Monday, 15 January 2018




According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I AM that I AM commanded that me should give this message to you. That all the messages you are preaching before now, you are like somebody who receives a poison from a person, and you were convinced that it is gold. With this conviction, you began telling people you received gold. Suddenly, somebody who knew that what you are going with is poison, decides to point it out to you that it is poison, you will not believe that it is poison because of your level of conviction. You will believe that the man beauty of life who is telling you that it is poison is a deceiver. Because of the assurance of the man beauty of life, and his love for you, himself will try to convince you and to prove to you that what you are going with is poison, because the vision of poison is to kill man beauty of life. But if that man beauty of life would be able to convince you to abandon it, the person will now check it up to know the damages of the poison in his system, then, such would apply necessary treatment for cure.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach gave me this massage to pass to you Pastor W.F. Kumuyi. I AM that I AM said that this illustration is what you are doing. Devil gave you Bible to use and speak against Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. And you are convinced that the Bible is the Holy book of Our Maker Yahweh. But I called you, to do My work earlier, I wanted to use you to correct things, but you did not allow Me to use you and correct things, and you began to use man beauty of life’s wisdom and knowledge to do things. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said even the things I moved you to condemn; you have gone back to them. Do you think I can change My standard for any reason? Then if you Kumuyi is giving Me condition to come to you and give you messages. Those that I gave you earlier, what have you done with it. You threw them by the road side and follow the idea of men beauties of life. How do you think that you will follow the idea of men beauties of life and expect My counsels again? However, all the messages I gave to you through My servant I raised in this generation to point out to you, that you are against Me, I am giving you the last chance. Read all the messages I sent to you and know whether they are not My word.

Tell Kumuyi, that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I gave Yahchanan [John] messages to pass to the entire people of the earth, does it mean I have no power to pass same to this generation? Then if I have the power, then know I have done it again. Tell Kumuyi to suspend all his programmes and read all the messages I am sending to him through My servant. Tell him that I said if himself will not suspend all as I said, to read all the messages, then a day shall come when himself will suspend all his activities and appear before Me. That this  letter will also be in My kingdom to stand to remind him My word. Tell Kumuyi that I said, that himself had suffered so much, for My sake, but himself is standing on a faulted ground. That is why I am pointing these things to him. Tell Kumuyi, that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach has eventually found My QAHAL [church] and I am calling him and with all himself has to come to My QAHAL, so that I will use him to achieve My mandates with the few days himself has. Tell him that I said, that himself had done exactly what Paulos did to counter Me, tell him that all this messages that they are encountering that I have encountered him. Tell him to read these messages and act immediately, because I love him. As I am pointing out his mistakes, is it the same with others? Tell him that himself should remember that when his earthly father died himself contested not to spend money on a nephesh [soul] himself never knew where the nephesh [soul] is destined in eternity. But Kumuyi should consider how many millions that was spent when his late wife died.

Does himself  know that all the messages and things himself  condemned at the beginning, they are all in My kingdom waiting for him on the last day. This particular message I pointed now is only a message among them and a lot other more. Tell him to read this messages I sent to him and repent and return to Me. But if himself  understands that I am the Personality speaking congratulation to him but if not, himself  will recognize that I am the Person speaking on a day. But his obedience to My command to him will make him a wise man beauty of life, but to others it will be foolishness. Tell him that, after reading this letter, himself should proceed to the messages with first of all the message of Nigeria, the secret power of three in creation, The old man, then lastly his personal messages. Tell him that after reading all this things, I am calling him to be a partaker in establishing this truth. Says Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.


Tell Kumuyi, that if I don’t say this to him I don’t even love him. His visit to any where has become a big burden to his people because of meeting up with his standard. Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the money in Deeper Life bank account is more than a nation’s money. What is it for? When there are programmes to accomplish for my mandate to prepare nephesh [souls] for My coming. Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, said himself should release the money for My work, instead of tasking the poor and creating burden to the people. Tell him that even if himself corrects other things without correcting this area, it will still disqualify him for My kingdom.

Tell Kumuyi that I am on My way coming for him. Tell the people of the world that positions and titles have taken their heart; it is the gift of the world. Tell them that except Petros whom I promised to make the physical head of the Qahal, I did not give any other title to anybody. Tell the people of the world that G.O, G.S, State Overseer etc, is not known in heaven. They should discard all those titles. Tell the people of the earth that My people should be part of Me in this “True Goodnews Revival Movement’, this is My movement which I am using to reveal every evil work of Satan and save My people from entanglements of Satan.

I love My Child Kumuyi. Tell him that himself should prepare, his days are numbered. Tell him that, when himself started with the truth, himself fought against the gifts of satan; flashy things like television but man beauty of life suggestions have made him to permit them. I moved him by My Ruach [Spirit] so that it could be destroyed for Me to introduce My Own. I condemned it because of football, love making and other programmes that corrupt the mind. Kumuyi later used it to show himself. Ask him, when himself was not preaching on television, was My word not growing?

Tell him that his days are numbered, that I preserved him till this moment for him to repent. Tell him, himself should be part of this movement and release all the money himself has in the bank and support My programme in this movement. Tell him that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, said, if other pastors will not obey Me, Kumuyi should obey Me because you are a Child indeed, only that Him Kumuyi has missed his way. Kumuyi should return and also return My people to Me. Kumuyi preaches that I AM coming soon but himself does not know that I AM on the air now.

The first man beauty of life I raised in Africa to prepare My people for rapture is Kumuyi but himself allowed suggestion of men beauties of life to mislead him. For now himself is not ready for Me. The people of Deeper Life, the way people are dying in the church now, is it how people died before? The reason is, My glory has departed from the church, and they are now living in past glory. The mansion of Kumuyi in heaven is very large, but if himself does not repent, himself will miss it. Himself should not consider his position; I preserved him till now for him to repent. I love him so much, himself has suffered so much for Me, I am ready to forgive him. Himself has tried to take My word to different parts of the earth. Himself is working very hard to teach My word to many people, but himself has missed his way. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say if himself wants to see Me, himself should be part of this umbrella of ‘True Goodnews Revival Movement’, and pattern his life and preaching according to the truth I reveal through this movement. It is under this umbrella that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, have decided to reveal all My truth. I don’t want his nephesh [souls] to be wasted in hellfire. Himself should not feel bad because of the messages I am giving concerning him. I am correcting him for him to get pleasure in his mansion in heaven.

Deeper Life pastors, I pity them. They will look like somebody who died in the late hour of the night. They will not have pleasure in the earth and they will not have pleasure in heaven, because they have missed their ways. Other pastors are better than them because they are having pleasure here on this earth. They are serving Kumuyi and not Me. Whatever himself tells them is what they do, even when I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, they will check up with their pastor before believing Me, and himself most often will discard My word. Deeper life pastors are suffering in dryness and hunger, but their score is zero in heaven. In the midst of the work, they are complaining and murmuring. The earthly children of Yisrael did the same thing and missed the Promised Land. Their pastor has missed his way and they have followed him to miss their ways.

I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I want to tell Deeper Life Bible Church that I can hear the cry of people in hellfire calling the name of Kumuyi. Himself does not allow them to listen to the revelations and messages I am giving to people in this end time. I am passing verdict on him now. Himself tells people that I can do all things, yet himself does not believe that I can reveal and speak to people. The whole bible himself is reading, is it not My word and My revelations to different people at different times that are written in the book? Kumuyi is still My servant but himself will miss his mansion. The people himself counseled to buy children are crying against him in hellfire. The Children I gave to him to secure for Me, himself is now securing them for Satan. For this reason, the staff of authority I gave him, I have withdrawn it from him. The only remedy is for him to return My people to Me and repent and be part of this movement. In his church, himself is training murderers, people carrying gun. I give him only last chance, if himself will return to Me. I see himself is trying in teaching My word, I see what himself is doing, but himself should remember that My word says, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in only a point, himself is guilty of all.” If I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, AM passing verdict on Kumuyi as guilty, other pastors should also know they are guilty.

Kumuyi is causing more pain to Me by the pictures of white man they call Jesus [their acclaimed saviour]. I see him as a liar for introducing that picture; they are liars and idol worshippers for that. I feel himself is wise, his wisdom does not tell him that the church I gave him is collapsing. Does himself not see that miracles are not happening as before? I can see that himself is more concerned about saving his life. I still love him, but himself has gone far. Himself should not consider what people will say about him, if himself obeys My commandment to him now, but himself should consider what will happen on the last day. Himself has denied all other things in the world because of Me. So, himself should not claim that himself knows it all, I see him as claiming to be a father to Me no longer a child. If I don’t say this to My Child Kumuyi, I don’t even love him. His visit to anywhere has become a big burden to his people, because of what it takes to meet up with his standard. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say that the money in Deeper Life bank account is more than a nation’s money. What is it all for? When there are works to accomplish for My mandate, to prepare nephesh [souls] for My coming. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, himself should release the money for My work, instead of tasking the poor and creating burden to the people. I want to tell him that even if himself corrects other things without correcting this in particular, it will still disqualify him for My kingdom.  Himself has misled people because of the following things:

1st.  WOMEN PLAITING HAIR WITH THREAD: I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach declare to Kumuyi and the people of the earth that anything added to the original hair is an attachment. My word says, “In like manner also, that women beauties of life adorn themselves in modest apparels, with shamefacedness and sobriety, NOT WITH braided [plaited] hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;” [The 1st book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Timothyos, 2nd chapter, 9th verse]. This is the same scripture that backs up Deeper Life stand against putting on jewelries or ornaments. The question is what is the rationale behind choosing to avoid some items in the same verse and accepting others? The same tone and impetus with which the verse of scripture talks about gold or pearls is the same with which it talks about plaiting or braiding of hair. Condemning part and commending the other [in all that the same scripture says ‘Not with’], suggests confusion and bias. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have come to tell the people of the world, not only Kumuyi and his church, that any addition to the original hair is an attachment and no attachment of any kind to the body, from hair to toe, except modest and simple clothing, without ornaments, will enter My kingdom.

     I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, commanded that women beauties of life should not plait or weave their hair at all, but could cut it low to the height they can use comb to control it, if it grows so long to the level they cannot control. My command is to lower the hair and not to shave. Any level of hair cut that exposes a woman’s scalp is against My standard. The people of the world are still finding it difficult to keep to this condition. People choose rather to plait their hair than to cut it low. Do they not see that when they plait their hair, the gutters or lines between the plaiting expose their scalp? Lowering the hair and plaiting the hair, which of them covers the scalp [Skull] better?

2nd.  BURIAL CEREMONY:  I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, have given My message against burial ceremonies. The burial ceremonies people are doing today are sin, and no person or church that permits it will enter into My kingdom. Some members of Deeper Life discarded this message because of reference to the burial of Kumuyi’s late wife. They argued that if burial ceremony is not good, how was the late wife of Pastor Kumuyi buried? As if himself is the founder of the Faith and last resort in matters concerning Our Maker Yahweh’s standard. If I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the only saviour of the people of the earth, died and was buried without ceremony and My early disciples all died and were buried the same day without ceremony, where did those who claim they are following Me learn that pattern? If they are really My servants, should they celebrate or be celebrated at death while as their master was not celebrated at death?
The reference people make to the instruction of  Yaakov [Jacob] to his earthly children and how Yaakov was buried, as contained in the first book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe 49th  chapter,28th  to 33rd verses and 50th  chapter,1st  to 14th verses, is a misapplication of My word. The burial of Yaakov was done according to the custom and tradition of Mitzrayim [Egypt], which was founded on idolatry and not on Our Maker Yahweh’s Holiness, because they knew not Our Maker Yahweh nor feared Our Maker Yahweh. The mention of Mitzrayim [Egypt] in the Scripture and in the spiritual sense means the world. So, that pattern of burial is demonic and worldly. Avraham [Abraham] did not bury Sarah that way. Yitzchak [Isaac] did not bury Avraham that way, Yaakov [Jacob] did not bury Rachel [Rachael] and Yitzchak his earthly father that way. Down till the last burial recorded in the Scripture, there is no other record of embalmment and ceremony of burial.

I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I am using My authority to command all My people on earth, that they should bury and be buried under 1st to 12thhours of the day or under 1st to 12th hours of the night, after death and without ceremony.  Sin is the cause of death. When people celebrate death they celebrate sin, and they provoke Me by reminding Me how man beauty of life lost his first position and changed My programme for him. In addition to this, burial ceremony leads people to selling their properties, borrowing and owing debts, which must lead them to hellfire in the event of death or rapture, if they fail to pay back. It also makes them to be concerned only about how they will be buried and not where they are going after death. All those who believe in Me and long to see Me at last, must not think or plan how they will be buried while they are still alive.

[3rd]    WEDDING CEREMONY: I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, have given My message to the people on earth, to inform My people that I am not the personality who introduced wedding ceremony, it is the spirit of religion. What I introduced is marriage ceremony and not wedding ceremony. The very day a man beauty of life pays dowry for his wife is the day marriage is concluded. The couple should be blessed and allowed to go home. Any other ceremony beyond that is against My standard. Believers earthly fathers and mothers [parents] should not give conditions or list of items to be brought, but should be willing and ready to accept the man beauty of life with whatever the man beauty of life can afford, and the man beauty of life must not borrow to pay for a wife. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, did not make marriage to constitute a burden and bondage to man beauty of life.
The first marriage conducted in the history of mankind [marriage of Adam and Chavvah [ Eve]], as recorded in the first book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe. 2nd  chapter,18th  to 25th verses, has no account of wedding ceremony. This is a divine blue print for marriage. The ceremony of marriage I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach attended was not wedding ceremony, it was a marriage ceremony, as recorded in the Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan  2nd chapter,1st to 11th verses. The gathering of My elects together in heaven as record in the Revelation of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan [Revelation] 19th chapter, 7th  to  9th verses, is designated as marriage supper. Those who call it wedding and observe it’s religious protocols are changing My word. The marriage of Yitzchak [Isaac] and Revkah [Rebecca] ended at the dowry with all its gladness and merriment, as recorded in the first book of the law of Our Maker Yahweh through Moshe, 24th chapter,50th  to 61st verses. I,Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the Saviour of mankind, never wedded any couple and My early disciples never wedded any either. Where, in the history of the early Qahal [church] of the New Covenant can it be traced that the Qahal wedded any couple? If there cannot be reference to wedding ceremony in the practice of the early Qahal [church], then where did the pastors and churches on earth get the pattern? It is the devil that introduced wedding ceremony, to entangles the people with these first to third [three] things: [1st] Indebtedness [2nd] delay in marriage [3rd] fornication.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, declare to Kumuyi that long courtship in Deeper Life marriage protocol is causing fornication more rampantly in his church. The wedding ceremony Kumuyi permits in his church is against My standard and himself is leading people to hellfire.

[4th]    LODGING IN HOTEL:  Kumuyi and his ministers lodge in hotel when on outings. By so doing, Kumuyi tells the earth that lodging in hotel is good, contrary to My own standard. Though there were inns in the Scripture days, the prototype of hotels today, the foundation and concept of the inns was not as corrupt as the hotels of today. What happens in the hotels is beyond man beauty of life’s imagination. My eyes, as holy as I AM. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, cannot behold the atrocities that happen in the hotels. The foundation of hotels today is demonic. They are centers for corruption.
Though there were inns in the Scripture days, My Father forbade that, I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, should be born in the inn but in the manger, as recorded in the Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas 2nd chapter,7th verse. This is to defeat the intelligent defense of man beauty of life. My disciples never lodged in any inn, given all their missionary trips, they only lodged in the houses of their brethren, as recorded in the Acts of the Ruach Ha Kodesh [Acts] 10th  chapter,5th and 6th verses, 16th chapter,15th verse.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach declare that any minister who lodges in hotel for any reason will not enter into My kingdom. My word has already commanded, “come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith Our Maker Yahweh, and touch not the unclean things” [The 2nd book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians [2ndCorinthians] 6th chapter,17th verse]. Therefore, I will be comfortable with My own servants lodging in the house of their brethren or inside the Qahal house whenever they are on outreaches.

[5th]    PRESENTING HIS PHOTOGRAPH ALL OVER THE PLACES DURING HIS PROGRAMMES: I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, see it as pride and self presentation. Kumuyi and his church are taking My glory, because when people see his photograph on the different materials, they admire and glorify him and not Me, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Kumuyi is advertising himself and thereby taking My glory.
The first man beauty of life I sent to advertise My first coming was Yahchanan [John the Baptist]. Yahchanan did not advertise himself but Me. I will not give or share My glory with another [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Yeshayah, 42nd chapter,8th verse, The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Lukas, 16th chapter,15th verse].

[6th]      GOING WITH ARMED ESCORT: Kumuyi moves with escort. This is to showcase physical defense and trust in the arms of flesh. It is also an indication of a sense of self importance, which is pride in My sight. Moving with escort presents him a special citizen among the children of Our Maker Yahweh that is given to him to direct to the kingdom of Our Maker Yahweh.
During My fame and the oppositions I faced in My earthly ministry and the intense persecutions and even martyrdom that beclouded My early disciples, neither I nor My disciples sought physical defense. Will Kumuyi and others who move with escort, say that the condition of insecurity in their own time is worst than what it was in My time and in the time of My early disciples? When I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, was arrested for crucifixion, and Petros drew his sword in My defense, what did I say to him [The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 18th chapter,10th  and 11th verses]? Again, My word says, “If anybody must first save his life, the person will lose it”. If Kumuyi believes that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, cannot defend him except with his armed escort, then Kumuyi has missed his way and is heading to hell fire, even with the legion himself is training and giving arms in his church. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, sees anybody bearing arms as a murderer and such cannot enter into My kingdom.

[7th]    Kumuyi doubts REVELATIONS: Kumuyi doubts revelations and does not allow the children of Our Maker Yahweh which himself claimed to be his members to listen to and believe the messages I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is giving to people in this end time. Kumuyi is therefore, restraining all his people from heaven and preparing them for hellfire. Kumuyi, therefore, presents himself to his church as the “general” and last resort in matters concerning making heaven, thereby making himself an idol to the people.
All these things I have mentioned above and yet to mention should prove to him and the people of the earth that Kumuyi does not have all the knowledge about Me. If Kumuyi knows all about Me, then himself is equal to Me. His intelligence and wisdom has hidden these truth from him. So you, Kumuyi should understand that you have misled your people by causing them not to accept My revelations and messages through others. If I could use the dumb ass to speak to a prophet, I can still use an illiterate to speak to the learned. None of My early disciples did exploit because the person was educated but because I spoke through them. Petros whom I made the physical overseer was not learned. So the wisdom of man beauty of life has failed him [The first book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Corinthians [1st Corinthians] 1st  chapter,19th  to 31st verses, The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to the Romans. 11th chapter,29th verse].

[8th]    THE LEVEL OF PREFERENCE AND RESPECT: The level of preference and respect Kumuyi commands for himself is such that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, define as fear and intimidation. Kumuyi leads his church with intimidation. None of his pastors or members has the courage and boldness to fault anything himself does, for fear of losing their position with discipline.
When I was on earth, I moved, ate, slept and shared things in common with My disciples. I had nothing special for Myself. It did not take difficult protocols for people to come to Me. I mixed freely with the people and did not accept any preferential treatment or honour from man beauty of life. The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan, 5th chapter, 41st and 44th verses says, “I receive not honour from men beauty of life. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from Our Maker Yahweh only?”.
[9th]    KUMUYI RECEIVES APPLAUSE AND EULOGIES OF MEN BEAUTIES OF LIFE: When his orators climb the stage and praise and magnify his exploits, does Kumuyi refute the claims? No. Himself takes My praise, and I reckon that as pride. Both him and the people praising and clapping for him have missed the way to heaven. When I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the Child of Our Maker Yahweh was praised, I refuted it and returned the praise to My Father [The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 19th chapter 16th and 17th verse].

[10th] PLACING THE PICTURE OF WHITE MAN THEY CALL JESUS WHICH IS NOT THE REAL NAME OF OUR SAVIOUR: The wisdom of W.F. Kumuyi does not teach him that accepting and   placing the picture of white man as  representing the image of Jesus[Idol] is a sin. As many as place such pictures in their books, study manuals, calendars, stickers etc and hang or paste them anywhere  are liars and idol worshipers for that.  When I was on earth, I did not place My picture anywhere. Nobody on earth will ever say himself or herself had seen or pictured Me, as to know My stature and complexion.

[11thPERMISSION OF ADOPTION [BUYING OF CHILDREN]:  Anybody who buys life with money has committed crime against Our Maker Yahweh and has defied the sacredness of life. Many Nephesh [souls] whom Kumuyi counseled to buy children are crying against him in hellfire.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach adopted My elects through My blood. Likewise, the earthly children people have, are adopted through blood, because it is not of their own making, it is My gift to them, activated through blood. My word says “Lo, children are an heritage of Our Maker Yahweh: and the child in the womb is I AM that I AM’S reward” [Good Praises to Our Maker Yahweh, 127th chapter, 3rd verse].

When people use money to buy children they tell a generational lies to the children and to the public that they are the earthly fathers and mothers [parents] of the earthly children. How many of those who buy children ever declare to the children that they were purchased?
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say, Kumuyi has taught people in his church, because that is not My own church, the name of that church is not in My book. His much wisdom has made him to tell his people that I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, has no power to pass My message through any person I want. Kumuyi should remember I used the dumb ass to speak. I am passing verdict on him now before himself enters that hellfire himself has decided by himself to enter, because of his much wisdom.
When Moshe gave his own laws as a man beauty of life, his own wisdom did not tell him that I will come to change what himself established by his own wisdom. Now I have come to change what Kumuyi used his own wisdom to establish. As I used the ass to speak, I can still use anybody to speak to him. Kumuyi will end up in hellfire, but I have done enough to warn him and pull him out of his errors. As many as put their trust in Kumuyi will end up with him in hellfire.

The university Kumuyi has built has put a lot of people into debts. The Nephesh [souls] of the people dying with debts, as a result of the school system are crying against him in hellfire, because himself permitted the debts. The people his church forced into making promises [vows] without paying them till death, I can see their blood in his palms. Thus said Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. I don’t go with intelligent people, I go with fools. Yes, I am a fool. That is why I was born in the manger, that is why I was born to poor earthly father and mother [parents]. For this reason, I am using My authority as Your Maker Yahweh to command people to come out of that church if they want to be saved.
When I sent Shemuwel [Samuel] to ordain Dawid, Shemuwel was looking on the outward, not knowing that I do not see as man beauty of life sees. Because of the statements of Kumuyi which makes his people to believe that himself has it all and himself is everything to them, his people believe that Our Maker Yahweh cannot speak through any other man beauty of life to him. Kumuyi has made them to believe that if Our Maker Yahweh wants him and his people to know anything, Our Maker Yahweh must speak to him first. So if any message or revelation comes from any other person, it must not be from Our Maker Yahweh, because only him is permitted to hear from Our Maker Yahweh and pass on to others. For this reason, Kumuyi has said like Nebuchadnezzar, that this is the kingdom Kumuyi has built by himself.

I have come by Myself to prove him wrong. Why I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, commanded this message to be published is because I am now on air, doing My last hour evangelism. I will not allow him deceive My people any more. Heaven is scanty. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, tell Kumuyi that people whom I called and positioned to be role models in the Scripture, but they disappointed Me, I drove them away, though they were still alive, but I did not have communication with them again. Satan changed My own programme in his life, I drove him away from heaven. Adam and Chavvah [Eve] changed My own programme in their lives, I drove them away. Nebuchadnezzar changed My programme in his life, I drove him away.
I love My servant Kumuyi and wanted to save him, I sent my messengers to him but himself discarded them. When Dawid sinned against Me, I sent My messenger to him to reprove him. Dawid heard My word and repented in dust and ashes. Kumuyi has failed to recognize and submit to My own authority. Therefore, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, command all people to come out of the DOGMA OF DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, because I have faulted it. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach will not keep quiet to watch him lead My people to destruction. That is why I am using ‘True Goodnews   Revival Movement’ to call them out.
The secondary school Kumuyi built, is only for the rich and wealthy, the poor cannot benefit from it. Even those who contributed for the school in his church, cannot benefit from the school because of the highhandedness. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I came for the poor and not for the rich. I am giving this message for the people of the earth to read and know that Kumuyi has missed his way, because the people of the earth honours him, but I do not recognize him.
The earth will be confused, but there is no confusion in My word. That is why I am using ‘‘True Goodnews Revival Movement’’ to call My people together, because I have taken time to train these people. So, all the errors I found in the others will not be found in them.
Yes, I am the saviour, that is why I have come to save My children on earth through this movement, because there is no time, the earth will close very, very soon.
I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that this message should be published to the people of the earth, because Kumuyi and his servants discarded My messengers with the message I sent to them.

When I sent My messengers to reach him at first, they tried their best reaching him through the Imo state headquarters of Deeper Life at Owerri. The admin officer there demanded the message in black and white and packaged in an envelope, and be submitted to his office for onward dispatch to their G.S. My servants did as they demanded, but they cast off  My message and dumped it.
Again I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, programmed that Kumuyi should visit part of the regions in Imo state where I positioned My messengers to reach him for another opportunity. They again tried hard to reach him through his senior pastors, but pastor Eze Nwajiofor, who was supposed to be the chairman or coordinating pastor of the South East Zone of Deeper Life Bible Church, and first among the most senior pastors in the zone, refused them seeing their G.S. and discarded My message with abusive words.
The pastor, Eze Nwajiofor, called Me,Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, because I am the master of the message, “illiterate fool,” “an ignorant fellow” who does not know the Scripture, and questioned how Our Maker Yahweh can give a message to a fool of such qualifications to a great man of God [Man of deity]. Eze Nwajiofor questioned whether I have seen in the Scripture where any Yisreal [Israelite] was sent to give Moshe a message. Eze Nwajiofor said if such happens, it means the man of God [Man of deity] has backslidden. At last himself commanded My messengers to go away with the message, that it cannot be from Our Maker Yahweh. For this reason Kumuyi has discarded Me, and we shall see the end.

People should not be deceived by his miracles, signs and wonders. When Satan was driven out of heaven, his power was not taken from him, satan is still working his wonders and magic today, but the end will determine the means. When Shimshown [Sampson] backslided into immorality, his power was not taken from him, the young man beauty of life remained a strong man beauty of life until his final day. “My gift and calling is without repentance”. [The word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Paulos to Romans 11th chapter,29th verse], but only those whose holiness and perfection is based on the standard truth I am now revealing to the earth, will see My face on the last day, and not those who are holy and perfect in their own works and wisdom. My word says, “Many will say to Me in that day, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach  have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity” [The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 7th chapter, 22nd  and 23rd verse].

I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, said, when I called My Child Kumuyi, I sent My Ruach to him, to build up My standard. Kumuyi did not obey the instructions of My Ruach for so long. Kumuyi discarded the voice of My Ruach because of the statement of men beauties of life, that those standards were set out of zeal. That was how Kumuyi changed My programme in his life.
When Kumuyi started earlier, Kumuyi ate together with his brethren without finding himself as a special man beauty of life. In times of manual work, Kumuyi do follow his brethren to work. When Kumuyi started newly, Kumuyi did not keep a special seat for himself, Kumuyi always sat together with his brethren. In times of gathering, it was the pastors that served the congregation with food and other things. Like I said before, I moved him by My Ruach[spirit] to destroy television so that I could introduce My own. As at then, Kumuyi did not see himself as a special man beauty of life, because My Ruach was with him. When My Ruach left him was when himself stopped doing the things I mentioned above. Then himself started introducing things by himself because My Ruach was no longer with him.
Even when My Ruach visited him to correct these things, himself would not understand the voice of My Ruach because of the suggestion of men beauties of life.
Like I said, his much wisdom will not allow him to believe the message I am sending to him now. I have sent My messengers to correct him, but himself does not see My authority in the messages. Like I said, his days are numbered. If him wants to return to Me, himself should repent and come to Me in “True Goodnews Revival Movement” and bring all his people to “True Goodnews Revival Movement” because, that his church, I have marked it bad, with all the people in the church, including himself.

Why I am taking time to speak about Kumuyi is because, like I said before now, his mansion is very large in heaven and himself has suffered for the Kingdom more than every other preacher now on earth. Others are better than him, because they are using their own money in buying plane, building companies, owning houses and lands, but his own is that himself wants to be rewarded in heaven. That is why I am calling him now to come into “True Goodnews Revival Movement”, but if Kumuyi refuses, well, himself will miss it all and end up in hellfire.
Tell Kumuyi that I said, because himself is not following the way I showed him earlier, himself has introduced pride in his church. That is why his pastors have special seats in his church. When I was with My disciples, I did not have a special seat for Myself, that was why when the Yahdim [Jews] came to arrest Me, they could not recognize Me because I had no special seat among My disciples. If I had, they could have easily recognized Me. There is no how somebody will not recognize pastors in his church. Kumuyi and his pastors, in times of eating, during programmes, take special meals and even special water different from what the rest of the people in the same programme are eating and drinking. I ask Kumuyi this question, when I was with My disciples did I not eat together with them? Who made them special? They have done what satan did and satan was cast down. That is why I have come by Myself to bring them down. Well, Kumuyi has tried, but I want to inform him with the people on earth, that in all himself has been trying, Kumuyi is leading all the crowd to hellfire. The reason is because himself has made the people of the earth to believe that himself has My standard. I want to tell him that since himself started going on his own, himself has not led any Nephesh [soul] to My kingdom. Thus says Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

Yes, I can see the confusion on earth concerning the message I gave about the late wife of My Child Kumuyi. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach have come to clear the confusion by Myself. Yes, I gave a message concerning a woman of Deeper Life found in hellfire. Yes, I have come to explain that message by Myself. Yes, the woman introduced weaving and plaiting the hair with thread and advertised it through the model pictures shown in her “Women Mirror” publications. The woman beauty of life did not meet up to My standard. I said that women beauties of life should not expose their scalp. When women beauties of life weave or plait their hair, they expose their scalp.
Nobody, among all the people I gave My messages and revelations for the earth, will claim that I have shown him or her the face of any of the Nephesh [souls] who made it to heaven from this present earth, except the elects of old like Avraham and others. Those who made heaven now are at rest. That is why My word says, “Those who die in ME now are asleep”. They are yet sleeping, taking rest from their labours on earth. I only show them those who are in hellfire, so that the people in earth can learn from their end, because they have already concluded that those people made it.
If the wife of Kumuyi is in heaven, that means I am contradicting My word. If plaiting or weaving of hair is not taking people to hellfire, why should I warn against it? If not for the mysteries I’m revealing now, if Kumuyi had died before now, the earth would also conclude that Kumuyi is in heaven.   People should not be deceived by the voices they hear, confirming that their dead people have made it. The voice may come and say to them, that the person has finished his or her work and he [demon] has taken him or her home. That is the voice of an evil spirit telling them that the person served him and the demon has taken him or her to hellfire. When those Christians die, sometimes they go with smile, assuring themselves that they have made it, based on the level of truth they know, but at the end they are always disappointed.

Kumuyi did not go far with Me, Kumuyi decided to go on his own, feeling himself was going with Me. Kumuyi has done exactly what Shaul [Saul] did. That was how Shaul was fighting against Me with all his might thinking himself was working for Me until I opened his eyes. That is how I have come to open the eyes of Kumuyi now. What I expect from him is to repent and obey Me, so that himself can take pleasure in his mansion in heaven. Thus saith Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. As the people of the earth will read this message, they should know that, as Kumuyi is not meeting up to My standard, other pastors are not meeting up. What I expect from them is to say sorry to Me and repent and fix themselves inside this movement I have set up by Myself. If I continue writing all they are doing, it will be much. People will see the more, that they are far from Me.
Why I mention all this standard to My children on earth is, so that when these My servants whom I am using now go out from the standard, the earth would know they have fallen aside. I did not mention these things to the pastors, that is why they don’t know where and when they have fallen. The pastors on earth are sinking day and night, day and night into error. All the standard I reveal now must be followed. Thus saith Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.



On the 1st day of the 12th month, 2014 [Gregorian calendar], in the late hour of that day being 2nd day of the week, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me to heaven. This was in fulfillment of I AM that I AM’s earliest promise to take me again to show me mysteries for the benefit of I AM that I AM’S children on earth. So on that fateful day, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach took me to heaven to observe the roll call of all the churches in the world. When me got there, me saw a Malach [angel] having a big register that contained the names of all the churches in the world. Me saw Satan sitting on very great seat, on the altar of a mighty Cathedral. The cathedral represents all the churches in the world with Satan as God and controller of the Churches. Me saw Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach weeping profusely outside; there was no space for I AM that I AM in the Churches. Then the roll call started. The Malach [angel] opened the register and called:
Deeper Life Bible Church! A very loud voice sounded “Captured by Satan”! And the Malach [angel] marked bad with red ink.
Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Assemblies of God! “Captured by Satan”!  and it was market bad.
The Redeemed Christian Church of God! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Living Faith Church aka Winners Chapel! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
The Apostolic Faith Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
The Lord Chosen Charismatic Movement! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
The Apostolic Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Salvation Ministries! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
Catholic Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Anglican Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
Jehovah’s Witnesses! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Holiness Revival Movement! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Holiness Evangelistic Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
Christ Embassy! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
The Synagogue Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Goodnews Missionary Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.
Celestial Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad
Baptist Church! “Captured by Satan”! Marked bad.


[a]   Pastor Kumuyi does not allow his people to listen to the warnings and messages Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is sending to the believers through encounters and revelations that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is giving to some people nowadays.
[b]  The women in Deeper Life are still plaiting hair with thread. No addition to the original hair will enter heaven.
[c]   Pastor Kumuyi and his ministers lodge in hotels when on programmes.
[d]   Pastor Kumuyi moves with escort. It is pride and self defense. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I AM that I AM did not defend I AM that I AM’S SELF. That Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s  early disciples were ready to die for I AM that I AM but these people want to save their lives.
[e]  The photograph of W.F Kumuyi is placed all over the places, on bill boards, posters and handbills. Himself and his people are taking Our Maker Yahweh’s glory.
[f]   Preferential treatments given to their leaders to the negligence of the church, in programme and other events is pride in practice.
[g]  Long courtship in Deeper Life marriage and other bottle necks attached to marriage is making marriage difficult and leading people to fornication.
[h]  Wedding ceremony, burial ceremony done in Deeper Life Bible Church is against Our Maker Yahweh. For these reasons and others, the Church is condemned.

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say that the mansion of W.F. Kumuyi is still larger than any other mansions of ministers now in the world but himself will miss it, if himself does not surrender to this movement and correct the wrong foundation himself has built.


Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach went on to say, “The first man beauty of life I raised in Africa to prepare My people for rapture is W.F. Kumuyi. Himself allowed suggestion of men beauties of life to mislead him. For now himself is not ready for Me. The people of Deeper Life Bible Church, the way people are dying now, is it how people died before? The reason is because My glory has departed from the church, they are now living in past glory. If Kumuyi wants to see Me, himself should be part of this movement and pattern his life and church according to the truth I reveal in this movement.

His mansion is very large in heaven but if himself does not repent, himself will miss it. Himself should not consider his position. I preserved him till now for him to repent. I love him so much, himself has suffered so much for Me, I am ready to forgive him. Himself has tried to make My word to reach to many nations. Himself is working very hard to teach My word to many people but himself has missed his way. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, say himself should be part of this umbrella of “True Goodnews Revival Movement,” it is under this umbrella that I will reveal all My truth. I don’t want his nephesh [soul] to be wasted in hellfire. Himself should not feel bad because of the messages I’m giving concerning him I am correcting him for him to take pleasure of his mansion in heaven.” Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further said: “All ministers of the churches who have gone astray, who feel they know it all, I wish to see them in My kingdom, the kingdom is scanty, I want them to return.

In the very words of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach: “Deeper Life pastors, I pity them. They will look like somebody who died in the late hour of the night. They will not have pleasure here on earth and they will not have pleasure in heaven because they have missed their ways. Other pastors are better than them because they are having pleasure here on earth.
They are serving Kumuyi and not Me. Whatever himself tells them is what they do; even when I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach speak, they will check up with their pastor before believing Me and himself will most often discard My word.

Deeper Life pastors are suffering in dryness and hunger but their score is zero in heaven. In the midst of the work, they are complaining and murmuring. The earthly children of Yisrael did the same thing and missed the Promised Land. Tell them that their pastor has missed his way and they have followed him to miss their ways.
Tell the Deeper Life Bible Church that I am hearing the cry of people in hellfire calling the name of Kumuyi. Himself does not allow them to listen to the revelations and messages I am giving to people. I am passing My verdict on him now. Himself tells people that I can do all things yet himself does not believe that I can reveal and speak to people. The whole Bible himself is reading, is it not My word and revelations that are written in the book? Himself has misled people because of the following;

Wedding Ceremony
Long courtship in Deeper Life Marriage
Burial Ceremony
Women plaiting hair with thread etc.

Kumuyi said himself is a good teacher; ask him whether himself has seen in the Bible where My disciples observed these things. Tell him, himself is still My servant but himself will miss his mansion. The people himself is counseling to buy children are crying against him in hellfire. The children I gave to him to secure for Me, himself is now securing them for Satan. For this reason, the staff of authority I gave him, I have withdrawn it from him. The only remedy is for him to return My people to Me and repent and be part of this movement. In his Church himself is training murderers, people carrying gun. I give him the only last chance, if himself will return to Me. I see himself is trying in teaching My word, I see what himself is doing but himself should remember that My word says, “If you offend in only a particular law, you are guilty in all.” If I am passing verdict on Kumuyi as guilty, other pastors should also know they are guilty. The solution is for them to submit to Me.

Tell Kumuyi that himself is causing more pains to Me by the picture of white man they call “Jesus” [Their acclaimed saviour]. I see him as a liar by introducing that picture; they are liars and idol worshipers for that. I feel that himself is wise. His wisdom does not tell him that the church I gave him is collapsing. Does himself not see that miracles are not happening as before? I can see that himself is more concerned about saving his life. I still love him but himself has gone far. Himself should not consider what people will say about him but himself should consider what will happen on the last day. Himself has denied all other things in the world because of Me, himself should not claim that himself knows everything, if himself claims so, I see him as claiming to be a father to Me no longer a child.


Listen, I give you people power and authority to speak based on the information and what you saw through My Child, Kumuyi. Himself is My Child. Do you understand that himself is My Child? But the only problem is that himself has missed it. Himself does not choose to behave like a Child again. However, I will still call him My Child. I want to ask a question. If you have An earthly Child and suddenly your earthly Child now turns to be mad, Child, will you discard him as a Child? You cannot do away with him. Himself is still your earthly Child. That is exactly what I AM talking about. Because I will use what you know to teach you what you don’t know. That is why I AM Your Maker Yahweh.

Listen, I asked you to make reference to what you saw concerning his marriage and ask Deeper Life people that I ask them if they are blind. Why do they choose to allow Kumuyi, My Child, to deceive them? Ask them that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said why have they chosen to play in the centre of a gathering of water [river]? Do you get that question? If somebody decides to play at the center of a gathering of water [river], do you think that that person will be save? You can play by the side of the gathering of water [river] and be save, but immediately you choose to play, or play at the center of the gathering of water [river], you are gone. Because when the gathering of water [river] will carry you there will be no solution.

Tell them that I Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that the Deeper Life people have chosen to play at the center of a gathering of water [river]. And tell them that I said that very soon, that the gathering of water [river] will carry them away and they will not be saved. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further revealed in I AM that I AM’S message of 1st Day of the Seventh Month, 2016 Gregorian calendar, that what I AM that I AM meant by the center of a gathering of water [river] is the center of Bermuda Triangle. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that Deeper Life people are playing at the center of Bermuda Triangle. Tell them that I said that upon all the signs I allowed Kumuyi to pass through to prove to them that Kumuyi has missed his way yet they are not seeing them. Tell them that I said that the devil has used cello-tape to cover their eyes and their understanding. Tell them that I said that Kumuyi is My servant but himself has missed it and himself has missed it by his much wisdom.

Tell them that I said that if they do not see any reason why I said that Kumuyi has missed it, can they not see reason in his marriage? How himself sold his marriage to the devil. You see the Queen of England in the photograph, an idol before Me, you see the officiating women Ministers, putting on trousers, an abomination before Me. But I commanded that thou shall not submit your marriage to evil, agents of satan. I ask people in Deeper Life these questions: have they ever seen anywhere somebody submitted his form to the office of his enemy? Have you ever seen anywhere somebody submitted his precious things in to the office of his enemy? Yes, of course, the court where himself wedded is the house of My enemy, which is satan. AND HIMSELF WEDDED WITH SATAN. They have eyes but they cannot see. When I AM talking about My Child, My servant, Kumuyi, they are defending him. Tell them that I said that Kumuyi has missed it. unless himself returns back to Me in True Goodnews Revival Movement. I called him by Myself. But as I told them, My Ruach [Spirit] did not go far with him because of his much wisdom. When I told them that Kumuyi was leading his church with intimidation, they will not understand Me.


In the early new day of the 11th day of the sixth month, 2016 Gregorian calendar, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach showed me a big Church Auditorium which is Deeper Life Bible Church.  The Auditorium was demarcated into first to second [two]. Some people were on first side of the Auditorium, feeling comfortable; some on the other side but these second people were not comfortable. Inside the Auditorium there was darkness. I found myself in their midst. I asked myself what could bring me to the place. Me was actually not feeling comfortable seeing myself in the place.

Among the people who were not feeling comfortable inside the Auditorium, somebody shouted that something was biting him; and there was no light to discover what it was that was biting the person. At that point me discovered that me was with light which me switched on to enable them to see what it was. We discovered it was a small tiny snake, real black in colour. The people started looking for a way of killing the snake but it was not possible for them. Then, me intervened to kill the snake, but it was not so easy for me. Later me succeeded in bruising the head of the snake and me killed it. While me was meditating on the revelation, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach interpreted it to me. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach  told me that the group of people that were feeling comfortable are the people who are comfortable with the things that are happening in the Deeper Life Bible Church at present.

While the other group are the people who are not feeling comfortable with what is operating in the Church at present but they found it difficult to leave the Church. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach explained to me that the snake me saw is the devil in the Church. The people that are not comfortable are those in the Church that are not feeling satisfied with the way the Church is operating in sin. Yet they cannot help the situation and they don’t have the boldness to leave. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach further explained that the light me switched on is this Truth Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is revealing now through I AM that I AM’S  Qahal, True Goodnews Revival Movement. The snake me killed is satan’s operations in the lives of those people who are feeling uncomfortable in the Church. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach now said that through the light they will see the sins in the Church and they will leave from satanic entanglements.

Ah! My daughter, you thought deeply yesterday concerning My Child Kumuyi. Kumuyi is My Child. But, listen to Me, My standard is so holy, so righteous. Now, let Me ask you some questions. My daughter answer these questions in your mind. If you have decided now to follow Me and a man beauty of life comes across you and offers you millions of naira to go and commit adultery with him. What will you say? You will say go to hellfire with your money. Why would you say go to hellfire with your money? It is because you have already decided to follow Me. Now, if a man beauty of life gives you money to speak lies against Me. You will say go to hellfire with your money. Because you have decided to please Me. That is decision without considering if any man beauty of life sees you because you know that I see you. Now, there is another aspect, if for any reason you compromise, then I send somebody to come to you and tell you that this thing is wrong. What do you think you will do? Will you say it is wrong to send that person to you? Now, if you do it, the other places where you are doing well, do you think that in My book, you will have record that you are a faithful daughter? [No!] That is what is happening to Kumuyi.

In the beginning, himself used to be a man beauty of life that decided not to compromise no matter what you would offer him. But now, himself falls into sin. I send My servant to go and tell him. Himself said no. Then do you think himself is a faithful servant? Think about it. Then, if I ask questions, because I heard what you were saying; “That AM I wicked?” Then let Me ask questions. I and that person who is wicked? Answer this question. I said don’t do this to Me deliberately .You did what I ask you not to do. Yet I sent somebody to go and tell you that, that thing is wrong. You stood on it and queried Me. Who is wicked? Now let Me ask you question again. A man beauty of life who killed a child, then I sent somebody to go and tell him you have been a murderer, look you have killed somebody. Himself now asked you, who told you that me is a murderer? Our Maker Yahweh would have come by I AM that I AM’S SELF and told me that me is a murderer”. Even though you know that you killed. Then, I think you are giving me condition because I am guilty now by sending somebody to tell you that you are a murderer.

Then I want to ask you question. Who is wicked? Firstly, I don’t want you to be destroyed. I want to open your eyes for you to know what you did so that you return back and say sorry, yet you are defending yourself. Who is wicked? Okay let Me take it in this way. You cooked your soup. A particular earthly child of yours now go and messed that soup up. Instead of that earthly child to say; “Me is sorry.” Then you ask him. Your earthly child told you, “Is it this soup that you are disturbing me for. I didn’t destroy your soup. Why are you telling me that I destroyed your soup?”

Himself knows very well that himself destroyed the soup. I think you will be happy; you will clap for that your earthly child. You will see him or her as a faithful child. Then pass the verdict by yourself daughter who is wicked.  Another way, you purchase a car and give somebody, you have a school, and you gave somebody that car you bought. Everything, you did it. You find a driver and told him; go and use this car to find my students. Use the car to bring them to school. The man beauty of life agreed. Instead of him to use that car, that bus you bought for a purpose, himself changed it. Himself cleared the name and start using it to go and carry people to another school. Carried all your students and took them to another school. I think you will be happy about that person. Pass the verdict by yourself.

Why do people choose to see Me as a wicked Person when they are people that show Me wickedness? Yet I am patient with them. That man beauty of life, do you know as you are, even no matter what you are claiming you will look for that man beauty of life. You must make sure that you arrest that man beauty of life. If you have your way to get him. But I have My way to get this people yet am still patient with them. I have all it takes to destroy, yet I AM still patient with them. Even when enemy wants to destroy them because of their disobedience, yet I AM intervening. Yet I still preserve them, giving them warning and … Why do men beauties of life see Me as a wicked Maker Yahweh?

I am not wicked. And I cannot be wicked. My daughter, by these things you understand that My Child Kumuyi is very wicked to Me. Upon all the signs I am giving to him himself doesn’t realize his mistakes. Look at the crowd. Himself converted them, taking them to the house of satan. Ah! daughter so you want to tell Me that as you are working now under the Federal Government you expect to receive the salary from the State Government? That is what you are trying to tell Me. Or as you are working under the Federal, do you expect to receive your salary under the Local Government? It is impossible! I repeat Myself. It is impossible for a man beauty of life that work for My enemy to receive his payment in My kingdom.

You may not understand what I am saying. All these churches who deliberately registered with satan. There is no any day, anytime, any hour they will see My kingdom. I am not contradicting Myself. Well, you heard that I AM holy. You heard that Malachim [angels] are holy. You heard that My Father is holy. You heard that My kingdom is holy. You don’t know what holiness is all about. And I want to tell you that nothing defiled will have access to My kingdom. Even if it is only a person that is holy, congratulation to that person. But I AM ready to forgive man beauty of life at any hour, at any time; when you realize your mistake. I AM able to forgive you all your sins. That is why I AM so merciful. But My mercy expires because you have all it takes for assistance now to decide for Me. Children, do you really understand that I AM not wicked now? [Response chorused; “Father You are not wicked”]. Why do people see Me as a wicked Maker Yahweh? Even when you are showing Me wickedness. Yet I am still coming to man beauty of life, I am still looking for man beauty of life.

Says Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach



Tell him that I am sending My message to him the second time for him to surrender My church to Me if the church is My own. But the watchman they are answering now is already registered with the government, with the name Nigeria attached. If himself ignore My message again, however I will achieve My mandate, but a day shall come himself will know that this is My word. Tell him to read My messages I am sending to him and return back to Me and serve Me.  If himself recognizes that I AM the Personality sending all the messages to him, congratulation to him. But if not, there will be a day himself will recognize that I am the Person. Tell him that all himself has been preaching was given to him by the devil to preach against Me, but I am calling him to preach My word. Says Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.  

Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, at first, sent me to one of the district pastors, in Owerri Diocese of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement. The district pastor, to whom Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach also granted an encounter to him, but who had lost consciousness of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s dealing with him, received the message of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach with fear and interest. The district pastor arranged for a live narration and coverage of the encounter, in one of the combined fellowships of the WCCRM holding in the district. The members of the church who listened to the end time message of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to his people, were pricked in their hearts and wept profusely, on realizing they had gone far into error. Most of them called to request for the CD plates of the message, so that they could listen to it over and over, to correct their errors and also pass it to others.
Unfortunately, before the message could take a good turn among the members, the diocesan pastor of Owerri diocese of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, cornered the message, following a report by some pastors who disagreed with the message for some personal reasons. The Owerri diocesan pastor, eventually discarded the message and ordered the church to discard it. In the same vein, the diocesan pastor commanded the district pastor to go back to the pulpit to renounce the message of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, and tell the people to go ahead and buy children in the name of adoption, that there is no evil in it, and that women should go ahead and plait their hair with thread, among other things Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach condemned in the message.

After this, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent me to the diocesan pastor, to tell him that I AM that I AM is the personality who gave the message, and to tell him that himself should remember that himself would have died in his illness, but I AM that I AM delivered and preserved him because of I AM that I AM’S mercy and love for him. Again, you diocesan pastor should know that, having discarded I AM that I AM’S messages, and was fighting against I AM that I AM’S word. The Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, as the pastor was fighting against I AM that I AM’S word, you  will also fight against Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. This message was delivered to the pastor, but his position and personality could not allow him to see the authority of Our Maker Yahweh in the message. So, both the pastor and his church upheld his own order till date.
Again, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach sent me and a male beauty of life of our maker Yahweh together, to the general superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, for another chance of having a fair hearing of the end time message, in their January, 2015 annual international pastors’ conference, at Awomama. We went, as Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded us, few days to the first day of the conference, as to meet their G.S. in a very good time. On reaching to the camp, we were kept at the security post for many hours, in hunger and discomfort. Even when we told the chief security and the admin officer of the church that we were sent by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, yet the authorities could not see Our Maker Yahweh’s own authority in our mission. They were only afraid of tampering with the convenience of their G.S.

When we perceived that, they would not attempt taking us to their G.S, whom they said was already in the camp, but would not want to be disturbed, we begged their permission to stay, even if it was at the gate, until the end of the conference, so that we could see him, but they refused, and sent us away.
Finally, we handed volumes of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach’s message to the admin officer of the church, with a personal note, for their general superintendent to read and call back at his earliest convenience, but the man never saw the authority of Our Maker Yahweh in the message. Given the scenario, we returned, and Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach was not happy with their refusal of his messengers and message.

Therefore Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that, the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement has discarded I AM that I AM, kept I AM that I AM outside, in hunger and discomfort. Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, that is why I AM that I AM’S word says, “then shall Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach say unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungered and ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me not in…’’ [The Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 25th chapter, 41st  to 43rd verses].
Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach added that if the governor of the state or his delegate had visited the camp at that same time, the G.S must have been informed and himself must have given the servant of the state attention. For this reason, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, I AM that I AM has closed the door of Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, and marked the name of the church bad. Therefore Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach commanded that this message should be published in the dailies.
In conclusion, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said, in I AM that I AM’S words, to the churches; “I have closed the door of all the churches on earth. Why I commanded that these few should be published is because, they discarded my messengers   and my message. I see them like pharaoh, using their authority and position to fight against my message and hold my people in bondage, and would not allow them to hear my message and return to me. For this reason, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, has marked these churches bad. No matter how much people try to amend their ways in these churches, they are wasting their time.

All the tithes and offerings people are giving, and the work they are doing in those churches are offerings made to the devil, and they are using it to fight against me. The pastors in these churches are agents of Satan, and all those following them and still going with the names of those churches are also agents of Satan. All those churches have been marked bad and handed over to Satan, anybody still going with those names is also marked bad. Both they and their leaders are going to hell.
The only way out for them, and their pastors is to leave those churches and come serve me in True Goodnews Revival Movement, and pattern their lives according to the truth I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach reveal through them. I am exposing these pastors by Myself because they don’t allow their members to listen to or read and believe the messages I’m sending to save my people, because those leaders do not want their eyes to open so that they will not lose them. These leaders are the ones causing confusion in my word, by telling their members not to listen to and obey my messages, because they are using their own intelligence and wisdom to interpret my word and confuse the people. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, use the following illustrations to drive my message home.
A man beauty of life bought a car and put the key in his wardrobe. One of the children your maker Yahweh gave to his mother who was not in good relationship with him, went and collected the key, in his absence, and continued to drive and tell people that himself is the owner of the car. Eventually, the rightful owner of the car came and collected back the key from him and parked his car safe and kept the key away from him. After some time, those who believed that the person they saw first was the owner of the car noticed that after all, the former man beauty of life was not the owner, because the key was no more in his hand. Therefore, I want to tell the earth that I have taken away the key from these pastors who claim ownership of the churches.

Again, a contractor has many building planned work in many countries. The contractor called experienced builders to work for him and gave them the pattern of the structure. Each builder came with his own idea, and formed something different from what the contractor wanted. The contractor often corrected them, but they were bent on working according to their own intelligence and experience. For this reason, the contractor was always disappointed and continued to try a lot of workers, in order to find anyone who could obey him and do the work exactly according to his own specification and directive. Eventually, the man beauty of life found a person who was not well experienced and intelligent like the others. Himself called him to the work, and discovered that, this new workman only relies on the contractor’s ideas and directives   before the worker could do anything.

His new worker accepts mistakes and takes correction and only builds according to the specification and directives of the contractor, and delivers to him a satisfactory work. Since the contractor has much work in many places, and knows many people, what do you think the contractor would do, with respect to choosing a worker? Definitely, The contractor would announce and recommend his new worker for all his works and to all who would want him to recommend a good worker for them. This is exactly why and how I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, am announcing and recommending “True Goodnews Revival Movement” as the only umbrella under which I will gather all my elect all over the earth. Because I have taken time to test and prove them, and have discovered they are children. Unlike others, they only depend on my own specification and directive. I have therefore, taken time to prepare them before announcing them to the earth, so that the errors I found in others cannot be found in them.

Also, somebody built a house and furnished it with the best of his own resources and to the best of his own ability and knowledge. Then gathered some people and showed them all the content of the house, and told them that the best of life is in the house, they have no need of any other thing outside the house. The people believed him, so the man locked them up in the house, and took the key.  Any day those people try and open the house from any corner, and discover that they were fooled and deceived, because they have seen things better than what they have. Definitely, they would break away from that bondage and go for realities. This is how the church founders and pastors have locked up their members in their churches. I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, have come by myself, to open those doors for the people to see their deception and come out of their churches.
Furthermore, my father announced Me, as I AM that I AM’S only begotten Child, in whom I AM that I AM is well pleased, because I have fulfilled all righteousness. If I had not fulfilled all I AM that I AM righteousness [I AM that I AM’s conditions], Our Maker Yahweh wouldn’t have announced Me. People do not understand the mystery in my father’s announcement of Me. There were other children of my father. Satan was a Child, but satan did not fulfill the conditions of My Father. Adam was a Child, but Adam did not fulfill the conditions of My Father. When My Father asked “who will I send and who will go for Me”? No other person could go, but I said, “Father, send Me”. If Adam obeyed My Father and fulfilled all his righteousness, there wouldn’t have been need for My coming.

When I eventually came, I did only the will of My Father and fulfilled all My Father’s conditions, so My Father announced Me to the earth as I AM that I AM’S “only begotten Child” in whom I AM that I AM is well pleased. That is why, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the only begotten Child of Our Maker Yahweh, have never announced the name of any church before now. Because, since the end of the earthly ministry of My early apostles, no church has ever been founded on my own standard. The churches on earth cannot agree, they are founded on disagreement. My word says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” [The word of Our Maker Yahweh through Amos 3rd chapter, 3rd verse].
My Ruach cannot walk with the churches in the world because they don’t agree with each other.  This is the reason I have founded “True Goodnews Revival Movement” and I’m using my authority to announce them to the world, as my father announced me, because they obey me and keep My conditions.  I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, invite all my children, all my elect and all those who love me and hope to enter into my kingdom all over the earth, to come to me in “True Goodnews Revival Movement” and use their money and materials to support all My works and programmes in this movement. I will pay them back. Any other offerings or works they are dedicating to their churches have no record or reward in heaven.

This is why I said, My verdict will begin in my house. This is now the verdict. I am passing My verdict to the world now, for them to see and know that they are not meeting up to my own standard. So that they can repent and return to me before the final verdict.  Finally, I, Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the only begotten Child of the father, tell the world, that pastors will oppose this message and try to defend themselves, but if the people love themselves, they should not believe those pastors but believe me, and leave those pastors and their churches and come to me in “True Goodnews Revival Movement”. If anyone doubts my message and believes the deceit of his pastors, himself and his pastors will end up in hellfire. I am revealing all this truth to the people of the earth because I am now on air, doing My last hour evangelism.”

The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
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