Monday, 15 January 2018



Looking at the evil foundation in politics and government there are many things to learn. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the Nigerian political parties’ logos are designed in a way to represent satan’s trinity. For example the two reigning parties in Nigeria, Peoples Democratic Party [PDP] and All Progressive Congress [APC]. For PDP we have the three-lettered acronym standing for Peoples Democratic Parties which is the power of 3. It stands for satan’s trinity, which makes satan the owner of the party. In their logo which is represented by an umbrella with 3 visible colours and 3 columns shows the devils trinity. So they have 3 letters - PDP, 3 colours - green, white and red, 3 visible columns on the umbrella. All of these show satan’s trinity and power of 3. If worked out, they have 3 times 3 which give 9. This proves the power of 3 in action.

When writing down numbers it starts from 1 and end at 9. If we are to continue to arrive at 10, 11, 12, or 13 we must go back to 1 and add zero, 1, 2, or 3 to make it 10, 11, 12 or 13. Therefore 9 is the last digit of numbering. If we are to have any other number it must be the combination of these same numbers. So 9 is the highest number and the devil lays claim to this highest number as the highest authority and he uses political parties and government in that level to dominate the world. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the political parties in all the countries of the world serve as a platform through which the devil enforces all his plans upon the people of the world. Satan does this by introducing and forcing the people and churches to register with the government to receive national I.D. Cards, birth certificate, certificate of incorporation, making men beauties of life to assume the position of landlords which only belongs to Our Maker Yahweh, meanwhile in the scriptures there is  no reference of any man beauty of life claiming the ownership of land [The 3rd book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe,25th chapter,23rd and 24th verses].

The government also enforces calendars of satan which bears the idolatrous names introduced by satan like January… to December, and Sunday… to Saturday against Our Maker Yahweh’s Dates[calendars] which bears the original names of the days and the months. Then satan lays claim over them, whatever name they may mention in worship. For example when any one says Jesus is Lord, the Lord they are referring to is the false Saviour which Our Maker Yahweh had already said would come to the world [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah 24th chapter,24th verse]. Whatever we cannot find in the word of Our Maker Yahweh or Holy Scriptures is false. So that is what makes them servants of satan because they have their foundation on what satan had established.
As it is with PDP, so it is with [APC]. All progressive Congress. The name of APC is an acronym for All Progressive Congress which stands for Satan’s trinity, showing the power of 3. The logo of APC which is represented by 3 colours, green, white and blue also stands for satan’s trinity. The idol or image of a hand holding a bunch of broom also stands for satan trinity. Some may consider it ordinary but it matters. The hand divided the broom into 2. When we count the hand and the divided broom we have 3 which represent satan’s trinity. All these are the secret power of 3 that satan is using in APC to dominate Nigeria and this goes for all the ruling parties in other countries of the world. Satan uses the ruling parties in the government of countries to control these countries and to enforce his desires and policies.

This is the reason why Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is calling I AM that I AM’S people that want to obey I AM that I AM to return back unto Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiachin I AM that I AM’S own foundation through I AM that I AM’S Qahal and stop paying reverence to the devil. You will understand that this knowledge cannot be revealed by flesh and blood. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the word bible was introduced by satan because we cannot find it in the Holy Scriptures. Also, the original scriptures had no chapters or verses, it was satan that introduced this in order to lay claim to the Holy Scriptures. Now let us work out the satan’s secret power of 3 in the bible. For example in quoting the bible we normally say chapter 1verse 1 which produces 3 in summary. This produces satan’s trinity, the power of 3. Then in the bible itself, the writing setup is demarcated into 3 columns, with the first to second [two] contiguous carrying the scriptures while the centre has scripture reference. However some may not contain references in the middle. This also confirms satan’s trinity and the power of 3 in the bible.
Then satan also invented and attached the map of the world, as himself calls it by himself, to most bibles using that to claim ownership of the Holy Scriptures. These maps are idols before Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach because the name world was not instituted by Our Maker Yahweh. Also seal of ownership is also inscribed in the bible. For instance by the logos or by names like NIV, NKJV, Goodnews and so on. They also set these logos and images or names which are against the word of Our Maker Yahweh.

They also handed over the ownership of the word of Our Maker Yahweh to man beauty of life by saying the book of John, Mathew, Mark or Jude or Ezekiel instead of saying the word of Our Maker Yahweh or Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan [John], Mattityah [Mathew], Menachem [Mark], Yahda [Jude] or Yechezkel [Ezekiel]. For example, according to the word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yechezkel [Ezekiel]; 1st chapter, 3rdverse;“The word of the Our Maker Yahweh came expressly unto Yechezkel [Ezekiel] the priest, the Child of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the gathering of water [river] Chebar; and the hand of the OUR MAKER YAHWEH was there upon him” Furthermore, according to the word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yirmeyah [Jeremiah], 1st chapter, 2nd verse To whom the word of the OUR MAKER YAHWEH came in the days of Yosiah the earthly Child of Amon king of Yahda [Judah], in the thirteenth year of his reign.”

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that the power of three is also confirmed in the word mother [6 letters], father [6 letters], Pastor [6 letters], Brother [7 letters], Servant [7 letters], Yahweh [6 letters], Servant of Our Maker Yahweh [3 words of 12 letters]. All are in the power of three. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that 7 is a foundation. If you call servant of Our Maker Yahweh, it is settled on the foundation of Our Maker Yahweh which is a twelve-letter word. It cannot be pastor of Our Maker Yahweh. In the calling, it is servant of Our Maker Yahweh [3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12], and not pastor of Our Maker Yahweh [11 letters]. In the Scriptures, one cannot see where it is written, pastor of Our Maker Yahweh but servant of Our Maker Yahweh [The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Titus,1st chapter,1st verse; Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yaakov[James],1st chapter,1st verse; The Revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 15th chapter,3rd verse].  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach however lamented that the word daddy [5 letters] or mummy [5 letters] are means through which satan has reduced the authority of man beauty of life because they do not carry the power of three and should not be assumed by earthly fathers and mothers again because they bear negative meanings and effects.
According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Maker Yahweh’s trinity in creation is manifested in the creation of heavens, the earth and the gathering of water[sea]. This is the secret power of 3 in creation of the heaven and earth. 

This is stated in the word of Our Maker Yahweh in the 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 1st chapter, 6th to 10th verses “And Our Maker Yahweh said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters of Your Maker Yahweh, and let it divide the waters from the waters and Our Maker Yahweh made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so, And Our Maker Yahweh called the firmament Heaven and from the first hour of the day to the twelfth hour of the day were the Second day, and from the first hour of the night to the twelfth hour of the night were the Second night. And Our Maker Yahweh said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto a place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so. And Our Maker Yahweh called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called gathering of water; and Our Maker Yahweh saw that it was good. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach these things mentioned above, are Our Maker Yahweh’s Own power of 3 in creation. But satan being a thief stole it in order to use it to kill and destroy [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan 10th chapter,10th verse].

How did satan steal it? It was by the introduction of the globe or the world which is also called the map of the world. Satan also did it by; the introduction of false dates e.g. January to December for months and Sunday to Saturday for days. If worked out or added together we have the world or globe or map, plus the idolatrous months and days, then we will have the power of 3 expressed again. Explicitly in highlighting it we have the globe, world or map which satan introduced instead of the earth Our Maker Yahweh called it. The days of the week which satan changed to Sunday to Saturday instead of 1st day of the week to the 7th day of the week which was the original names Our Maker Yahweh  gave to man beauty of life; the months of the year which satan  changed to January, February, March, . . . December, instead of 1st month, 2nd Month to the 12th  month.
These first to third [three] things show the secret power of 3 that the devil imitated. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Moshe was the first man beauty of life Our Maker Yahweh used to write the Holy Scriptures beginning from the 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh to the 5th book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh. 
These Holy Scriptures were not ascribed to Moshe by naming them after Moses. This shows that they were written according to Our Maker YAHWEH’s instructions and has the authority of Our Maker Yahweh. In writing of the Goodnews, the ownership were supposed to be ascribed to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, why then was it given in honour to man beauty of life? E.g. The book of Mathew, book of Mark and book of Luke. Then in the book of Revelation also called Revelations, why did they in their wisdom not call it the book of John? Here their wisdom failed them. Also the Torah  as it  is known, or the books of Moses. These things were done by satan and his agents in order to hold the world in captive. This knowledge was hidden from satan which should stand against him and his agents in the day of verdict.

According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, it was written in the beginning that Our Maker “YAHWEH said let us make man beauty of life in our own Knowledge and wisdom…” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that this statement refers to Y, A, H, W, E and H, This is a 6 – lettered word, then if you sort it out you will see that it is 3+3 which will give you 6 letters [The 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 1st chapter, 26th verse].  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that this is the secret power of 3 in the name of our maker YAHWEH. Our Maker Yahweh, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh came together in the six letter word, YAHWEH, which has the secret power of 3 in creation. Also the first to third personalities of Our Maker Yahweh came in agreement in another time in [The 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 11th chapter, 7th verse]. The secret power of 3 in the trinity of Our Maker Yahweh is also represented in the synoptic Goodnews [The Goodnews of Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 3rd chapter, 15th , 16th , 17th verses]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, I AM that I AM called Petros to follow I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people called I AM that I AM all sorts of names, until I AM that I AM opened the eyes of Petros to recognise I AM that I AM. Then at this point, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach made a covenant with Petros. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that all the people I AM that I AM gave encounter before now do not know Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, and also the same is the case of those who claim to be church founders. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM had not revealed I AM that I AM’S SELF to them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach called me, Child, when I granted you some of the encounters, you were also calling Me “Jesus” like others do. Then when I told you to call Me Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach you started calling  me so and with the entire  Qahal [True Goodnews Revival Movement] which you don’t also know the reason why I told you to call Me Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now told me, I AM that I AM has come to tell me the meaning of YAHWEHSHUA HA MASHIACH. I AM that I AM said YAHWEHSHUA means YAH SAVES, YAH from YAHWEH, then HA means THE and MASHIACH means MESSIAH, the Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 5th chapter, 43rd verse,I am come in My Father’s name, but you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him will ye receive”. Therefore Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said all those who call I AM that I AM “Jesus” during prayers, praises, or thanksgivings, how could they say that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach called them to ministry and how could they claim to know I AM that I AM “Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach”? According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach demanded everyone to check up through the recent messages given out through My QAHAL “True Goodnews Revival Movement” that I AM that I AM’S name is made clear as “Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach”. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also demanded that people should read through the Goodnews, concerning I AM that I AM’S earthly ministry, people everywhere called I AM that I AM Yahwehshua, because  they did not know I AM that I AM. But since after the establishment of I AM that I AM’S Qahal from Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh [Acts of the Apostles], I AM that I AM’S name was appropriately called Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach because they now know Me.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that when I AM that I AM is calling the pastors, GO’s GS to come together in I AM that I AM’S Own Qahal and foundation, they are there defending themselves and their church. That Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave this message in order to disgrace them and proof to them and all the people they are leading that they don’t know I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the pastors, GO’s and GS, have done what pharaoh did and that when I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach called  them, they refused and has been defending their position and church. And now, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is telling them that all what they read and teach is theory and not the practical.  The practical is what Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is revealing of I AM that I AM’S word, to the earth now. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, me should tell all the people who call themselves leaders, that they are leaders for satan, including the leaders in Governments. And that now, I AM that I AM had chosen I AM that I AM’S own servant whom I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is using to reveal these mysteries that their obedience to I AM that I AM’S invitation will save them. And that all those who call themselves leaders, their disobedience to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s invitation will destroy them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach made an illustration to this effect saying that me should ask them “If they have seen where a man beauty of life bought new clothes, because himself has old and torn clothes, then himself hanged it in his wardrobe, and continues to use the old and torn clothes. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said this cannot be done; the man beauty of life will only refuse the old and torn clothes and make use of the new cloths.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me the meaning of I AM that I AM’S illustration saying; that the churches of these pastors which had existed before now is like the old and torn clothes which had existed before the new. That is why I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded them to leave their old churches and come to I AM that I AM’S QAHAL. And if the man beauty of life refuse to change the old and torn clothes and continues to wear them, people will consider him to be a mad man. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the pastors have made themselves like the man beauty of life who has new clothes and hanged it and continues to use the torn clothes, because I AM that I AM, Our Maker Yahweh called them to come out of their old and torn churches and they refused. And now because of their refusal to heed to I AM that I AM’S message, people of the earth will now see them as empty people, who have nothing. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, quoting the event on mount of transfiguration, said that Moshe and Eliyah came and handed over things to I AM that I AM. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, even so Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is calling the pastors to come and handover their church to I AM that I AM. [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 17th chapter,1st to 5th verses].



On the Early hours of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s Day being the 21st. day of the 8th.Counting Year in the year 2016, Me was in a meeting with Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, and Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me up in the Ruach and showed me an old man, whose hair was overgrown and unkempt, his beard was equally over-grown, covering down to the region of the waist. The clothing on his body was looking very old, dirty and worn out. His nails were very long. The old man was smelling and never seemed to have taken a bath. All around him were filthiness. Himself laid down on something looking like a bench, but much wider. When me beheld him and his condition, me imagined who himself should be. The man was not asleep when me saw him, but me saw him in a state of being very much comfortable in his filthiness.
Then Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that this is “the old man”, the very “WORLD”. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that the man is the spirit controlling this world. “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds” [The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach throughPaulos to Colosians, 3rd chapter, 9th verse]. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man beauty of life love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world . . .” [The 1st book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 2nd chapter,15th to 17th verses]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went further to tell me that the reason why the man was comfortable in his dirty state and environment is because himself LOVES his sinful state and also comfortable in sin which is the state of sinners. And that himself is the old man or old state that is working in all sinners which also makes them not to be ashamed of sin or old life.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued that the man is the spirit that controls man beauty of life to commit sin and helps such not to see sin as evil. For example, the evil works of fornication, adultery, evil speaking, theft, covetousness, lying, reveling, lasciviousness, idolatry, uncleanness, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, envying, murders, seditions, heresies and others. Also are the religious men and women beauties of life receiving titles as Pastors, Reverends, G.O. or G.S. which do not see the evil in what they do. Likewise in the secular world are the judges and the lawyers who made themselves lords of men beauties of life and command same to bow down to them, thus compelling them to give glory to the devil and not to Our Maker Yahweh?
Readers, me wish to make known to you that the “Old man” shown to me was what an eye should not see. The man was very dirty, smelling and unkempt. If the “Old man” me saw is the state of sinners, in the sight of Our Maker Yahweh, no matter how beautiful such person could have dressed, they are dirty before Our Maker Yahweh. So, then know of a truth that no sinners will by any means enter heaven in such filthiness to dwell with Our Maker Yahweh. “For thus saith the high and lofty personality that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble Ruach, to revive the Ruach of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite persons.” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah, 57th chapter,15th verse].“For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach and of Our Maker Yahweh” [The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Ephisians,5th chapter,5th verse]. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith Our Maker Yahweh, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”[The 2nd book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians,6th chapter,17th verse]. If men beauties of life are never comfortable in the presence of mad men beauties of life, then OUR MAKER YAHWEH is not comfortable with sinners. But me speak to you, of a truth, the state of the “Old man” me saw was far higher in filthiness than a mad man on the street. We recognize mad people through their appearances and behaviours, likewise sinners in appearances, lives and behaviours are visible and clear before the Almighty OUR MAKER YAHWEH whom we all are manifest in I AM that I AM’S sight.

A mad man beauty of life does not see himself as being mad, except the earthly fathers and mothers [parents] and others who see him in his mood. Likewise sinners do not see the “Old man” inside them except OUR MAKER YAHWEH the creator, and others to whom OUR MAKER YAHWEH might have opened their Ruach [spiritual] eyes to see the “Old man” in the them. For instance, all the messages given by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach meant to correct the lives of believers and non believers, to what extent have those reading them made effort to use them and correct their lives? Instead they were turned to a thing of argument and mockery. Me do not lay much blame on the behavior of men beauties of life as regards their attitudes toward OUR MAKER YAHWEH’s intent to save them, because the Old man has blinded them. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, who is the express manifestation of the Knowledge and wisdom  of Our Maker Yahweh, should shine unto them.” [The 2nd book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians,4th chapter,4th verse].

After this, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me up and showed me first to second [two] hands in the firmament; first was normal but very large. The other was reddish. Me could also see hand-written words on the wall of the firmament. So, me stood there at my position, watching this sight. Suddenly, me saw the write–ups folded and disappeared and were not found again. As me imagined what me saw and what it could mean, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that the reddish hand me saw and the writing on the wall of the firmament is the hand of satan in the world, signifying the very present calendar that himself, satan gave to the world, through the Roman Empire and leadership by which he rules this world. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that the folded writing signifies the power of OUR MAKER YAHWEH through I AM that I AM’S messages I AM that I AM is sending to the earth now.
Suddenly, me perceived an earthquake took place which did not last up to first to second [two] seconds. Me was seriously shocked by this earthquake to the point that me was dropped down to the earth in my vision. This earthquake in the spiritual realm shook my bones and weakened my nerves. In that realm me was imagining what really happened and me woke up on my bed to discover that me have lost all my strength and the energy in me. Every effort me made to attend worship service that very new day proved abortive. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach restrained me from going to the Qahal because I AM that I AM desired to have another meeting with me that new day. So me stayed back from going to service notwithstanding what might be the reactions of the brethren.  Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach emphasized the need for me to tarry though in serious pains and total break-down because of the effect of the earth-quake.

While me was alone at home, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me out in the Ruach and showed me some seeds like the water melon but not exactly. They were so many and me saw people trying to break them with matchet, but they were very strong and difficult to brake. Looking at the seed-like substance, they seemed simple to brake but very hard. While me stood by, watching the effort of the people trying to break the seed-like substance, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach ordered me to go and break them. Me obeyed. Immediately, me discovered that me had an instrument that could break the seed-like objects. Me began to break them each after the other, however, it wasn’t an easy thing but OUR MAKER YAHWEH helped me to break them all. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach later explained to me the significance of what me saw. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the activities of satan look very simple to the ordinary eyes, but it is very difficult for any man beauty of life to understand. Me wish to tell you at this point, that to my greatest surprise, all the seed-like substance broken were empty. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, at this point, explained to me the significance of the emptiness of the seed-like substance. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that all that satan, the devil introduced to man beauty of life is emptiness and that everything the devil has introduced bears a negative message, unknown to man.

For instance soccer was introduced to man beauty of life by satan. The football leather has only air inside it. By implication, all those who play football, including their fans and all of them that embrace football are pursuing nothing but air. To understand it better, if the ball is deflated and all the air inside goes off, you will discover that the football play comes to an end. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that as they pursue the ball during playing time, they are pursuing nothing but air. That is why when the air goes off, the playing ceases immediately. I AM that I AM said that the devil took this knowledge away from men beauties of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach revealed also that the devil is passing another message during its limited time of play. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, in as much as it does not exceed its limited time, so also the spiritual influence and message the devil conveys to all will last only for a while.

Furthermore, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach spoke of the football dress [jersey]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said they have more than one colour; the many colours introduced through their jersey are conditioned to give them different lifestyles without a meaningful focus of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said that we should examine all football leather; no football leather has one colour or smooth surface without demarcations. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that footballers are murderers. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil gave them weapons called “boots” to harm each other. It was given to them for a defense unknown to many of them. In a normal sense, a person cannot defend himself from a friend but from an enemy. So the devil made each player and even fans see the opposite players as enemies and not friends as the name “players” implies. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil makes the world to come together in the disguise as friends only to stage a fight between first team and the other. If their meeting was on the platform of friendliness, why should their referees operate and issue yellow, red or black cards to the defaulters. If really they are playing, why were they issued boots which make them to harm each other on the field? Any player without boots is not qualified to play, and if otherwise allowed to play, playing without boots would mean that they might be taking an expensive risk. This is to prove to them that, boots are powerful weapons satan gave to footballers to fight each other on the field.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me again that satan gave football players 90 minutes to achieve their goals, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked a question to this effect saying, “Can a man use 90 minutes to achieve his daily mandate in business?” If not, why then did satan give footballers only 90 minutes to achieve their mandate in a day and make their wealth? Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach makes them feel that it takes little time to make big money, but his hidden programme is that each of them would have a limited time here on the earth. This includes both the fans and all the admirers of football game. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach still said further that satan also provided a false cup which is also another article of his deceit to destroy the lives of the footballers. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that every cup is meant for drinking, but the cup provided or introduced into football is not for this purpose. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked why then it is called a cup but not used for drinking? Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said every person has a cup at home to drink, why is this type of cup not useful for drinking? Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that satan introduced cup into football to give him blood. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that this is obtained through the sacrifices made by the players before and after playing, and also through deaths which occur whether on the road, in the air or during playing on the field or outside the field.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that only as men beauties of life keep cup in their homes for drinking, so also satan introduced his own cup in the world, in the football system to drink their blood. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that cups in our houses have the sizes to contain enough water for drinking; likewise satan made the world cup to its size, to contain enough blood for his kingdom. At this point, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach directed this question to all footballers and fans, “Do they think that satan is their friend by the introduction of football, whereby himself pays them such money whether they score goal or not?” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, though a person may not drop dead or have physical damage, but that their running to and fro on the field produces sweats on their body, this sweats is their sacrifice which they make to satan which also is their blood; this also includes their fans. All sweating in the course of the football play are sacrifices made to the devil. No reasonable man will give out such a huge sum of money to another without the beneficiary’s hard work.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach then asked, “If we have seen a company opened only for 90 minutes of daily work and at the end of the day, each worker receives such a huge sum of money?” This is never done. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also asked, “Can the footballers themselves sincerely ask the question, like; ‘where does the money paid to them on weekly or monthly or yearly basis come from?’ Because, a worker is paid out of his product, so then, what do the footballers produce?”

According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the devil introduced what is called globe today, which himself demonstrates through graphic drawings in books, computers or in maps which himself called the world, which also do not last, But when the book or the computer that carries the drawing is spoilt then, the globe or the world gets wasted alongside. This also is a message to men beauties of life by satan that, his own world does not last. This mystery is hidden from men beauties of life. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I am the personality who made the earth and not the world. “In the beginning OUR MAKER YAHWEH created the heaven and the earth.”[The 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 1st chapter,1st verse]. But I AM that I AM’S earth is never introduced through any media or by any art but the earth is housing men beauties of life and its existence can be observed where as the world made by satan can only be seen through computer or graphic designs called the “globe”. This remains a clear indication to man beauty of life that whatever the devil introduced is empty and temporal.

OUR MAKER YAHWEH demanded that me should tell all men beauties of life that no matter the years of disobedience to I AM THAT I AM’S commandment, if they will acknowledge I AM THAT I AM’S message now and return to Our Maker Yahweh, by coming together to I AM that I AM’S Qahal [True Goodnews Revival Movement] which is I AM THAT I AM’S Own foundation that it will be well with them. And that very soon and sooner than they think, I AM that I AM is going to destroy this world. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people have been asking for the way forward, but Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has provided a solution which is True Goodnews Revival Movement. It means practically coming out of their own foundations and come into I AM THAT I AM’S Own and believing all I AM THAT I AM’S messages.
 Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said as many as use these messages after reading them to amend their churches and still remain there, they are on their own and are living in disobedience. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked this question, “Have you ever seen any man beauty of life investing his time and money in farming and another enters the farm to harvest the produce to feed his own family? Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said certainly, that man beauty of life will be accursed as a thief. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the GO’S and the pastors are using I AM that I AM’S messages to feed their churches and themselves, without obeying I AM THAT I AM’S word to return to I AM that I AM. Likewise they will be held responsible for stealing and will adequately pay for it all. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that if the churches and the pastors belonged to I AM that I AM Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, they would have returned to I AM that I AM.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that me should ask them [the GOs, GS and church founders] this question: that since they have been praying and also speaking against the messages that I AM that I AM is speaking through I AM THAT I AM’S servant, that instead of the work being stopped, the messages are coming in deeper revelations. This would have shown them that this mission [True Goodnews Revival Movement] is not man beauty of life’s vision. If it is, their prayers would have been answered and made the mission to stop and abandoned. And when they are speaking against these messages they are telling the people they are leading that they don’t know I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. That if they know I AM that I AM as they are claiming, what stops I AM that I AM from revealing all these truth to them. This is an evidence to prove that they do not know Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that when people start to prove their intelligence what I AM that I AM does was to remove them and allows I AM THAT I AM’S Qahal to continue. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that me should ask Pastors and GOs that if they cannot unite together here in the world, that how do they think it will be possible for them to unite together in I AM THAT I AM’S kingdom. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the devil introduced sun, moon and stars in pictures which are not like the exact thing I AM that I AM created. Those which OUR MAKER YAHWEH made are always in motion unlike those of the devil found in clothing, books, computer systems or graphic designs. This I AM said is also another message by the devil that his own sun, moon and stars will not last long. Their life span is as long as the material they are found could last. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said that satan’s sun, moon and stars are imaginary and have never been seen or felt by man beauty of life.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that OUR MAKER YAHWEH commanded Avraham to look up and count the smaller light that shineth in the night [stars] on the firmament, but not to make out drawings of them. The greater light that shines in the day, the seasonal light that shines in the night and the smaller lights that shines in the night[which the devil renamed sun, moon and stars] can only be observed or looked upon and not to make drawings of same. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that this is how the devil deceived man beauty of life through making and producing the things OUR MAKER YAHWEH made in drawings or graphic designs which also is idolatry “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” [The 2nd book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe,20th chapter, 4th verse]; “Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that thy Maker Yahweh spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire: Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the greater light that shines in the day, and the seasonal light that shines in the nights, and the smaller light that shines in the night, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which Our Maker Yahweh thy Maker Yahweh hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.” [The 5th book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 4th chapter,15th to 19th verses].

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that car is also put in motion by air. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil made the car to stay in motion through the air compressed into the tube of the tires. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said when the car is in motion and it comes to a point where the air in the tires reduces or deflates, automatically the car will stop. This also is a message of the devil to man beauty of life, that the thing carrying him is nothing but air. If the brake should fail, it is also a message that what controls the brake is air. It means when the air controlling it fails the brake will fail. Likewise the engine of the car, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that what controls it is air. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that all these things explained, stand as a lesson to man beauty of life.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said, if suddenly air should lift a man beauty of life up, man beauty of life would wonder why and how, but satan cunningly devised a means by which air will carry man beauty of life, by compressing the air into a closed body, through technology. This is another serious message to man beauty of life to know that even the car itself is not durable. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that satan introduced the car in order to destroy man beauty of life. In the real sense he hid the evil side of this invention from man beauty of life and presented only the good side of it to him. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, from the beginning, the wisdom of invention was given to man beauty of life by OUR MAKER YAHWEH but man beauty of life carelessly sold same to the devil in the Garden of Eden 
[The 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 1st chapter,26th to 28th verses; 2nd chapter,16th and 17th verses; 3rd chapter,1st to 9th verses]. So the devil, having gained mastery over man beauty of life, took advantage of man beauty of life’s ignorance and stole the wisdom from him.
Readers, given the definition of car, it is said to be “A 3-lettered word that starts with C.” This definition does not have much fact for a layman beauty of life to work with. It is expected to tell what “C” stands for and likewise “A”. and “R”. It is also supposed to tell us which language is the word ‘‘car’’. But we need to know that the word car, which is a first to third [three] lettered word stands as satan’s trinity and his imitation of the power of 3 in OUR MAKER YAHWEH’S creation.
According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that satan removed the understanding of the consequences of fornication from man beauty of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that satan pretends to teach man beauty of life practical, but himself failed to demonstrate to man beauty of life the mixture of first to third or to fifth [three to five] men’s blood together to see what it will produce. When a person commits fornication or adultery with, may be, five persons that is a great confusion. It is a transfer of blood of a person to another and it is also a transfer of spirit from a person to another. It is unification of the flesh together. “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: herself shall be called Woman beauty of life, because she was taken out of Man beauty of life. Therefore shall a manbeauty of life leave his earthly father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”[The 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 2nd chapter,23rd and 24th verses]. Fornication or adultery is the unifying and transfer of demon spirit from one person to another. “What? know ye not that he which is unified to an harlot is one body? for two, saith I AM that I AM, shall be one flesh.” [The 1st book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through  Paulos to Corinthians, 6th chapter, 16th verse].

There are always many demon spirits following a sinner, if any body fornicates with another person that have first to third hundred [300] demons, those first to third hundred [300] demons will be added to those which the victim already have. With these new demons added to the already existing demon in the life of the victim, someone will discover that the sinner will be going with uncountable demons. The more the man or woman beauties of life continues with fornication or adultery, the more the numbers of demons going with such a person are being multiplied. Those demons accompanying such a person are only to his or her perils. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”[Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 10th chapter, 10th verse].

According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, when a man beauty of lifegoes afar and gets a wife, they both will become united and not double. They become united through sharing of the blood. This is the right or approved transfer of blood by I AM that I AM [OUR MAKER YAHWEH]. When a man beauty of  life fornicates or commits adultery, the illegitimate blood follows him everywhere himself goes and speaks against him. And if such blood covenant is not broken it could bring about madness. The reason is that, during their fornication or adultery, promises are made to each other which are sealed by the blood they transferred. Satan traces this covenant to the hurt of his victims everywhere they go. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the unfulfilled promises made by the sinners during their illegal blood transfer are directly responsible for the rampant barrenness today.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, for the devil to promote fornication or adultery, satan also produced drugs the victims should take for prevention. These drugs help him [satan] to destroy the system of the woman beauty of life. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me to ask this question, “Why do women of old give birth to their earthly children without drugs applications?” “That even animals like goats and others do give birth to their young kids exactly at the right time without drugs. But today, these drugs have uttered or destroyed the reproductive systems of many women beauties of life.”
Most women beauties of life after delivery, gets pregnant again after first to third [three] months or there about. This is because their body system as created by OUR MAKER YAHWEH has been disorganized or damaged through drugs, canned foods and drinks containing chemicals harmful to the body. These drugs and canned foods also are the result of weakness in the performance of man beauty of life’s organ. While the victim is looking for solutions, the devil also consequently produce drugs in disguise to cause healing of the system, but such application is always temporal which does not give a lasting solution, but will later return to a terrible state.

According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, people made use of pit toilet in the olden days without the prevalent cases of toilet infection as it is in this era of water system. Infections are the direct result of these drugs and the so called canned foods and drinks containing chemicals in the form of preservatives. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that today, there are more sicknesses on record than the time of old. The information given as to the source of these sicknesses is being attributed to the mosquitoes and flies. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that mosquitoes and flies had been in existence in equal proportion in these first to second [two] eras. However Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the present man beauty of life has been very much conscious of his protection than the people of old, yet people of old live much longer than the present age, and Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said that there are more sicknesses and diseases in this generation than the former. The reason of these sicknesses, diseases and death that followed is the direct consequences of the drugs and canned foods or drinks in production today.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now said that because of the drugs for preventions, man beauty of life has relaxed, putting his trust in these drugs, believing same that it will prevent pregnancy. This has stirred up man beauty of life to live carelessly without control to his desire. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that even the male goats have control and do not come nearer to the she goats that gave birth to their young kids. Even the dogs which are said to be without control exercise control, and never get nearer to the female dogs that only gave birth to their young puppies. This is the programme of satan for man beauty of life; it is a way of shifting the mind of man beauty of life from his Maker [OUR MAKER YAHWEH]. And yet his programmes are disappointing, but the programmes of OUR MAKER YAHWEH for the animals are still very effective.
Man beauty of life today still has time to return to OUR MAKER YAHWEH his Maker, Who is calling all at I AM that I AM’S appointed time. Man beauty of life’s failure to heed OUR MAKER YAHWEH’S call will eventually result to his destruction. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, whosoever depends on drugs whether a couple or individual for prevention against conception will end up in hellfire. Further, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM did not command in the scriptures that men beauties of life should apply drugs for prevention.

Concerning the production of fertilizers by the government, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, if fertilizer is mixed with water it will kill somebody if taken; how then do they think that if it is used in the production of food meant for man beauty of life’s consumption it will help the health of man beauty of life? This will bring about untimely death to man beauty of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also said that, it destroys the nutrient or the fertility of the soil. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, food produced through the application of fertilizers loses its taste the next day. Likewise the consumers of the said food lose their strength, weight and health. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that the chemical used in killing grasses was also invented by the devil to kill the land. All the agents of satan know the programme of satan on man beauty of life through fertilizers and they do not eat food produced through fertilizers. They are conscious of the poisonous chemical involved in those fertilizers. That is why the cult group, foreseeing the affairs of satan on earth [the Illuminati] calls people, “USELESS EATERS.” Check this up in their NO 9th  AGENDA. OUR MAKER YAHWEH in I AM that I AM’S word has I AM THAT I AM’S own mandate for I AM THAT I AM’S Own people regarding to this issue. “But Daniyel purposed in his heart that himself would not defile himself with the portion of the servant to the nation’s [king's] meat, nor with the wine which himself drank: therefore himself requested of the servant [prince] of the eunuchs that himself might not defile himself.” The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Daniyel, 1st chapter, 8th verse. See also The 3rd book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 11th chapter, 1st to 45th verses; The Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, 15th chapter, 25th to 29th verses; Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 3rd chapter, 1st to 4th verses. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the reason for asking us to abstain from these things is for our own interest. That is the most reason I AM that I AM is commanding all I AM that I AM’S elect to come together under I AM that I AM’S Own Qahal and foundation – True Goodnews Revival Movement - to unite hands together to produce the foods we can eat and be free from satanic entanglements.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me of the Freemason activities, a cult group by satan, vested with the authority of campaigning for the freedom of man beauty of life under the rule and leading of SATAN. They are responsible for enacting the edict and laws such as freedom of worship against OUR MAKER YAHWEH’S original commandment to man and woman beauties of life [The 2nd book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 20th chapter, 4th verse, The 5th book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 4th chapter, 15th to 19th verses]. They are moved to declare the edicts of free education for all, free medical care for all, freedom of women beauties of life [women’s emancipation] etc. Freedom of worship by the freemason speaks that man beauty of life can worship anything himself sees or feels could be worshiped against the worship of the Almighty OUR MAKER YAHWEH. 
“. . .Because that, when they knew Our Maker Yahweh, they glorified I AM that I AM not as Our Maker Yahweh, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the incorruptible Our Maker Yahweh into an image made like to corruptible manbeauty of life, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things . . . and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”[The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Romans, 1st chapter,19th to 32nd verses]. It also means that man beauty of life has freedom to behave the way himself feels as in worship. That is also why there is proliferation of churches everywhere by men beauties of life and the foundation is based on their different understanding about OUR MAKER YAHWEH. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that their foundation is different from what I AM that I AM laid down and handed over to I AM that I AM’S disciples.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now asked this question: “Why will those things that belong to OUR MAKER YAHWEH be termed or declared to be given freedom of choice while those belonging to satan and his government do not have such freedom?” Example is “freedom for leadership or governance.” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked why then is there not more than a single so called president in a country, so called governor in a state, or those of the local governments. Rather it is seen in every country or state that the devil and his agent have divided and deceived  the earth by introducing Denominations and from there to churches in other to make the children of Our Maker Yahweh not to be united as Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach prayed to I AM that I AM’S Father during Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s ministry on earth, satan deceitfully scattered and separated the single body of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach [QAHAL] to what himself called church, though I AM that I AM kept quiet and has been patiently waiting and was using the church to gather us. More than 50 church leaders are controlling the churches, whereas it is not supposed to be so even though that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach kept quiet for many centuries at what satan has done. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked again, “Who should have control over man beauty of life, is it OUR MAKER YAHWEH or satan?” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that because of the ignorance of the so called pastors or leaders of churches, satan has succeeded in bringing disunity in their churches. Satan has hardened their hearts against obeying Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s command to come together into the original gathering of the people of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach which is QAHAL not CHURCH and take what belongs to them. 
Therefore Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, whatever anybody is doing under the platform of the freemason himself is doing so to his peril. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach continued that when satan brought his idea to Adam and his wife in the garden where Our Maker Yahweh kept them, Adam bought his idea. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, today also, satan has brought his idea to the pastors through the freemason and the Illuminati and they have accepted and agreed to work against I AM that I AM, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Meanwhile I AM that I AM’S people has been turned to be like the world. However, readers we still have another opportunity to unite together and take up the possession meant for us. As you read this message, it is good for you to rethink of the way you have gone and return back fast to your Maker. It should not be a time to defend your church, but to unite together and embrace Our Maker Yahweh’s programme and Qahal.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, the free education, and free medical for all are all satanic programmes to entangle man beauty of life. They make the man to put his trust on fellow man beauty of life instead of OUR MAKER YAHWEH for help. “Thus saith OUR MAKER YAHWEH; Cursed be the man beauty of life that trusteth in man beauty of life, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from OUR MAKER YAHWEH. Blessed is the man beauty of life that trusteth in the OUR MAKER YAHWEH, and whose hope OUR MAKER YAHWEH is.” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yirmeyah,17th chapter, 5th  to 7th verses]. See also [Good praises to Our Maker Yahweh through Dawid,121st chapter, 1st to 8th verses]. All their promises are deceits and have never been achieved. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that in the same vein, the United State of America, under the supervision of Obama, flagged off their free medical care programme only for the purpose of entangling its citizens and to submit all to satan, through the implantation of bio-chips on the right hands or their foreheads. This registers the victims with the ANTIYAHWEHSHUA HA MASHIACH NUMBER 666. “And himselfcauseth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man beauty of life might buy or sell, save himself that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” [The Revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 13th chapter, 16th to 18th verses].

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further revealed that the Mark of the Beast is already an ongoing plan through the compulsive demand of ID card before necessary economic operations are carried out, Bank Verification Number for purpose of banking transactions without which a person could have money in his bank account but will not have access to its withdrawal, and many other compulsory demands by government authorities before certain benefits are granted. The implication of these is that people are already being forced to comply with the taking of the Mark of the Beast through these and other government actions the non-compliance of which will deny them the benefits associated with such actions.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that when the activities of the’ freemason was discovered, they metamorphosed into the Illuminati. However the freemason is not completely dead, but still work together with the illuminati. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the above first to second [two] cults brought the Christmas and its celebration into the world. They have, in their programme, to distribute material gifts on the Christmas day celebrations as part of their sacrifices to their idols. They were the initiators of the popular film watched by Christian titled the “Passion of the Christ”, directed by a member of their cult, Mel Gibson.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM states that the woman beauty of life should be under the control of man beauty of life. “Unto the woman beauty of life Our Maker Yahweh said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth earthly children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and the man beauty of life shall have power over thee.”[The 1st book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe,  3rd chapter,16th verse], but the activities of the freemasons has stirred up the woman beauty of life to liberate herself and put herself above man beauty of life. The women beauty of life all over the world are seeking for dominion at homes and outside homes. It is a saying by women beauty of life “whatever a man beauty of life can do a woman beauty of life can do better.” Today women beauty of life are leaders of churches as pastors instead of staying silent in the church. “Let your women beauties of life keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.”[The 1st book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians, 14th chapter,34th verse]. The woman beauty of life is to work under the man beauty of life with her gifts of the Ruach and not to have the mastery on the man beauty of life.
Concerning incarnation, according to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, on the issues of rebirth wherein most carnal men beauties of life argue about, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil keeps a steady move of people from the spirit world to the earth through birth and rebirth. All that satan brings into this world are his agents on assignments going to and fro this world. This is made possible when those that do not believe on Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, goes to make sacrifices to the devil at the native doctors or prayer houses of the devil’s origin, in order to have earthly children. At this point, the devil is able to send demons for his assignments into these women’s beauties of life womb where they develop to be born as earthly children into the world.

Some of these children are the most renowned men and women beauties of life called “GENIUS”. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil brings these people to come to the world to introduce devil’s plans, wisdoms and foundation to men beauties of life. This could be in the form of inventions. And meanwhile all inventors of things in world are demons on assignments. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, observing closely into the life of children born through making sacrifices to the devil, their lives are accompanied with wickedness and trouble making and such children do not last long enough since they must return back after the fulfillment of their assignments as they may reappear again very shortly to the world. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach illustrated this satanic event and movement as like the life of plantains and those of pears. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that if plantain and pear are planted the same time, while the pears is still growing to maturity time of about five years, the plantain, within a year will begin to produce. And so before the pear would produce its first fruits, the plantain has since been producing and that yearly. Its production is within short time, so is the programme of satan with his assigned demons. They would soon go back hoping to reappear shortly. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said that this knowledge is hidden from man beauty of life, because the devil’s assignments are secrets.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach contrasted the devils secret assignments to that of OUR MAKER YAHWEH, saying that I AM that I AM [Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach] own incarnation to the earth was foretold to men beauties of life and not hidden. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that while I AM that I AM’S Father sought for a person to come to this world to redeem man beauty of life, that I AM that I AM was existing already with the Father in heaven, I AM that I AM told the Father that I AM would go. “...Then said I, Lo, I come [in the volume of the book it is written of Me,] to do thy will, Our Maker Yahweh . . .Then said I AM that I AM, Lo, I come to do thy will,. . .”.  “Therefore Our Maker Yahweh, I AM that I AM’S SELF shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Child, and shall call his name Immanuwel.”[The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to the Hebrew, 10th chapter,3rd to 9th verses; The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah, 7th chapter,14th verse]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that when I AM was born it was not secret but was foretold to men beauties of life. [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah,9th chapter, 6th to 7th verses ; Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas, 2nd chapter, 8th to 14th verses; Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 2nd chapter, 1st and 2nd verses]. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the assignments of satan are hidden agendas unknown to men beauties of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that if the Father’s programme of salvation was made secret like those of satan, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach would have manifested into this earth, finish I AM that I AM’S assignment, and returned back to the Father without any man knowing.

For this reason, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people should stop defending what they do not know. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people for some time now have been making commentaries about some of these revelations; but that I AM that I AM kept quiet. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM kept quiet because a thousand years before OUR MAKER YAHWEH is as compared to a single day on earth. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that a woman beauty of life who conceived will certainly endure the pain until the 9th  month period lasts. Then at the time of delivery, herself will endure the rigours of labour pains and finally herself delivers the earthly child. It will now be a time people will know what the woman beauty of life has been carrying in her womb. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the woman beauty of life may be carrying an imbecile, or a dead child and some will carry real earthly children. In the same vein, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the devil has been carrying all these secrets unknown to man beauty of life, but now the time of delivery has come for the devil and all his secrets to be released.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now made a commentary of I AM that I AM’S SELF that I AM that I AM is also carrying a pregnancy, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, this is the time I AM that I AM has decided to deliver I AM THAT I AM’S Own child, which is this truth I AM that I AM is delivering to men beauties of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach then said, I AM is the Personality that delivered the living child, meanwhile the devil has been the personality carrying an imbecile or a dead child and the consequence of this is that whosoever delivers the imbecile or dead child will go empty handed, sorrowful and weeping. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said because, the end of satan will be in the lake of fire which will be satan’s last bus stop. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now said of I AM that I AM’S SELF who is Our Maker Yahweh, will be in heaven with an everlasting gladness.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, after this saying, gave a parable with regards to I AM that I AM’S SELF and satan. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that there had been an existing land, which allowed a tree to sprout on it. The land accommodated it without using heat to kill the tree. The land also allowed the tree to grow. At a point, the tree began to shed its leave on the ground and the land kept quiet. Then it continued its growth and at a point it began to drop its branches on the land. Yet the land still kept quite. At the stage or level of producing fruits, the tree began again to drop its fruits on the land and the land accommodated this insult. Then next, children came looking for the fruits of the tree, in the process, the children matched on the land and messed it up. Yet the land did not say anything. The children also applied the use of sticks to stone the fruits of the tree in order to pluck some and the sticks fell back and were landing on the land. The land also accommodated the insult and kept quiet.

The tree felt it has now grown up and has gotten tap root and the tap root started coming up and was breaking the land. Suddenly the land loosed its hold around the tree, and then the tree fell on the land. And children came climbing on it and most time defecated on the tree. Subsequently, the tree started drying up with its branches. Then people came and cut the tree into pieces, packed it up and dump it into fire as fire wood. It came to be in the process of short time that the land regained its level and normalcy to the point that men beauties of life could not find any trace of an existing tree on the land before. Later that same land is used to build a beautiful building that will accommodate man beauty of life. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now declared that the parable depicts the insults of satan to his Creator. Meanwhile Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach had been patient with satan all this while. But now is the time for the destruction of satan and his camp. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach then said that, I AM that I AM is coming to rebuild the earth that I AM that I AM made by I AM that I AM’S SELF and the earth will be useful again to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.    

True Goodnews Revival Movement is a movement but also operates as a Qahal [church]. This Movement was initiated and founded by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. It is a movement to “prepare people [the elects] for Heaven”. In the year 2013, precisely, the 21st day of the 5th month of the said year, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach made I AM that I AM’S first elaborate appearance to I AM that I AM’S servant Yahwehnedu, with a universal message of “correction to believers”. Before this time, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach had made some scanty appearances to him with some assignments bothering on personal preparation for the great mandate. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach Who is the master of the messages commanded I AM that I AM’S servant to document the messages and pass them on to the people of the world, because, according to I AM that I AM there was a time Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach wanted to come and collect I AM that I AM’S people but looked down and saw that there were many things I AM that I AM’S children were doing without knowing that those things were sins.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the level of righteousness I AM that I AM’S children were practicing believing that it was enough to take them to heaven was not enough. Therefore, I AM that I AM decided to use I AM that I AM’S servant to reveal the truth to them and correct their errors. After giving him the message, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent him to church Overseers, Superintendents, Pastors, leaders of Christian organizations and churches in general, to give them I AM that I AM’S message of correction, for them to correct the errors in their churches. This assignment was done with a sense of dedication and reverence. Unfortunately, the People to whom the message was directed discarded the message of their acclaimed Saviour on the ground that it is an attack to their personality and dogma. Few of them who accepted the message as truth and timely message from Our Maker Yahweh, demanded to have it so that they can doctor it and present some seemingly controversial aspects of it the way it will be acceptable to people; presenting it with their intelligence in such a tone that it will agree with current global  ideas thereby defeating the purpose of the message.

Because of the failure of the Church leaders to accept the authority of Our Maker Yahweh in the message and the disappointment from those Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave end-time messages, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach decided to raise a foundation of I AM that I AM’S Own which Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach Named “True Goodnews Revival Movement”, a neutral platform Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will own up entirely and call I AM that I AM’S Own so that I AM that I AM can decide, direct and do I AM that I AM’S will, without any man’s restraint. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said. “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Ruach of truth, is come, the Ruach ot truth will guide you into all truth: for the Ruach of truth shall not speak of Ruach’s self; but whatsoever the Ruach shall hear, that shall the Ruach speak: and the Ruach will shew you things to come. The Ruach shall glorify Me: for the Ruach shall receive of Mine, and shall shew it unto you” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan,16th chapter,12th to 14th verses].

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach revealed that this is the appointed time I AM that I AM has come to make the truth known. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach delights to release all the truth about making heaven through this Movement, True Goodnews Revival Movement, since nobody ever attempts to doctor or amend Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s messages before releasing them to the people of the world. This movement therefore has no founder but Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach I AM that I AM’S SELF and it is being directed by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. The mandate of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach in this movement is to REVIVE the TRUE GOODNEWS and gather all I AM that I AM’S elects all over the earth in preparation for the rapture.


In a particular message of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told us that every generation has a history, that in this generation I AM that I AM wants to use TRUE GOODNEWS REVIVAL MOVEMENT to divide the earth into first and second [two] part, and to destroy the foundation of satan which satan has laid for ages. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said and me quote, “If the devil could succeed through a man beauty of life, Emperor Constantine, to turn the whole earth for satan, then I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have decided to use TRUE GOODNEWS REVIVAL MOVEMENT, My Movement, to destroy the foundation that the devil has laid for ages. I will use what him, satan, produced to work against him”. The harm the devil used Emperor Constantine to do to My Word is what I AM using the TRUE GOODNEWS REVIVAL MOVEMENT to restore back to the original and achieve My mandate in this generation.


We were in the Qahal [church] during refreshment hour; Me was feeling weak so me decided to lie down and rest. Me had a dream shortly in which myself was in a strange place where only a single man beauty of life, was in sight. Me walked closer to him and himself ask me whome was. Me told him my name and himself said himself knew me. Himself said, me should follow him and me did. On the way,me saw what was like a big molten image through which we passed climbing to the top. At the top the man said me should hold him; me held him and we started to fly.

We got to a place that looked like a city well-known for its beauty. Himself said that the place is called Mystical World. Me saw those toys that children watch in movies, in different places, shapes and sizes. Himself said that this is the place those movies that has cartoons, toys and the like as actors, which children so much like to watch, are produce. As we moved further it got to a point me did not see him but saw what looked like a car. Me got inside and observed that there was nobody controlling it apart from the single hand steer that steered it. It started and moved to another place unknown to me, where me alighted [came down].
In that place me saw something looking like thick glass behind which was light- blue in colour from outside view. Staring at the glass my eyes starts to turn and me saw an entrance. Me pass through the entrance and entered in, but to my greatest surprise the place was hellfire.

Seeing that it was hellfire, me was shocked, shivering greatly. The first person me sighted in there was a traditional dancer, evidenced in her attire; herself was dancing inside there. Next was a pastor with a normal size Bible in his hand demonstrating as somebody preaching.After that, choristers followed in their groups in that deep, sharp pains and torments, singing helplessly. Then me saw in a distance what me thought was heavy downpour [of rain]. To my greatest amazement, on getting closer, it wasn’t rain but men and women beauties of life, falling into the pit of hellfire in so great number. When me turned, the next thing on sight was rain of children of which ages me thought they by no means deserve to be in hellfire; and me was afraid and started shivering greatly. Those children in untold pain could not cry because they cried until they could no more cry again. This caused an indescribable shivering in me that forcefully wake me up from the deep sleep.

The next day, while me was grinding outside, me saw a little child passing with plaited [braided] hair. Then Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach in heaven told me to look at the child’s head which was plaited. So Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach told me that this is part of the reasons children are thrown into hellfire; and that the mothers and earthly fathers will pay for it if they don’t repent.


We were in the Qahal [church] during testimony time which was officiated by Child of Truth.  Me was sitting bending down with my eyes closed. Suddenly me saw the servant of Our Maker Yahweh, Child of Truth, in front of hellfire holding a mighty book in his hands which was widely opened, me saw a queue of people moving towards him. When the people come closer and saw the book they turned back gladly, yet others by-passed and continued moving towards hellfire. Child of Truth was covered by glory, so thick and bright. A heavy wind was blowing, but could not touch him or distract him in any case. Me was then asked by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to tell the Qahal about the glorious scene, but me played stubbornness, thinking to keep it within myself. Immediately, me started having headache which was very painful. Such that me couldn’t rest in a place. Me move to the back seats and laiddown on the floor, yet without any relief; at this point me sent a male beauty of life of our Maker Yahweh to call a servant of Our Maker Yahweh,Immanuwyah, who honoured and came to where me was, this time outside the Qahal. Me told him that me was given message to deliver and my failure to do so has caused me severe headache. Himself went and told Child of Truth, who permitted me to come and deliver the message. After the message was delivered, the Child of Truth then prayed for me for recovery.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach explained in clear details the meaning and representation of what was shown to me. The book that me saw is the truth that I AM that I AM has given to the people in the earth; the people in the queue are the children of I AM that I AM on earth: those that saw the book and turned back are the people that embrace the truth, while those that passed by are people that ignore the truth.
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said “the glory” that me saw is the presence of I AM that I AMand the wind that was blowing represents many things: anger, pride, fear, envy, mockery, and sickness. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now said I AM that I AMhas brought so many people to this place and given them the truth to show to the people of the earth, and that I AM that I AM’s presence has always been with them that are taken there, but they, unfortunately, allowed the heaviness of the wind to blow them out of I AM that I AMglory into the line without realizing that the glory is no more with them. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach asked me to flash back at what me was shown to see that Yahwehnedu, Child of Truth pays no attention to the blowing wind. Then Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that people should stop speaking wrongly about him [Child of Truth].

Me was in a dream, in the dream me saw that there was a great and a very high and tall building. This building was so tall that other smaller buildings couldn’t be seen.
Me found myself in this very high and tall building, in the last upper house of that great house [a story building]. Me also found some of our Brethren there too but they were very few which were there. Me equally noticed that this building has another upper house in it but it was below the last upper house which we were in.
In this upper house which was below the last upper house, there were also some brethren there, they were more in number than those in the upper room. They were relaxing, laughing, discussing and playing. While we were still in that place, we heard a gunshot, the sound of the gun kept coming bit by bit and later became very loud. Now at this scene we became worried, remembering those that are below including our earthly family members and some brethren. Fortunately, my Ruach asked me to climb on top of something that was there in the room to see what was happening.
As me climbed that thing, me saw a very big gun which me cannot really describe very well. This gun was so big in size and in length [Taller than the very tall building] and me did not see the hand holding it. This gun was reaching directly below the ceiling of that very building which myself and few numbers of the brethren were camping or staying. Me discover that the mouth the gun was so wide and me saw that it was being pointed towards the firmament, later me noticed that it was shot in that same direction. By this time as the shooting was going on towards the firmament, then in my Ruach, me was told to climb down from that thing me climbed initially.

The reason of this climbing down was because the next place to target the gun was in that direction me was. So, me informed the brethren that were there about it and they listened and climbed down with me. Fortunately, by the time the mouth of the gun was positioned towards that place we were and was shot, we had already climbed down from that thing.
After a while, me was told in my Ruach to climb again on top of that same thing which when climbed do raise somebody higher and closer to the ceiling of the building, me obeyed and equally told the brethren and they followed me soothe.
However, me now noticed that the gun was now shooting below where we had climbed to, from the first step to another. This continued till we could see the gun no more but at the same time was hearing the sound of the gun shot below that last upper room. The entire place or earth were destroyed with it. After this we were very worried about other brethren and our earthly family members who did not climb that last upper room, then me woke up from sleep.

On the 20th and 2nd night of the first Counting Year of the second year of the United Nations of Truth, between the hour of 7th and 8th hour of the night.  Me was waken up, me was thinking that the reason why me was awake was to pray as usual using my normal prayer points but to my greatest surprise, the only prayer point that was directed to me was to ask for mercy.
Then me began to plead for mercy on behalf of the Qahal, the entire earth and myself. Me continue in that prayer until me slept off. While sleeping, me had a dream, then in that dream, me was with a particular family and discussion and cooking was going on. At a time still in that dream, me left them to go and rest. While resting me slept off in that same dream then me begin to have another dream inside the dream that me was before, in that dream, me found myself in a place where me observed that the people of the earth were busy caring their normal activities of the day as usual.
Suddenly, me saw a man that came with anger, me cannot describe this man very well because himself is very big and huge. Himself is bigger that the earth, me could not even see Him completely. The reason for the man’s anger is that the earth has abandoned Him and are busy doing their own things  in their own ways, caring out their activities in their own ways and left His wills. Me noticed that beyond this earth, there was something else happening under it. Me also discovered that the creator of the whole universe seems to be the man and in I AM that I AM’S hand, the earth was like an ZIP which can be zipped up as it is been done in a cloth. With the anger in this man’s face, Himself reached out to the starting point of the Zip and zipped it up. Then at this, me noticed that the earth [the ground] was broken and divided into first and second, the ground or earth on each side was shaking and the people who were parted together in each  division were shouting, screaming, crying because there was a very deep and a large hole or pit beyond the earth. Due to the shakings, people tend to fall into the hole, this hole was so deep, although wide as the size of the earth, yet me couldn’t see the end of its dept.

Moreover, me noticed that me was very close to the hole and the movement of the earth was pushing me to pull me into the hole, me noticed that in this hole, the extent that me can see was a bit dark. Me also discover that if somebody fall from the earth into that hole, the person’s skeleton may not be found because it will be a great fall. So, people did not want to fall into the deep hole, they kept on screaming, shouting and crying aloud. There was weeping and wailing everywhere.
Me was seriously shouting, screaming, pleading and crying out for mercy. Suddenly, the man looked at me with pity when me shouted and plead saying, Father me will serve with my whole heart, then out of pity, Himself zipped back the earth and me woke up in the same place where me was with that particular family. Then when me woke up in that same dream me was before entering the dream me saw this great and horrible thing, me discovered that the division of the earth [ground] and the cry of the people in those divisions was not heard again. People were reluctant, doing their own thing in their own ways.

Still in that first dream which me was with that family before entering into another dream, in my shock of what me saw, with tears in my eyes in that dream, me went around telling people what me saw including that family. They seem unconcerned and wondered how somebody who was with them for a while, went to have rest and later come to say these things to them. Me was in tears and in fear, when me now woke up in reality, realizing that it was a revelation. Me had an inspiration that says that we children of Our Maker Yahweh are not serious this time but are playing.
May Our Maker Yahweh and Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach with the Ruach Ha Kodesh help us to run with fear and trembling so that we can escape the wrath of Our Maker Yahweh in the name of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Amen.

The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
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