence of the members, in programme and other events is pride in practice.
[g]    Long courtship in Deeper Life marriage and other bottle necks attached to marriage is making marriage difficult and leading people to fornication.
[h]    Wedding ceremony, burial ceremony done in Deeper Life Bible Church is against Our Maker Yahweh. For these reasons and others, the Church is condemned.
2nd  Holiness Revival Movement
[a]    They adopt the imaginary picture [so called the picture of Jesus]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach considers it as lying against I AM that I AM and worshipping image.
[b]    Rika and his ministers lodge in the hotel.
[c]    They go with armed escort.
[d]   They throw out some of the messages Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach send through other people.
3rd Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Renewal Movement:
[a]    Lazarus Muoka operates with a deceiving spirit. Muoka preaches sound message but the source of his power is demonic.
[b]   Lazarus Muoka should declare the secret in apron and handkerchief.
4th    Assemblies of God Church:
[a]    They are politicians
[b]    They advertise Worldliness in the church.
5th The Apostolic Faith Church:
[a]    Their women do not cover their head while praying.
[b]    Their ministers take special seats at the altar.
6th  Redeemed Christian Church of God:
[a]    They allow worldliness in the church.
[b]    They don’t preach against worldly dressing, jewelries etc.
7th The Synagogue Church:
[a] The anointing oil they use is the source of their power and it is from the kingdom of darkness.
8th The Catholic Church:
[a] They worship Mary and images.
9th  Christ Embassy:
[a]    They permit fornication and adultery and all form of worldliness.
These are the reasons why all the churches are Captured by Satan.
 Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the reason I AM that I AM highlighted Deeper Life Church is because the churches on earth takes them as a role model. So if  I AM that I AM has so much faulted the church, all other churches should know where they belong.
All the G.O’S and G.S’ of the churches in the world have diverted the heart of their followers from I AM that I AM to themselves. The attention of the people is no longer on Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. They listen to their G.Os and fear them more than Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. For this reason Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided to raise this movement, “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” to bring back attention of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s people to I AM that I AM. Therefore, all people should listen to and come into this movement to come back to I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
All the churches in the world, without exception, were called and the response was Captured by Satan” and the Malach [angel] that called the roll, marked each bad with red ink. Those not mentioned here are those me couldn’t remember. So, whether mentioned or not, in as much as any church is existing in the world, that church was marked bad.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that every church marked bad, invariably all the people under the cover of that church are marked bad and they will not see I AM that I AM face at last. So me should inform the pastors.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, Me should inform the pastors and churches all over the world that I AM that I AM [Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach] has sent I AM that I AM’S messages severally to them, to correct them from their errors but they cast off Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s  messages. That as much as they cast off I AM that I AM messages, they have cast off  I AM that I AM. For this reason, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided to come by I AM that I AM’S SELF, to establish I AM that I AM TRUTH through this movement, “True Goodnews Revival Movement”.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, Me should tell the people on the earth that I AM that I AM is the Founder and Director of “True Goodnews Revival Movement” that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided to reveal all truth and mysteries of Heaven through this movement. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, Me should plainly tell anybody that wants to see I AM that I AM or enter Heaven at last, to come into this movement, irrespective of personality, position or status in religion or other circles. That failure to follow this movement, “sorry” is the name of that person.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the Child of Our Maker Yahweh, the Saviour who died on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the whole people on earth and the only Saviour of the people on earth, gave the following messages to the earth:

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said Me should give this warning to all countries and their leaders, that any country that permits abortion, adoption [buying of children], same sex marriage; immorality [commercial sex and outside marriage sex] will be wiped off.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil has used the Internet to capture the whole earth; Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also will use the internet to call back I AM that I AM’S own people. So, that is why Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that this message should be released in the internet.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “The reason for violence in all the countries is because I AM that I AM is annoyed with all the countries. For this reason I withdrew my glory and presence and Satan is unleashing terror on the earth. Why I want to come in now is because of the cry of souls who want to make heaven. But the problem is their leaders.”

What they are calling adoption is not the real adoption. They are buying children! And that is promoting fornication all over the country. This is the reason for baby factories. Women are housed with pregnancies to produce babies for sale and even for rituals. For this reason buying of children [adoption] should be abolished by the constitution.

All that people do during this celebration is a sacrifice to the spirit of pride. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach whom they say they are celebrating, I am not happy with them. That day they celebrate Christmas is the most painful day I have. My pains start from the beginning of their so called ember months, every year and that is when the spirit of pride begins to wax stronger. All the motives of events that take place during ember months have no sign of respect for me, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

All people should bury like the Muslims. Burial ceremonies have caused a great harm to my people. [1st] It makes people to borrow money and materials to celebrate only dust. In the event of death or rapture, if any debts are not paid, the debtor will go to hell. [2nd] It makes people to sell their valuables in order to bury. [3rd] It makes people to only have the concern that if they are well buried that is enough, they no longer think of where they are going after death.

Marriage ceremony should stop at the point of dowry payment. Earthly fathers and mothers including the people concerned should no longer give conditions of payment [list of items]. Men should give as they can afford by themselves, not borrowing to pay and parents should accept them in good faith. Wedding ceremonies should be abolished for the following reasons. [1st] It causes late marriage. When a mature man keeps struggling to get money to satisfy the conditions of dowry and wedding, it delays his marriage and both are getting older. [2nd] It makes people to borrow or even sell their valuables to satisfy societal demands. [3rd] It causes fornication in a situation where the man pays the dowry and the man is waiting to get money for church wedding, in the process, the man takes the woman to bed with the excuse that after all, himself has paid the dowry while they have not been declared married.
[e]    No abortion in all cases both in marital and extramarital conditions.
[f]     Same sex marriage must be abolished.
[g]    Women: putting on men’s wears [trousers and others] should be abolished by constitution.
[h]    These conditions should be enshrined in the constitution to reflect the glory and fear of Our Maker Yahweh.
[i]     That anybody who opposes this movement and the message will be destroyed.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that all other people are working for I AM that I AM but only this movement is working with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Any other work or support or assistance governments and people are giving in Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s name, outside this movement is on a wrong foundation.Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach does not accept it. Therefore whatever venture, support or assistance given to this movement  “True Goodnews Revival Movement” is directly to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
Again Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that anybody who wants to see I AM that I AM on the last day should come into this movement I AM that I AM has founded. Whatever religious or secular position held by any person, if that person does not follow and assist “True Goodnews Revival Movement” and pattern his/her life and religion according to all the truth I AM that I AM is revealing through this movement, that person is doomed.
I gave my people money to help my work but they used it to increase the camp of Satan and work against me. That is why I told the rich man who came to ask me what himself  should do to enter the kingdom of heaven, to go and sell all that the man beauty of life had and give to the poor and then follow me. The rich man was offended. The reason was because I knew that those riches would not allow him to qualify for heaven. But today my people are grabbing the riches of the world with their two hands, as if they will no longer leave the earth.
2nd  The cartoons people buy for children to play on VCD sets are demonic. Devil is using it to initiate children. Those printed on dresses should be removed, if not possible  believers should lay hand on them and pray and destroy its power.
3rd  All those movie stars [those who act worldly and seductive films] are agents of Satan. Any believer who is involved in acting worldly films will go to hell. All those who watch such films will also go to hell. Devil has used the Internet to capture the people on earth. I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I have come to use the Internet to bring back my people.
4th Tell men that are careless, that no man has right to put his leg to any slippers that belongs to a woman. And tell those who are ready to obey me that they should remove their heart and eyes from laws made by communities. They should be ready to lose or forgo whatever the community will offer them.
5th  Any addition to the body apart from covering its nakedness, is questioning Our Maker Yahweh authority and wisdom of creation. Both the creams that change body colors.
6th  Those who open companies and industries and dedicate them to idols and forget me, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and feel that their protection is there should know that the world will soon perish and they and their companies will also perish with the world.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said concerning all the musicians on earth, especially Christian musicians or Gospel singers. In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, “None of them is singing to me. For the following reasons:
1st   They are concerned with making people happy not me
2nd  They show themselves [self and pride].
3rd  They put on jewelries and worldly dresses with paintings and make-ups on the body.
4th  Their dancers are unbelievers.
5th  They lodge in hotels.
6th  They advertise themselves.
7th  They are making money for themselves.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that: Constitutions of countries should reflect I AM that I AM’S holy laws. All laws that work against Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s standard should be abolished.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said that politicians have gone extra miles in serving Satan. I AM that I AM’S eyes are seeing them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said I AM that I AM has been sending several warnings to them and it looks as if it does not concern them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said they think they are protected by their charms but they should remember Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, with all their power and magic they were demoted and destroyed, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, in the same way, I AM that I AM is coming to pour I AM that I AM’S wrath upon them. For this reason, they should save their head from destruction by returning to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, to honour, respect and fear I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that I AM that I AM has been patient to see if they will repent but they have continued in their evil ways. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that me should tell them that their only saviour said that they should come into this movement, “True Goodnews Revival Movement” which Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has established.

1st The Jehovah’s Witnesses: In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, “the Jehovah’s witnesses say they are witnessing for me but they are against me. I don’t know them. But there are some qualities in them that make them better than those who say they are serving me. They don’t believe in my power, they don’t believe in my revelations. But they are humble.
2nd  The Muslims [Islam]:Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “The Muslim people are causing more pain to me. They are against me. But they fear their Islamic law more than any other thing. Their concern is not how to dominate this earth [gather the whole people on earth for themselves]. They see themselves as strangers in the world. But they don’t believe in me. They are against me. Real Muslims don’t even drink alcohol or smoke because of their religion. But they have no respect for me.
The World Christian Leaders:
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Pharaoh high-jacked my people Yisraeyim [Israel] and would not let them go, until I subdued him and delivered Yisraeyim  from his hand. The same way Satan has high-jacked my people like Pharaoh. That is why I have decided to use “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to gather my people together.
I raised many people to deliver my people but they converted my mandate into money making business. Even those I gave revelations are selling the messages to make money. They are even warning people against duplicating the tapes and books, only to be sure they make it all alone. Those people will spread my message but they will not see me.”
Again Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “No church founder or general overseer will make heaven. They have high-jacked the people I died for, I am weeping. But that Pharaoh that has high-jacked my children, I will wipe him out.
I have raised this movement “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to gather my people from all over the earth. Satan is also making arrangement to gather his own people under a single umbrella. Therefore, I have decided to gather my own people under this umbrella of “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. Anybody that wants to make heaven must queue into this movement that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have set up by I AM that I AM’S SELF.
The reason for violence in all the countries today is because; I am annoyed with all the countries. For this reason I withdrew my presence and glory and Satan is unleashing terror on the earth. Why I want to come in now is because of the cry of souls who want to make heaven, but the problem is their leaders. These people that are leading them, who they conclude that they are good leaders, are misleading them. Only in a short time the earth will close. The cup of the people in the world is full.
Furthermore, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “In the year 2015, many pastors will die. Any of them that poses obstacle to the movement I have set up [True Goodnews Revival Movement] will die and face torment in hellfire. They should remember they have used my name to attack Satan. So, Satan will not have mercy on them in hellfire.

The pastors have crucified me the second time. The pain the pastors are causing me is ten times more than the pains I had on the cross. After crucifying me, they still call my name.
Tell them, when my disciples were on earth, none of them claimed ownership of the Qahal. The G.O’s have claimed their so called churches. That is why people are serving them and not me. During my disciples’ earthly ministry, they didn’t resist “thus says  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.” The pastors are now resisting, “thus says Our Redeeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.”
Nobody will claim that I will tell him all that happens. I share my work. I have given them a long time to come back but they don’t want to return. The doors of their ministries which they are running by themselves have closed. If they want to see me they should return to this movement.
Pride has taken over their lives. They are not practicing my standard. They make themselves special. I gave MYSELF as an example by interacting with children. That is humility.
Christian leaders who have programmes in far places, enter aeroplane and put other members in car, I see it as pride. I walked together with my disciples. I am passing my verdict on them now before the end of the earth.
Finally, because the church founders and general overseers and director of religious organizations have refused my messages of correction to them and high-jacked the heart of their followers from me, so that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have no more access to the so called churches. Therefore, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach decided to raise “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to recover back the Nephesh [souls] from the leaders. Therefore, if any of those Christian leaders, no matter position, wants to see me, they should follow me in my own movement.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “This Movement, “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” is my own foundation which I have built and have packaged it with good things. Anybody that wants to do Our Maker Yahweh’s work should support it.”
Then Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Belivers no longer recognize that they are visitors here. Devil has used his world to dominate their hearts. Tell Belivers that:
1st   Anybody that build a house where tenants live and commit fornication and other atrocities or shop complex where somebody sells things that do not give me glory, the owner of the house is part of the sin. When I condemn the sinner in that house I will also condemn the owner of the house for providing a place for sin.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach spoke these words and said; Me should pass it on to the people on earth. This message came as a follow-up to “The Roll call of all the churches on earth” and Verdict before the Rapture” it came on 3rd day of the week, 2nd of 12th  Counting, 2014. Therefore every bit of this message is the direct authority of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach passed the message with the following illustrations; as presented in Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s own very words:
“My birth was a mystery.” The mystery lies in the fact that when it was announced that I will be born, people did not know that the pregnancy Miryam[Mary] carried was  Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. When Miryam gave birth to me, the wise men who were told, looked for me in the palace of the servant [king], thinking that I, as a king, must be born in the palace. But I was not there. A light came out and led them to the manger where I was born. The servant, who thought himself had dominated the earth, sent and killed all the children from 1st to  3rd  years, thinking himself had destroyed the child king.
The servant who thinks himself has dominated can be divided into two:
[1st]   Satan
[2nd]   People like Pastor W.F. Kumuyi and Paul Rika, who think they have it all.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued:
That was how Nuach [Noah] was crying in the first earth when himself was building the ark. The people mocked him; some even worked for him but never believed his message until they perished. Now the Light that will lead people to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is out again. It is this “True Goodnews Revival Movement.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went further to say:
My earthly father and mother went home from Yerushalayim [Jerusalem] thinking that they were with me, not until they reached home. The mystery in this story is that all the so called churches and pastors are going without me. I am not in their midst.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave the following warnings:
Those who enters cult will soon be disappointed.
Those who take different titles to their names should stop it. Those who were servant of servants [king] and servants in law in the Holy scripture did no change their names for any titles.
Anybody who adds anything to his/her body in form of make-ups, jewelries and attachments including creams that change body colour will go to hellfire.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned against people who claim that I AM that I AM called them to open ministries, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that it is not enough to hear voice. The devil calls many ministers to start a church.
The devil calls them “my child” because there is sin in them that makes Satan to claim them as his male and female children, because anybody that committeth sin is of the devil.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that: their miracles are the magic of the devil. Like the magicians of Pharaoh before Moshe, this movement is the staff of authority [word of Our Maker Yahweh] given to Moshe that will swallow up all their own. They should therefore come into this movement. That anybody who will not follow this movement will not see Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach on the last day.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say:
The mansion of W.F. Kumuyi is still larger than any other mansions of ministers now on earth but Kumuyi will miss it, if himself does not surrender to this movement and correct the wrong foundation himself has built.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said: they should all come into this movement. In this movement, there is no man director or founder. Like the early disciples, the members are only used by Our Maker Yahweh to propagate I AM that I AM’S will.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said further, that time is very short for everyone to amend his/her ways.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said; they should not consider their position; they should humble themselves and come into this movement. This is the movement I AM that I AM [Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach] raised to show that education and philosophy of man is useless. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people read the Scripture but they don’t understand it.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that coming into this movement is a thing that must be done by all the Beleivers and their leaders.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that this is the only ark that will take people to heaven.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach used the following illustrations to express I AM that I AM’S feelings over the man whom I AM that I AM will soon destroy:
That if a man beauty of life built a house and the house cost him so much, Suddenly the man sees that fire is about destroying the house himself built. The man will do all himself can, within his power, to stop his house from been burnt. If after trying his best and the house is still burnt, the man will deeply cry but himself will comfort himself with the fact that his best has been done to save his house, the fault is no longer his.

[2nd]    Again, that if a man has a wife and his wife is very sick, near to death. The man will try all his best to know if there is way to save the life of his wife. If after trying, the wife comes back to life, the man will definitely be glad. But if after all efforts, the woman still dies, the man will cry but will comfort himself with the fact that all his best has been done in order to save his wife, her death is no longer his fault.

Therefore, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, I have tried for man beauty of life. I AM that I AM will not be happy to see man beauty of life burn in the fire of hell but I AM that I AM will still comfort I AM that I AM’S SELF with the fact that I AM that I AM has done enough to save him.
In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “This movement has caused me another sacrifice to save mankind beauties of life. Any argument on this truth will take man beauty of life to destruction. Those who take the word of their leaders more than my word will face destruction. Nobody is so special to me than others. Heaven is holy, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach am a holy Child of Your Maker Yahweh, Our Maker Yahweh is holy, the Ruach of Our Maker Yahweh is holy, the Malachim [Angels] are holy. Nothing defiled will have access to heaven.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asserted: “If only one person will qualify for heaven, I will take him alone to heaven.”
“I will destroy the earth so that I can rest.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said: “No matter my cry people don’t consider me. If they don’t hear my cry now that I am using this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to cry, I will not consider their cry on the last day.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further sounded these warnings:
As many as are deceived by thinking that holiness is only in the heart will miss heaven.
As many wives as do not respect their husbands will perish in hell. No matter the level of the man, I have made man the head of the family.
Men who do not love their wives, no matter the offences of their wives, will not see me. Most of the men take their wives as slaves.
Any of them in their families that do abortion because their wives have tender children, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach see them as murderers.
People who advertise condom are agents of devil. Those who buy condom are agents of devil. They are advertising fornication.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach:
“Servants in the area of medical practice [Doctors] who kill infants and embryos, I am hearing the cry of children they are killing. Their hands are full of blood, their cloths and their buildings are full of blood. Even the servants in the area of attending to the sick in the medical practices [nurses] and those who bring the instruments. They will all face the verdict very hurt.

Those who sell drugs of abortion are murderers. Children of Our Maker Yahweh should be careful with the hospital they are going. Some of them are agents of the devil. Most of the problems people have today are from the hospitals they attends. When they take their blood for test, they use them to deposit in the camp of darkness and they will be manipulating on the individual. A warning to such servants in the area of medical practice [doctors]. I am seeing they are responsible for many sicknesses on earth today.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach therefore commanded that:
Male servants in the area of medical practice [doctors] should attend to male patients. Female servants in area of medical practice [doctors] should attend to female patients. No so called doctor as they calls it has right to see the nakedness of another woman except his wife. It must provoke lust. The devil is using that to accuse them already before me. They should remember when Dawid [David] saw the nakedness of a woman, Dawid Lusted and sinned against Our Maker Yahweh. Are they Malachim [angels]? Even the Malachim who were sent to the earth who saw beautiful women, they lusted and sinned and heaven was shut against them.

Therefore, hospitals should be divided into first and second sections. Men servants in the area of medical practice [doctors] should attend to men patients, women servants in the area of medical practice [doctors] should attend to women patients. They should remember that I said that men beauties of life should not have access to what belongs to women beauties of life and women beauties of life should not to that which belongs to men beauties of life.
Those who run Baby factories and sell children should wait for my wrath. They are advertising fornication.
Those who runs “Motherless Baby Homes” as profit making business. I am hearing the cry of the children. Any of them that feed on the items given to the motherless children will face my wrath.
Churches and institutions who announce gifts to motherless babies and will not give the actual thing they announced will face my wrath.
Those who send people to the streets to gather money for the motherless and they use it for themselves, will face my wrath. Those who collect money for disables and use it for themselves will face my wrath.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say:
Devil has taken over education. Children of Our Maker Yahweh compromise because of certificate. I see them selling their faith because of certificate. Many women sell their body because of certificate. This is the gift of Satan. Students are giving bribes because of certificate.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said:
The wisdom of man is foolishness before me. Paulos did not continue with his credentials. Paulos destroyed them to make heaven. Academic qualification has entered the heart of people. It will take them to hellfire. All my disciples, none of them was educated yet they served me and made heaven. Paulos dropped his own for my own wisdom.
Spinsters that feel that marriage is more important to them, I am seeing them compromising. They should wait for my coming.
Those who have been misled by their church leaders should run for their life and come into this movement. This is where I have exposed my truth.
Those who have house helps, I am hearing the cry of those house helps. They send them to hawking. They are destroying the future of those house helps and they are leading them to immorality.
Those who send their children to better schools and send their house help to local and inferior school will face my wrath. Any measure they take for their children should be the same for their house helps.
Those who are childless — I am waiting for them to pray to me to attend to them but they are looking for solution in wrong places. They should listen to this new law and come into this movement.
The issue of buying child has made people not to trust in my power again. Except Dawid’s wife who I closed her womb so that herself did not have child till her death, others in the Scripture were not like that. Hannah and others had children because they trusted me.
Those I gave messages and they are doubting the messages I gave to others. They are doubting me and if they don’t repent, they will not see me after doing my work.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach statement about Tithe:
I have seen that pastors are using tithes for themselves. They should remember that there are widows and the poor in the church.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said: Churches are now concentrating  on buildings. Those buildings will soon be destroyed by fire. There are many things they can do for me. Some after building they demolish and start again, while there are widows and poor people in the church who should be helped. Those who are supporting these works will say they are working for me. In this movement, I have a lot of programs to prepare Nephesh [souls] for heaven.
Ritualists, Robbers who use their money to build churches, buy cars and support programs in churches, will not stop my wrath on them.
Earthly fathers and mothers [Parents] who are careless about their earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to them should know that they will face my wrath, for being busy in other things to the negligence of training their earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to them. They are only busy sending their earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to them to Gardens of Truth Knowledge [schools] without monitoring their lives. Many of my people abandon their earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to them in Gardens of Truth Knowledge [schools] and do not monitor them. Many of them are into abortion, cultism etc. I am seeing them. The earthly fathers and mothers are careless. I will pass my ruling on them.
I am raising this movement to take care of children. This movement will run a Gardens of Truth Knowledge [school] from nursery to secondary, to build children on my own foundation of truth. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach raised “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to work with me. Others are working for me. The danger in working for me is that they will end up in destruction.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued, “Tell other pastors, that I gave a general call to the people on earth to serve me not to start churches. I have decided to use this movement to lead the earth back to myself. So they should come into this movement. I am passing my ruling on them now.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, again said, Tell all believers who have cause to publish any message in CD tapes, that they should go on audio tapes and not VCD. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach don’t want them to show themselves. I have come out, by MYSELF to establish my standard. Even those who write books, should not place their photographs or any picture at all on their books, I am seeing it as pride and self presentation. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the time has come for me to gather all my elect together. I will use this movement to gather them.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said “All those I have given messages who are still active, should come into this movement, to work together like my own disciples. They should not expect that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will tell them all things.” Tell them that when they encountered me, I told them that, there is no time, for this reason; they should come into this movement “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. If they are expecting me to give them everything, they will miss the kingdom of Our Maker Yahweh. If they are not careful, they will finish the work and go to hellfire.
Many of them are already leading people to hell because of their counseling. They tell people not to mind the messages I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave to other people. No devil can give message about how to avoid hellfire.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also warned, in I AM that I AM’S exact words:
“People who are going about today, saying they are liberating people are doing private business. The only liberation is for people to accept my truth and come out of their sins. People should not mind those who use charms to deceive them. If they need deliverance, they should deliver themselves first. Tell them that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have come to deliver them from hellfire because time is over.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach added, “Any man or woman beauties of life who calls little children “My wife” or “My husband” is leading the child to immorality and is digging hole for him or herself. Such a thing is never in the Holy Scripture.”

In the early hours of 4th day of the week, 17th  of 12th Counting Year, 2014 Gregorian Date. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave me the following messages to release to the entire earth. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach started in this way:

“I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am hearing the cry of the masses on earth. They are fasting, crying to me daily. I have decided to use this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to answer their cry, if only they will hear me through this “True Goodnews Revival Movement.”
Tell the entire people on earth that I have come to deliver them from the enemy. The enemy, Satan has deceived them so much. I kept quiet to see whether my people will realize their mistakes and return back to me, but I have come by myself to deliver them. The entire earth will close very, very, very, very soon.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say:
“Those who are running ministries are deceivers. How many native doctors are in the villages now? They have converted to ministers. My people should not be deceived by their prophecies.” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach put this question to the entire earth, “The problem of bareness that is rampant now is it how it was before? “Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the reason for rampant cases of bareness today is the activities of those who run ministries and prayer houses. If people go to their prayer houses and deposit money, they use the money to manipulate on them.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach:
“They should stop going to prayer houses. I did not call any of these people that are claiming I called them. I did not call them. They have deceived my people but I have come to deliver my people. Those who open ministries everywhere are deceivers and robbers. They make sacrifice to demons and they perform magic and not miracle.

I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the only Saviour of mankind, I have raised this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to save my people. I have been patient with these so called ministers and their ministries but I have come now to pass verdict on them before taking them to hellfire. They are advertising themselves in radio and elsewhere, using my name to deceive people.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said emphatically:
“All the secrets Satan has hidden from people since the end of the ministry of my disciples, I have come to reveal them through this movement.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said:
“Those who are barren, the main cause of barrenness is sin. Many of them suffer the consequences of their evil deeds.” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the following things cause barrenness:
[1st]    A lot of them aborted children before they married, so the blood of the children speak against them
[2nd]   Some push children away when they come to them.
[3rd]    Some have evil motive against good things coming to others.
[4th]    Some are caused by marine spirit husband or wife
[5th]    Some have children in the spirit world. Satan comes to meet them in dreams with the face of their husband.
“I am using this movement to deliver them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say:
“The pastors that are making noise in the radio are merchants. They go to radio houses and other media to make noise and deceive people with invitations to programmes, in order to get money from the people.
Any preacher that will tell people to make vow is leading people to hellfire. Anybody that promised what himself cannot redeem is going to hell.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said on a serious note:
“I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I have closed the door of the churches on earth. They have caused more pains to me. If they don’t repent at this moment, their torment will be terrible in hellfire. Anything they are doing that cannot be found in the Scripture is a sin.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach affirmed that:
“From the year 2015, if the churches and their leaders refuse to obey me and recognize me as their Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, a terrible thing will happen and if they call me, I will not answer them.”

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach
“I want to use this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to wipe away the tears of my people on earth. They should come into this movement “True Goodnews Revival Movement” which I have set up by Myself. If they don’t hear me as I’m crying now calling them, I will harden the heart of those leaders they are crying against the more. Tell the earth that if they will not obey me but still obey the devil, I will come and destroy the earth.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued:
“Football was not introduced by me. When my disciples were on earth, there was nothing like football. That idiot called Satan introduced it to deceive the entire earth. Therefore, whoever plays or watches football or wears their materials will go to hell. It is through ball that the pool business which is sucking people’s money today came out. Devil is wasting the time my people should have used to do my work. Even those who call themselves my children miss activities because of football.
Pastors who pray for footballers are patronizing them. I don’t answer such prayers. Such pastors should not be deceived by the answers they receive in some other prayers. I answer them sometimes because of the covenant I made, “call upon me, I will answer you.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said:
“Pastors that are using my name to dupe people, I will visit them with my verdict and wrath. Again, pastors who are proud should not be glad yet. The people they misled by their counseling are crying against them in hellfire. The people who take pastors as their role model in fashion, hellfire is open to them.”

On the 9th day of 1st Counting, 2015, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach opened my eyes and showed me Satan.
Satan was in his camp. Then I saw Satan holding the neck tie that was round about a man’s neck and was dragging the man by the tie. The man was dressed in suit with a neck tie. As the man struggled to free himself, Satan claimed that the neck tie is his property, that he introduced it to the people on earth. So satan could not let the man go.
Believers are therefore, warned to avoid necktie in their dressing because it is the property of Satan. We came to the earth and saw that people put on tie; we followed without knowing the source. Now Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is out to reveal every secret of hell. All believers who want to see Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach should be ready to cast off whatsoever property that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has branded demonic, like necktie and others.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach:
“Tie is from the camp of serpentine spirit” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “I am not a deceiver. Anyone who doubts my word will suffer in hellfire. Anyone who wants to be saved should run for his/her head; any excuse people will give against their pastors will be in hellfire.”

In the same vein, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach showed me Satan, and Satan held another man by the belt and dragged the man. The man struggled to be free, but Satan held him strongly with claim that the belt is his property. Satan claimed that the belt holder is an ornament; therefore, it is his property.
Believers are therefore warned to avoid belt. To this effect Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that believers who want to see I AM that I AM on the last day, should make their trousers to fit their waist without need for belt.

Furthermore, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach emphasized on shoes. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that believers should not wear shoes that have fancies or ornaments attached to it, it must be plain in design.

Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned against the women who put on indecent and seducing dresses. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the indecent and seducing dresses are fashioned in the camp of Satan and sent out to the earth with the purpose of promoting fornication. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that when anybody puts on that kind of fashion, the spirit behind it immediately possesses that individual and seduces her to fornication. That is how and why fornication is so rampant.
Therefore, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that if believers must avoid fornication, they must avoid indecent dressing. Such dresses are made in the spiritual world of darkness.

Also Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned against believers entering into worldly clubs, associations, thrifts, meetings or local contributions as means of savings. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that believers must avoid it and be very far from it because there is no how Satan will not device a means to entangle them.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that believers should always be ready to leave or excuse themselves from any community or social gathering where people present any items that are contrary to I AM that I AM’S word, like, alcohol and other worldly and devilish things. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach referred to I AM that I AM’S word to confirm this truth “Come ye out from among them and be ye separate, saith Our Maker Yahweh”.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said, every word I AM that I AM spoke is very important and must be obeyed.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued:
“Women will not be free from the people they are leading into hellfire by their fashion.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach clearly declared, “The fashion I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach appreciate is the fashion of Deeper Life women because it covers their nakedness.”Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that no person that works for Satan will enter heaven.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, no woman should go outside the house without wearing brazier. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said they are very, very careless, that is how they are leading men to fornication. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that devil has succeeded in using them to work.

Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, costly wrappers women are buying and wearing is sin. What is it for when the money should be used for other important things? In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “If they want to see me, they should remove all the costly rappers they have. I have already said it by the mouth of my servants in the Scripture [Paulos and Petros] The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Timothyos, 2nd chapter, 9th verse; Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Petros 3rd chapter, 3rd verse.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued: “As I am condemning the wives, I will also condemn the men who buy costly materials for their wives. The only provision for cloth is to cover nakedness. People always obey the instructions of their body rather than obeying the voice of my Ruach. They should keep that idiot, the devil aside. “The first enemy they should fight is their body.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach instructed: “Tell men who buy costly materials for themselves, that they are making things difficult for those who don’t have good cloths to wear, even in the so called church.” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave example, that I AM that I AM wore the same materials with I AM that I AM’S disciples. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people should go for materials that are not costly. Those who go for costly materials, the door of hellfire is open to them.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued by saying: “Tell spinsters that they should not consider what people are saying. If they don’t marry on earth, let them patiently serve me and make heaven. Tell them they are more privileged than those who are married because many who are married will not make heaven.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued: “Those who are buying children, I see them, as advertisers of fornication because they patronize those who produce children through fornication. It is easier for couples who have no children to make heaven than those who have children because earthly fathers and mothers are very careless over their children. Barren couples should be patient and support my work and make heaven.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say: “I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, since after the ministry of my early disciples, no how any church will preach holiness without that enemy, that idiot called Satan entangling them with one thing or the other.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the issue of burial ceremony and wedding ceremony which the devil has hidden from I AM that I AM’S people for ages; none of these is in the Scripture, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that what I AM that I AM introduced is marriage ceremony not wedding ceremony. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that those who say and practice wedding ceremony are changing I AM that I AM’S word.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “My people read my word but they don’t understand. Since they have been reading the Scripture, have they ever come across the word Christmas? This is why I have packaged “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to bring out my truth to the earth. I am using this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to dominate the earth. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am using my own authority to command people in the world to come into this movement,
I gave this movement ministry of singing to me. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have faulted the foundation of musicians on earth.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued: “All the actors, even so called Christian movies, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, have not seen any Christianity in them. They are agents of Satan using my name.
They are not afraid any longer to use my name to make money. My name has become so common that they use my name to make money. They should remember what happened to Yahda [Judas] Iscariot, the same thing will happen to them. They forget the law that says, call not the name of Your Maker Yahweh in vain, my name is now very common. Some companies use my name to establish, even those who produce bread, use my name to brand their products yet they dedicate their companies to the camp of darkness.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said: “earthly fathers and mothers who are careless should know that I will begin to pass my verdict on a child starting from the age of six and as I am passing verdict on children, I will also pass my verdict on their earthly fathers and mothers.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned against people who do launching and bazaar in the church. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the same anger with which I AM that I AM pushed out people who were doing business in I AM that I AM’S father’s house is the same anger with which I AM that I AM will push them out because they have deceived so many of I AM that I AM’S people.

In the exact words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “The people whom I have given messages before now have been careless in their counseling. Innocent Nephesh [souls] are crying against them. If they hold fast only to the messages I gave them, they will end up in hellfire. No servant in teaching area [teacher] is able to teach all courses, but the student is ready to study all course. I share my work. Any of my word they doubt, the door of hell is opened to them.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said: “Those who blend my word the way it will suit them, the door of hellfire is open to them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the preachers’ eyes are on money. They don’t have concern over Nephesh [souls]. I am seeing them. All the crusades they organize are to rob people and make money. The preachers are advertising themselves. If they don’t repent and come into “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” the door of hellfire is open to them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned that, any pastor people are believing, and the pastor does not tell the people to stop attachments, jewelries or ornaments and woman putting on trousers, will go to hell with the people who believe him. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said in I AM that I AM’S own words, “I told Yisrael that my presence will not go with them with all these things, “Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said those pastors who will not preach against, these things will go to hellfire.
In the exact words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “I paid another price to take imperfect man to heaven, to bring messages to the earth, to save people. Will this earth like to see what happened in the time of Nuach [Noah] again? “This True Goodnews Revival Movement” is the ark that will take people to heaven.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “The first man I raised in Africa to prepare my people for rapture is W.F. Kumuyi. Kumuyi allowed suggestion of men to mislead him. For now Kumuyi is not ready for me. I am asking the people of Deeper Life Bible Church, the way people are dying now, is it how people died before? The reason is because my glory has departed from the church, they are now living in past glory. If Kumuyi wants to see me, let him hear My voice and enter into this movement and pattern his life and church according to the truth I reveal in this movement.
His mansion is very large in heaven but if himself does not repent, himself will miss it. Kumuyi should not consider his position. I preserved him till now for him to repent. I love him so much, Kumuyi has suffered so much for me, I am ready to forgive him. Kumuyi has made my word to reach to many countries. Kumuyi is working very hard to teach my word to many people but has missed his way. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say Kumuyi should come into this umbrella of “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” it is under this umbrella that I will reveal all my truth. I don’t want his Nephesh [soul] to be wasted in hell. Kumuyi should not feel bad because of the messages I’m giving concerning him I am correcting him for him to reap the fruit of his labour which is his mansion in heaven.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said: “All ministers of the Goodnews  [gospel] who have gone astray, who feel they know it all, I wish to see them in my kingdom, my kingdom is scanty, I want them to return.
I am that Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach who died for them. Immediately they submit themselves to my authority, I will save them. Every 12thhrs of the day and 12thhrs of the night, that enemy, that idiot is accusing them in my presence, in their speech and in their action.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, people who are chasing people out of the church are committing sin. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said no sin committed by somebody should warrant anybody to be cast out of the church because no body will claim not guilty.
To this effect Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that it is the duty of ushers to stand at the door post to check people coming into the house of Our Maker Yahweh. That if anybody is putting on indecent and seducing dress to the Qahal [church], ushers should send that person away to go and change for a better appearance. That does not mean that the person is cast out of the Qahal [church].
Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave an illustration. And said if a student comes to Garden of Truth Knowledge [school] in a strange uniform and the teacher eventually sends him home to go and change, it does not mean that the teacher has driven the student away from being a student.
However, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach lamented that I AM that I AM’S problem is the pastors. That if anybody is so treated in one church and him or her goes to another church and is also treated the same way, the person will be forced to change. Unfortunately, other pastors will welcome that person and accommodate her with that evil because, they want to make converts for themselves. That is how the pastors are spoiling the church of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and that is why Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is lamenting against the pastors.

Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the foundation of schools on earth have been polluted. Greater part of the schools people build are dedicated to the kingdom of darkness. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that many school owners dedicate their schools unknowingly, through cultural festival and dances and end of the year parties during which they give children different titles.
In the same vein, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, those who advertise football in schools are doing evil. In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, “that is why I have packaged this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to run Gardens of Truth Knowledge [schools], so that I can prepare children by Myself.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, schools who allow people to play football are agents of Satan. The Government who do not approve schools that do not have play fields is working against I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, any office that works against I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will close the office.
 In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I AM that I AM further said, “I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach set up “True Goodnews Revival movement” to dominate the earth. The earth should help me to fulfill my plan with the blessing I gave them. This is the same assignment I gave to Petros, when I said to him, “upon this foundation I will build my Qahal [church].” This is that horse I said I need. Those who are interested in doing my work should assist me to achieve my mandate. Earthly fathers and mothers [Parents] who love me should send their children. I have already given the name of the Garden of Truth Knowledge [school]. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will be the director of the Garden of Truth Knowledge [school].”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say that, earthly fathers and mothers are careless over where they send their earthly children to Garden of Truth Knowledge [school]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that any Garden of Truth Knowledge [school] practicing all these things mentioned above is working against I AM that I AM.
In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “The people on earth is crying to me. This is the answer to their cry. I am using this movement to wipe away the tears of the people on earth. I want to bring back this earth to how it was in the time of my early disciple.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued, “All the servant of servants [kings] in the Scripture who disobeyed me, I removed the staff of authority from them and gave it to whomsoever I wanted. I have given the staff of authority to this movement. Eliyah [Elijah] waited for me and though I was in the earthquake or the mighty rushing wind but when I came, I spoke to him in a still small voice. That is how I am speaking through this movement now. All those other place people are going, I am not there.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned, in Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach exact words, “As I have raised this movement, if they disobey me, I will remove them and choose another  servant but if they obey me to the end, I will continue to speak through them till I come to take my people home.

My office is not a permanent place says Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Satan, that idiot sinned in heaven and was cast down.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, anybody who finds himself guilty and ask for forgiveness, I will forgive but if somebody remains stubborn in his sins, that same position Satan is and sinners are, the stubborn sinner will also be.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, I does not want somebody who will work for I AM that I AM, I wants somebody who will work with Me, as I worked with my father. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said the only time My father left Me alone was when I carried the sin of earth upon Me, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said I felt it and cried. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the pastors are working for I AM that I AM and not with I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that anybody who is alive today is privileged because many are crying in hellfire but no chance to come out.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked, those who doubt revelations I AM that I AM is giving to those who died and came back or those I AM that I AM gave messages from heaven, is there anything hard for Our Maker Yahweh to do? Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that is why I AM that I AM said, if men fail to serve Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will raise stones to serve I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that is why I AM that I AM decided to use people who have no name to bring out Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s word.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said, when I AM that I AM was with the multitude, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked I AM that I AM disciples to give the people food to eat but Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach knew they could not feed the people. That was why Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took bread and fish from a male child who was not a disciple, to feed the multitude. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the message I AM that I AM passed across to the whole earth in this passage of the scripture is not well understood by people. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said the meaning is that I AM that I AM called the pastors, those who feel they are with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and feel that they have Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s word with them, to feed Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s people but they cannot give them the word that can satisfy them. That is why Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has raised this servant who is not among them to feed Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s people. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said I have multiplied the bread; they should all come to eat this bread and be satisfied.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach:
“Deeper Life pastors, I pity them. They will look like somebody who died in the late hour of the night. They will not have benefit on the things of the earth and they will not enter heaven because they have missed their ways. Other pastors are better than them because they are having pleasure here on earth.
They are serving Kumuyi and not me. Whatever Kumuyi tells them is what they do; even when I,Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach speak, they will check up with their pastor before believing me and Kumuyi will most often cast off my word.
Deeper Life pastors are suffering in dryness and hunger but their score is zero in heaven. In the midst of the work, they are complaining and murmuring. The earthly children of Yisrael [Isrealites] did the same thing and missed the Promised Land. Tell them that their pastor has missed his way and they have followed him to miss their ways.
Tell the Deeper Life Bible Church that I am hearing the cry of people in hellfire calling the name of Kumuyi. Kumuyi does not allow them to listen to the revelations and messages I am giving to people. I am passing my verdict on him now. Kumuyi tells people that I can do all things yet himself does not believe that I can reveal and speak to people. The whole Scripture himself is reading, is it not my word and revelations that are written in the book?, Kumuyi has misled people because of:
  • Wedding Ceremony
  • Long courtship in Deeper Life Marriage
  • Burial Ceremony
  • Women plaiting hair with thread etc.
Kumuyi said that himself is a good teacher, ask him whether himself  has seen in the Bible where my disciples observed these things.
Tell him Kumuyi is still my servant but will miss his mansion. The people himself is counseling to buy children are crying against him in hell. The flock I gave to him to secure for me, Kumuyi is now securing them for Satan. For this reason, the staff of authority I gave him, I have withdrawn it from him.
The only remedy is for him to return my people to me and repent and come into this movement. Kumuyi is training murderers in his Church, people carrying gun. I give him a single chance, if  Kumuyi will return to me. I see Kumuyi is trying in teaching my word, I see what himself is doing but himself should remember that my word says, “if you offend in one law, you are guilty in all.” If I am passing verdict that Kumuyi is guilty, other pastors should also know they are guilty. The solution is for them to submit to me.
Tell Kumuyi that himself is causing more pains to me by the picture of white man they call “Jesus” I see him as a liar by introducing that picture; they are liars and idol worshipers for that. I feel that Kumuyi is wise. His wisdom does not tell him that the church I gave him is collapsing. Does Kumuyi not see that miracles are not happening as before?
I can see that Kumuyi is more concerned about saving his life. I still love him but himself has gone far. Kumuyi should not consider what people will say about him but himself should consider what will happen to him on the last day. Kumuyi has denied all other things in the earth because of me, Kumuyi should not claim that himself knows everything, if himself claims so, I see him as claiming to be a father to me no longer a child.

In the exact words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “Tell Paul Rika that I,Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I’m disappointed in him. I raised him to gather my people all over the earth and prepare them for rapture but has disappointed me by turning down some of my messages which I sent through other people. Even when I corrected him through the people I sent to him, Paul Rika also turns  down my message of correction to him. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have closed the door of the ministry I gave to him.
I raised him to bring all the people I gave messages and revelations together, to prepare my people for rapture but Paul Rika turned me down by feeling that himself has it all. Paul Rika is presently working for me; Paul Rika is not working with me.
Through all the time of my early disciples, none of them negleted “thus saith Our Maker Yahweh”. The wisdom of man has failed. If Paul Rika wants to see me, Paul Rika should return and come into this movement. I have changed my programme. Paul Rika has not kept my commandment which says “if you love me, keep my commandment”, Paul Rika has not kept my commandment which I sent to him through other people. No matter the level himself thinks to have reached, I still see him as a child but himself has proved that him[Paul Rika] is a father not a child.
I have therefore decided to work with those who see themselves as children. Every child will submit to the authority of the father. As I have decided to work with “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” any time they think they are fathers, I will also drop them and raise another movement but if they continue with me, I will continue with them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued, “Tell the earth that anything they need I will give them through this movement. I have commanded this movement that nobody should claim the founder or director and nobody should advertise himself and they should not place their pictures on publicity for any programme they are organizing. Others are doing it and I have warned them to stop it.
Again, tell the earth that this is the movement I raised to advertise my second coming. The first person I raised to advertise my first Coming on earth was Yahchanan [John] Baptist. Yahchanan did not advertise himself. That is how I have programmed this movement. No body in this movement should have a special seat for himself, everybody should be in the same place. With this movement, exactly how I ate with My disciples, that is how everybody should eat together during gatherings. With this movement, I have ruled out the office of pastors. There should be no special introduction before anybody comes out to minister. I have ruled that out.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said, “Tell the earth, I have taught this movement what humility is all about and what service is all about. Why I am announcing this is to gather my elect. Whoever wants to work with me should come into this movement. I am calling my elect. I have seen the heart of my people, they want to serve me but their pastors are the problem. This message I am giving to the earth, the pastors will condemn it in order to maintain their ministries, but if the people listen to their deceiving tongues, they will remember all my words in hellfire.”

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “All over the earth they are saying end time, end time but they are not seeing the signs of the end time.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that any person who is owing should stop any other plan himself has until all his debts are settled. Again any pastor, no matter the work in his hand, that will tell people to make promise of what they cannot afford, is leading the people to hellfire. Therefore, people should not obey that pastor. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people always consider what their fellow men will say and not what I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will say. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, I dealt with Nebuchadnezzar, when himself felt that the dominion of the earth is in his hand and could no longer submit to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s authority, I AM that I AM drove him out of his palace. That is how Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will drive all the pastors and people who think they have dominated the earth and no longer submit to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s authority.

In the exact words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I AM that I AM said: “I have tried so much to save the whole earth. The cup of this earth is full, long ago but I am pleading on their behalf.” All these things I am saying now are in the Scripture but the devil has hid it from them.
“Anyone who wants to revenge based on this message, what happened to Pharaoh will also happen to such a person. I am really out to save my people through this movement. The only thing that will save them is to come into this movement.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “I am Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am passing verdict to the earth now. My verdict is not to condemn the earth but to correct them.
Those who watch movies are watching what will send them to hell. Those who act movies are agents of Satan. That enemy they are serving has removed shame from their eyes. Any actor that is displaying and acting how to seduce, how to rob is an agent of Satan. All the actors on earth  have allowed the devil to use them to deceive and corrupt the whole earth. If they don’t return to me, the door of hell is open to them.
Those who act how a woman beauty of life can leave her husband to another man or how a man beauties of life can leave his wife to another woman beauty of life, the door of hellfire is open to them. As many as act films based on kidnapping, ritualists, the devil has used them to deceive my people so much, based on their acting. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach I’m seeing them. I’m giving them the last chance otherwise that devil, that idiot, that deceiver will soon be destroyed and I will destroy him together with them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued, “Tell the females child that they are not afraid of me. They don’t recognize that I created them. They expose their body anyhow. The devil is using them, they are going to hell. If they don’t return to me, there is another sickness, I will allow the devil to release. I will use that sickness to attack the cultist; I will use it to attack all that do evil. I am their creator but instead of them working with me, they are working for that idiot, Satan.”
Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Tell the actors on earth that the devil has used them to corrupt the earth. They feel that they are stars; they will also be stars in hellfire. Tell the actors on earth that they have deceived my youths. They write love books, seducing books, the blood of people are crying in hellfire against them. If they don’t repent I will execute them. They have entered different societies for protection. My eyes are upon them. They don’t have a hiding place; I am coming to disgrace them by myself. Their concern is how to maintain their body. They have taught even children how to commit fornication. Little children are committing fornication after watching them, no matter their warning concerning age. A lot of people are handling gun because of what the actors taught them. Little children are using sticks to practice shooting because of what they watched in the films. I am calling them to return to me now before it is too late.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said: “Tell dancers to musicians that I am seeing what they are doing. They are in cultic societies. The devil is using them, they are working for the devil and the devil is taking them to hellfire. I am warning them before the time. They are no longer doing things in my fear, as they think they are stars, they will also be stars in hellfire. Their composers are composing how to play love; the devil is using them to multiply his camp. As they are multiplying evil, so will their torment be multiplied. Even when the devil is using them to work, they are not afraid of using my name to sing. The door of hellfire is open to them. If they love themselves, they should submit to my authority.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “Tell the people who are into facebook that they are working for the devil, the devil is using them. I am coming to pass my verdict to everyone before the last day of the final verdict.”
Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Tell people who dupe others through the internet that I am seeing them. I am passing verdict on them before the end of their lives. They should repent, otherwise I am coming to pass my verdict on them”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, Tell ritualists that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, said they are not afraid of killing the man beauty of life I spent time to make. Do they know what it caused me to make man beauty of life? I am only watching them, enough is enough. I am coming to them for vengeance. They are not afraid of killing a man I have created. They have challenged me a lot. I am coming to pour my wrath upon them. If they can attack me, they should begin now to look for the power because we will fight. In as much as they have the heart to kill man beauty of life whom I have created in my own image and gave the law that no man beauty of life should kill a fellow man beauty of life.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued to say, “Tell politicians that they are shading innocent blood. I am coming to revenge against them. The source of the money they share to people, I know. Tell my people to beware of the politicians, they are agents of Satan. Before they give out money to the public, they dedicate it to idols. Many politicians do not come out to serve, they come out to spread their evil money and use it as a means to manipulate people’s destiny. Many people have entered into trouble because of the money politicians gave to them. My people are careless, anywhere politicians are spreading money, they rush to pick. Tell the politicians that I will condemn them. Many of them are serving python. If they don’t repent, the door of hellfire is open to them. Their names are in my palm but I don’t want to call names. They should repent and return to me. What have I done to deserve all this?
Even though, they are serving that enemy Satan, yet they are calling my name. They should repent because I love them, if they fail to repent; the door of hell is open to them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said, “Tell the people whom Satan is using to make my people whom I created to be mad, that I am seeing them. If they don’t repent, no matter the power they are using to operate, I will come by my power to deliver those people and send back the madness to them and their families.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued, “Tell the people who are busy selling man’s parts, that I am seeing them even in the secret places where they hide themselves. I,Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am coming to take vengeance on them, if they don’t repent. I am passing my verdict on them before the last condemnation into hellfire. If they don’t repent and turn back to me, the door of hellfire is open to them.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Tell the youths of this earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, they are not afraid of me by committing fornication. They don’t see it as anything wrong again. I am coming to meet them with my anger.
No male or female child has the right to see the nakedness of other person whom the person has not married. Their bodies they are using as business, I paid for them. If they don’t repent, their torment in hellfire will be great. The devil is using them as agents.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “Tell men that they are very, very careless. The devil has captured a lot of them through ladies, Many ladies they meet are agents of devil, they use their sperm to deposit to camp of darkness and they use it to operate against them.”
In the exact words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, “Youths should watch out in 2015 and see what will happen because of fornication. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have decided to come by myself to fight against it. I will not sit down to watch what is happening.”
Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, “Tell the youths of this earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the devil has succeeded to make marriage difficult but I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have come to make marriage easy for people. I, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that marriage should stop at the point of paying dowry I will use this movement to help them. They should be able to pay what they have and not to borrow to pay dowry for a wife. Instead of fornication, they should marry. I will provide for them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “Tell the people of the earth that I said, “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. This is why I raised this movement “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to deliver them from the entanglement of Satan for many years. Tell the people of the earth they should not cry again, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach who died for them have used “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to answer their cry and prayers. I have come to dominate because my coming back is very soon.
If people really want to work for me, I need their urgent support, to put things in order. I have a lot of urgent work to prepare my people before my coming. As they assist in my vision, they should also believe in all the truth I am revealing through this movement. If they assist in my vision without believing in this truth, there is no need because they will do my work and miss heaven. I don’t want it that way. They should believe all my truth. Tell the people of the earth that I have no pleasure in people, after working for me they end up in hell. Those working with me must believe in my word.
Tell them that the foundation they are standing on before now, I have cursed the foundation. There is a new foundation I’m building by myself. Tell them that the matter is not to work for me but the matter is that after working for me, they get their reward in heaven.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued: Tell the earth that Paul was the Last of all the apostle I called. I used him mightily even to open the eyes of the earlier apostles who were before him. That is exactly what I’m doing now; I’m using this movement to open the eyes of others. Nobody will claim to know all about me. That is why I have decided to come by myself to reveal all my secrets through this movement because the time is almost over.
Tell the people of the earth that what I’m expecting from them is to do what David did when Dawid [David] realized his sins, to submit to me and say sorry. “Sorry” will settle the matter if they return back to me and have a new beginning and a new heart. The earth should remember I died on the cross of Calvary to save them. I did not commit any crime. Why did they choose to follow the deceiver who has not paid anything for their life? All that Satan is showing them is to deceive them and take them to hell fire. The people of the earth should not be careless to say let them wait to see what will happen. Hellfire is so terrible that people should not wait to see what it is all about. They should know they are strangers on earth. They should get themselves ready, I am coming quickly. Even if it is a single soul, I will take that person and have my rest. Tell them to return back to me. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will receive them. I am not a wicked father. I’m a loving father, that is why I am passing verdict on them now for them to know that they are guilty and repent before the door of hell is opened to them. Those of them who will be ready to come into this movement will be saved.

They should not wait to see. Pharaoh waited until himself saw, Nebuchadnezzar waited until himself saw. They should be wise. The people of the earth should use their understanding and the knowledge I gave them to check the calendar of the earth. The time has come to an end. They are using their own idea and philosophy, it will fail them.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach warned: “Those who are compromising in their place of work, I am seeing them. As many as are working without attending to their works and at the end of the Counting they receive their salary, I am coming to pass verdict on them. Workers should go to work daily and on time. If they cannot go for any reason, they should sign that they did not go. The enemy is already accusing them of unfaithfulness. I’m passing my verdict on them before the last day.”
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued: “Tell the earthly fathers and mothers [parents] who are cursing their children that they are not doing well to their children. They are cursing the future of their earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to them. They should rather bless their earthly children with their lips.
Earthly children who are stubborn to their earthly fathers and mothers [parents], I’m passing my verdict on them now. No matter their reason, I, Their Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will not permit it. They should return back now to honour their earthly fathers and mothers [parents]; otherwise, the door of hellfire is opened to them.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded, “This message I give to you, send it to the internet without looking for Scripture back-ups, the people of the earth should read it. I want to use internet to deliver my people as the devil has used it to entangle them.
I said in my word, that I have come to bring confusion between earthly fathers and mothers [parents] and children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to them, between husband and wife. Yes, this is the time. I demand what is mine in man beauty of life. The Ruach I put in man beauty of life is my own property in man beauty of life, I have come to ask for it.”

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “Tell pastors that I have already pass verdict on them. I present them as a rag in the church. In no distant time, I will bring them out and burn them. The rag is only used to clean the house, any day the owner of the house wants to clean up his house; the owner will take the rag out and burn it without any feeling of lost. The pastors are condemned. I have already passed verdict on them here on earth. They are noise makers. If their people continue to listen to them, they will likewise perish. The Nephesh [souls] of people they are misleading are crying against them in hellfire. They are misleading them by their fashion and by their actions. The enemy has captured them. Many of them are working for me; they are not working with me. I will only reward those who are working with me. They have made themselves great; they will be great in hellfire. They no longer fear me, even when I condemn their doings; they defend themselves before their people. They are passing people to hellfire; they are not passing people to my kingdom. Everybody will receive his payment from where himself worked. For this reason, tell them that they are working for the devil, the deceiver, not for me. I see pride in them.
The pastors are the worst thieves, those who carry gun are better than them because it has already been established that they are robbers but pastors are using my word to rob people. Even poor widows and the poor people whom they should have helped, they are robbing them by telling them to make promises and contributions, that I will bless them. 
The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yirmeyah [Jeremiah] 12th chapter, 10th and 11th verses;
10th.“Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness”;
11th.“They have made it desolate, and being desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate, because no man layeth it to heart”;The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yirmeyah [Jeremiah] 23rd chapter, 1st and 2nd verses,
1st. “Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the gathering of my children! Saith Our Maker Yahweh”;
2nd. “Therefore thus saith Our Maker Yahweh, the I AM that I AM of Yisrael against the pastors that feed my people; ye have scattered my children, and driven them away, and have not visited them: Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith Our Maker Yahweh”. The mansion they say they are building in heaven, they will not be there.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “People who want to make heaven, as Yoshua [Joshua] and Caleb decided to obey me; they should also obey me without finding my condition difficult. If they find it difficult, it will be difficult to them but if they say, they can make it, they will make it.

I have come to use this movement “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to bring out all the truth in my word. That is why I called it “True Goodnews Revival Movement”, they should not behave like the people of the time of Nuach [Noah]. People were laughing at Nuach until the flood came.
Members of the church who put trust in their pastors will be disappointed. They should remember I am the only Saviour who died for them, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have closed the door of the ministries of those pastors they are trusting. They are wasting their time.
The call I called is a general call. They are doing the work as Pauls was doing before, working against me, thinking that himself was working for me, until I met him on the way to Damashek [Damascus]. The only thing that will save them is if they will submit to my authority like Paulos. Devil has given them a dead conscience. Even when they are doing evil, they think they are doing good. I can see the pastors are not afraid of hellfire but they will regret in hellfire. The pastors are like a child who does not know how to swim, the father is calling him to come out of the gathering of water [river] but himself refused, when the gathering of water [river] carries him away, himself will remember what the earthly father said.

In the exact word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach,  “I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said again that in 2015, many of the pastors who will kick against this truth will die and go to hell.
Tell the earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have faulted their churches, like Satan was faulted in heaven and cast down and like Adam and Chavvah [Eve] were faulted in Eden and cast out, though they lived for some time. The life the pastors are living now, they are already dead. If I could consider any person, the first person I could have considered was Adam because of his excuse but his excuse did not save him, the excuse of the pastors will not save them.
Tell the earth’ that I can see their heart, they are ready to serve me but their problem is their leaders. The counseling the pastors are giving them is misleading them. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, did not call the pastors that are running churches today. I called everybody to serve me not to start a church. The theology they are attending today, is it not to learn how to speak against me? All my disciples, none of them went to school, what the pastors are preaching is not my word, it is theology.

If the people love themselves, they should come out from their dogmas and hear my truth and obey me. That is why I am using my authority now to speak. I am passing verdict on the pastors now. That is why I said, my verdict will start in my house. Pastors have missed their ways, where they think they are going is not where they are going.
Pastors are deceivers, more than the devil; they have turned the truth upside down. They paint lies; they turn the truth to lies. They read my word, they don’t understand it. What they preach is theology. Tell them that I said on the last day, some will say to me, “have we not prophesied in your name” and I will say unto them “depart; I knew you not”. There is danger! there is danger!! there is danger!!!
Tell the pastors that the issue is not to pray and miracle happens. It is not yet over. I am only standing on my promise, “Call upon me and I will answer.” The pastors have gone too far. “Tell them that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, anyway, they have taken pleasure here on earth. They have duped people in my name and have built their houses, rode their cars and ate their good food. They will offload them in hellfire.


The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
For enquiries and booking for messages and CD tapes please contact the following True Goodnews Revival Movement lines:

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