Monday, 15 January 2018



Tell My Child Greg, that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, called him to do evangelism on Earth. When I called him, I called him My Child but I did not call him to pastor a church.
Tell him that, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am using My authority to command him to follow this movement and believe all the truth I have given to them. If himself doubts this message, himself will end up in hell. Greg should remember there were people who started before him yet I called him and there are people I sent him to give my message, even though they started before him, that is how I am sending this My servant to him now. Greg should see My authority in the message and submit himself to Me.

Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, his father and his master, say himself will soon miss his way. That is why I’m sending My message to him now for him to come into this movement [True Goodnews Revival Movement] and blend with them and pattern his life according to the standard I’m setting with them.
Tell him that, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say, I have faulted all the messages people publish on VCD tapes, I see it as self-presentation and pride. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say that people should only publish my messages on audio tapes. Those who have published them already should immediately stop circulating them and go back to audio only. Again tell Greg My Child, that the warning against pirating My message is against My interest, I see it as personalizing My own message. My interest is in the circulation of the messages and not in the messenger privatizing it and making money out of it. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say it is not in his hand to stop people pirating My message, it is My own business as the owner of the message.
Tell him I have also faulted those who place their pictures on the books they publish. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, see it as self-presentation and pride.

Tell Ubani that I am giving him warning this time, to return to me because the deceiver has deceived him with the gifts of this world. Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach says;
1st. Ubani is doubting the messages I give to others
2nd.  Ubani is counseling people against the messages I gave to others and is telling people to forget about the message of others. Tell him, himself should not expect that I will tell him everything. Himself should believe the truth I reveal to others as he expects others to believe the truths I have revealed to him.
3rd .  Ubani is presenting himself by his pictures and photographs which himself places on his books and the people on his signboard and in his church. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach see it as pride and self presentation.
4th. Ubani introduced anointing oil in his church. Tell him that this practice invokes another spirit into his church.
5th. Ubani should stop warning people against pirating the books containing my messages. My interest is in the circulation of the messages and not in his own economic gain only. Tell him, that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, see that as privatizing my own message.

I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach give this warning to Linda who I have changed to Fortunate. Warning to her. I love her.
Warning! warning !!warning!!! to her. Herself is discarding most of my messages because of her husband, Paul Rika. Tell her that marriage ends here on earth. Her husband, Rika has missed his way, by feeling himself is now a father no longer a child.
Tell “Holiness Revival Movement World Wide” that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, have faulted the foundation of the movement.
Tell Rika that himself is misleading people by encouraging them to buy things on credit. Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach says that any preacher that encourages people to do any transaction on credit terms is working against me and is leading Nephesh [souls] to hellfire. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, commanded that my people should not owe anything to anybody. If anybody dies with debt or in the event of rapture, no matter how negligible the debt may be, will send the debtor to hellfire. People should not owe at all because the time of their death or rapture is not in their palm.
Tell Rika and other preachers and Christian leaders that, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, any church or religious organization that is owing is condemned by the standard of heaven such a church or organization will all end up in hellfire.
Tell “Holiness Revival Movement” that they are mocking Me by saying that people are now doing business with encounters and messages. They are mocking Me by mocking the messages I gave to people.
Tell the people of the earth that I have faulted the foundation of “Holiness Revival Movement World Wide”
Tell Rika that I see, himself is wise but his wisdom is like the wisdom of Pharaoh. When I sent Moshe to Pharaoh to let my people go, Pharaoh hardened his heart against my message because himself felt that himself had the wisdom and the authority over the people, so Pharaoh did not see my authority in the message I sent through Moshe. I removed his staff of authority over my people and subdued him. Tell Rika that I have closed the door of the ministry I gave to him.

Tell Michael Sambo that I love him but himself should not follow Rika. If himself follows Rika, himself will miss his way. Tell him, I can hear the cry of Nephesh [souls] against him, who himself has mislead by saying that encounter messages and revelations are now business. That people are now using it to make money. Tell him that himself  is causing bias in the minds of people against my messages.
Tell him that when himself  was kidnapped, the Malach [angel] I sent to rescue him told him there are other messages I will send to the earth, those messages are now coming but himself is discarding them.
Tell him that if himself wants to return to me, himself should say “sorry” for discarding and speaking against My word and misleading souls by his counseling and response against My messages, and come into “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. This is the only movement I am comfortable with now because they are children but any day I find them fathers, I will also leave them.
Tell the people of the earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, everything I have faulted is faulted. Tell the people of the earth that everything I have faulted is sin and anybody continuing in such thing will end up in hell.
Tell the people of the earth that, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have come to dominate the people of the earth through this “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. Tell the people of the earth, they should not doubt all the things I have faulted or think why they should avoid the things I said should be avoided.
Tell my people, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, I want to use this movement to divide the earth into two. Therefore my people should come together under “True Goodnews Revival Movement”, to plan, work and move together according to the standard I reveal through them. So that My own people will dominate the earth and establish things to free themselves from the entanglements of Satan. Many of My people are rich. They should come together, establish companies and produce pure products that are not initiated to Satan, for the consumption of My people because many of the products they consume are produced by demons and their man agents. They should open hospitals and all other industries that meet mankind needs, so that Satan will not have grip on them anymore.

Tell the people of the earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, My QAHAL [church] is an indivisible entity. The churches in the world are divided in opinion and belief. I want to use “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to bring my church together. Let me put this question to the people of the earth, when My disciples were on earth, did they criticize themselves or speak against themselves?
Tell them that even when Paulos was abandoned at first by the disciples, Paulos went into Arabia and there himself sought my face for three years, and received my power and anointing and revelations to do My work. See the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Galatians.1st chapter, 15th to 24th verses. After that Paulos still returned back to submit to the authority of the Qahal [church] in Yerushalayim and complied with other disciples to carry out the same great commission in unity of faith, doctrine and purpose. Paulos could as well start his own Qahal [church] or name the Qahal [churches] himself planted as his own and continued on his own, but Paulos did not do it because my QAHAL was only a single entity.
What the pastors do is, when they have quarrel with their pastor, they go and start their own church, in anger and malice. That was what Lucifer did in heaven, when himself wanted to start his own. Lucifer gathered a group of his own angels to form a force of rebellion against the authority of Our Maker Yahweh but himself was cast down. Lucifer has entered into the churches to cause the same havoc. Lucifer takes advantage of disagreements and conflicts between church pastors, to call them to go and start their own church. So that the foundation of churches continues to stand on rebellion and disagreements. As the pastors start the churches, the same Lucifer will also enter into their members and call them to go and start their own. So the entire system continues to spread. That is why the churches cannot agree. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am not the author of confusion. So the churches that cannot agree in faith, doctrine and practice cannot be my own QAHAL [churches] and My Ruach cannot be there. It is rather the spirit of religion that is controlling the churches on earth. I and My Father are the same and we walk together. My word says “can two walk together except they agree?”
Tell the people of the earth that I have faulted the pastors and because I have faulted the pastors, I have also faulted the name or title “pastor”. The name of Satan was faulted and that is why nobody answers Satan again.

Adam and Chavvah [Eve] were faulted and that is why nobody answers Adam or Chavvah [Eve] again. Yahda [Judas] was faulted and that is why people no longer like to answer Judas. That is how I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have faulted the title “pastor”, therefore nobody should take the title again.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach know that the pastors will not believe this message but as many of them as will believe will be saved. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, the highest title or ordination any of my children should take is “servant”.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach was addressed as “Jesus” but because of the abuse of the name “Jesus”, as given to the pictures of white man people draw and other personalities that adopt the name “Jesus”, I have faulted the name “Jesus” and commanded that I should be addressed as YOUR REDEEMER YAHWEHSHUA HA MASHIACH, to differentiate my name from the fake and faulted “Jesus”.
I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach know they will ask you, is the name “pastor” not in the Bible?. Tell them it is in the Bible, as the name Satan, Adam, Eve, Judas are also in the Bible but none answers them because I have faulted them.
None of the pastors, from the greatest to the least obeys Me, they have all gone astray. That is why I have faulted their title. Nobody serving Me should answer that name, I have raised this “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to lay a new foundation and ordain “servants” rather than “ Pastors”.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have given “True Goodnews Revival Movement” the staff of authority to ordain anybody that will come to them as a “servant”.
Tell the people of the earth that the preachers of My word should not allow video coverage anywhere and any time they are preaching or teaching my word because it distracts the attention of those who are listening.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have only permitted “True Goodnews Revival Movement” to show the people of the earth my standard and My take in video presentations. I have given this movement films to shoot and songs to present in video, to pass My own message to the people of the earth. I have given them a pattern that must avoid pride and self presentation.
Tell the people of the earth, I am on My way! I am on My way!! I am on My way!!! They should hear My word and be ready for Me.
Tell Kumuyi, that if I don’t say this to him I don’t even love him. His visit to any where has become a big burden to his people because of meeting up with his standard.
Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the money in Deeper Life bank account is more than a country’s money.
What is it for? When there are works to accomplish for my mandate to prepare Nephesh [souls] for My coming.

Tell him I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach , said himself should release the money for My work, instead of tasking the poor and creating burden to the people. Tell him that even if himself corrects other things without correcting this one, it will still disqualify him for My kingdom. Tell Kumuyi that I am on My way coming for him.
Tell the people on earth that positions and titles have taken their heart, it is the gift of the world. Tell them that except Petros whom I promised to make the physical overseer of the Qahal, I did not give any other title to anybody. Tell the world that G.O, G.S, State Overseer etc, is not known in heaven. They should discard all those titles.
Tell the people of the earth that my people should come to me in this “True Goodnews Revival Movement’, this is My movement which I am using to reveal every evil work of Satan and save My people from entanglements of Satan.
Tell printers, that any of them who print materials for burial, wedding or posters, handbills, banners, books for preachers with their pictures placed on them, is helping to promote what I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have condemned and for that reason I will also condemn the printer. Tell the printers that they should only print the materials that meet up with my own standard and should avoid printing any worldly materials that promote politics and worldliness or religious materials that make for self presentation or include information in favour of any of the religious practices I have condemned like burial ceremony, wedding ceremony, Christmas and Easter celebrations, church harvest and bazaar, launching, pictures and images of so called Jesus and the saints or pictures of preachers etc.

Tell the earth that why I am speaking now is that Kings always speak last. They allow others to speak and at last they will speak. I am the king of all the earth, that is why I have allowed the devil to speak all this while but I am now speaking for the last time.
Tell the people of the earth that I have a Child whom I have approved and recommended to record my messages. All those who are my children who want to record their messages and songs should contact Engr Joe. Engr Joe is My chosen Child for this purpose because himself loves me and is doing My work.
Tell all those who are my children, who have already published messages before now and have placed their pictures on the materials, to run now and stop the circulation and remove their pictures.
I love man beauty of life, I died for man beauty of life, I am doing everything to save man but the more I love them, the more they hate me. Tell the people on earth that I am on My way.
Tell all the people I gave messages that they should come together in this movement to harmonize my messages because the world is misunderstanding the message I gave to them because of the way they understand and present them. Tell them to come together in this movement to agree.
Tell those who blend the messages I have given, that they will suffer terribly in hellfire. Tell churches not only Deeper Life, that they should bring out the huge accounts they have in the bank and use it to do My work. I am on My way. Tell the churches that they should all come together in “True Goodnews Revival Movement” because I am bringing My children together.

Tell all the people I give messages that they should all come together in this movement. I am using this movement to gather them together and open the eyes of people. That was how I called Paulos to open the eyes of the other apostles.
Tell them that Paul Rika was the first man I called for this purpose of bringing all the people I give messages together but himself has failed by discarding some of my messages and messengers. Therefore, I have discarded him and have chosen “True Goodnews Revival Movement” for that purpose.
I called him not because himself was perfect but I arranged that through all the messages I bring to him through those I granted encounter, himself could believe them and pattern his life according to my standard. Unfortunately, himself abandoned them, feeling himself has it all. Avraham was my servant yet Avraham was not perfect until I called him unto perfection.
Tell my children they should avoid use of olive oil and candles in prayer because Satan is into it. Those who use them are initiated into Satan. They may get answer to their prayers but they are initiated. As many as are involved in the practice should call me, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, to deliver them, I will deliver them.
Tell the people of the earth that why pastors argue My messages is because of their title and personality.
Tell the people of the earth that every bit of the messages Greg is giving out is my direct word. They should not doubt it. That is why I am calling them together so that they can work together.

I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach declare to Michael Sambo that I love him, but Michael Sambo should not follow Rika. If Michael Sambo follows Rika, himself will miss his way. I can hear the cry of Nephesh [souls] against him, those whom himself has misled by saying that encounter messages and revelations are now business, that people are now using it to make money. Michael Sambo is causing more bias in the minds of people against my message. When himself was kidnapped, the Malach I sent to rescue him told him, there are other messages I will send to the earth, those messages are now coming, but Michael Sambo is discarding them.
If Michael Sambo wants to return to me, Michael Sambo should say “Sorry” for discarding and speaking against my word and misleading Nephesh [souls] by his counseling and responses against my message, and come into “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. This is the only movement I am comfortable with now, because they are children.
Paul Rika was the first man I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, raised for the purpose of bringing all the people I give messages together, but Paul Rika has failed by refusing some of my messages and messengers.
Therefore, I have abandoned him and have chosen “True Goodnews Revival movement” for that purpose.  I called Rika, not because Rika was perfect, but I arranged it that through all the messages I bring to him through those I granted encounters, Rika could believe them and pattern his life according to my standard. Unfortunately, Rika discarded them, feeling himself has it all. Avraham was my servant yet Avraham was not perfect until I called him unto perfection.
Therefore, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, is using my authority to call all the people I gave messages and revelations for this end time, to come together in ‘True Goodnews Revival Movement’. I am using this movement to bring them together to open the eyes of people. That was how I called Paulos to open the eyes of the other apostles.


I can see confusion on earth concerning my message, that I have faulted the name JESUS. Yes, I said, People should hence forth call ME, YOUR REDEEMER YAHWEHSHUA HA MASHIACH, to differentiate my own name from that fake name Jesus. Demons and cult masters answer names similar in sound to the name Jesus. Even the one people draw in books and calendars is also called Jesus. For this reason, I, told my children, as many as believe and obey Me to call Me Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, to fully differentiate My name from others who answer the same name. Why it must be so is because others may answer Jesus but not Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Addressing me this way gives my clear identity, and makes it clear, the one somebody is addressing.
My question to the people of the earth: Does the people on earth consider that when my father said, “Moreover Our Maker Yahweh said, I am the Maker Yahweh of thy earthly father, the Maker Yahweh of Avraham,, the Maker Yahweh of Yitzchak [Isaac], and the Maker Yahweh of  Yaakov. And Moshe hid his face; for himself was afraid to look upon Our Maker Yahweh” [The 2nd book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through to Moshe,3rd chapter,6th verse].
“See now that I, even I, am I am that I am, and there is no Idol with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.” [The 5th Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through to Moshe. 32nd chapter, 39th verse]
“I am thy Maker Yahweh, which has brought thee out of the land of  Mitzrayim, out of the house of  bondage.” [The 2nd Book of law of Our Maker Yahweh through to Moshe, 20th chapter, 2nd verse].”

That is to prove that I AM that I AM is the original Maker Yahweh, because there are other gods and lords? When my father said, I am Your Maker Yahweh, I AM that I AM means to differentiate  I AM that I AM’S own name from others who bear the same name.
Tell Greg that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, Greg has collided with the group that are fighting Me with their position.
Tell him that every word I gave to him to give to the people of the earth is true. Likewise every’ word I gave to “True Goodnews Revival Movement”.
I looked far and saw that Greg would soon miss his way and I sent My messengers to him, as my servant, to tell him, but himself did not understand. Now Greg is speaking against my word.
That I ,Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that everybody should come together under a single Qahal [Church], that is my command. I ask Greg this question: If him is a complete man beauty of life and his body is divided into parts, some parts in the north, some in the south, some in the west and some in the east, can your body still function as a man beauty of life? If the body cannot, then Greg should know My QAHAL cannot as well.
Tell Greg, I can see himself is intelligent, but himself should remember I said, in the message I sent to him, that himself would soon miss his way and that Greg should believe every bit of the message I gave to the messengers.
As him is causing bias in the hearts of people against the movement I raised by myself, him will pay for it.

If Greg has ever seen in their so called Bible where the title G.S, G.O is written, then himself should know that those who bear such titles are doing my work, if not, Greg should as well know they are not doing my work. I called Greg to give my message to the people of the earth, I did not call him to be a pastor but I can see him being a Church founder.
I know that time will come when people will found and own Churches and use them for business. It happened in My days on earth, when people turned the Qahal [Church] into business, but I drove them out of my father’s house. I will also drive them out this time.
I prayed to my father, to make My Qahal [Church] an indivisible entity and My Father has answered that prayer. My QAHAL [Church] can only be single and not double or many. Nothing can stop this plan, unless the people I’m using now stop obeying me.
Thus said Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Amen.

Any body who uses my name to deceive people will suffer greatly in hell fire. I am King, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I that lives from everlasting to everlasting. As I was yesterday, so I am today and forever.

My Message to Kingsley Ubani
Anybody who deceives people in My name, by telling them I said when I have not said, will suffer greatly in hellfire.
I am not the author of confusion. I have come to reveal to the people of the earth what is happening. Why I have come to reveal this now is because I have called all the people I gave messages to, to come together in True Goodnews Revival Movement but they have refused.
I want to ask this question to the people of the earth: have anyone discovered where any of my early disciples spoke against each other?
People I gave messages before I raised True Goodnews Revival Movement allowed the enemy to deceive them, because they see themselves as special people. This was exactly what Satan did and was cast down.
I have come to tell the people of the earth the secret behind the confusion they are having in the messages I am giving to some people, because I said I will continue to use True Goodnews Revival Movement to speak to the people of the earth.

Some of the people I gave message do not agree with each other. The reason for not agreeing is because they feel that I must give them every message. When eventually they hear that another person has come up with a message from Me, they disagree with it because it is not from them. Therefore, when people ask them about other people’s message, they condemn those ones and counsel people against it. Because of the unbelief and disagreement in their hearts, the voice of deception will take over and speak to them, and they will come out and tell the earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach spoke to them.

My message to Kingsley Ubani whom I used before to speak.
I used Ubani to speak in time past before himself allowed the spirit of doubt and unbelief to take over him. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, I used Kingsley Ubani at the beginning but now Kingsley is not speaking My own word. Kingsley is rather speaking against Me now and cursing bias in people’s heart against my messages.
I have told the people of the earth before now, that Ubani has missed his way. Therefore, anybody who listens to and believes the message of Ubani that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told him that Christmas celebration is not sin, is believing a lie. My word says that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.
Whoever says that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach was born on December 25th is a liar. My Question to the people on earth: have anybody read in their so called Bible where it reveals that I was born on a particular day? If there is such revelation in the Bible, then the people of the earth should know there is a day to celebrate My birth, if not, they should also know that Ubani has missed his way.
If there is record of the date I was born, that means I have a beginning. My father, in I AM that I AM’S infinite wisdom hid it from men beauties of life  . If there is any record of the date of my birth, why did Servant of Servants [King]As they Called Herod not know exactly when I was born.
Again, if My early disciples had any day they celebrated My birth, the people of the earth should as well follow the pattern, if not, they should know I never instituted it and also know that Ubani has gone into error. If what I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach did not initiate, Ubani says it is good, where did himself find it?

All those who believe Ubani’s message presently will end up in hell. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach , tell the people of the earth that I am no more giving Ubani messages.
I called him before and took him to hellfire and showed him people who are in hell, and gave him message to pass to the earth. Ubani failed to keep My conditions, so I withdrew from him. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, did not give him the message himself is now spreading. It’s quite unfortunate that after showing him hellfire, himself has decided to end up in hellfire. Ubani is trying to tell the people on earth that I am still speaking to him, when I am not. I want to tell him that Nephesh [Souls] are crying against him in hellfire because of wrong information and counseling himself is giving to people.

I want to tell the people of the earth that Christmas celebration is a sacrifice to the spirit of pride. It is this spirit of pride that collides with the spirit of doubt and unbelief to speak to Ubani, to ensure that celebration of Christmas continues. This spirit knows that if people keep hearing and believing the message against Christmas, the celebration will stop and his sacrifice will cease.
The season of Christmas is attached to idolatry. It is a time of all kinds of evil happenings: ritual killing, violence, fornication, craze for fashion, celebrations, bloodshed and other uncountable vices.
If I , Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach tells Ubani that Christmas is good, that means I am the founder of evil. That also means I am telling people that fornication is good, murder is good, robbery is good, duping is good, because this is the season that all these things happen. It is a season of fashion and competition. That will mean that I am in support of all these vices.

The earth should throw out the message of Ubani which tells them that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told him that Christmas celebration is good. I am not the one who gave him the message. It is the spirit of pride collided with the spirit of unbelief that gave him the message. The only thing that will save Ubani is for him to return to Me and say sorry for misleading people and lying against Me. Ubani feels himself has it all, that is why him  does not want to listen to others. Instead, himself is condemning My message. Who is Kingsley Ubani to condemn My message?
Tell the people of the earth, I am calling them into True Goodnews Revival Movement, that is where I will establish them, that is where I am. I gave Ubani message to the people on earth but Ubani privatized my messages and was concerned about making money with it, and is even warning people against pirating. This is the time of grace, that is why Ubani is still alive. If it were not for My grace, My Father’s anger would have consumed him. Nevertheless, My mercy will end in a particular day.
This message I gave concerning him is not to destroy him. I still love him. I am speaking now for him to realize that himself has missed his way and return again to me and say sorry. I will forgive him. Like I said before, my mercy will soon expire. As many Nephesh [Souls] as himself has led to hell, him also will give account of them. I want to remind him that I told him, when I took him up, that there is no time. Good enough, himself has experienced hellfire.
Even the VCD himself is producing now will condemn him to hellfire. I have told people to stop it. All through My time, I did not show My picture anywhere for people to recognize me. That is the same reason I told My servant whom I am using to speak in True Goodnews Revival Movement not to show himself for recognition, people will even be looking for him to know him but it will be difficult. That is My own standard.

When I called Ubani to work with Me, Ubani started it, but at a time started working to make money for himself, well Ubani will make the money.
Who is that man beauty of life that will say, I said when I have not said, using My name? Tell the people of the earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, said, I am not a Maker Yahweh of celebration. My business is to save and deliver. Tell the people of the earth that in the midst of celebration there is sin. Celebration leads to fornication, drunkenness, competition, pride, reveling etc. The earth should know it was in celebration that Yahchanan [John the Baptist] was killed. That shows it is the habit of Satan.
Tell the people of the earth that I said, that day they say they are celebrating Me is the most painful day I have. I repeat, if the people of the earth has discovered such celebration in their so called Bible they should know it is right but if not, they should see their error.
I want to ask the people on earth, including Ubani can the government make law that will work against it or empower another authority to suppress it? If government cannot make such laws, how can I tell the people of the earth to go ahead and celebrate what works against Me. As I present this message, the people of the earth should know who is deceiving who? But I want to tell Ubani, to remember that himself has used My name to speak as at when himself was going with Me, before the spirit of doubt over took him.

Can somebody celebrate what himself does not know? Like football fans who celebrate and die for clubs and soccer stars who do not know whether somebody like them exist. How can somebody celebrate My birth when the same does not know the day I was born and does not know Me or fear Me. What I commanded people to observe is Passover [Holy Communion], though people are taking it now unqualified.
Tell the people on earth that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say they should come together in True Goodnews Revival Movement which I introduced by myself, because of the covenant I made with them. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, when I called my Child whom I am using now to speak in True Goodnews Revival Movement, I gave him My covenant of wisdom, which is the mysteries I am revealing now, My covenant of favour, which is this privilege of directing and speaking to them directly by MYSELF, My covenant of heaven, which is possible through this way I am passing verdict on every action of men through my regular messages to them, so that they will no longer be receive the final verdict in eternity. Like I called Petros and said to him, upon this rock I will build my QAHAL and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, that is how I have raised this movement. And that is why I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the only begotten Child of the Most High, am quoting my authority as the founder and director of True Goodnews Revival Movement.
Again, I want to ask the people of the earth, whether they have seen or read about “neck-tie” in their so called Bible? What I introduced is cloth, to cover nakedness and I differentiated between male and female beauties of life’s cloth.
I want to tell the people of the earth that “Tie” is from the territory of serpentine spirit. If the people on earth want to prove this, they should untie and straighten the “tie” and see that the shape is like serpent.

Even though, Greg himself is also counseling people against the message I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave through this movement, True Goodnews Revival Movement, that all My elect and all the people I gave encounter should come together in True Goodnews Revival Movement. My reason of calling them together in True Goodnews Revival Movement is for them to agree and share the messages with themselves and unite hands to achieve My purpose and avoid confusion and disagreement over My messages.
Though Greg has also missed his way by refusing some of the messages I gave to others and is counseling people in the same wise, against My authority, even when I sent my servants to tell him that himself would soon miss his way. But I tell the people of the earth that if they want to be saved, they should obey the previous messages I gave to Greg before himself derailed, it is My message.
Ubani has missed his way. I am calling him now, to return to Me and say sorry for speaking against My messages. Why are they speaking against each other? Do they not see that there is no more time?
Even My Child, whom I am using to speak now in True Goodnews Revival Movement, the first condition I gave to him is that himself must never doubt any message I gave to others or speak against them, even when they doubt and speak against the messages I give to him, and my Child has been faithful to this condition.

When the spirit of doubt and unbelief see that they don’t believe the messages from the same master, the spirit enters into them and use them to cause confusion against my message, I asked this question before, in any of my messages to the people of the earth; Can a single servant in the area of teaching [teacher] handle all the subjects in the school very well?
I called these people and gave them messages from different angles of eternity. They should not expect that I will reveal or give everything to a single person.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, declare to the people of the earth  that, there is this confusion and disagreement over My messages because of doubt and unbelief in the people I gave messages. This is because some of them feel I must tell them everything. So if I give a message to another person, they doubt it and question why I have not also told them, for them to confirm it. The people of the earth should not be confused, that is why I am calling them into True Goodnews Revival Movement to open their eyes and prepare them for My coming.
Ubani is still going with “neck-tie”, that is why himself does not want to believe My message and is going about telling people that “tie” is OK and is quoting me that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told him. Tell him that I know there will come a time when himself will think and feel himself has it all and himself is OK. That is why My word says, let him that thinketh that himself standeth take heed lest himself falls.

Tell Ubani that even the messages I gave to him, him did not deliver them raw as I presented them. Ubani omitted some strong points himself felt did not agree with his idea or the common knowledge of the world, and presented them the way they can be acceptable to people.
When I gave him message about wrist watch, Ubani came back and told people that they should go with leather watch, while I condemned wrist watch because it is an ornament. Does Ubani not know that the face of the watch is ornament? Every ornament will take somebody to hellfire. When I gave him message about belt, Ubani came back and differentiated it. I still want to tell the people on earth that the belt holder is an ornament. Every message I give is true.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach tell the people of the earth that whoever does not see my authority to come into this movement is living under disobedience, my Qahal [church] cannot be more than single.
Tell the people of the earth, I knew there will be a time when everybody will come and build his own church. Now I have come to destroy those churches and I have destroyed them. All the churches on earth have been closed. I knew that a time like this will come. That was why I asked My Father for “THE UNITY OF THE BELIEVERS AND A SINGLE OVERSEER [LEADERSHIP] ”. TGRM is that QAHAL [church]. They are working with Me like My disciples of old. No one in this movement has a special seat in their gatherings; none is given preferential treatment. Even My servant whom I am using to speak in the movement, people will try to recognize him as well, but it will not be easy, because himself is not allowed to present himself.
Ubani is presently like a sacked soldier who is still parading himself in old uniform. I am not the person giving him the message himself is presently spreading against Me. Ubani started with Me but later missed his way because of the gift of this earth and unbelief and doubt over the messages I gave to others,
At that point, the spirit of doubt and unbelief took over him and is speaking through him to cause bias and confusion against my message.


Tell Funmilayo, I Your Redeemer Ha Mashiach her Saviour, I AM sending people to her, so as to listen to all the messages I send through My Child. Tell Funmilayo that herself should remember what I said to her about the nephesh [souls] herself must bring to My kingdom. Tell Funmilayo that, I said if herself believes what herself knows, which Satan taught her that herself will end up in hellfire. Tell her that I have all her records, that herself has not won any nephesh [soul] for Me. Tell her that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that all the logos herself has, which is idol before Me, whether herself thinks I will accept them?
Tell Funmilayo that herself is still making noise. Tell her that, if herself doesn't believe the messages I gave to My Child, that they should all come together, tell her that herself will end up in hellfire. Tell Funmilayo that, I know herself has received information of Me in True Goodnews Revival Movement, but herself has been defending herself. Let her remember that the experience herself is sharing is based on what herself knows and not those herself doesn't know. Tell her I AM the owner of life and that every man and woman beauties of life will appear before Me and give account of their activities. Tell Funmilayo that, I want to give account of her past life. Ask her, does herself know the bible to be My word? However, I send My Child and others to her. Child Yahwehnedu, only package the Bermuda triangle messages and others go and give them to her. Tell her that all the names as called Sunday to Saturday are Idols, or those from January to December are all Idol names and I will not accept anybody with Idols. Tell her that as I AM giving these messages herself should tell others under her control. Tell her that, I should not tell her this again. Tell her that they are commanding Me to tell them directly, I will not tell them. But as I send these messages, they should take it fast. Tell Funmilayo that, there is nothing like pretence before Me. Tell her that, has herself not seen that My relationship with her had slacked? I will round off with this parable:

A certain man beauty of life bought a car, himself started making use of the car, and the tires were gradually reducing from the standard, the engine also was reducing its standard. But the car owner was not careful to checkup his car and to do necessary repairs. A day came, the tire busted and himself changed it, the engine also was reducing in value because himself could not checkup and change oil. A day came that the engine failed to respond. But if the engine is checked up and everything about it is put in order, the car will last. If the owner removes the old engine and put a new engine the car will last.
Tell her that all the people I gave encounter, their engines have knocked, though they have made names and money. Tell her that herself should know that, herself is the worst enemy of the devil. Tell her that all the questions they are asking, "How can all come together", tell her they will be asking the questions and I will achieve My mandate. Tell Funmilayo that as I AM giving her this message, the original copy is in My kingdom. Tell her it is My word. For the fact that My mouth has spoken it, It cannot be reversed says by the saviour of the whole people on earth. Tell her that as I say this, herself should support My programmes with her resources, strength and all it takes. Tell her, this is the time herself is to do My work. Tell Funmilayo, when herself was narrating her experiences to people, the people did not believe her, likewise even if herself does not believe, yet I will achieve My mandate and that if herself fails to be part of the mandate, I will still achieve My mandate. All that they are propagating is what the Roman gave to them. Tell Funmilayo that, many people worked for the devil and later went into hellfire. Tell her that herself did not write application to Me, but I brought her to work for Me, of My own accord.
Child Yahwehnedu, you and the male beauties of life of your Maker Yahweh, take this message and go fast to Funmilayo and deliver it, time is very short, says by Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Tell her, if herself knows that herself has not grown above hellfire herself should obey My word.


Tell any organization that answers Christian church that they will not see Me. Tell them they are like earthly child who is learning to drive a car, but pushed the earthly father out to drive, automatically the earthly child will have problem. Except the earthly child calls the earthly father for help. Let us say, that the earthly father have a security device in the car which can stop the vehicle at a point, definitely the car will stop.

Tell them that their car has stop. My Child Yahwehnedu, I am sending you to them. Even this privilege they don’t deserve it. They have destroyed many nephesh [souls]. Tell them they should sell their pride and return to Me, that I can see their hands are filled with blood. Tell them that even their position will soon be taken. Tell them, that very soon darkness will cover this earth. Tell Greg that himself is a murderer. Tell Margaret Amure that herself is a murderer, Ezekiel Moses also is a murderer. They have killed nephesh [souls], I AM not talking about Lynda and Rika for their own side they have kill many nephesh [souls]. Tell Kumuyi that himself is more than a murderer. Who will I call and who will I leave? Tell Ohanebo of watchman, that I am coming for revenge. Tell all of them I have given them the last chance I have all their record in my palm.

Tell them except they come and ask me again…, Child Yahwehnedu I have not allowed you to speak anything against them. Tell them that they are children, children of the Romans. The Bible and time they are using is from the Roman. My Child Yahwehnedu, the first book of the law of my truth, package it to them and let them study. They should read it.
Tell them, I cannot be a Father of bastards. Tell them that they are all bastards. I will explain. Because they don’t know their Father, though they have Father, but don’t know the Father.

Tell them again they are bastard they should trace Me back and that makes them not to be bastard. Why do they take order from the government. Anybody that is a bastard, when it reaches time for election you will know him. Tell them they still have time now to retrace their way back to Me.

What makes somebody to be a disciple is to follow My instructions, If not ..., My daughter Peace, you were talking about Kingsley, Kingsley is like a man beauty of life who receives lectures and all of a sudden, madness takes over him, who went along the road writing. But by the time you look into his writings you will discover that they are meaningless. You will know that the man beauty of life is mad by his actions and writings. Kingsley is mad. Call Kingsley and you will know that Kingsley is mad.

I told you that you can’t see beyond your environment, but I do. All the ordinances of Kingsley are the ordinances of madness, if not madness, what could make him say that his “Jesus” told him that Christmas is good. I told him about wrist-watch and belt but Kingsley amended the message. Kingsley is mad working for my enemy. Do you know how many nephesh [souls] Kingsley has destroyed?

Tell Kumuyi that himself has been the first person I showed more mercy. Kumuyi should have died long ago. Tell him this is the last time I will write to him. Tell him that I see him going deeper into the Bible according to the name of his church [The book of the Romans].
Children I want to ask you, since you were born, have you seen where a new date was introduced on earth? Or the truth about My word?  This will tell you that what I do now is not a man beauty of life’s work. Tell them that if they will not look back to Me, they will see Me later the other way. Tell Kumuyi to sell shame, though himself had told the people that Bible is complete. Tell them that I AM not Jesus I AM Yahwehshua Ha MASHIACH.


I want to give somebody a message, write My message, My Child Yahwehnedu tomorrow early day, give money to the female beauty of life of your Maker Yahweh to trace Amure. I want to give this mercy for the last time. Give Amure the mystery about Nigeria, Our Maker YAHWEH’s mandate to recover the earth, The Truth Holy Scriptures and let her go through. Amure should suspend all things until the messages are studied thoroughly.

If  Amure should refuse to give heed to My word,  Amure should know that  herself is heading to hell.
Tell her that a foot of her is already stepped into hellfire and Amure cannot reverse it.  Tell her that I have forgiven her of all her evil speeches against My word. If after reading, and Amure is in remorse, and never repent, Amure should know that her way is heading to hellfire. Tell her to call others in their group, Amure has all their contacts if they fail to return to Me, they should know that they are heading to hellfire.

Tell her that her house is already on fire and nothing will quench it. Tell her that this parable I have spoken now, I will not break it down now.
As for Margaret, after reading this message, let Margaret stop any other appointment and be in this programme at Onitsha part of United Nations of Truth. Margaret should save herself before any other.  

Little children, good new day My little children. This rain that fell this new day, what makes it not to stop you from being in My presence? [Response, we have decided that nothing will stop us]. You have decided?  Good!  That is how your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has decided that nothing will stop I AM that I AM from revealing these Truth through My Child, Child of Truth, and nothing will stop Me from exposing the pastors. Tell people that I, Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have returned My real name and truth in My Qahal.
Child of Truth, I sent you to Kumuyi and gave you a message to him; I sent you to Ohanebo and gave you a message to him; I sent you to Rika and gave you a message for him; I sent you to Margaret Amure and gave a message to her; I sent you to Funmilayo and gave you a message to her. My message has reached Thomas Sambo and Ezekiel Moses; I have given you a message to Greg. I sent you a message to Kingsley Ubani and others but, instead of them to recognize that I AM calling them, they are defending themselves, calling Me devil. For this reason, I kept quiet and allowed them to defend themselves. My word says, the secret things are for those who fear Me: these are the secret things for My Child, Child of Truth, who fear Me. However, I granted some of them encounters with the little truth they have known, but they felt they are wiser than Me.

The reason why I ask you to put pictures of some pastors is for them to see because, the logo of their churches which contain their logo of the world [globe] was designed with python; the heart picture people are using was design with snake. The same thing that happened when I sent Moshe My servant to Mitzrayim [Egypt] to tell Pharaoh ‘let My people go’ pharaoh raised his shoulder and asks Me, who is Yahweh that me should allow the people to go? So pastors are the Pharaoh’s of this generation.
Tell the entire world that Bible has never been My word. Like I said before, satan used My word and changed it, the same question I put to My servant, I AM asking now; Pastors who are telling people not to listen to revelations, what are they preaching? I will use Bible language to ask them. They call Genesis, Exodus and others and ask their members to compare Bible to Bible versions, why not also tell their members to compare their preaching with others? It is only a deceiver that will tell his people to stay in a single place so that the people will not compare their messages to see their deception, I want to ask a question to so called pastors, is there any of them that were taught with only one lecturer in their so called school? During their studies, a student is permitted to have many subjects with different lecturers, is that so? If the school in the world has different lecturers, why is it that, in their own churches they are the only persons that have the final say [teaching everything?] Do you realize that the wisdom of a single person cannot go beyond the knowledge of a single person? When I AM speaking, they stand far and tell their members not to listen to My words.

Tell the entire world, this is war between I AM that I AM and them [Pastors and GOs],I commanded My servant to put them side by side with their master the snake and post them to the Net. Tell them if they have power to retaliate, let them do it, if they can fight My servant let them do it. When you were recording these messages I told you not to use pictures. The same things Satan introduced to them, is what I will use to destroy them. Had it been that they obeyed Me, children will I reveal these messages now?
Child ImmanuYahweh I have physical evidences, do you know why I ask you people to send the massages to all the prominent people in Nigeria? It is evidence: the receipts of the way bill, keep it. You know how much you people spent in spreading those messages; will they tell Me they don’t receive it? I know they have received the messages. Make a commentary that all these message I sent, they received them but decided to sit on them.
Child of Truth, I sent you to Nnamdi Kanu, I first called him My Child, but himself refused My message. Post the picture of Nnamdi Kanu and tell people that himself is a murderer: all the people that died on the issue of Biafra tell them that their blood is in his hand.
All the same no man can stop Me from using Africa to circulate My truth, and where I chose is the place they call Owerri in the place they call Imo State.

Children, I still have issues with pastors, they move to different nations to preach, if their names are not changed in those nations, what makes My name to change in different languages? I come to establish the question I asked you My Child. The Ibo people call motor cycle “ogbatim-tim”, what is the connection between motor cycle with “ogbatim-tim”? Ibo people call generator: “igwe n’ enyeoku”, what is the link between them? Vehicle is the name the people that mould it called, but the Ibo people called it Ugbo-ala, Jet they call “ugbo-elu” [boat that flies in the firmament], if you go to another nations and called “ugboelu”, will they understand you? If you want to call something, call it base on its establishment.  Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is My name which My Father established, and because you know that I AM your savior you call Me your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, My Father’s name is Yahweh and in order to add respect, you call your maker Yahweh. Of a truth My father is the maker of all. All these names they are calling are established by satan. Whatever was called by My father they changed and say GOD call and add what suit them. Congratulations to you people.
Deliver My word, tell the people that, their salvation lies on their leaving their churches and whatever they do in those churches and come to My Qahal, leaving the Bible and come to Truth Holy Scripture. Of a truth something is about to happen. Tell them this is the only ark of salvation in this generation, children that is why I gave you Truth Holy Scripture, Truth Date and Truth time.
Child of Truth, I will contest with them that contest with you, pastors are contesting with you, this is why I chose to contest with them now. They are calling Me demon; have you seen where demon is speaking against himself? Well, they preach their GOD, and that is their deity.
Child of Truth, I revealed to you the establishment of ‘ofo ndi-igbo’ which is still a snake, tell My children all over the world that satan is deceiving them that all this products you see have a symbol of snake show them that, snake is the source of their products. Of a truth satan has nothing, but took what I gave to man and start using them, and because himself has a symbol which is snake, any product with that symbol of snake automatically belongs to him [satan]. Children, do you realize that the king’s crown is established with five angles which represent five stars. The establishment of JESUS also lies on five stars, all the occultist who raise their five fingers, are demonstrating five starts.

Now children let Me tell you the Mystery about marriage, all these evil things that were introduces by satan are the items they always introduce to you in their list when you want to marry. But in My word there is no record of given of list. What they call chieftaincy staff which they mandate people to buy; any type of staff was molded with serpent, also any watch wrist you see was with serpent. What they called chieftaincy cloth with the head of a tiger is not actually ɋ tiger but serpents that open its mouth which they cut off the body. Anything they called chieftaincy is serpent they use to mold it.
Children, I told you not to make an image of anything because as soon as you make it, you corrupt yourselves. If you are drawing anything, you must start with the shape of a snake, before you draw a human being as they call it, it will give you the shape of a snake before you will be able to arrange it as far as graphic design is concerned. Child of Truth there is nothing hidden. I showed you what they called brain; they used snakes in the drawing and called it brain. To drive it home, since you have been reading My word have you seen anywhere I called brain? What I called is understanding. They design intestine with snakes but only the agents know about it. They only design it for lecture purposes knowing fully well that this is lies. In other words how I created man is different but man run away from Me to satan. All these names of sickness are all the names of demons.  What stops them from giving goats medicine, goats eats dirty thing in dirty places, likewise dogs, yet they don’t have these sicknesses. Satan introduces these sicknesses and introduced medicine. But you people that obey Me, I will use you to heal the sicknesses. The only thing that differentiate you is the truth. I repeat Myself I will give you people victory.

It was satan that formulated the history of Moses which they say that God gave Moses a serpent. Well, it is GOD they referred to and not your maker Yahweh. They used serpent to established things. Right from the day satan used snake to deceive man, snake has ever been My enemy. Anything that has symbol of  snake, I AM not there, that is why I opened the Bible and showed My Child the symbols of snake therein. The music they are singing I AM not there, that is also why I opened their hymn book and showed My Child the symbols of snake in it. There is nothing like star what I called is lesser light, there is nothing like moon, what I called is seasonal light, there is nothing like sun, what I called is greater light. Can you remember I told you that these things that I created no body have pictured them [greater light, seasonal light and lesser light] what camera do you think they will use to captured the lights? Of a truth I have never lost My power. All you hear them saying they go to the moon, star, sun is a lie [space]. They are going to satan in their marine camp.  Those that says they go to the moon, star, and sun, none of them can reach there, I have come to expose them.  All of you used to say the third heaven is where I stay, have you come across that in My scripture? [Response: yes] let Me tell you, nobody can predict My position, it is beyond mans knowledge. Child of Truth, can you understand how you entered heaven? I have taken you to My kingdom though not to the main throne. You discover something carried you and dropped you somewhere. You saw that even flowers were singing, is there anywhere that was showed to you as third heaven? People I have encountered tells you there are department by department, I have given you people victory.

Any man that uses hand to carry staff, what they carry is snake, I told you what I gave Moshe was My word [spiritual staff of authority]; it was satan that changed it. My servant Child of Truth that I have given staff of authority, have you ever seen him with any staff? The staff is the spiritual staff. Do you see that Jesus they project with staff is snake? That is snake,  go and check. The crossed cloth [the mantle] they use is also snake, well that is the establishment of Jesus which lies on idols.
In summary, that is My word which I says I AM come in My Father’s name and you rejected Me but another shall come in his own name and him you will receive. That Jesus is the person. My word says, many false prophets will come, Pastors are the false prophets, and people who changed My name. I said in My word anti- Yahwehshua shall come but not anti- Christ will come. They changed it to anti Christ.  But it was anti Yahwehshua ha Mashiach that was written. In other words, there is nothing like anti-Christ. Tell them before anti Christ, anti Yahwehshua came, and all that are defending the Bible are anti-Yahwehshua, because the Bible has been polluted, I can’t used it, that is why I AM using My children to bring it back with the symbol of My Truth word.
Children I have many things to say, but I will stop at this point. Children do My work. This message should be typed. Child of Truth, I have told you how this message should be. I released My Malachim, I released My power to guide you; I will cover all of you with My glory. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Even if the whole world comes to fight against you they cannot conquer you. Go and established My Garden of Truth Knowledge which will destroy the foundation of their so called school. The word school came from under the water.
Tell My people that I said, that, they should bring their resources together to produce things with the symbol of Truth I gave you for your freedom. Children, I will stop here. Congratulations! Says by your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
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