Monday, 15 January 2018




Bible was written by satan through the Romans and the white people
Satan used the Romans and the English people who are serving snake as their deity in other to remove the name of our maker Yahweh and introduce the name of their gods. They used symbols of their deity as a writing materials which they call alphabet.  Before our Maker Yahweh mandated me to write this to prove to the General Overseers, General Superintendents, Pastors and other offices that they are serving satan unknown to them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach had sent me to them in the past but they were defending their dogmas and themselves and also claiming that they know what they were doing. They told their members not to listen or pay attention to the correction that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is giving to us in this generation. After this information you will now know who is a deceiver. It is either me or the General Overseers, General Superintendents or Pastors. Closely see how satan used the symbols of their idols in English alphabets which they use to write the bible. Idols of moons through snake are been showcased what they called English alphabet, Numbers and Punctuation marks as you can see below:  

After seeing all these things that they are evil, then the answer will be for you to click to for you to learn the truth letter words of the Unity Language. 
Before we talk about this theme, let`s consider what the bible says in Genesis 1:3-4. It says ``And God said, let there be light and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness`` From the beginning of creation in the bible it was called light. Later on, in other places in the bible it was changed and called sun, moon, and star. If it is our Maker Yahweh that established light, how come it was now changed to sun, moon and star in the same bible. This conveys a suspicious outlook. Is it not contradictory?

For instance, a company that produces a product and the name of that company had been established. Suddenly, the name is changed by another person, this will be absolutely impossible. Another instance is the earthly children our Maker Yahweh gave to you, which you have already given a name, then another person from another place now use his authority to change the name of your earthly children; how possible is this?
In otherwise, the names sun, moon and star was s deliberate act by satan through his agents of the translators of the bible.  To emphasize this is very important that the name Christian which was established through the bible was done by satan through man beauty of life agent which originated from Rome. Also, it is the same people satan used to give the book Quran to serve the same idol of sun, moon, and star.

Now let us consider how it happened. The matter between Christians and Moslems is like two brothers that have a vision to kill other people through poison unknowing to the people. They now agree to do it in first and second [two] different ways. The first brother will carry the poison in a blue can in a different mold, and the second brother carry the poison in yellow can in a different mold. What is in the can is poison, but they present it as water that makes men and women beauties of life to survive in life. Why, because they saw that men and women beauties of life needs water to drink in other to survive. And people saw it and embraced it, hoping it was water that gives life; without knowing that it is poison, hoping that they are drinking water and the poison started destroying them. Yet they don’t know that the cause of their problem came as a result of the poison they drank as water; and they started looking for solution for their problem. Yet, there is no solution to their problem. 

For instance, the bible and Quran which the white people introduced to us is the origin of the problem men and women beauties of life are facing today; that is where men and women beauties of life eat and drink poison that destroys them. For instance, Moslems see Christians as their enemy and Christians see Moslems as their enemy. It has already been established in their heart that Moslems are enemies to Christians and Christians are also enemies to Moslems. In other wise those that are defending Islamic law, they are defending the can of poison unknown to them while those that are defending Christian law, they are also defending the can of poison unknown to them. Because it is only the first to second [two] brothers that know that the can contains poison. In other wise those that are defending the Quran are defending poison unknown to them, and those that are defending Bible are also defending poison unknown to them. Because satan knew that men and women beauties of life have the pleasure to serve their Maker Yahweh, Maker of all things. Then satan knows that men and women beauties of life want to serve and obey our Maker Yahweh; and  satan now divided the poison into first and second [two] and changed the Holy Scripture to Bible and removed the real names of our Maker Yahweh, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Ruach Ha Kodesh and the names of the disciples were also removed. Some of the truth in the Words of our Maker Yahweh were removed. The real names of Nations were also removed, and the new names of the nations were attached and renamed after water. By so doing satan now removed the minds of people from knowing their Maker through the bible and made them to serve the creature instead  of the creator.

Satan also used Quran to shift the minds of men and women beauties of life so that they will not serve their Maker, putting their trust in Allah which is not our Maker Yahweh. Satan gave them some deceptive teachings in the Quran in other to make them serve the creatures instead of the creator. But the owner of the earth Our Maker Yahweh has risen to expose satan and his deceptions and that is why our Maker Yahweh have decided to give us Truth Holy Scripture which will deliver us from serving the creature to serving the creator: so that we will not be a bastard because both God and Allah is not our real Father. Our real Father’s name is Our Maker Yahweh and can never be changed. And the name of the child of Our Maker Yahweh is our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and can never be changed by man or languages. So, that is why our Maker Yahweh have delivered us from the mockery name we were called which is Christians. And with that  Our Maker Yahweh have delivered us and given us the real name TRUE BELIEVERS of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach in the United United Nations of Truth. 

A particular man has first to second children [two children], that bear the same surname but their personal names are different; for instance, Rome and Saudi Arabia are the same children of sun, moon and star. Then, the first child Rome, was established with the bible which produced Christianity to serve the same idols of sun, moon, star. Then the second child Saudi Arabia, was established with Quran which produced Islam to serve the same idols of sun, moon and star.
The difference between the Christians and Moslems or Islam is that they are worshipping the same idols but in different ways. For this reason our Maker Yahweh the Maker Yahweh of men and women beauties of life is calling everybody to serve the Truth Maker Yahweh. Both Christians and Moslems, satan has made them to serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator. It is quite unfortunate that you were serving idols unknowingly, but now you have known. The question is, now that you know, what will you do with it? Trace your way back to your Maker Yahweh. 

Obviously the case between Christians and Moslems is like the case between the thief and the police. The police caught a thief with a stolen property and is interested to outwit the thief and claim the property both of them calling each other a thief. Meanwhile none of them owns the property. For instance, Moslems are calling Christians idol worshippers by the practices they see in the bible. While the Christians are calling the Moslems idol worshippers by the practices they also see in the Quran. In other wise, both Christians and Moslems are like the thief and the police man who are claiming what does not belong to them. Our Maker Yahweh the owner of the real property has risen to take that which belongs to I AM THAT I AM through Truth Holy Scripture in the United United Nations of Truth. Me as a servant of our Maker Yahweh beg you to consider and understand this truth so that it will not be too late for you.

Now this is the establishment of Truth Believers not Christians so let us unite together to serve the real and the actual Maker Yahweh. Now let us consider what the Truth Holy Scripture calls what Christians and Moslems or Islam`s call sun, moon and star.  1st Book of the Law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 1st chapter, 3rd - 4th  verses says; ``And our Maker Yahweh said, let there be light of our Maker Yahweh and there was light of our Maker Yahweh 4th and our maker Yahweh saw that the light of our Maker Yahweh, that it was good: and our Maker Yahweh divided the light of our Maker Yahweh from the darkness of our Maker Yahweh.`` 

From the 1st Book of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 1st chapter, 16th verse in the Truth Holy Scriptures says again; ``and our Maker Yahweh made first to third lights of Our Maker Yahweh; the greater light of our Maker Yahweh to shine during the day of our Maker Yahweh, and the seasonal light of Our Maker Yahweh to shine during the night of Our Maker Yahweh and the lesser lights of Our Maker Yahweh to shine in the night of our maker Yahweh.`` In the Truth Holy Scripture what our Maker Yahweh established is the light that shines during the day of our Maker Yahweh, the seasonal light that shines during the night of our Maker Yahweh and the lesser light that shines during the night of our Maker Yahweh and not to rule but to shine. Only our Maker Yahweh has the power to rule the days and night of our Maker Yahweh because our Maker Yahweh is the creator of the days and nights and also the light that shines. 

Let us consider what our Maker Yahweh showed Daniyel in the Truth Holy Scripture concerning the changing of the Laws and times in the Word of our Maker Yahweh through Daniyel 7th chapter, 25th verse, ``And himself shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the elects of the Most High, and think to change times and laws. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26th . But the verdict shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. `` This was a revelation that our Maker Yahweh gave to Daniyel and made it known that it will be given into his hand. That is to say that our Maker Yahweh will allow satan to change the times and laws established by our Maker Yahweh. So, satan used the writers of the bible to change the name of Our Maker Yahweh, the real name of the only begotten child of our Maker Yahweh, and the real name of the things created by Our Maker. Satan also changed the name of the earth our Maker Yahweh created. And it was made known to Daniyel that himself shall speak great words against the Most High which is our Maker Yahweh. The assurance was also made to Daniyel that himself shall be broken into pieces in the Word of our Maker Yahweh through Daniyel 8th chapter, 25th verse. That is why our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has raised the United United Nations of Truth which our Maker Yahweh is using to break it into pieces by giving us Truth Holy Scripture which is for the establishment of Truth Believers of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach came by the name of I AM THAT I AM’s Father but the people on the earth refused our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. When our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach came to the earth I AM THAT I AM came by the name of I AM THAT I AM’s Father, Yahwehshua which has  a link and resemblance to Yahweh which is the name of I AM THAT I AM’s Father. But people of the earth refused I AM THAT I AM and another that our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said will come in his own name is this Jesus Christ introduced in the bible by satan through writers of the bible. And the people of the world accepted it according to the prophecy of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. For instance, none of the disciples of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach preached in the name of Jesus Christ but rather in the name of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. 
According to history this generation has been in existence for 2017th years. Then if letter J was introduced 417 years ago. In other wise there was nothing like  letter ‘J’ around1600th year, before the time it was introduced.  That is to say that letter J is a new invention. So our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach cannot be known with that name Jesus Christ, so also the disciples cannot be identified to that name. You can agree with me that it is also the fulfillment of the vision of Daniyel [Daniyel]. And this is in their order to make men and women beauties of life to serve creatures instead of the creator.

Let us see what the Truth Holy Scripture says in Goodnews of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 5th chapter, 43rd verse [John 5:43] `` I AM come in my Father`s name Almighty Yahweh, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye shall receive.``as you can see that Jesus Christ that the whole world received came in his own name. Jesus has no connection with our Maker Yahweh and people received him without asking question. Why this happened is because the mouth of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said it. The people of the world having accepted Jesus Christ, the only solution is for them to return back to the same Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach they refused from the beginning. Then to return back to United United Nations of Truth that our Maker Yahweh gave to us through the Truth Holy Scripture to establish the Truth Believers.

Let us consider what the bible says in II John 7-11 ``for many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti Christ. look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. For he that biddethhim God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Obviously, if satan through the writers of the bible that introduced this statement that says the deceivers will come to confess that Jesus did not come in the flesh, knowing fully that a time will come when our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will come to refute and counter all the changes wrought in the bible. So through the writers of the bible who are agents of satan, satan then wrote that, people should not accept our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach when I AM THAT I AM comes. Satan knows that if any man beauties of life accept our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach that person will not be a candidate of hellfire anymore. Then satan used bible through so called church founders and Pastors to keep you in bondage which will lead you to destruction.

In other words, before satan changed the laws of our Maker Yahweh, our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach had made it known that there will be a time that the anti Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will come which they changed to anti Christ. Now let us consider the Truth Holy Scripture in 2nd Word of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 7th – 9th verses, ``for many deceivers are entered into the earth, who confess not that our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, hath not our Maker Yahweh. Whoever that abideth in the doctrine of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, himself hath both the Father Our Maker Yahweh and the only begotten Child: our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Our Maker Yahweh’s speed.

As you see what is written in the Truth Holy Scripture there is no mention of the world because our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is not the inventor of the world neither is Our Maker Yahweh. In other word, this information had been passed to us through our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach that this would happen and that we should not accept it. But it is quite unfortunate that the devil used his agents to change the real word of our Maker Yahweh and introduced Jesus Christ which was an establishment of idolatry of Zeus. So our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has shown us mercy again to give us Truth Holy Scripture to return the truth that has been hidden for several decades. This is done to establish the United United Nations of Truth through Truth Holy Scripture and Truth Believers to serve the creator and not the creatures.

TEXT: [Word of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to the Romans 1st chapter, 25th verse]. ``Who changed the truth of our Maker Yahweh into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature instead  of the creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.``
We were told and we learnt that the name of our Maker Yahweh was changed to GOD   which is a deity and the name of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach changed to Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible. The name Holy Scripture was also changed to Bible. They changed the name of the Ruach Ha Kodesh to Holy Ghost.  The names of all the disciples of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach were also changed from the original Hebrew names to adulterated names in English and Greek languages.  Likewise was the word nation changed to country and the nations were renamed and now given names associated with gathering of waters which they call river and after the things created by our Maker Yahweh.  This is the beginning of the grand design of satan to make men and women beauties of life to serve and worship the creature instead of the creator. 

Now let us see how the establishment of the worship and serving of creature instead  of the creator was established or entrenched in the Bible. In Genesis 1: 17-18; it is written; ``And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from darkness; and God saw that it was good.``

[1st ] The question is that how can heaven be the owner of firmament knowing fully well that it was Our Maker Yahweh that created them? However, it was the devil through man beauty of life that this was done. It is applicable to saying building of room that is building is the derivative of room, this is very contrary. So also it is very contrary to say firmament of heaven because heaven did not create firmament. This is a deliberate act of satan to make beauties of life to serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator. That is why today, men and women beauties of life will say; ``Heaven will speak on my behalf.`` Or they also advise a person in dilemma ``To call heaven to intervene`` as if heaven has power to deliver them. 

This also is applicable to somebody who needs the help of a house owner, creature instead  of calling on the house owner, himself started calling on the house. ``House speak on my behalf or house intervene in my situation.``  The question that readily comes to mind is, can the house intervene? Can the house help him? The answer is NO, it is impossible for the house to help or intervene. Now if it is impossible, why then do the pastors ask their church members to call on heaven to help them; the reason is to remove the hearts of their members from the Almighty Our Maker Yahweh and put their minds in the creatures instead of the creator. 
Let us see the restoration of life and light through the Truth Holy Scripture from the United United Nations of Truth:

In the 1st Book of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 1st chapter, 17th -18th verses ``and Our Maker Yahweh set them in the firmament of our Maker Yahweh to give light of Our Maker Yahweh upon the earth of Our Maker Yahweh. And to shine during the day of our Maker Yahweh and during the night of Our Maker Yahweh, and to divide the light of Our Maker Yahweh from the darkness of Our Maker Yahweh: and our Maker Yahweh saw that it was good.``
As you read Truth Holy Scripture, you will discover that the firmament was called the firmament of our Maker Yahweh. The greater light, seasonal light and the lesser lights are to shine not to rule; and as you see them in the firmament of our Maker Yahweh their position is to shine and not to rule. That is why our Maker Yahweh gave us the United United Nations of Truth where Our Maker Yahweh  gave us TRUTH HOLY SCRIPTURE so that we can trace our ways back to our Maker Yahweh.

[2nd] Let us consider another point from the Bible; it is written in Genesis 1:16; ``And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also.``
From this verse, another question arises; can you have first and second [two rulers] rulers at the same time over a particular territory? It is a deliberate act in the Bible to remove men and women beauties of life from the rulership of Our Maker Yahweh. According to the bible, God set up the greater light, lesser lightsn and star to rule the day and night of men and women beauties of life, then what will be the position of Our Maker Yahweh to men and women beauties of life.
Then you can agree with me that when you use your mouth to say that the sun, moon and star is ruling your day and night, that is to say that Our Maker Yahweh will not have ruler ship over your days and nights and it is absolutely evil and wrong. Then that is to say that the creature is now ruling your days and nights, it is no longer the creator ruling your days and nights.
Closely see the end of verse 16; it reads thus; ``…he made the stars also.” As if it was an after thought, they forgot to remember it and something made them to remember it. by saying he also…`` These things are the evil which satan the devil established in the Bible and handed it over to Pastors, GS and GO’s who are called preachers of the Bible.
In verse 17, it is written; ``… to give light upon the earth.`` To give light in the seventeenth verse and to rule in the sixteenth verse; is it not contradictory? The answer is that, the Bible is contradictory. Now the question to be asked is, is the name of our Maker Yahweh called God? Then is also the name of the only begotten Child of Our Maker Yahweh; Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach called Jesus Christ? The bold answer is a big NO!  

The name ``God and Jesus Christ`` all comes from the mouth of man beauty of life. Now, the name God and Jesus Christ was engineered by satan through man so that men and women beauties of life will serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator. That is why satan now imposed images of actors as Jesus Christ so that satan can make men and women beauties of life to serve creatures instead of the creator. So that you can place their images in your cars, houses and in your places of work or offices.
From the 1st Book of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 1st chapter, 16th verse in the Truth Holy Scriptures which says; ``And our Maker Yahweh made first to third lights of Our Maker Yahweh; the greater light of our Maker Yahweh to shine during the day of our Maker Yahweh, and the seasonal light of Our Maker Yahweh to shine during the night of Our Maker Yahweh and the lesser lights of Our Maker Yahweh to shine in the night of our maker Yahweh.``
Well, you can see that the purpose of Our Maker Yahweh is that the greater light will shine during the day and the seasonal and lesser lights to shine in the night and not to rule the day and night. So it is a deliberate act of devil to change the greater light that shine in the day of Our Maker Yahweh; the seasonal  light and lesser lights that shine in the night of Our Maker Yahweh to sun, moon and star. Thereby whatever men beauties of life are doing are derived from the sun, moon and star. For instance, to reload your airtime in the phone you need to press the star symbol, all electronics, cars and others have star screw to make sure that men beauties of life  serve and worship the creature instead   of the creator, to mention but a few. However, our Maker is calling on all a sundry to come back to their Maker and serve the creator of their life. 

[3RD] Let us consider what the Bible says in Numbers 21: 8; ``and the Lord said unto Moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole; and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looked upon it, shall live``
The question is that how can Our Maker Yahweh command Moshe to Mould a snake or serpent for the freedom of the children of Our Maker Yahweh.  How can our Maker Yahweh command Moshe to mould the same serpent that beguiled Chavvah [Eve] and brought the fall of men and women beauties of   life? This is applicable to a case of a man beauty of life that cocked a gun and killed your people and later you now redirected your remaining people to focus their attention to that same man beauty of life that killed your people for deliverance. It is also compared to a man beauty of life that prepared poison and gave to your earthly child our Maker Yahweh gave to you which resulted to the death of that earthly child our Maker Yahweh gave to you. Later on, you now called all your remaining earthly children our Maker Yahweh gave to you to go back to that same man beauty of life to collect meat [food] when they are hungry. 

If these things cannot be possible then how can our Maker Yahweh mandate Moshe to mould an image of serpent or snake to deliver I AM THAT I AM’s children. This is a deliberate action to make men and women beauties of life to serve and worship the creature instead   of the creator.
From the Truth Holy Scripture  the 4th Book of the Law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 21st chapter, 8th verse ``And our Maker Yahweh said unto Moshe, tell the people to look up unto ME and I will heal them, that every person that is bitten, when himself looks up to ME shall live.``
You can agree with me that in this verse from the Truth Holy Scripture; solution came from our Maker Yahweh. So whenever we have problems we should look up to our Maker Yahweh for  deliverance.

[4TH] Let us also consider the place in the Bible where it says;“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [Exodus 20:4]. If actually this came from our maker Yahweh, then how can our Maker Yahweh contradict I AM THAT I AM by telling Moshe to mould a graven image. Is this not the same thing as when a dog goes back to it’s vomit? At the same time, the man beauty of life that called his earthly children that our Maker Yahweh gave to him to avoid fornication and later tell them to go back to committing fornication, saying nothing is wrong with it. It is only chameleon that does not have a permanent colour but changes based on its environment. In other words the Bible was written based on the spirit of chameleon which is the spirit of deception. This is done to make men and women beauties of life to serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator. 
From the Truth Holy Scripture in the 2nd Book of the Law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 20th chapter, 4th verse; which says,  ``Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.`` It is absolutely impossible for our Maker Yahweh to contradict I AM THAT I AM’s Self, rather it a deception of Rome to introduce their idol into the Bible. So that men and women beauties of life would serve the creature instead  of the creator. 

[5TH] Again,  let us  consider what the Bible  says in Acts of the apostles 20: 28, ``take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood`` 
Let us consider this statement that says; ``… Which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers…`` The question to ask is, what is a Ghost? You can agree with me that a Ghost is the spirit of the dead man or woman, who is no longer in existence. Now how can a ghost be holy as it is written in this verse of the Bible; ``…the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers…`` The understanding from this verse of Bible is that the spirit of a dead man that is holy had commissioned them to be an overseer. By so doing the commission of those who called themselves General overseers in their churches is by the spirit of the dead man. And this same spirit of a dead man commissioned them to do their evil works. Obviously, there is no day the spirit of the dead will turn around to become holy. This is why the dead spirit is controlling them and they can’t live a righteous life.  

For instance, if you are in a dream and you discover that the spirit of your dead relative is coming to you, you will rebuke the spirit in the dream and declare that there is no communication between the dead and the living. Obviously, it is the deception of satan the devil to make men and women beauties of life to serve and worship the spirit of the dead through pastors and General Overseers as they are called. This statement of Holy Ghost is also applicable to calling a prostitute, holy prostitute or thief, holy thief or a liar, holy liar, or a murderer, holy murderer and so on. Remember the Scripture says call evil the name it rightly deserves which is a capital EVIL.

Let us consider this statement; ``…Holy Ghost…made you overseer`` which is existing in the churches today. You can agree with me that every church today has a dead representatives to confirm the statement above. When you have something or images; image is a resemblance of something that is not that thing; a drawing of anything that is not the actual thing like dove, heart, bible, globe and other symbols that cannot move and are use as a representations or logo of their churches. Don’t you see that the spirit is being showcased through these dead things therefore establishing the spirit of the dead which takes over their services and makes them to serve the creature instead  of the creator.  
Let’s consider the disapproval of our Maker Yahweh to the earthly children of Yisrael [Israel] in [Exodus 32: 1-11] where they moulded a golden calf and our Maker Yahweh wanted to destroy them and make another nation through Moshe. In other words, our Maker Yahweh is a hater of any image. Because of these moulding that is why our Maker Yahweh decided in this generation to establish the United United Nations of Truth through the Truth Holy Scripture. Therefore, our Maker Yahweh cannot accept any service that is established with any image whatsoever. It is satan that established all these things to make men and women beauties of life to serve the creatures instead of the creator.

[6tH] From the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles 20: 28, it is written; ``over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers,`` If the bible say Holy Ghost made you overseer, then there is no where in the bible where it is written that anybody is made a General Overseer. Then if you cannot find that name General Overseer in the bible then what brought the title General Overseer into the Churches. The reason is that, it is satan being the master of the General Overseers that gave them that title, because satan gave them the title of General Overseer to assume the position of our Maker Yahweh, satan is that dead spirit which himself introduced as the Holy Ghost. 
Then when you are claiming and answering General overseer, can’t men and women beauties of life see that, it is only Our Maker Yahweh that can be the General Overseer over the affairs of men and women beauties of life. As you claim to be a General Overseer; have you overseen what is happening in your house? In other wise, the wife that our Maker Yahweh gave to you may practice some evil acts and you may not be able to see or oversee it. Likewise the earthly children that our Maker Yahweh gave to you. Because when problems are coming on your way, you may not be able to see them.

To talk about this is very, very important. Those called General Overseer; it is ghost that made them General Overseer, including those that follow them. It is absolutely evil that man beauty of life that our Maker Yahweh created allowed satan to use them to plant this evil seed to assume the position of  his Maker. To make men and women beauties of life to serve the creature instead  of the creator. If you cannot oversee the affairs of your life, then why do you answer and assume General Overseer. For your information, right from Moshe [Moses] whom our Maker Yahweh  called  for a great work, there is no any day himself answered General overseer because himself knew that it is the position of our Maker Yahweh. Even Petros which they called Peter and the other disciples, none of them mistakenly answered such a big name that belongs to our Maker Yahweh.
Also, let’s consider those that call a man beauty of life, like themselves, General Overseer.  The question is if a man be a General overseer in your life what will be the position of your Maker Yahweh in your Life?Because you cannot have first and second [two] General overseers at the same time over your life.

Then another question is, since you are calling man beauties of life your General overseer and refuse to call your Maker Yahweh  the General Overseer in your life. Have men beauties of life been able to oversee your affairs? Do you really understand that the name General given to them is not from our Maker Yahweh but is derived from their  master the devil; which is the Holy Ghost? Which commissioned them to do dead works. The reason why it is called a dead work is because they are taking people to hellfire and not the Kingdom of Our Maker Yahweh. Because the vision is to oversee you until you give up the ghost and eventually lead you to hellfire, because you choose to serve the creature instead  of the creator.
From the Truth Holy Scripture the quotation read differently and in the most appropriate way; “take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the children of our Maker Yahweh, over which the Rauch Ha Kodesh hath made you overseers, to feed the Qahal of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, which I AM THAT I AM hath purchased  with our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach own blood. [Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh 20th chapter, 28th verse].

According to what is written in Truth Holy Scripture, you can see that there is no where you will find Ghost or spirit; but it was written as Our Maker Yahweh calls it from the beginning. Why it is written that; ``the which the Ruach Ha Kodesh hath made you overseers`` it is so that they can make the report back to the General Overseer who is our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. That is to say that the congregation our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach committed into your hand; you must give account to I AM THAT I AM: General Overseer who is our Maker Yahweh. That is why when our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach was giving account, I AM THAT I AM said ``while I was with them on the earth, I kept them in thy name; those that thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the child of perdition; that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.``[Goodnews of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 17th chapter, 12th verse].This is the report from our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to Our Maker Yahweh who is the real General Overseer. 

Let us consider another point, the bible says in Matthew 28:19; ``Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost:`` Now the question that is derived from here is that baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost; who is the Father, who is the son and who is also the Holy Ghost? Because if you are saying father you must identify the name of your father.And  it is only somebody that is doing evil that will hide the name of his father. You must also identify the name of the son, as the bible said. Another point is baptizing them in the name of Holy Ghost. It is the devil himself that has the vision to make sure that men and women beauties of life must be baptized with dead spirit in other to have covenant with them. And after establishing this, to bring this into reality devil now handed it over to the General Overseer, Founders and Pastors as they are called to baptize men and women beauties of life to demons of gathering of water which they call river so that they will have covenant with them. When you go to the gathering of water which they call river,base on what they told you in the bible, that baptism is done so that all righteousness will be fulfilled. Does it mean that righteousness is derived from being dedicated to dead spirit in a river.

From the history given to Moshe by our Maker Yahweh to the time of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach on earth, there is no reference of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach being Immersed in water. Even the bible did not say baptize them with water. Obviously it is satan that commissioned the so called General Overseers to take you to the gathering of water to covenant you with demons of river which is their master that they are serving. Consider this, if a native doctor wants to make a sacrifice to their demons, they will take men and women beauties of life to the same river. If they want to dedicate anything they will also take it to the river to dedicate it. Have you considered that the General Overseers as they are called have dedicated you through baptism in the name of Holy Ghost; because the Holy Ghost is the dead spirit that commissioned them to baptize you and dedicate you with dead spirit.

Let us consider the Truth Holy Scripture in the Goodnews of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach 28th chapter, 19th verse which says;``Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father Almighty, Our Maker Yahweh, and of the only Begotten child; Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, and of the Ruach Ha Kodesh:`` now you can see the Truth Holy Scripture mentioned the name of  the Father, and the name of the only Begotten child and the Ruach Ha Kodesh and not Holy Ghost, because there is no day a Ghost will be holy. That is what the devil introduced to you; when you mention Jesus it is an idol of Zeus. Closely listen to the pronunciation of Jesus, that name is supposed to be Jezus. It was satan that made us to serve the creatures instead of the creator. So let us return back to Our Maker Yahweh and serve and worship the creator. 

Let us consider another point of what the bible say in Matthew 3:15; ``And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him. `` Now what other reference in the bible confirms that it is the fulfillment of righteousness. When our Maker Yahweh gave the Law unto Moshe [Moses] it was written down. When our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach was about to come to the earth for the deliverance of the captive it was announced. When our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach came to change the Laws of Moshe [Moses] it was written. Then where else can you trace that it was written in the bible that baptism of water is a fulfillment of all righteousness. Invariably, it is satan that attached this in the bible to use the General Overseers, Founders and Pastors as they are called, to use water baptism to create fear in you so that you will see it as a must, that without being dedicated to water you cannot make heaven. That is how they made you to serve the creature instead  of the creator. 

Let us also consider what bible says in terms of baptism of the disciples in Acts of the Apostles 2:2-4;``And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it fill all the house where they are sitting and there appear unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. `` …as the bible says there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind… To talk about this verse, as if heaven have authority and power to supply the need of men and women beauties of life. That is what the devil did in other to make you serve the creatures instead of the creator. As you can see the bible says they were filled with the Holy Ghost. Though, it is the disciples of Jesus Christ and not the disciples of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach; we can see that the later were not baptized in water. 

Again, let us consider the Truth Holy Scripture in Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh 2nd chapter, 2nd-4th verses which says;``And suddenly there came a sound from our Maker Yahweh as of rushing mighty wind of Ruach Ha Kodesh, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh rest upon all of them. And they were all filled with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Ruach gave them utterance.`` as you can see in Truth Holy Scripture the mighty wind was the wind of our Maker Yahweh and they were filled with the Ruach Ha Kodesh and not the Holy Ghost. That is why our Maker Yahweh gave us the Truth Holy Scripture.
Then another point is what bible says in the Acts of the Apostles 20:28 ``… and to all the flock…`` Then the question is that; are you a flock? Because it is absolutely deception of satan to use bible to call you an animal. Then the question is; are you an animal? Then if you are an animal why did the Scriptures says that our Maker Yahweh have given you dominion over all the animals. So it is absolutely evil because you have behaved like an animal, because you refused to serve the creator and choose to serve the creature.

Can you consider the behavior of animals? Animals can go elsewhere and sleep without considering their owner; and even they wish not to receive instruction from their owner. You can see that in the Truth Holy Scripture there is nothing like flock but it is called children of our Maker Yahweh. In the Truth Holy Scriptures [Word of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to the Romans] the believers were addressed as “Children of our Maker Yahweh” and not flock. So we can see, it is the deception of satan through the bible to call men and women beauties of life animals. This is why the United United Nations of Truth which our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has given unto us must come together; and forgo our titles and positions that satan gave to us in the past. Then trace the way back to our Maker Yahweh and answer the real names given to us by our Maker Yahweh “BEAUTIES OF LIFE”.

How do you think that satan will come down by himself to do all these evil works in the bible? Satan used the writers and translator of the bible to introduce all these evil works. And our Maker Yahweh has come to use men beauties of life in True Goodnews Revival Movement in the United United Nations of Truth to bring out and introduce the Truth Holy Scripture to return men and women beauties of life to serve and worship our Maker Yahweh.
The Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh is what they call Acts of the Apostles which they deliberately called it to make men and women beauties of life to give honour that belongs to our Maker Yahweh to men and women beauties of life: thereby making men and women beauties of life to serve the creature instead of the creator. 

Let us consider satan’s establishment through the GOs, GSs, Church Founders, Pastors as they are called to use wedding ceremony to hand over and covenant marriages to satan as the controller of the wedding ceremony. What our Maker Yahweh instituted is marriage and not wedding. For example, the marriage of Adam and Chavvah which they call Eve ended when the dowry was paid by Adam with his single rib. There was no any other day or place where they had a celebration. Like the marriage of Yitzchak which they call Isaac and Revkah which they call Rebecca. The marriage ended at the payment of dowry. There was no fun fares and celebration. Even Yitzchak was not present at the marriage. Glaringly, me have fact to prove that the so called General Overseers and Pastors are agents of satan and are working for satan in the house of satan.

Consider this, that in the churches today, if a man is able to get money to pay for dowry, the church will mandate him to do the second marriage which they call wedding ceremony without considering whether the person has money or not. And you can agree with me that many of the bridegroom has ran into indebtedness because of this. Obviously, it is satan that instituted wedding ceremony and handed it over to pastors to make marriage to be difficult, so that fornication will be on the increase. The reason is that when a man beauty of life that is matured to be married has no money to consummate the marriage, definitely it will lead him to fornication. Also it will make the female beauty of life that is matured to be married to compromise in order to make sure that herself is fixed with a man beauty of life.

All these practices are what satan introduced and gave to General Overseers and Pastors to frustrate people. The worst is that satan gave them instruction to mandate man beauty of life that the wife will be on the left side of the man beauty of life during the time of the so called wedding ceremony. And they gave them a reason for this. They say if anybody attacks the wife, the man beauty of life will be able to use the right hand to defend the wife. It is obvious, that it is satan that established this because satan’s establishment lies on the left. But if somebody used left hand to give you money, you will refuse it; meanwhile it is marriage that carries a greater implication for your future that you are mandated to be established by allowing your wife to be on your left side?

In fact, me want to say that if you are looking for satan don’t search too far away. The General Overseers and Pastor are the identity and representatives of satan. The reason is that their vision is to keep you under bondage so that you will not be able to know the truth and be delivered. 
Let us consider from the scripture what the verdict of our Maker Yahweh is for those on the right side and also those on the left side. According to the Truth Holy Scripture in the Goodnews of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah 25th chapter, 35th  and 41st verses; ``35th Then shall the King say unto them on I AM THAT I AM’s right hand, come, ye blessed of my Father our Maker Yahweh, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the earth…41st then shall I AM THAT I AM say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels``

With these verses above, you can see that the wedding ceremony you did by keeping your wife on the left hand is contrary to the demand and establishment of our Maker Yahweh. By implication you have indirectly handed over yourselves to satan for destruction. If you can pause and think and meditate over your experience since your wedding ceremony have you been able to have real peace in that marriage, if the truth is declared, you have been managing to cope in your marriage. Because the marriage is not handed over to our Maker Yahweh. You were indirectly deceived to hand over your marriage to satan by the General Overseer and Pastors. Even those that were wedded with wedding rings, they made sure that the rings were put on their left hand for satan to have control over them. That is why our Maker Yahweh is calling every married couples to come together in United United Nations of Truth to rededicate their marriage for our Maker Yahweh to have control over their  marriage. The unmarried men beauties of life in United United Nations of Truth are to make sure that their wives to-be, will be by their right hand to establish the right thing in their marriage because it is the establishment of the foundation of Truth Believer in the United United Nations of Truth.

As you can see that every General Overseers, General Superintendents and Pastors as they are called make it a taboo for their members to visit or worship in any other church apart from their church. And it is a must that every teaching and written materials must come from these General Overseers and all their members are limited to learn from them. And no person is permitted or qualified to produce a book or any other materials of teaching in the church apart from the General Overseer. The question is, is that how the early disciples did it in their own time? Or is that how our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach worked with I AM THAT I AM’s disciples? The answer is NO!
For instance, we have the Goodnews of our Maker Yahweh through Mattityah, Menachem, Lukas, and Yahchanan which they call Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. During the preaching of the General overseers and Pastors as they are called, they do not rely or establish their preaching based on Matthew alone as they call it. They will go to many and different books of the bible to establish their preaching. We ask the question, if the establishment of scripture was founded on the message through a single person how would they know the other things that are written in those books of the bible and the dealings with other individuals that our Maker Yahweh used to bring the truth. This is why the disciple of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach were together without contesting for who is the best or highest amongst them. Every of them were mandated to write according to the dealings of our Maker Yahweh in their lives. 

To talk about GO`s, GS, as they call themselves, cannot be exhausted? In summary they are spiritual killers because devil uses their position to kill men and women beauties of life that would have recognized our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. So they are now more dangerous than the physical killers which they call assassins because by miracle their victims can escape. But for the General Overseers, Church Founders and Pastors, they will come to you as helpers to tell you to believe what they are teaching as the truth and that you should not believe what others are saying. That others are liars and deceivers and it is only the General overseers and their church that are not deceivers thereby whatever they tell you, you believe it to the point that even if our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach comes from Heaven to tell you that what you are doing is a sin you will have to get a confirmation from your General Overseer or Pastor before believing or accepting it. This is why satan positioned them to make you not to believe the messages our Maker Yahweh is sending in this last days.

For more understanding about this, consider when you were in school you had different teachers taking different course of study and as a student you are mandated to learn the entire course from different teachers. There is no any day the lecturer will come to counter the teachings of the other lecturers. This is to say, if you choose only a single lecturer you cannot know more than the course study of that lecturer, which means that every other course of study you will be ignorant of them. Then how do you think you will be a good student? So consider that you will not be able to stand before other students that choose to study and attend all the lectures by all lecturers. And you can agree with me that to get employment or work through the knowledge of that single course of study you know, will be difficult. 

And during the time of ordinary level which goes by the name NECO or WAEC you cannot pass the examination with the knowledge of a single course of study. Because if you depend on the knowledge of a single course, you will not graduate into the higher institution. But consider this, if a single lecturer comes to you and says that himself will teach you all the course of study, can you believe it? Invariably, you will disagree with him and ask yourself, how possible can this be? But the General Overseers have made this overture to you that what will qualify you to enter into Heaven is only their preaching and teaching alone. As you can see, they are master deceivers. The reason they are telling you that whatever you need to make heaven is with them is because they don’t want you to go to another place so that you will not be able to understand their deceptions. 
In this manner, they are robbing you and using you to do their business, collecting your tithe, offerings, vows and so many other devices they use to make merchandise of you which at the end of the day you will find yourself in hellfire for putting your trust in them or in ordinary men beauties of life. The devil used them to make you to serve the creatures instead of the creator. That is why our Maker Yahweh has nullified the office of General Overseer, General Superintendent, Church Founders and Pastors. And our Maker Yahweh has given us the Truth Holy Scripture to bring the truth that will help us to establish the United United Nations of Truth for the Truth Believers to manifest.

The General Overseers, Founders and Pastors showcase their picture in their church offices, their homes, on billboard, posters and hand bills etc. They encourage their members to have their pictures placed in their homes and their offices as a source of protection from evil. If the bible says; ``thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,..``  as seen above how come pictures or images are produced in the first place, how much more to display it as an item of protection. No men and women beauties of life should have an image of themselves or other people how much more making an item to be placed somewhere for protection. Producing a picture in the first place is against the commandment of our Maker Yahweh. Satan knowing that the production of images, similitude of both male and female beauties of life or any creation of Our Maker Yahweh is evil. Therefore, satanengineered men and women beauties of life to develop photography to make Our Maker Yahweh’s wrath come upon men and women beauties of life. So that men and women beauties of life will serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator. 
Let us see the restoration of life and light through the Truth Holy Scripture in 2nd Book of the Law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 20th chapter, 4th-5th verses says; ``thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down thy self to them, nor serve them: for I your Maker Yahweh I AM that I AM hate sin, and do visit the iniquity of the earthly father upon the earthly children that your Maker Yahweh gave them unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;``

From the above verses of scripture, we can see that anything that has to do with worshipping and serving the creature instead  of the creator is idolatry and Our Maker Yahweh hates it. But this is exactly what satan is using the General Overseers and the Pastors to do in the Churches by making their members to put their confidence and trust in the pictures and images of their pastors which they keep in their home, and offices for protections. Therefore, satan makes them to serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator, but now Our Maker Yahweh is directing them to trace the way back to serving the creator rather than the creatures. 

According to the bible verse in Deuteronomy 4:16, it says; ``lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female.`` The vision of satan to make men and women beauties of life to serve and worship the creature instead  of the creator is been propagated and established in the churches through the sales and use of aprons, handkerchiefs, wrist bands or bangles and bandanas bearing the pictures, logos and images of these church founders and General Overseers. These articles are been sold and distributed to the members and with the conviction from the General Overseers and Pastors that they would be protected from harm as long as these articles and items are on their bodies. These General Overseers and Pastors by this have made their heart and trust to be moved away from Our Maker Yahweh and made them to serve and worship the creatures instead of the creator by putting their trust on ordinary images and physical materials.
Let’s now see the Truth Holy Scripture. In the 5th Book of the Law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 4th chapter, 16th verse which says; ``lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female beauties of life,`` From this scripture, you can see that Our Maker Yahweh does not want men and women beauties of life to corrupt themselves by serving and worshipping the creatures instead of the creator. Therefore, Our Maker Yahweh instructed men and women beauties of life to avoid this idolatry and trace the way back to serve the creator of men and women beauties of life.

Therefore we must avoid the use of aprons, neck kerchiefs, handkerchiefs, wrist band or bangles, bandanas and others with the inscription or images of anything created by our Maker Yahweh and that of their General Overseers and pastors to avoid serving the creatures and serve the creator. 
Satan uses the General Overseer’s, General Superintendents and Pastors to make women to plait, weave, braid and perm their hair
They make them to disobey the commandment of our Maker Yahweh that says ``thou shalt not`` and turn it to ``thou shalt.`` The Scriptures says, ``not with`` they mandated the women to plait and braid their hairs. Is there any place in the scripture where it is mandated that women beauties of life should plait their hair? The truth is that, there is no anywhere in the scripture where it is commanded that women beauties of life should plait, weave, tint, attach whatever to their hair. In the Bible, Jezebel painted her face and tired her head to lure and get the attention or distract Yehu [Jehu] from his mission [2nd Word of our Maker Yahweh through servants 9th chapter, 30th verse]. The same thing that Jezebel did at that time, satan is using the GO’s and pastors to achieve in the lives of the women beauties of life in this generation. They plait, braid, weave, perm, tint, and add attachment to their hair to lure and distract and attract attention to seduce the men beauties of life to lust after them. As you can see, the duty of General Overseers and Pastors is to make the women beauties of life to disobey the commandment of our Maker Yahweh.

In fact, the office of General Overseers is to counter and disapprove the commandment of our Maker Yahweh. When our Maker Yahweh says that women beauties of life should not plait their hair or weave their hair. The office of the General Overseer is used by satan to tell the women beauties of life to plait their hair. Women are serving and obeying the commandment of their so called General Overseers, General Superintendents and Pastors and are disobeying the commandment of our Maker Yahweh. That is why our Maker Yahweh is calling the women beauties of life to obey and serve the creator rather than serving the creatures. That is why our Maker Yahweh gave us the Truth Holy Scripture in the United United Nations of Truth to establish the Truth Believers in the United United Nations of Truth

Let us see how satan used the General Overseers and Pastors to make men beauties of life to loose their glory. According to the scriptures in the 3rd Book of the Law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 21st chapter, 5th verse; ``Thy shalt not make baldness upon their head, neither shalt they shave off the corners of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh`` also in the Word of our Maker Yahweh through Yechezkel 44th chapter, 20th verse; ``Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long; they shall poll their heads.`` as you can see this is a real commandment from our Maker Yahweh which says thou shalt not carve the corner of your beard. The question is, can you shave off the corner of your chin or cheeks without hair on it? It is obvious that satan used the so called Church Founders, General Overseer to command you to scrape off your beard to make you violate the commandment of your Maker Yahweh. 

To make baldness on your head, do you consider that there is wisdom in the creation of our Maker Yahweh to put hairs on your head, chin and cheeks? Note this, before you have beard you must grow to a certain level of age. Does it mean that our Maker Yahweh does not know what I AM THAT I AM did to give you beard when you reach a certain level of age? That is to say, if you have not reached the level of that age our Maker has set before you, the beard will not grow out. The beard is an evidence of a matured man. And the reason our Maker Yahweh told you not to carve or shave off or mar it, is because it is  the evidence of your maturity. For instance, if a man beauty of life builds a complete house and put doors and windows in the house. Suddenly, the man beauty of life removed the doors and the windows. Do you want to tell me that, that building is complete again? As you can see there is no way that house will be called a complete house again. That is to say that earthly children can come inside there and defecate or anybody or animal can have access into the house and mess it up.

Can you see that you are like a man beauty of life after building a house, and then somebody you detailed to take care of the house went and removed the doors and windows of the house. If you discover such, will you be happy with such person? You will ask the person this question; `` do you know how much it cost me to put the doors and windows? Then me want to ask a question here; you that is commanding people to scrape off their beard which they say is cleanliness and you that is scraping off your beard, do you know what it cost our Maker Yahweh to make you to have a beard? Let us see a white man that produced a car and added side mirrors on the car for your safety.  Then when you purchase the car, and you removed the mirror and said that the white man beauty of life that puts the mirror has no wisdom. Is it you that removed it that has wisdom? Don’t you see that by removing the mirrors, definitely it may result to a problem that can destroy your life?

For this reason, can’t you see that scraping off your beard and making baldness on your head will destroy your life because you are living under disobedient to the commandment of our Maker Yahweh. By implication, you are telling our Maker Yahweh that I AM that I AM made a mistake by giving me a beard. And also telling our Maker Yahweh, thatI AM that I AM would have allowed me to remain a young male beauty of life all my life. So you would have made me not to be matured. Have you considered the insult and abuse you have received from the younger male and female beauties of life because you brought yourself down by scraping your beard and scraping your head for you to look young.  In other words,  the youngness you are trying to portray is artificial. That means you are a liar and a deceiver. Can you succeed in getting what you need by removing your identity, knowing fully well that your hair and beard is the identify of a matured man. How do you think that you will get what you need from our Maker Yahweh?

Let us consider what happened in the Truth Holy Scripture when Hanun the servant to the nation of Ammon took Dawid’s messengers and shaved off half of their beards. Dawid told them not to come back and tarry in Yericho until their beard grows up because it is a taboo for a male beauty of life to scrape off their beards. So as you can see, it was written that the men were ashamed of themselves because it a defilement to them. Then why is it that this generation does not see it as a defilement?  The reason is that satan used the so called Pastors and government to enforce a law that you must not keep your beard as your Maker Yahweh has commanded. This is to make sure that when your Maker Yahweh says, ``thou shalt not``, then they say ``thou shalt``. 

Have you considered when you kept your beard as your Maker Yahweh commanded the glory that is attached to it? The beard is the glory of your Maker Yahweh upon you. This is to say your Maker Yahweh will be happy with you as an obedient man child beauty of life. What do the people that commanded that you should scrape off your beard and make baldness on your head have as an evidence from the scripture to defend their actions? However, you are mandated to lower it when it has grown so long. For this reason do not destroy the handiwork of our Maker Yahweh. Now let us see what the Truth Holy Scripture says, in the 3rd Book of the Law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 19th chapter, 27th verse;  ``You shalt not round the corners of your heads, neither shall thou mar the corners of thy beard`` 

What is the meaning of mar? Mar means to damage or spoil something good. By this meaning you should know that you are a destroyer of the creation of our Maker Yahweh by scraping your beard, making baldness upon your head and shaving off the corners of your beard and head. That is why our Maker Yahweh gave us the Truth Holy Scripture so that the United United Nations of Truth can be established and the Truth Believers whom our Maker Yahweh will use to establish the truth.  
Let us consider how GO’s, GS, and Pastors are perpetrating more evil than the killers and the government.
Obviously the works of GO’s, GS and Pastors are more destructive than the government that they say is evil. Consider the crowd that is under the control of the GO’s, GS and Pastors in the  churches. These people are suffering from different problems and afflictions, yet the preaching of Pastors is ``give and it shall be given unto you``, without looking into the church to consider the challenges of the people there. 

Now let us consider the government people are saying are evil. For instance, the president as they are called in each countries are using the resources to pay their workers, building and maintaining roads, considering poor people. They give free education, free health care, scholarships. Even the state government as they are called use the limited resources to see to the affairs of the people, without asking for contribution from them to achieve their vision apart from tax collected from workers.  
But the so called GO’s, GS and Pastors with their churches are all over the world. Tithe, offering, vows, harvest comes in all the currencies of the countries of the whole world, yet they will not use these monies to execute any programme. When they have new ventures to be done, they still call on the poor people to contribute. The monies that are realized are kept in the bank like an abandoned property. These monies are greater than monies of many countries. The governments of these countries use the money to meet most of the demands of the people. Even the people that are working under the government after receiving their salaries, they come and give part of it to their gods which are the GOs, GS and Pastors as tithe, offering, vows, harvest and so on. But it is not wrong to pay tithe, give offering and to support the work of our Maker, but question is how the money is being use, for example, after collecting the money they dump them inside the bank.  The worst about this is the poor people that contribute the money to build their schools, will not have access to it because of the high fees demanded from them but only the rich have access to the school. Even people that did not contribute to the building of the school, it is them and their children that benefit from the school and other venture carried out. Is it not an indication that somebody that suffered will not eat the fruit of his labour? During the time of their retreat, conventions they will still ask people to contribute money while they have billions of money in their bank account. 

Do you realize that many people that contribute to this ventures, some of them have died out of frustration, some their earthly children our Maker Yahweh gave to them are out of school. Then another worse thing is when the GO’s and GS is visiting their branches, it become a great burden by looking for ways to meet up with the demands of their GO’s and GS. In fact, they can be pressurized to go and borrow money in order to meet up the demand of the GO’s and GS. Obviously the yoke of the GO’s and GS as they are called are heavier than that of the Government as they are called.  If me will say, the GO’s, GS, Church Founder and Pastors they have the heart of their master the devil.
In other words, all the GO’s and GS, the mandate satan gave to them is to frustrate you, rob you, and use you to achieve their own aims and visions. Me as a servant of our Maker Yahweh declare to you that the God you are serving in your churches is the GO’s and GS. So all the logos they have that is the God you are serving. You that is contributing money to support their vision, you are the company that is use to achieve their vision. Then don’t you realize that the sign of disappointment that you are experiencing is a symptom of future disappointment during the time of rapture or death to tell you that you will not be  able to make it to heaven because you were worshipping and serving your General Overseers. Me know that you will defend your General Overseers, but consider this fact before it will be too late for you. But me pray that our Maker Yahweh will open your eyes of understanding to understand what me is saying concerning the GO’s and GS. Amen.

Let us consider how our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach met the Demands of the people.
For more understanding let us consider how our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach used what was provided; the fishes and bread was used to feed the multitude [Goodnews of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Menachem 8th chapter, 1st-9th verse; 6th chapter, 36th-44th verses]. 
Let us also consider how the Disciples of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach met the demands of the Believers
During the time of the early disciples, the believers sold their lands and whatever they have and brought the money into the Qahal and the money was distributed according to the needs of the believers [Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh 2nd chapter, 42-45th verses; 4th chapter, 32nd-35th verses]. Note that our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach fed the multitude of the people and the disciples followed the steps of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to use materials made available to take good care of the people. Me will not blame the GO’s and GS because they follow the steps of their master, satan. When satan [Lucifer] was in heaven himself was not satisfied with the position given to him and was looking for a higher position. That is how satan made you do serve and worship the creatures instead of the creator. That is why our Maker Yahweh is calling all captives under the control of the GO’s and GS to come together to establish the United United Nations of Truth. That is why our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave us the Truth Holy Scripture to establish Truth Believers who will serve and worship the creator rather than the creatures. 

Now let us consider how satan used the symbols of snake to take over the praise and worship in the churches: These signs of sofa notation is the symbol of snake that satan introduced and called ``suffer me`` or sofa notation so that as people are singing and are involved in the use of these serpentine symbols, suffering is been showcased into their lives. Below are snake symbols of sofa notation

During the time of first to third Hebrew men beauties of life called Hananiah [Meshiach], Azariah [Shedrack] and Mishael [Abednego], when the servant to the nation of Babylon called Nebuchadnezzar commanded that at the sound of the music they should bow to the image. But they refused to bow down. Refusing to bow down to the image and to the music; by this they refused to bow down to the image [the idol of the music].
If they refused to bow down to music why do the present day church bow down to music by adopting tonic sofa and sofa notation in their so called music.  Invariably, it means they are bowing down to the demonic spirit and snake image symbol of the music. Closely watch the symbol of the bass and treble, sofa notation that the same thing that these first to third men beauties of life refused to bow down to; that is the image and the sound of music. Then examine the treble and alto staff that represent the line and spaces in the staff; you will discover that it is an image of snake deliberately showcased to deceive men and women beauties of life and make them to serve snake ignorantly which represents satan. 

Also when you examine the bass and tenor staff that represents the line and spaces as well, you will also see that this also is an image of snake which is deceptively introduced and handed over to the General overseers as are called and the so called Gospel singers to make men and women beauties of life to serve satan ignorantly. The symbol of slaw and tie in the sofa notation looks like the moon, which means there is a deliberate introduction of these images to make man an idol worshipper.
Also the symbol of the pause in the sofa notation was the moon and star combined together show casing idols in order that men and women beauties of life should serve these idols ignorantly. Closely watch all the symbols in the staff both the bass and treble staff; you will note that they have resemblance of snake.   In other words, the Christians are serving the idols of moon and star ignorantly while the Muslims are serving these images and idols also. Therefore they serve the same idols. Note that both Muslims and Christian’s practices came from the white people which are the same idols and deities they are serving in different mode of worship. That is how satan made them to serve the creature more than the creator during the hours of praises and worship. Now our Maker Yahweh has given us Truth Holy Scripture in the United United Nations of Truth in other to serve the creator and not the creature. 

Now, let us consider the deception of white people through the bible; 
The first deception is the name bible, which they used instead of the actual Holy Scripture given by our Maker Yahweh. You can agree with me that you cannot see the name bible inside the book called bible. Furthermore, to buttress this fact, if you buy a hand set or phone with the brand name called TECNO. You will discover that the name Tecno will be both outside and inside of the phone. Like wise if you buy any brand of car, you will also notice that the name of the car will be both on surface of the car and inside the engine of the car.
You can agree with me that apart from outside of the bible you cannot and can never see the name bible inside the bible. Now let us consider what is written in the bible in Genesis 1:16; ``and God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night;…`` The question is that, how can light rule over day and night? Remember that after establishing the name light, other places in the bible was deliberately changed from greater lighter to sun, seasonal light to moon and lesser lights to star. That is why they showcase the sun, the moon and the star in the hymns or music. 

Now let us consider what is written in the Truth Holy Scripture; in 1st book of the law of our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 1st chapter, 16th verse says; ``And our Maker Yahweh made first to third lights of Our Maker Yahweh; the greater light of our Maker Yahweh to shine during the day of our Maker Yahweh, and the seasonal light of Our Maker Yahweh to shine during the night of Our Maker Yahweh and the  lesser lights of Our Maker Yahweh to shine in the night of our maker Yahweh.`` With the Truth Holy Scripture, we can see the main purpose of creating the greater light to shine during the day, seasonal light to shine during the night and lesser lights to shine during the night. And not to rule the days and nights given to men and women beauties of life . Rather our Maker is to rule the lives our Maker Yahweh gave to us and the days and nights our maker Yahweh gave to us. 
Let us trace what the word of our Maker Yahweh says: in Revelation of our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach 18th chapter, 23rd verse ``and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.``  

We can see that from what our Maker Yahweh has said in the scripture that the GO’s, Bishops, all men and women beauties of life of all nations were deceived by them using the bible and the hymns to manipulate them. For your own understanding the definition of Gospel is ``God spell`` which stand for charm or enchantment. Therefore, Gospel music stands for Gods spell under the power or control of satan through symbols of the snake. 
Whether you call it gospel music or worldly music; they are all the same thing. When you watch closely to the musical keyboard, where they call the key board display, the place where information is displayed; you will see the display of the snake symbol there, which means the snake is receiving all the praises. Closely see an example of keyboard displaying the symbols of snake:

That is how satan made them to serve the creature instead of the creator during the hours of praises and worship. Now our Maker Yahweh has given us Truth Holy Scripture in the United United Nations of Truth in other to serve the creator and not the creature. 


According to our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the Headquarters is in the place they called IMO STATE, OWERRI.
The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
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