The following message of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach was
delivered to the world on the night of 3rd day of the week 7th Counting,
2015 Gregorian date and time in the exact words of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach. Who can battle with me? Who can battle with me? Let him come and
battle with me. I am Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. Tell the world that I
said, like I said before, Devil used the facebook to corrupt the people of the
earth but himself never knew that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, will
follow him to the facebook. If satan had known, himself would not have
introduced it to the world. That was how he planned to kill Me, but never knew
that killing Me will be against him. Tell the world that I said, devil always
establish his own mission before my own and when himself does that, I will
always destroy his plan.
The world is finding it difficult to come together in “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. They
say, how can it be possible. Tell the world that when Rome dominated the world,
it was only a single church until Anglican Church disagreed with them and
started their own. When they started, they still adopted some practices of the
Roman Catholic Church. Ask the world, when Roman Catholic was the only church
in the world, did they find it difficult to be under a single umbrella? Of
course, it is Roman Catholic Church that introduced molding and worshiping of
images, Christmas and Easter celebrations, wedding ceremony, adoring of saints
and other idolatrous practices into Christianity. As they are the first to
introduce this evil to Christian religion, they will also be the first to be
punished in hellfire. This is how churches have continued to exist since the
end of My disciples’ lives on earth. The devil is using disagreement as a
weapon to defeat the church, so that they cannot unite together to fight
against him. Any country that is in battle and cannot agree in themselves will
surely lose the battle. That is why I am calling my people to come
together in “True Goodnews Revival
Movement” and unite to fight against Satan. If they remain in disagreement,
they will lose and Satan will use them as pepper soup.
Tell those who call themselves servants in the area of teaching of
my word [pastors], that my word says, “honour your leaders and pray for them”.
There are two types of leaders: the so called leaders of Satan and my own
leaders who are called Servants. My children should honour my own Servant. I can
see them compromising for fear of law made by the government. My own laws and
laws of government, out of the first and the second, which comes first? Said by
Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. People disobey Me because they are afraid of
the laws of their governments more than they fear my own laws. Some of them
work on First Day of the Week for fear of the government. There is no
government in the world now that is not dedicated to Satan. They kill and shed
innocent blood to win the government seats. How does the world think that I,
Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach will be with such people. Tell the world that
I have no business with the government of this world as I have no business with
Satan. Tell my children that they should come into “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. Anyone who will not obey
this call, sorry is his or her name. People have merged with the government of
this world to fight against My own law and standard. Any day the government
fixes anything like election, people will obey the law of the government, even
if they are hungry and have no money to settle needs, they remain at home, only
to honour the law of the government. On My own day, nobody cares to honour Me.
I am coming to attack them, both them and their government. All that they hear
of those in the Scriptures days whom I dealt with, they will see a repeat of
it, live! The first man beauty of life I placed in the garden of Eden
sold his right to Satan. The churches in the world have sold their rights to
the governments that is why the governments have power over them. Tell the
world that, I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, said, any church registered
with cooperate affairs commission [CAC] has sold herself to the government.
That is why I have come to establish My own. All the churches that registered
with cooperate affairs commission are all in the hands of Satan. That is why
they are not meeting up with My own standard. Thus said Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach. Tell the world, that was how I told the Yahdim [Jews] to destroy the
temple that was built by hands, that I would rebuild it in first to third
[three] days. I am telling the world the same thing. They should leave the
churches they founded by themselves and follow Me in True Goodnews Revival Movement which I’m building by MYSELF. I have
come again to destroy the churches they have built by themselves so that I can
build My own Qahal.
Tell the world, there is no confusion in My word, like I said
before. The confusion is with people. Those I called, I called them, not because
they were perfect, but that I may perfect them through their own obedience to
My word. Even Myself, when people called Me a perfect man beauty of life, I
told them, no body is perfect except My Father. Those who are leading them
claim that they are perfect and do not accept corrections. Ask the world,
whether any student who does not take correction can do well. That
is why I am comfortable with these My children, because they are children, they
accept corrections. Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach,
said, I have never seen any good Servant since the end of the ministry of My
early disciples on earth. If their so called religious leaders in the world
have been passing people to the kingdom of heaven, I wouldn’t have condemned them.
I know that as they hear these things, they will start amending things in their
churches. If they had been getting it right before now, why should they amend
it? No matter how they try to amend things, it will not be possible because
those churches are marked bad. The
only remedy is for them to come to Me in My own Movement now and repent from
their errors so that I can use My blood to wash them.
While we were arranging this message, on 7th Day of the
week, 11th Day of 5th Counting, 2015, Our Redeemer Yahshua
Ha Mashiach opened my eyes and showed me churches in the world. Some laid their
foundation with live new born earthly children, some buried man alive in their
altar, some buried virgin alive in their foundation, some buried goat in their
foundation. So, Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said to me, ask the world, if
they were Me would they not close the churches? That is why I have come to
close down all the churches in the world. Tell the world that I am not
begging them to obey Me and come into “True
Goodnews Revival Movement”, it is a command that they must obey. Tell the
world that if they refuse to obey Me now, we shall see. This universal message
is not for everybody, but it is for everybody. It is not confusing to say it is
for everybody and not for everybody, because some people have made up their
mind to go to hellfire while some are determined to make heaven. Tell the
people in the world to come together and fight for the truth.
Tell the world that very soon banks will close and people will not
have access to their money in the bank. This is the next plan of Satan. So tell
them to bring out all their money in the bank and use it to do my work in “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to
actualize the plans I have initiated with them. Tell the world, they should not
wait to see. If they wait, they will soon see it, but they will lose all their
wealth hoarded in the bank, Tell the world that I asked this question, since
they are very intelligent, have they thought how come about life? When people
die, do they think deeply where the dead is going? Because I said, ”It is
appointed unto men once to die and after that verdict”. Tell the world, if they
don’t respect Me, for anything they should respect Me because after death they
must appear before Me for verdict. People are afraid of been locked up in the
prison, and for that, they are careful not to commit any crime that will land
them to prison. Those who are not afraid go extra miles to offend the law.
Therefore, I can see that the world is not afraid of My verdict, that is why
they offend Me. Tell the world that, I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach,
said, as I have decided to set up only a day to pass verdict to the world, that
single day will be very hot.
Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, said if
they are wise, they should not defend those people they calls their pastors and
their so called G.Os and G.S whom I have condemned. They should rather look
into those things I condemned in them and see whether they are true. No one has
right to condemn another, except me, and I have condemned them. Tell the people
that defend those I condemned, that they should not be like the Malachim
[angels] who supported Satan in his rebellion. Ask the people whether they know
when and how I called those pastors they are defending? If earthly fathers and
mothers [Parents] would be happy with their earthly children who use their
names to dupe people, they should also know I would be happy with those
pastors. If a man opens a company and the manager himself employed is rather
making the company to collapse instead of promoting it, the owner will remove
him and look for another manager who will promote his company. That is how I am
removing the pastors because they are not promoting My kingdom.
Tell the world that I said, anyone who gave these pastors land
where they stay and speak against Me, and think him or her has given it to Me,
should know is not given to Me. They should go and take back their lands and
houses from them; else they will share in their punishment.
Yes, the world says they are in a computer age. That is why they
are messing up. In My programme, there is nothing like computer age, said by
Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. How does the world think they can change the
earth I created? How does the world think they have wisdom more than
Me. Yes, I have come.
Tell the world that I can see confusion in the statement I made,
“give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser”. I can see many of them compromising. I
can see many of them giving bribe. Tell the world that I made this statement;
the money had the image of Ceaser. There is money that belongs to Satan, in
that wise My people suppose not to touch such money. As many as give bribe,
saying my word says, give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser, I can see them
compromising. Even drivers who give bribe to the police and they take it as a
normal practice. Tell the world I have come to pass My verdict on them.
Warning to policemen, said by Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
They are serving the devil not Me. I can see them causing accident on the road.
I want to ask the police, since they chose to train their earthly children with
cursed money, how many of their earthly children are doing well? Even when
accidents happen, their concern is to gather booties. They are not afraid of
Tell as many wives as respect their husbands more than me; there is
no husband in heaven. Yes, I said wives should honour their husbands. There is
no confusion in My word. If their husbands bring good vision, they should obey
them but if their husbands want to stop them from obeying Me, they should
disobey them and obey Me. Those who their husbands do not allow to serve Me,
and they obey them will be condemned by this scripture, “You are inexcusable
Ah man and woman beauties of life ”[The word of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach through Paulos to Romans, 2nd Chapter,1st Verse].
Tell the world that I can see confusion over my word which says
“earthly Children obey your Earthly fathers and mothers [Parents]”. Tell the
world I said, there is Our Maker Yahweh the Father, Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach the Child and Our Comforter
Ruach Ha kodesh. Every mankind on earth has first to third fathers
himself is either to obey or disobey. [1st] Our Maker Yahweh or the devil the represents
spiritual fathers [2nd] Earthly fathers [3rd] Father in
the faith [the person who brings another up in the faith]. Therefore, if your
father on earth is against the will of Our Maker Yahweh, don’t obey him, don’t
listen to him, but if himself teaches you to obey Me, then listen to him.
Nothing should make anyone to disobey My own instruction. Said by Your Redeemer
Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Yes, I can see that the world is respecting their pastors more than
me. I ask this question to the world: since they have been reading their Bible,
have they read where it says, “My pastor said”, “my pastor’s wife said”, “our
G.S said”? They should remember I said in my word, “Believe in Our Maker
Yahweh, believe also in Me” and not believe your pastor. My
question to football fans: when the world began, was there any record of
football as found in their Bible? If they have seen such, then they can go
ahead. Tell the world that I can see them asking question against My authority.
Tell the world that all these things I am repeatedly condemning through My
messengers, they should be careful to avoid them.
Tell the world that Satan introduced ball to deceive the world.
Those who are beating themselves and punching themselves with people who are
watching them will all go to hell. The race mentioned in My Holy Scripture is
the heavenly race. The devil has deceived the world by using these games to
bring them together and make them believe they can achieve unity, peace of mind
and rest by watching these games. I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach only can
give rest of mind. There is nothing like sports permitted in My word.
Those who are watching worldly movies are deceived by Satan. The time they
should use to serve Me, they use it to watch movies. Tell families who have
worldly movies that they have initiated their homes to Satan. The devil that
gave the message will surely trace his material to their homes. The remedy is
for them to repent and say sorry to Me and throw away all those materials and
return to Me.
Tell the world, as many as say “our own church” should withdraw
from that statement. That is why I am bringing them together in my own Qahal
[church]. Tell ministers, I can see them waxing stronger in their fight against
My message. I will visit them. I can see many of them carving their beard,
barbing hair styles. As many as do such will enter into hell. The world has no
wisdom. Do they ask how the different hair cut styles come every year? Even
gospel ministers follows them to practice it. As many as barb hair styles,
carve the beards or corners of the head or dye their hair are committing sin.
Those who make tribal marks on their body should stop it. Those who
have those marks already should call me to deliver them because their blood is
already sacrificed to the idol of the land. They are committing sin, because
they are changing the natural shape of their face. See the 3rd Book
of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 21st Chapter:5th verse “They
shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner
of their beard, nor make cuttings in their flesh.”
Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, say any
office that work against me, I will also ;work against it. Tell those who work
in radio houses that they announce things that are against My word. Tell the
government that any government that works against me, I will also work against
it. Tell the government of this world that I can see the devil using them to
make things difficult to people. All the money in every country is enough to
meet the needs of the people in the country. I can see the government force
women into fornication, people into ritual killing, robbery and other vices
because of the hardship they have created. I can see them as Pharaoh doubling
the punishment of people. My eyes are upon them now. I can see they have even
made education to be high for the poor. As many as make life uneasy for people
I have come to tackle them. There is no citizen in any country that should
suffer. My eyes are on the government now and they will suffer it.
Tell the world, I said, I can see their heart is on riding big cars
and making name but it will disappoint them. I can see that the pan made by the
white man is deceiving them. Do they not see that the pan does not secure them
in times of danger? Tell them to put their trust in me. Yes, the world should
read My word and see that every bit of my word is true. Since they hear people
making a noise, have they heard such mysteries as these? Only in this movement
I can reveal My standard. I am revealing these mysteries now
through this movement, so that the world will no longer give excuse. These are
excuses people have been giving in eternity, that nobody told them. I looked
down and saw that the people I sent did not tell them these mysteries. That is
why I decided by Myself to come and reveal these things, so that nobody will
give excuse again.
I have come to tell them what it means to work against Me. Any of
these things which I condemned like: wedding ceremony, burial ceremony,
football and other sports, condom, alcohol, cigarette etc are the things which
they advertise, I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach see them working against
Me. For this reason I command My own people not to listen to those information
on the radio and television. They should only listen to information that will
help them to do My will. This is why I commanded people to find themselves into “True Goodnews Revival Movement” so
that they will know and do what pleases Me. The government of this world does
not agree with My own foundation. That is why I have come down to raise My own
government which will agree with My own foundation and keep My own fear. In
their elections, they shed much blood. I have warned them, but they are going
deeper and deeper in serving the devil. Tell the world that every
level of government of this world is dedicated to the devil. They dedicate the
land and the people to idols. I cannot keep watching them initiating My own
people to the devil. This is why I have decided to raise this movement, to
gather together people who will agree with My own standard. I have My own
people, but as the earthly children that Our Maker Yahweh gave to Yisrael [Israel]
was in bondage for years, that is how My own people have been in bondage in the
world. The people I called before now could not succeed in bringing them out
from the bondage of the world. This is why I raised “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to bring out My people from the
world. Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
said, any government that will fight against My own government, I will fight
against it, and we shall know the powers they are serving and My own which is
greater. The devil is using them to deceive My people. I have come by MYSELF to
stop it. I will not allow the devil to continue in using them to lead My people
to destruction. That is why I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, use My
authority to command men and women beauties of life to use their wealth to
support Me to achieve My mandate in the world, so that I can put things in
order before taking them to heaven.
Tell the people who are doubting these messages, that they are
doubting Me. Like I asked before; have they ever seen a new prophet deceive the
people? It has always been the old prophets using their old experience to
deceive the new prophet. That is why I have set up My children by Myself, so
that the old prophets will not deceive them. I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach, I’m the director of “True
Goodnews Revival Movement”. Tell the world; like I said before, there is no
where the government of this world has any agreement with My people. But today
My own people have compromised with the government of the world. My word says,
there is no agreement between darkness and light. Therefore, as I’m taking this
movement all over the countries, whoever sees My authority in this message
should see how this movement can be established in his or her own country or
Tell the world I am on air now, have they ever heard me say I am on
air before? My being on air made these messages possible.
Tell the world that the danger of including their state and country in filling
their forms is that, the evil spirits to whom the leaders dedicated the states
and countries, will always claim ownership of them. That is why I have come to
liberate them. If they doubt my word, those spirits will claim them, even at
death. That also the first of the reasons heaven is scanty. Said by Your
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Ist, Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach say to the so
called reverend fathers and sisters, that they have built their faith and trust
on a wrong foundation. The problem the world is facing is from the foundation
of Roman Catholic. My verdict to Reverend fathers and sisters are: [1st]
They are not afraid of taking the title that belongs only to the most high Our
Maker Yahweh. Do they know what reverend is all about? They are rubbing
shoulders with Me.“Our Maker Yahweh sent redemption unto I AM that I AM’S people: Our
Maker Yahweh hath commanded I AM that I AM covenant forever: Holy and Reverend
is I AM that I AM’S name.” [Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh. 111th
Chapter, 9th Verse]. [2nd] They have changed My own
programme in their lives by their religious foundation. I made every man to
marry, but they changed My programme. They are blaming Me by that. I founded
marriage. When I saw that Adam was alone, I gave him a wife. It is not that the
reverend fathers and sisters decided not to marry, but it is because of
religious foundation. I am passing My verdict on them now because I am on air
doing My last hour evangelism. There is no reverend father or sister who died
before now that is in heaven. I can see them committing fornication, Paulos who
wrote to the world, told them that instead of committing fornication they
should marry. I can see them lusting and burning because of religious
foundation. My question to reverend fathers and sisters: “Am I a wicked Maker
Yahweh, that I should keep somebody in bondage?” When I saw Adam was alone, I
gave him a wife. They should come out of that dogma and be free from that
religious entanglement. If they wish to marry, I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach permit them to marry.
Tell the world that I said, my case with the Roman Catholic will be
great. This is because, the foundation they laid for the world is all the
problem the world has. Like I said before, all other churches took after them.
Even the government that is fighting against Me, is founded on their error. If
not that now I have come by myself to set My own standard to the world through
this movement to rescue them it would have been worse. I love them, that is why
I am sending My message to them, so that they can be saved. What is their
benefit, if they end up in hell? What have I done to deserve all these? Because
of the foundation of Catholic, the pastors also take the title of reverend. I
can see them pulling crowd and that is why people cannot differentiate between
sin and righteousness.
Tell the Anglican Church that they are the second to Catholic
Church. I said that Catholics will be the first in hellfire, Anglicans will be
the second in hellfire. Thus said Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. That is why
I am raising “True Goodnews Revival
Movement” to pull them out of hellfire and bring them into My own
Tell all the white garment churches that I, Your Redeemer Yahusua
Ha Mashiach, said I can see them making sacrifice to devils. Their foundation
is built on sacrifices to devils. All white garment churches are serving the
idol [god] of the sun. That is why they always look up when they are praying.
They are not serving Me; they sacrifice and invoke demons in their prayers. The
only thing that can save them is for them to repent and return to Me.
Tell as many as put their trust in the foundation of Sabbath, that
they are changing My programme, by saying that 7th Day of the week
is the Sabbath. That is not the meaning of Sabbath. Sabbath means rest. They
should respect Me and follow Me in my own foundation. I, Your Redeemer Yahshua
Ha Mashiach, I am the founder of the body of all Believers who believes on Me .
Those who followed Me earlier were called Disciples or Believers because they
were doing exactly what I commanded. This is the hour of passing My verdict. I
am the only personality that has the right to pass verdict to any thing. I have
passed My verdict on them. I can see they are trying to keep the conditions of
the day of rest more than those who are following My own day, but their
foundation is wrong. I am the resurrection and the life. They should follow me
on My own day. They have missed it. That is why I am calling them to come into “True Goodnews Revival Movement”,
because no one claims to be the director or owner, as it was in the time of my
early disciples, they allowed me to use them according to My will. That is how
I am using these ones now. Therefore, I’m using my authority to tell the world,
that all the works they are doing and all the money they are spending in all
those other churches, they are not doing it for Me. I am calling them now to
come to Me in “True Goodnews Revival
Movement” and use their wealth to actualize all my tasks in this movement.
Thus said Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. “If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” [Good
praises of Our Maker Yahweh. 11th
Chapter,3rd Verse]
Tell all marketers of worldly movies and all the music CDs, which I
have faulted, that any of them selling them is fighting against Me. As I have
decided to pour My wrath on those movie stars and music artists, including the
so called gospel singers, I will also pour My wrath on them. Tell them they
should book for more of these My end-time messages on tapes and help to
distribute them all over the world.
In the early hours of 6th Day of the week, the 17th
day of 5th Counting, 2015. Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach showed
me satan. Satan appeared as a very robust, huge and stout man with a shiny and
attractive skin. Satan was wearing a pair of jean trousers with polo on top,
and a cap on his head. Satan posed in front with his demons following behind
him. He was like posing for a revenge against these end-time messages and
revelations of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. On reaching to a point, he
discovered he could do nothing anymore, to stop these messages, so he became
tired and defeated. The demons with him urged him to go ahead and fight, but he
announced to them that he could do nothing anymore. The righteous man has
defeated him. So he turned his face cap to one side of his face and went back.
By this revelation, believers all over the earth should know that
Satan has surrendered to the authority of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
through these end-time messages, because they have exposed all his secrets with
which he has deceived the world from the beginning. It is now the opportunity
of people to see the authority of Our Maker Yahweh in these messages and
believe and obey the commandment of Our Maker Yahweh and be saved.
My little children, welcome to my presence. Said Your Redeemer
Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said they
should not be confused about My word. They should rather check up with My
messages to see whether there is truth in them. If My messages are truth, there
should be no confusion about them. However, the confusion the world is having
about My messages is based on what they think is righteousness, which does not
meet up with My own standard of righteousness.
There is the righteousness of men and there is the righteousness of
Our Maker Yahweh. That is why my word says: “But seek ye first the kingdom
of Our Maker Yahweh, and I AM that I AM righteousness:…” [Goodnews of Our
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 6th Chapter,33rd
verse]. My word did not say “seek ye first righteousness”
but it says, “seek ye first the righteousness”. That is to say,
there is another kind of righteousness. This is why I have come to explain My
own righteousness through the messages I am giving to the world now.
Children, the people on earth is finding it difficult to come
together in True Goodnews Revival
Movement. Let Me draw their mindset to this matter. When men dig a bore
hole, they cross several water levels and several soil texture until they get
the real water surface they are looking for. When that is done, they are happy.
They put the sumo and let it relax in the clean deep, to serve men. Before this
is achieved, they have crossed many water levels. If after all efforts, the
drillers did not find the clean water, they will not be happy. Therefore, I am
telling the world that these churches they are trusting are like the other
water levels that are not good though they are still water.
I can also see some pastors trying to use messages I’m giving now
to correct their churches instead of surrendering to Me in the movement I
raised. How can somebody fetch clean water and pour it into a dirty pit water?
The dirty water will pollute the clean water. Thus saith Your Redeemer Yahshua
Ha Mashiach.
Again, if a group of people are in a trip by bus and all of a
sudden, the driver opens his mouth to tell the passengers that the engine has
knocked, the wise passengers will go out of the bus to look for alternative
means to continue their trip. If the bus belongs to a concerned company, they
will bring another bus for their passengers to continue their trip. All wise
passengers will enter the alternative bus provided, because the driver has
announced to them that the former bus engine has knocked. No wise passenger
will want to remain in the former bus with knocked engine for patience while
others are transferring to the new bus. Another point is, if people are
travelling and the driver announces that the vehicle has gone bad and there is
no hope of providing another vehicle, the passengers will decide to take
another means. If a passenger decides to wait there until the bad vehicle is
put in order, himself may not know how long himself has to wait. So there is no
wisdom in remaining in the damaged vehicle.
So, My little children, YAHWEHNEDU and Nonyerem, the illustrations
I have given are about the churches I have condemned and the people that are
still remaining in them when I have provided an alternative for them in True
Goodnews Revival Movement. Those who remain in those faulted churches are
like the passengers who chose to remain in the damaged vehicle. They are like
one pouring clean water into a dirty pit water. I am calling the world into
True Goodnews Revival Movement because My QAHAL [church] cannot be divided but
should be a single entity.
Fellow beloved of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, it is but truth
to say that people do not discard this message of correction because it does
not agree with the Scripture or because they see not the truth in it but like
the religious sects of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach’s days, they discard it
because it does not agree with their traditions. In the exact words of Our
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said concerning
these religious doctors.
“Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for
doctrines the commandments of men.
For laying aside the commandment of Our Maker
Yahweh, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many
other such like things ye do.
And Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said unto
them, full well ye discard the commandment of Our Maker Yahweh, that ye may
keep your own tradition” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Menachem
[Mark] 7th Chapter,7th to 9th verses]
Tell the world I am here to give them proofs that My QAHAL [Church]
cannot be divisible but single:
- If a man beauty of life wants
to eat food, the man must start with first spoonful then second spoonful,
third spoonful and so on until himself is filled and the food must pass
through the mouth and the mouth has only an opening. The stomach may take
much food but it must pass through only an opening [mouth]. If somebody
feeds through the nose, it is not normal.
- If a man beauty of life wants
to pass urine, it is through a channel
- If a man beauty of life wants
to pass feaces, it is through one channel, that is the anus.
- When my father created man, My
Father created him single. My Father could as well create man beauty of
life at the same time to fill the whole earth, but it was programmed that
through one man the whole earth will be replenished with both man and
female beauties of life. This was necessary to ensure that all man and
female beauties of life are produced from one family and are taught to
continue in the standard of Our Maker Yahweh.
- When that man beauty of life
failed, another man was sent which is Me, My Father sent only Me in order
to continue I am that I am program for man. Heaven has no programme of
appointing more than one servant over the Qahal at a time. Even
communities have one leader at a time and people are force to submit to
that idea. Satan has deceived people into refusing My own programme and
they are refusing to come under My own leadership. Enough of that! Saith
Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. I have come! I have come!! I have
come!!! Saith Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Well, children, I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, have come to
reveal some common sins in the lives of My own children. The common sins are
great sins before My eyes.
Tell My children that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach say,
they are mocking at me. Tell them I said, if they mock at me I can endure it
but if I mock at them they may not bear it. Thus, said Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
I can see them mocking the backsliders who fall out of the faith
instead of praying for them. Tell them I said, that they should return to Me
and stop speaking against My backslidden children. When they laugh at
backsliders, they laugh at me. Tell them I said when people go to see families
that have lost their loved members, do they laugh at them? Men do not go to
bereaved families to laugh at them but My children are wicked. They laugh at
backsliders. So, they are laughing at me for losing My children. The following
scriptures will condemn them:
“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say
unto you, that in heaven their Malachim [Angels] do always behold the face of
My Father which is in heaven.
For the Child of Our Maker Yahweh is come to save that which was
lost. How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone
astray, doth the man not leave the ninety and nineth, and goeth into the
mountains and seeketh that which is gone astray?
And if so be that the man find it, verily I say unto you,
himself will be more glad of that sheep,
than of the ninety and nineth which went not astray.
Even so it is not the will of your Maker Yahweh thy Father which is
in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish” [Goodnews of Our
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through MattithYahu. 18th Chapter, 10th
to 14th Verses]
“Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the
feeble knees.
Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not:
behold, your Maker Yahweh will come with vengeance, even Our Maker Yahweh with
a recompense: I am that I am will come and save you” [Word of Our Maker Yahweh
through Yeshayah, 35th Chapter,3rd to 4th
“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,
and not to please ourselves.
Let every one of us please his neighbour for his
good to edification.
For even Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach pleased not I am that I
am self; but, as it is written, the reproaches of them that reproached thee
fell on me” [Word of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to the
Roman, 15th Chapter,1st to 3rd Verses].
So, tell My children that instead of mocking at backsliders, they
should rather pray and cry to Me with fasting to restore the backsliders. Tell
them that if a man buys a car and drives it out and eventually comes back to
report that the car has been stolen from him, the friends of the man will come
and console him. In some cases, some friends may find the stolen car and help
their friend to recover it. Only the man’s enemies will laugh at him.
Therefore tell My children, they should repent and say that they
are sorry for laughing at Me because if they continue, I will allow the enemy
to tempt them and they will fall because they are not standing by their own
strength. Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas, 22nd
Chapter,31st to34th reads:
“And Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said, Shimown, Shimown,
behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou
art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
And Shimown said unto Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach, I am that I
am, me is ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death.
And Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said, I tell thee, Petros the
cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou
knowest me.”
Again, tell the people on earth that because of My promise, that if
these My servants who I am using to speak in True Goodnews Revival Movement will continue to obey Me, I will
continue to reveal mysteries through them. I am keeping to My promise now.
Also, I can hear fond names which My people call their loved
members of their family without knowing the implication. Children, I will
address you first. Child YAHWEHNEDU, I want to start from you. Yes I’m using
you to reveal mysteries, that does not mean you are perfect or that you are
qualified for My kingdom. But I am doing this because of My covenant with you.
I reveal all these through you, so that you can also correct your mistakes.
When your wife conceived, I told you that your first daughter will
be called Miracle because I knew I will use you to perform My own miracle. But
because of what you see the world doing, you decided to fondly call her Darling
instead of Miracle. Have you seen in the Scripture, where the name of a
daughter or a male-child was changed to Darling? I said in My word that
children are heritage of Our Maker Yahweh [Good praise to Our Maker Yahweh, 127th
Chapter, 3rd Verse]. I called the females daughters and male
children. That is Scriptural and you can call them so, even as I call you My Child
First Book of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 5th
Chapter,4th Verse reads: “And the days of Adam after himself
had begotten Seth were eighth hundred years: And himself begat earthly male and female children:”
I can see the world using their intelligence to change My standard.
Tell the people on earth, I can see some husbands calling their
wives “baby”. That language is demonic. A baby is a little child. Some women
use their mouth to call their husbands “boy”. The spiritual implication is that
the man beauty of life becomes a man child. These things are mysteries. There
is no mystery I will not reveal in True
Goodnews Revival Movement.
Tell the people on earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
said, as many as call their spouse “honey” are changing My word. Those who call
their spouse such names as are not real and cannot be found in the scripture
are changing My word. Also, tell them that as many as call their earthly
children names that are not real and Scriptural, I will ask them where they
adopted it from. The men and women beauties of life who change the name of
their spouse are guilty.
When I gave Chavvah [Eve] to Adam, Adam called her “bone of
my bone and flesh of my flesh”, as in 1st Book of the Law of
Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 2nd
Chapter, 23rd Verse.
“And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my
flesh: herself shall be called woman, because herself was taken out of man.”
a man beauty of life can call his wife my flesh or my bone or woman. It is
I said before, that every family has three fathers [1st]
Original Father in heaven [2nd] Earthly father [3rd] Fake
father which is Satan, to which everybody is free to obey the person they
chooses. Man beauty of life may either choose to obey Me or the fake father.
Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 5th
Chapter, 48th verse reads: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in
heaven is perfect.”
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye
will do…” [Goodnews of Our
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 8th Chapter, 44th
“Behold, all Nephesh
mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the male child is mine:
the soul that sinneth, it shall die” [Word of Our Maker Yahweh through
Yetchizkel, 18th Chapter, 4th Verse].
“A Child honoureth his earthly father, and a servant his master: if
then I be a father, where is mine honour?” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh
through Malachi,1st Chapter,6th Verse].
When a woman is married, the first father that herself has to obey
is her husband other than her earthly father. That is why I said I will condemn
wives who disobey their husbands like as I will pass verdict on men who don’t
obey Me to love their wives. [The word of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
through Paulos to Ephesians, 5th Chapter,22nd to 25th Verses] reads:
“Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Our
Maker Yahweh.
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Our Redeemer
Yahshua Ha Mashiach is the head of the Qahal [church]; and I AM that I AM is
the saviour of the body.
Therefore, as the Qahal [church] is subject unto Our Redeemer
Yahshua Ha Mashiach, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
also loved the Qahal [church], and gave Himself for it”.
Sarah called Avraham lord. A woman is free to call her husband lord
because himself is a head over her.
“Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself saying, after me has waxed
old, shall me have pleasure, my lord being old also?” [The first Book of Law of Our Maker Yahweh
through Moshe, 18th
Chapter,12th Verse]
The first Book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
through Petros[1stPetros], 3rd Chapter,6th
Verse reads: “Even as Sarah obeyed Avraham, calling him lord: whose
daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any
the woman must not obey the man beauty of life when the man beauty of life is
against me Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
I gave the man beauty of life authority to represent Me. Therefore,
even when the man beauty of life is wrong, the woman beauty of life should use
humble manner to correct him. The woman beauty of life should learn to be
always polite and apply courtesy, even when herself is disagreeing with her
husband to agree with Me. The woman must not use force or authority over the
man beauty of life. While I expect the woman to remain firm and resolute to
obey My word, I also expect her to consistently acknowledge the position of the
man beauty of life. I will appreciate a woman saying to the husband, “me is
sorry, me wish you could understand, me don’t intend to disobey you but to obey
Our Maker Yahweh.” “Me regret the inconvenience my disagreement with you in
this matter may cause you, but me wish you would understand that your stand is
against the will of Our Maker Yahweh.” “Could you please consider that if me
obey you in this matter, Our Maker Yahweh will be angry with you for forcing me
to disobey I AM that I AM.” “Please my dear, me beg you to understand that my
decision to obey Our Maker Yahweh is not being stubborn to you.” “Dear, me
still love you and respect your position in my life but we may not forget that
Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach is the head of the man as the man is the head
of the woman. When we obey the first authority, it becomes easy to win the
subordinate.” “Dear, me wish we could go together to this fellowship but if you
may not, me beg you to leave.” “Please, me don’t think me can abandon this
truth. Pardon me for my unusual strictness.” “You are Our Maker Yahweh’s gift
to me. Me have no thought of missing your authority except when it compels me
to obey man beauty of life rather than Our Maker Yahweh.” “me promise to submit
myself to you as unto Our Maker Yahweh while me pray that you should do your
part to love me like Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach loves I AM that I AM’S
Qahal [church], even when it is not convenient.”
The first Book of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Petros,
3rd Chapter 1st to 2nd and 7th
verses reads: “Likewise, ye wives be in submission to your own husbands,
that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the
conversation of the wives.
While they behold your chaste conversation
coupled with fear;”
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according
to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel and as
being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
The woman should not obey the man beauty of life when the man
beauty of life is against Me, yet in obeying Me, the woman beauty of life
should not use harsh words on the husband. They should keep My word, My word is
So children, you are welcome in my presence. I’m a holy father. I’m
a faithful father. The reason I’m revealing this truth is to correct man beauty
of life. As I said in one of My messages to My people, the reason why lawyers
passes verdict on a case bit by bit until the final verdict is to make their
verdict clear before passing the verdict. I am passing My verdict on the world
bit by bit until the final Day of My verdict. My verdict is not to condemn the
world but to save them.
If [a so called king] has a good adviser, himself will not want to
abandon his adviser because doing that will bring his down fall. Himself will
not allow his adviser to be far from him because it will affect his domain
policies. I am the good adviser of the earth and the people in it, but they
abandoned Me and that is why there are problems in the earth. The reason I’m
revealing all these things now is because I am like a man beauty of life who
has valuable properties but his children are careless over those properties and
after some times the man beauty of life decided not to keep quiet any more.
This is why I have returned to take care of My properties by Myself because the
earth belongs to Me.
Tell the earth and the people in it that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua
Ha Mashiach have a question to as many as claim they have wisdom which they
acquired through academic and those who claim they know much about Me: Does the
people on earth know how many hairs that are on their heads? Do they know how
the hair covers the head? Does the earth understand how come about the grey
hair? But they are very intelligent. Even some people try to stop the grey
hair. The mystery in it is that, the hair is black when man beauty of life is
young but grey when the man beauty of life is old. At the beginning one can
count the grey hair but at a time himself can no longer count. If people should
stand on what they know alone, they will miss it all. I brought Avraham out and
told him to count the small lights that shines in the night. Avraham started at
a point until himself could not count again. The mystery in this allusion is
that I can take a man beauty of life to know some things which himself can
understand and there is another time I can take him to a level himself cannot
The 2nd Book of Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 6th
Chapter, 2nd and 3rd verses reads:
“And Our Maker Yahweh spoke unto Moshe, and said unto him, I AM
that I AM Your Maker Yahweh:
And I appeared unto Avraham, unto Yitzchak, and unto Yaakov, by the
name of Your Maker Yahweh Almighty, but by My name Maker Yahweh was I not known
to them.”
Tell the people who claim that I called them, that they can only
know to the level I reveal to them, they cannot know more than I allow them to
know. The 5th Book of Law of Our Maker Yahweh, 29th
Chapter,29th Verse reads:
“The secret things belong unto Our Maker Yahweh: but those things
which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do
all the words of this law.”
Tell the world that I raised “True
Goodnews revival Movement” to correct the world and use them to establish
my standard. So, I want to remind the world of the pattern of prayer I
introduced to my disciples. I taught them to pray thus:
Our father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day, our daily bread
And forgive us our debt, as we forgive our
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For
thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
through Mattityah, 6th Chapter,9th to 13th Verses].
Well, children, I have come to tell the world that My word is yea
and Amen. No matter how many centuries this prayer has been said, it might not have
been answered immediately but it must surely be answered. So, My children,
congratulations! Because in your own generation this prayer has been answered.
That is why I have come to correct My children and prepare them before taking
them to My kingdom. As I said, “the prince of this world cometh, and hath
nothing in me” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 14th
Chapter,30th Verse]. That is the same thing I am doing in My
children before taking them to heaven.
Before I continue with the prayer I taught My disciples, I want to
say this:
Tell the world that as many as speak evil against My message in True Goodnews Revival Movement should
say to Me they are sorry for being against Me, as Paulos was against Me
thinking himself was serving Me. Tell them, no matter how they guard their
people against My messages, they cannot hinder My plan. Tell the church
founders and leaders that I can see them making arrangements to stop their
members from hearing and reading My end-time messages so that they will not
come to Me. I can see them consulting and holding meetings against My counsel.
Tell them, when I hold My own meeting against them they will not see. Tell them
in deed I have held a meeting against them in heaven. Tell them that I, Your
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said, if somebody hangs a thing at a height where
the hand cannot reach, it will be impossible to bring it down. Therefore, tell
the G.Os that the level I have positioned True
Goodnews Revival Movement is so high that they cannot bring it down. The
solution is for them to follow Me. On the other hand, if somebody keeps
something on the ground it is easy to pick. So whatever effort they make
against My end-time programme with True
Goodnews Revival Movement is like putting something on the ground. I will
pick it any time I want. Tell them I am too high for them to bring Me down.
Tell the G.Os and church founders that all their preaching now is
against the end-time messages I am giving to the world. They are doing that to
retain their members. This is to prove to them that My glory has departed from
Who can battle with me?
Who can battle with me?
Said Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
My question to church founders: Since they started with their
churches, have they had a message that I have closed down all the churches in
the world? Since I had not announced the close down of churches in the world,
have they seen governments being bold to close down churches or having power
over them? Yet they are asking how can it be? They have eyes but they cannot
see. Tell them that the words which I speak in True Goodnews Revival Movement will never return to me void. Tell
them I am the one that have decided to give government of the world power to
close down the churches. Tell them that My power is great that no matter the
strength of the churches I will pull them down. When I started with Pharaoh, I
showed him signs to let my people go but Pharaoh refused until I dealt with
him. Tell the G.Os they should come and follow me, if they cannot do it, I will
use the government and any other thing to destroy them because everything is an
instrument in My hand. Tell the G.Os and pastors that I have faulted those
titles because they have caused much pain to Me and I have come to cause pain
to them.
Tell them, the General Overseers and pastors, that there is no
amount of meeting they will hold that can save them. Even the demons, there is
no meeting they hold in their territories which I do not have the record. I
have knowledge of all the meetings Satan and his demons and man agents hold in
the pit of hell over the ages. I see him send his demons and agents to carry
out their plans into the world but I do not stop him. I allow him to bring out
his own programme and watch how the world will react to it. I have now raised True Goodnews Revival Movement to
disorganize the arrangements of Satan. Therefore, tell G.Os and pastors that I
will not stop them from holding their meetings and sending their people to
speak against My messages in True
Goodnews Revival Movement. I will allow them but after all, they will lose
their churches. I will follow up every word I speak. I did not say they may
lose their churches but I said they will lose their churches.
Thus, saith Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Tell them that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said it will be
so rough to them for making arrangement against My own programme. The danger of
working against My own programme lies in the fact that those who have ever done
that were destroyed in their own plan. The leaders who conspired against
Daniyel never knew they would be destroyed but Daniyel would be saved. When
they conspired against Hananiah [Shadrach], Mishael [Meshach], and Azariah
[Abednego], little did they know they would be destroyed but Hananiah, Mishael
and Azariah would be saved. See the word of Our Maker Yahweh through Daniyel, 3rd
Chapter, 1st to 30thVesrses; 6th Chapter,1st
to 28th Verses. Whatever they plan against True Goodnews Revival Movement will not work but they will suffer
greatly for planning against my own programme.
Tell the world that when I give My own message, I don’t consider
whether they will believe or not. My power is so great to carry every message I
give to the world. Tell them that My word will surely be fulfilled. The same
thing happened when I told them to “Destroy this temple and in first to
third days I will raised it up” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach through Yahchanan, 2nd Chapter,19th Verse]. Tell
them that My mouth has spoken and it must be accomplished. Tell them, no matter
the arrangements they make against My word, it must be accomplished from the
first to the last. Therefore, it is better for them to believe. Whether they
see it that somebody is speaking or they see it that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua
Ha Mashiach is speaking, they will see it happen from the first to the last.
Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said I
don’t force people to obey Me but I command people to obey Me. If they decide
not to obey Me I will leave them until the final day. It is the churches in the
world that force people to obey them against My own command. The reason I don’t
force people to obey Me is because I created man beauty of life and after that
I died for man, in order to save him. So, I sit down to allow man decide to
obey Me. That is why I will not force any man to obey Me. If they obey Me, they
will have life, if they disobey Me, they will perish. The real owner of a
property does not make a noise, it is a usurper that makes a noise. That is why
these churches force the people to remain with them.
These things I’m revealing through my servant in True Goodnews Revival Movement were
things I had always dropped in the minds of people but because they would not
understand that it was My Ruach [Spirit], I decided to voice them out, so that
they could say ah! I’ve been thinking of this. Instead of that, they are now
doubting Me. Whether they believe it or not, My word cannot change. Good
praises to Our Maker Yahweh [psalms] 2nd reads:
“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine
a vain thing?
The so called kings of the earth set themselves, and the so called
rulers take counsel together, against Our Maker Yahweh, and against I AM that I
AM’S anointed saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away
their cords from us.
Our Maker Yahweh that sitteth in the heaven shall laugh; Our Maker
Yahweh shall have them in derision.
Then shall Our Maker Yahweh speak unto them in I AM that I AM’S
wrath. And vex them in I AM that I AM’S sore displeasure.
Yet have I set My servant upon My holy hill of
I will declare the decree: Our Maker Yahweh hath said unto Me, thou
art My Child; this day have I begotten thee.
Ask of Me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine
inheritance, and uttermost part of the earth for thy possession.
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in
pieces like a potter’s vessel.
Be wise now therefore, Ah ye so called kings; be instructed,
ye that passes verdict of the earth.
Serve Your Maker Yahweh with fear and be
glad with trembling
Kiss the Child, lest himself be angry and ye perish from the
way, when I AM that I AM’S wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they
that put their trust in I AM I AM”.
Tell the world that I said, A soldier is identified anywhere by his
training, so also the police and other force. The training they receive all
over is to unite them in purpose. If the army of the world will be united, is
it My own army that will not be united? Different forces have disagreements
because of their different training and rating – the Army, the Police, the Air
force, the Navy etc. I have come to raise My own army that will unite and do My
own work as I want it to be. Thus, saith Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Children, as I was saying concerning the prayer “our Father
who art in heaven,” that it is a prayer I thought my disciples to pray,
and I said, this is the time I have answered it.
Therefore, I have come to tell all the people who claim that they
are landlords and land owners, that they are fake landlords and land owners.
Before I continue, I want to remind the world of My dealings with Satan. When
Satan showed Me the riches of the world and asked Me to bow down to him, I
didn’t go about fighting him at that time, to prove that what Satan was
claiming is rightly Mine but I said to him, get behind me Satan. Goodnews of
Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 4th Chapter,8thto10th
“Again, the devil taketh Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach up into
an exceeding high mountain, and showeth Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach all
the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt
fall down and worship me.
Then said Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach unto him, Get thee
hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship I AM that I AM thy Maker
Yahweh, and thy Maker Yahweh only shalt thou serve.”
The reason was because I knew, as a Child that those things belong
to Me, but I must make a sacrifice before I have the power to claim them. And
what is that sacrifice? I must die on the cross. So children, as at that time,
all it takes to claim that property was not with Me. All the devil was doing,
was to tell me that him was in charge of what belongs to me, then I said to him
“get behind Me” until I finish the fight. I want to tell the
world the mystery about the offer of Satan to Me. Have you seen a little child
who is in position to inherit his earthly father’s property but another male
beauty of life your maker Yahweh gave to his mother captured it? If the child
is intelligent, him will not answer the male beauty of life your maker Yahweh
gave to his mother roughly for the following reason: [1st] so that
himself will not be killed by him. The first Book of Law of Our Maker Yahweh
through Moshe, 4th Chapter,8th verse reads:
“And Qayin [Cain] talked with Hebel [Abel] the male beauty of life our maker Yahweh gave to his
mother; and
it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Qayin rose up against Hebel
the male beauty of life our maker Yahweh gave to his mother and slew
[2nd] So that the wicked male beauty of life your maker
Yahweh gave to his mother will not know his mind. See The first Book of Law of
Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe,31st Chapter,20th Verse
“And Yaakov [Jacob] stole away unawares to Laban the Syrian, in
that himself told him not that himself fled.”
[3rd] So that himself can take time to train himself and
get required support before claiming what belongs to him. The second word of
Our Maker Yahweh in Chronicle[2Chron], 22nd Chapter,11th
and12th reads:
“But Yehoshabeath, the earthly daughter of the so called king, took
Yehoash the earthly Child of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the so called
kings earthly Child’s that were slain and put him and his nurse in a
bedchamber. So Yehoshabeath, the earthly daughter of the so called king Yehoram, the wife of
Yehoida the priest, [for herself was the sister of Ahaziah] hid him from
Athaliah, so that her slew him not.
And him was with them hid in the house of Our Maker Yahweh six
years; and Athaliah reigned over the land.”
See also Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach through
Mattityah, 2nd Chapter,13th, 19th and 20th
“And when they were departed, behold the Malach [angel] of Our
Maker Yahweh appeareth to Yehoseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the
young child and his mother, and flee into Mitzrayim [Egypt], and be thou there
until I bring thee word; for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
But when Herod was dead, behold the Malach of Our Maker Yahweh
appeareth in a dream to Yehoseph in Mitzrayim
Saying, Arise, and take the young child and I AM that I AM’S
mother, go into the land of Yisrael; for they are dead which sought the young
child’s life.”
But if the little child would say to the wicked, “look, the
properties belong to me, I have all documents to claim them.” The wicked male
beauty of life your maker Yahweh gave to his mother could kill him and himself
would lose his life and his inheritance.
So children, this is the mystery behind the offer of Satan to Me.
When I was preparing and going through the Garden of Truth knowledge, going to My Father’s
presence to know how I will win the battle, the devil came and presented this
to Me. But I didn’t allow him to distract Me. That was how I allowed Satan to
go about claiming the earth but I have come to prove to him that the earth
belongs to Me. I own My Father’s property as a Child. That is why I have come
to tell all the people whom Satan has told to kill their fellow man beauty of
life to get money to buy lands, build houses, buy cars and own the whole world,
that they are wrong. When I gave My message that those who kill innocent
Nephesh [Souls] should prepare, we will fight, they did not understand Me.
Tell the world that when my father said, “This is my beloved Child:
hear ye I AM that I AM” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
through Menachim [Mark], 9th Chapter,7th Verse], it means
there will be a time when I will speak like a Child, and I am now speaking.
When I came before, I spoke like a child who has no authority. I gave a message
to the people on earth before now, that I am not the only Child of my father.
Adam was a Child, Satan was a Child. My father’s statement “This is my beloved
Child, in whom I am well please” was like writing I AM that I AM’S will
to one of I AM that I AM’S children.
That is why I have come as a Child, to speak with the authority that behoves
the owner of the earth.
Therefore, I want to tell the world that I have come to prove wrong
the people who kill others for land, take people to court and do all sorts of
evil because of land. I gave people land to have it free as children. My Father
and the Ruach Ha Kodesh [Holy Spirit] are united. I made this earth in such a
way that anywhere somebody finds suitable can posses it. The idea of ownership
is from hell. In heaven there is no claim of ownership. I and him can build and
live. I want to tell the people of the earth that this earth was created before
man beauty of life was created. My programme for man beauty of life is to
replenish the earth and not to claim ownership of it. I have come to tell those
who claim ownership of land that, right now as I am speaking, no man beauty of
life should own more than a flat.
Every document of land ownership is fake. These are things Satan is
using to confuse the world. Nobody in the earth is qualified to own more than a
As I’m giving this order the governments of the world should adopt
it. If they cannot, I will achieve it with True
Goodnews Revival Movement. That is why I said, this is the only movement I
have raised to dominate the earth.
The reason people are pursuing different careers in life and
churches are springing up here and there on daily basis is not necessarily to
serve mankind but to own the whole earth. Those who claim they own lands are
working against Me, for this reason, I declare to the people of the earth that
my plan for the whole earth is that any where people find space they should
build and live. Even those who sell land and those who buy land, with all their
documents, they have not the right to own a land. I am out to reveal every
strategy of Satan, I cannot keep quiet again.
Tell the world that I can see that to buy land, build house and own
properties more than others is the reason they kill their fellow men and make
sacrifices to Satan. I have come to stop it and reign through True Goodnews
Revival Movement. Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach
said that even the car owner’s seat, people sit on, is a seat of pride. So,
tell My children who really want to obey Me that they should avoid the car
owner seat because it is the seat of pride. Yes this is why My word says,
“…For this purpose the Child of Our Maker Yahweh was manifested,
that I AM that I AM might destroy the works of the devil” [First book of Our Our Redeemer Yahshua Ha
Mashiach through Yahchanan, 3rd Chapter,8th Verse].
That is why I have come with the authority of the Child of Our Maker
Yahweh to destroy the works of the devil and that is what I am doing now, by
the standard I am setting.
So children, I’ve come to destroy the works of the enemy in this
world in order to redeem man beauty of life. This is how the purpose of My
death on the cross can be fulfilled for this generation. Tell the world that I,
Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said because of these riches of the world
people engage into so much labour, struggling to survive better than others.
That’s how Satan has bought over their minds so that they no longer think about
where they are going after death. That is why I have come to deliver them. Tell
the world that I am not a partial Maker Yahweh who will bless some people and
leave others unblessed. It is Satan that is partial. He gives to some people
and leaves others empty. That is how Satan keeps the whole world in perpetual
bondage. To prove to the world that I’m not a partial Maker Yahweh, when I send
My water from the firmament [rain] it falls on the good and evil, so is the
greater light that shines in the day, the seasonal light that shines in the
night, the wind, the cold, the heat and so on. So I have come to make everybody
equal. Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said this is
the time I have come to tell the world that the different flashy cars
introduced into the world is Satan’s strategy to buy the heart of people and
make them to kill and do all kinds of evil in other to get these things. Every
expensive car is a property of Satan. Tell them, that is why every product of a
car has a demon that controls it. For this reason, they assign the demon to a
number of Nephesh [Souls] that will die every year in car accidents, in order
to sacrifice to the spirits. Therefore, tell my children they should not go
after expensive cars, the moment they go after them, the spirit behind them
possesses their heart and they become proud. For this reason tell them, I, Your
Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach called them to come and follow Me in True Goodnews Revival Movement and
bring their resources together to actualize My own plans and make merry My own
riches. I am coming to introduce car that will not invoke pried in people.
Tell the world that I, Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said,
since I announced to people to bring their resources into True Goodnews Revival Movement and use it to achieve My mission,
they are finding it difficult because Satan has filled them with the idea of
ownership. But I want to tell them that if they keep it to themselves because
of their plans to build, own lands, train their children and so on, I will come
and do it Myself but they will end up in hellfire. Thus, said Your Redeemer
Yahshua Ha Mashiach. So I am calling them to unite and do as I commanded them
for their own good.
Tell them that with this movement I will introduce My own money
which will not have the head of Caesar, when I said “give to Caesar what
belongs to Caesar”, the money of the world has the head of man on them.
With this movement I will introduce My own money which will not possess the
heart of My children. Thus, said Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach. Who has ear
let him hear what I Your Redeemer Yahshua Ha Mashiach said.
Before I round off, My encouragement to people who have believed my
message, they should hold it fast. They should buy the truth and sell it not.
As many as are been persecuted by their husbands, wives, relatives should not
surrender. If they surrender, they will miss heaven and perish.
Tell as many as have used My name to make music and act films to make
money for themselves that they should come back to Me and say they are sorry.
It is a great offence. They have sold My personality to make money.
The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
For enquiries and booking for messages and CD tapes please
contact the following True Goodnews Revival Movement lines:
+2348038688440, +2348068996128, +2348034808978
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