Monday, 15 January 2018



Tell him that I The Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that I will not blame him because himself has not recognised Me. But tell him that himself has been deceived by not recognizing Me. I have sent My message to him before but it looks to him that I AM playing. I AM the very Saviour and the Redeemer of the people of the earth. I AM coming to Redeem My people. Tell him that all his life and his secret are in My palm. As himself reads this message with others that I will document and give to him himself should surrender to Me. The devil has deceived him much. Himself is serving the devil. This is the last chance I AM giving him.

If himself doesn’t do what I ask him to do himself will face My wrath and I will deliver My people from his hand. Himself should submit to Me. I AM going to change this land to the United Nations of Truth. Himself should trace My servant and ask him what should be done. Tell Buhari that I have come with My power and strength. Himself sees what others do and himself followed them. Tell him that I AM the Maker that made him to be. Tell him that I said that himself should consider that I AM the Maker that molded him. My breadth gave him mouth to talk. My breadth gave him ear to hear, knowledge to reason. My breadth gave him heart to breathe, blood in his arteries, water, bones, etc in his body. Tell him that I said himself should fear and respect Me and surrender to Me now.

Tell him that I said that no matter his power, if himself understands Me, it will be good for him. But if himself doesn’t understand Me but Mohammed himself will know that I AM the Child of Our Maker YAHWEH that created the earth. Tell Buhari that himself has been deceived. Himself is serving  moon and star which are idols. But I AM the Maker that created all these things that himself is serving. Himself has ”changed the truth of Our Maker Yahweh into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen”.

Tell Buhari that I said that since himself has been trying to put things in order in this nation, Nigeria, has himself achieved his vision? No, says The Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Why? Because himself chooses not to recognise Me, himself chooses not to obey Me, because himself chooses not to respect Me but the devil, no matter his security there is no security except himself obeys My commandments and instructions.

If himself has power to fight against this message let him fight and let Me see it. Tell him that I said that no matter what they are doing I AM coming to rule from this Nation. Nigeria. That is what I AM coming to do. I allow them to claim that they are Presidents and Governors. I allow them to claim My names. Tell Buhari that I know all their secrets, and all their sacrifices I know. If himself doesn’t surrender to Me, I have come to disgrace them. They force churches to register, although the churches they force to register are not owned by Me. They use force to initiate children. I know each of them. In as much as their vision is to dedicate every child to idol I say enough of this.

After reading this message, himself should say sorry to Me and return to Me. I love him. I love man beauty of life with everlasting love. The devil lied in the calendar and the time. The devil introduced them through the White men beauties of life to deceive them. Tell Buhari to come and have pleasure in My service and establishment and do My commandments through My servant whom I raised by Myself. Tell Buhari that the foundation of the calendar they are using now is built on lie. It is a foundation of lie. Tell Buhari that any product that bears the name Nigeria and its logo, I have condemned it. If they will not fear and respect Me I will come to destroy their handiwork.
Tell Buhari that I The Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the Saviour of man beauty of life, Is hereby declare that any product that bears the name Nigeria and its logo I have condemned it and all the birth certificates and all documents that carry Nigeria and her logo I have abolished them. I hereby introduce My Own United Nations of Truth wherein I have introduced My Own birth certificate and products.

I have empowered My servant to go and deliver the captives. I have empowered him to go from place to place, state to state, nation to nation but I will start first in this place. I will use this nation to establish My standard in this generation so that all nations will come to this place to learn. I have brought dominion to this place says by Your   Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

My little children, If they ask you, what about Nigeria currency? Tell them yes, it is included. It carries the name Nigeria and its idols. But I will use the currency to destroy what the devil introduced and I will introduce My Own currency. As I AM sending you out to rebuild, no power, no demon, no man can stop you people. I make you people to be children of the Truth. The Truth which is Me has buried lie which is satan, the deceiver. That is why My word says that “For this purpose the Child of Our Maker Yahweh was manifested, that Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach might destroy the works of the devil.” [The first book of the word of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Yahchanan [1st  John], 3rd chapter, 8th verse]. These things I AM pointing out are the works of the enemy.

About the inventor of all these things, if they are not introduced by Me when I created the earth, they are not in My record. I gave Petros assignment it was registered in My book. When I changed the date of the earthly children of Yisrael it was registered with My authority and My name. If all these things are not introduced by Me then they are not in My record. That is why I raise True Goodnews Revival Movement to put things in order. They have My name and authority.

Tell Buhari that his days are numbered. Tell him that My Qahal [church] cannot be parted let alone having first to second [two] or first to third [three]. Tell him that I said that as I AM giving him this message, if himself thinks that himself is secured, himself is no longer secured. Tell him that himself should tell other presidents that there is no security for them. All of them, they know there are problems where they are. Tell him that I said that his spiritual security and physical security will not save him.

When Pharaoh felt that himself had power with all that surrounded him, I subdued him. I AM the same Maker YAHWEH that sent Moshe [Moses] to Pharaoh. As I sent Moshe I AM sending My servant Child of Truth to him, and no matter his opposition I will subdue him. As I AM writing this letter to him himself should pass it to the House [Senate and Representatives] and others. What the governors do in the states, the idols they are serving I know and they cannot stop My Child. If they have weapons and strategies to fight they should prepare. If they have gods they will invoke they should do it now.

If they have plans against My servant who I AM raising they should plan it now. I will not stop them from planning. The worst thing I will do is to stop any of them from their planning and arrangement. They are not afraid of Me. when I was making this earth were they there? Do they know the stress I had when I made the earth which they think that they are controlling now? Do they know why I worked first to sixth days? In the beginning, I created heaven and the earth. I stopped because it gave Me stress. However I will still accept them if they recognise Me and say sorry to Me says Your   Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

When the devil gave them assignment of causing chaos and confusion in the nations so that there will be killing as sacrifices to the devil, tell them that I see them. All the confusions that are happening in the whole earth, tell them that I said that they are the people that are causing them. They are enforcing people to have false certificates such as Birth certificates which will enable them to secure employments and have pleasure in some other government benefits, making them liars before Me.

Tell Buhari that I said that after reading this message, himself should look for My servant, himself will tell him what is to be done. If himself believes that I AM the Personality speaking I will tell him through My servant what is to be done to subdue America and other nations. Instead of Nigeria looking for America, America will look for them. I will tell him the secrets.

Tell Buhari that I The  Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, the only Saviour and Redeemer of mankind asks him whether himself is happy about all the abusive words that are being spoken against him? If himself is happy about comparing him to animals, calling him all sorts of abusive names, himself should know that I AM also happy for all the insults they are insulting Me. Tell him that himself is not afraid of Me by calling himself President, His Excellency, insulting Me. Tell him that I said enough of this insult. And I repeat his days are numbered.

Tell him to use this letter to recognize Me as his Redeemer and Saviour and say sorry to Me. Any other place himself feels that him Buhari can be protected; there is no security, as himself is reading this message, himself should pass it to his men who believe they have power and authority. I will remove their hearts from obeying their sacrifices so that when they fail they will face their torment. You know what I AM saying.

I will allow you people to make your plans as you plan such. Enough is enough. Tell Buhari that I The  Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that all their secret plans and arrangements are in My palm. Tell him that I AM not begging him to obey Me and I AM not begging him to recognise that I AM the Personality speaking. As I AM sending this message to him himself should recognize Me and act on it. If himself refuses, the message will be published and people will know and I will also expose his secrets to the people of the world. No man beauty of life will challenge Me and go free except himself repents. Tell him that as I AM talking, all the messages I sent to him will tell him the foundation wherein I will save My people. If himself recognizes Me himself should follow Me. if himself recognizes the devil let him follow the devil and let us know who has the power.
Tell Buhari that himself should not waste time to respond to My invitation and message.
Says by Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.



 I  the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the Saviour of the entire universe Who died on the cross of Calvary, AM here to give My message to Rochas Okorocha. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I said that if an earthly child feels that herself has grown up to the extent that herself can no longer listen to the counsel of her earthly father and mother [parents] and concludes that herself can have her own ways to commit fornication at will; even when the earthly father and mother [parents] are telling her that this thing is wrong and herself keeps on saying “Leave me”, tell Rochas that a day shall come when that earthly child will be pregnant. Though there are some other pregnancies herself has been taking care of in the past, there will be a day herself will be disappointed. All the strategies and previous experiences will fail her. If it happens that the earthly child is a man beauty of life, himself will be suffering from a particular sickness to the other; and a day will come that a sickness will visit him and all his experiences will disappoint him, and this will lead to premature death. Before the female beauty of life or the male beauty of life dies herself or himself will remember the words of the earthly father and mother [parents].

Tell Rochas Okorocha that I  the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach the Owner of his life who died on the cross of Calvary said that himself is doing what that male or female beauty of life in the parable is doing against his or her earthly father and mother [parents].
Himself is challenging Me in different ways. When I speak himself does not listen to Me. Anywhere himself feels himself can seek solution, himself should go. Anywhere himself thinks himself can have power to stop Me himself should go. Tell Rochas Okorocha that all his activities are in My palm. Tell Rochas Okorocha that himself is challenging Me by serving idols, feeling that satan has given him a high ranking office. What the devil did not tell him is that as himself was going higher destruction is waiting for him. Tell Rochas  Okorocha that no matter how big a cow is, it is in the hand of Fulani to be controlled. Cow has no power to challenge the man beauty of life that is controlling it.

Why I AM using these parables himself knows what I AM saying. Himself has the power to intimidate others but himself is under My control. If himself wants to gather people for prayer himself should gather more than himself has done before. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I know him. Even as himself converts his idol building into church himself is not afraid of Me. After all, what himself has been doing is that himself is using My name to deceive people whereas himself has his own idol that himself is serving. This information I passed when I wanted to destroy the city of Pharaoh. The same Creator has come again to pass information to him.

Children, were you not there when I said I would deal with him? Tell Rochas  Okorocha that I made him to fail his idol. That is why himself is having problem in the land. Tell Rochas Okorocha that as I AM giving this message to him if himself has any reason to fight My servant himself should do it more than himself was doing before. Tell Rochas Okorocha that the only thing that will save him is for him to say sorry to Me and return to Me. All the idols himself molded I AM sending My Child and himself will destroy them. All the idols himself molded are the strength of his leadership. Even those himself positioned in the Government house where people come to snap pictures which himself uses to initiate people unknown to them I know all these things.

Tell Rochas Okorocha that himself initiated children with the school uniforms that himself sewed for them and through the suits himself gave to the civil servants himself also initiated them. Tell Rochas that I know how himself initiated the state in different ways. This is a fight between Me and him. Tell Rochas Okorocha that as the devil gave him assignment to accomplish, I AM also giving My servant My Own assignment. Tell him to go to the devil to acquire more power to challenge My Child as I AM sending him.

Tell Rochas Okorocha that I said that the different kinds of caps that himself wears I know. Tell him that the different types of clothes himself has are for different assignments, so also his different attires are for different assignments and I know. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I  the Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that himself has done well to challenge Me. I have come now to show him a little of My power but himself is too small. Tell Rochas Okorocha that no matter his power I want to call his attention to know that car have four tires, at the same time caterpillar has four tires. Both are built with iron. Car has steering caterpillar has steering. Both the car and the caterpillar have engines but the time when people will know the greater power is when they collide together. Whichever has the greater power will be shown.

Tell Rochas Okorocha that we are coming to check up the strength of satan who gave him assignment and My Child whom I give assignment. Tell Rochas Okorocha that I have written to Buhari. Tell him that among other Governors himself has challenged Me more than all of them. Tell him that I said that when a child sees fire, the glittering of the fire will make the child to admire it. The child will not believe that the fire can destroy until himself enters into the fire. Tell Rochas Okorocha that when himself was entering to have covenant and relationship with satan himself did not see it as evil and that it would hurt him. satan has surrounded him and there is no way of escape except by My mercy and grace.

Tell Rochas Okorocha that My weapon is My word and himself will see how I will achieve My mandate. Tell Rochas Okorocha that himself should go and mould more idols in the state but I AM coming to destroy them and himself will have problem. The devil has given him mouth to insult Me but I AM coming to insult him before the people himself is leading. Tell Rochas Okorocha that My eyes are on him. His own case is another issue with Me. Tell Rochas Okorocha that all the sacrifices himself makes to idols to initiate people with things himself molded where they snap pictures and the people think it is normal I see everything. Himself calls it decoration but I know the meaning. For this reason tell him that as I AM giving him this message himself should call all his demons to acquire more security I will not stop him. Exactly what happened when I sent My Child to Pharaoh I did not stop him.

Tell Rochas Okorocha that I give him the privilege to stop My programmes and My Child who I AM sending. Tell Rochas Okorocha that himself has the power to control the churches under them because they issued them certificate of operation and give them idol in their camp. In addition to this message, I AM also sending to him these messages to read:

1st.The message about the name Nigeria and the evil in the name Nigeria
2nd.The message of the Secret Power of three in Creation
3rd.The message of the Old man

Before himself will decide which action to take himself should read all these messages says by Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.


                                                                                                The Executive Governor,
                                                                                                Attention:  Rochas  Okorocha,
                                                                                                Office of the Governor,
                                                                                                Owerri, Imo State.
Dearly Beloved,
May the peace of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach abide with you. Amen. I am mandated by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach to bring to your notice the enclosed messages by I AM that I AM:



The messages are about I AM that I AM’S programme for the entire earth with particular reference to this Nation, Nigeria and Imo State to produce in them a positive result. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach, I AM that I AM said, if after reading these messages and you see the need to come together to put the state in order, My servant whom I AM using will tell you all that is needful and important to do as I have commanded him in order to make the state better to My standard.

Fellow men and women beauties of life of the nation, it is time we act wisely for all in the state to come together in unity to destroy the foundation of satan Empire over the entire earth, and particularly in the state. More importantly to liberate this state from her slavery since birth by the devil. According to Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach this state has been repositioned in the heavenlies to lead other states of this nation. This will now place the state at an advantage over other states and which will give rise to other states coming to learn from the state

A copy of these same messages has been sent to the Executive Governor of Imo State and others. You are required to read them and use your good office to act on them immediately for the benefits of all the people. However, Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach said that if you people refuse to act on these messages I AM that I AM will not hesitate to publish your refusal and disobedience to the entire public, says by Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach.

I pray that you will be an instrument that Our Maker Yahweh will use to achieve I AM that I AM’S mandate.
Thank you and Our Maker Yahweh bless you.

My good will message to Nigeria, saith Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. I want to tell Nigerians that the spirit of ownership is operating in Nigeria. The people who say they are fighting for freedom of Biafra, MASSOB was introduced from the territory of darkness, to kill and shed blood. The original aim of Satan is to increase the volume of blood in his blood bank. MASSOB is a cult. All those who bear that name are condemned because they are murderers and bear mark of the beast. They are raised to destroy nephesh [souls]. Their mission is seasonal. Whenever they rise a lot of nephesh [souls]  will be wasted and they will calm down again. I have come to expose the devil. Thus saith Your Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach. Can the people of the world identify what black and red in the color of MASSOB signifies? Black signifies evil. Red signifies danger. Their mission is to bring evil and danger.

Those materials were originally initiated into the camp of darkness. Wherever you see Biafra, you see black and red. People who claim they are Biafrans, can they make their way through black which is darkness or can they get what they are looking for through bloodshed which is red? The vision of Biafra triggered the operation of Boko haram. Do they not think that if MY HAND HAD BEEN FOR BIAFRA THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN FREE? But it is a high cult raised by Satan to buy the heart of the Igbos because their heart is in getting their freedom. That was why I said in My message that whenever Satan holds his meetings with his demons and his agents, I take the full record of the proceedings and resolutions but when I hold My own meeting Satan does not see. Therefore, My little children I am here to tell you that none of you should bear that name, Biafran. When MASSOB started, there was no money to achieve their vision until they started calling on people to contribute money which they used to make some sacrifices. Those who claim to be MASSOB members should return to Me and plead sorry for their actions, that is only how they can be free.

Children, do you know that Satan does not use money to achieve his visions? What Satan does is to introduce it to the world and people will adopt the idea and support it with their resources, even those who claim they are My children will also spend their money to sponsor such vision of Satan. But now I am calling people to bring their resources together to achieve My own vision, how many of them are complying? They are rather being very intelligent, asking a lot of questions and being very careful not to be deceived by an evil spirit. Some are saying it is not from Our Maker Yahweh. Children, now I’m sending you out to the world, to tell them to promote My end-time programmes with their resources.
My reason for giving this message today is for you to tell My children that they should bring their resources together to achieve My programmes. Tell them that whether they say the person I’m using is deceiving them or they see that I am speaking to them does not matter to Me. If they disobey Me, that place they are afraid of going, they will go there. Why Satan chooses to punish those who disobey him here, is to intimidate them, so that they can obey him. Tell them that the punishment of Satan is only but little and for a while but My own punishment is severe and everlasting. Tell them I am the personality that introduced hellfire and not Satan. That is why I said “Fear him, which after hath killed, hath power to cast into hellfire.” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua through Lukas, 12th Chapter 5th Verse]. Also “ if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee; it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having first to second [two] hands or first to second [two] feet to be cast into everlasting fire” [Goodnews of Our Redeemer Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach through Mattityah, 18th Chapter 8th Verse].
The people on earth is not mindful of losing their position in heaven. They are busying themselves to secure position here on earth. All the positions they are pursuing here on earth is not their own. The devil uses it to occupy their hearts. People commit sin in order to have children on earth but they don’t fear to lose their position in My kingdom.




This is the time My Child Yahwehnedu whom I named Child of Truth. I want to tell you the reason I raise you from a place they call Igbo or the place they call Imo state. This is a place people have ruled off. Tell the people who call themselves Igbo that whatever the Muslims are telling them now is not new; the vision has been for years. Tell them that their deliverance is for them to listen to My voice and come to Me to take what belongs to them. They cannot obtain freedom from that name BIAFRA.

I sent you and the male beauty of life of your Maker Yahweh, Yahwehgrant to see Nnamdi Kanu. Kanu promised to call you. Have you got any call from him? Kanu feels that himself has arrived. Tell them that if they wish to fight this battle physically the Muslims will finish them. The Igbos are not organized. Hatred and division are among them. The Muslims are united. I AM sending you right away to the people in Igbo land. Yes you will go to Alaba International Market. Go and pass this information to them. Give them the message I sent to Nnamdi Kanu. Kanu does not want to obey Me. Give them the message of Buhari; give them the message of Rochas Okorocha; give them the message of BIAFRA.

Tell them that I said that they should unite together and behave wisely. That is the reason why I raise somebody from their place. Any other arrangement will end in disaster. If it is ammunitions, the Hausas have more than enough. Even as they are running away from the north the Hausas will come to their place and finish them. If they want to doubt Me they should wait and see. I want to give them freedom from all angles. TELL THEM THAT I HAVE REPOSITIONED THEM TO LEAD OTHER NATIONS. Tell them that already all of them are in the house of satan. Tell them that their names after state such as Imo State is derived from “S” of snake. Meaning that Imo State is State of snake; and all over the places it is the same. Anything attached to state is snake, under the control of snake. That is why they have state attached to their names.

However I have come to reestablish them. They should put hands together to spread this information by means of distributing the messages, books, CDs so that they can have their freedom. Tell them to write and publish these messages in the dailies. Tell them that as I have said nobody can battle with Me. They should obey Me and come back to Me. The Hausas and other nations will come back and beg them because I have good plan for them. If they recognise Me and repent of all their evils I will heal their land.

Already I have told My servant how things should be. They should unite together. They should have program in a place they call Imo State where I will stand to destroy the idols that Rochas has instituted and I will proceed to other states. So you bring out the message concerning the United Nations of Truth. The place I use is the United Nation Of United Nations of Truth that is the first place I will unite all the land and as the devil introduce his name, and snake so I raise My Child to introduce My United Nations of Truth. As you go from place to place all the name should reflect Truth.
Tell the Igbos that already the Hausas have planned more than them but I’ve come to deliver them. They should cry no more, they should weep no more. They should bring resources together to do what I want them to do. I have given them freedom. I have delivered them from the hands of their enemies.



My Child Yahwehnedu, a female beauty of life of your Maker Yahweh, Oge called you last night about Nnamdi Kanu. That Kanu was using the language of the United Nations of Truth, calling people beauty of life when Kanu was being interviewed. Tell Kanu that himself can do whatever himself wants to do with My message but if Kanu refuses the Owner of the message Nnamdi Kanu would have problem. Whatever Kanu wants to do let him go ahead and do it. His refusal to My invitation will create more problems for him.

Tell Igbo people that I the Owner of heaven and earth do not give Nnamdi Kanu authority of leadership. All Kanu is doing is vibrating. After all these Kanu will come down. Out of love I have raised My servant whom I ordained to correct things by Myself. Physical weapons will not win any battle for them. The Muslims and the Romans are under covenant. Both of them serve the same idols of moon and star. This is the reason for the delay in their freedom and if they rely on the arm of flesh, that freedom will not come till tomorrow.

While Muslims and the Romans are consciously aware that they are serving both the moon and star idols, the Igbos themselves are ignorantly serving the same idols. Even in their prayers and greetings they do not know the meaning if “ISE” they normally pronounce in answer to prayers and greetings. To them ISE is “let it be so” [Ka odi otua]. However the real meaning of ISE is not “Ka odi otua”. “Ka odi otua”  means “let it be so” But Ise real meaning is five star of demonic world which is the five stages of demonic power. From greetings of Igbo people they are already honouring demons. They should return to Me. I will reposition them. They will not contest against anybody. Anybody contesting is contesting against Me. Tell them to come together and celebrate their freedom in the United Nations of Truth, and by My instruction they should unite together. Already I have given them freedom. They do not need to contest for it.
Tell Nnamdi that because of his stubbornness to My invitation, the opportunity that I granted to him I have withdrawn. Kanu does not know the authority of My message. Kanu does not consider what makes his Maker to send My servant to him. Tell Kanu that the seat himself is contesting for and the freedom for Igbo people, they cannot have it. Had it been that Kanu obeyed Me I would have arranged how himself and  Child of Truth will work together. I don’t have disobedient children. When I call Petros to follow Me Petros followed Me without questioning. Even if Kanu is using My message to talk to people it is not enough until himself has obeyed Me.

Tell them that all their arrangement to call their people to come back home and do this and do that is not the solution to their problem but that they should do what I asked them to do. Already I have defeated their enemy. If they wish to recognise Me I AM still where I AM.


Child ImmanuYahweh when you came back yesterday you and male beauty of life of your Maker Yahweh were discussing about Kanu who said that anybody who said that BIAFRA Republic would not be realised would die. Tell My children that the curse of Kanu is like when a drunkard is cursing somebody. Tell Kanu that I said in as much as himself feels that they will get freedom by his power, that himself should try with all his might and see whether his dream will come to pass. Tell Kanu that all the people that have been deceived by him in the name of BIAFRA will die and that himself will pay for their debt.

Tell Kanu that I have started counting charges against him since I sent My servant to him and himself refused to respond to My call. Tell him that I say that his madness is more than the madness of the mad man walking along the street. You may use good cup for the mad man in the street to drink. Tell Kanu that I gave him a good cup which himself had never seen before but instead of accepting My gift to him, himself started looking for dirty cup that cannot even hold water.

Tell Kanu that if BIAFRA stands then let it be known to him that I AM not the Owner of heaven and earth. What I instituted is the United Nations of Truth. I have given them My Time [not the world clock introduced by the devil]. I have given them the Truth Holy Scriptures [not the bible written by the devil], I have given them My date [not the world calendar introduced by the devil], and I have revealed to them My real name [not Jesus that the devil gave to them], and I have given them My authority.

Tell Kanu that the tradition and politics that himself is playing will not save him. Tell Kanu that I AM after the politicians. Tell him to read all the messages I sent to him through My Child. Tell Kanu that all the evil instituted and done in the name of BIAFRA by him, himself will pay for it. Kanu taught people to kill with gun. Kanu taught people to smoke and many other evils in the name of training them as soldiers.

Tell My children who are called Igbo that I will give them freedom not by fighting or war. Tell them to follow My servant who will tell them what I want them to do says by Your MAKER, the OWNER of heaven and earth.


My little children, good new day My little children. I heard a voice that said that I Yahwehshua Ha Mashiach is the Truth. I am not going to waste much of the time this new day. My Child, Child of truth, I wrote a letter to Kumuyi and Ohanebo. I want to use that to do something. My Child Yahwehnedu can you tell Me why I raised you up in a place called Imo State? It is because that is a place they have ruled off.

Tell the Igbos that what the Hausas are telling them now is not a new vision. It has been for ages. Tell them that this is the time for them to take what belongs to them. I sent you and the male beauty of life of your Maker, Yahwehgrant to Nnamdi. Nnamdi told you, that himself would call you through his personal assistants [P.A], has Nnamdi done it? The battle is not the physical.

My Child Yahwehnedu, go and tell the Igbo people, the first place should be: Alaba market, go and deliver this message, give them the message I gave to Buhari and the message I gave to Rochas. That is why I raised somebody from their place called Imo State. Tell them that if they want to do it in their own way, that the Hausa has it already and will come to their place and erase them all out of remembrance.
Tell them I have repositioned them, that they should only acknowledge it. Tell them the meaning of “State” that the “S” is snake and that is why there is the united state”. Tell them to unite together in hands spread this message.

Tell them to unit and publish this message in the news papers. Tell them that nobody can battle with Me. Tell them that they are all business people, they should take My message and do something about it. Tell them to unite together, and that I have told My servant how they should destroy what Rochas has done in the land Imo State.

Also bring out the message I gave concerning United Nations of Truth. As you are going from place to place, the names of this people I mention should reflect. Well children, tell them that no man beauty of life has the power to kill whom I have not declare to die. Tell them that the Hausas have planned more than they have imagined. Tell them that I have given them freedom and that no man beauty of life will destroy them if they recognize Me. Tell them of the work and activities of the Government in the land. Their work which I destroy now, it took them many years, but I will destroy it in few years.

Tell them that all of them should put their resources together to propagate My word. They are all business men beauties of life. I have told My servant what to do says by Your Redeemer Yahwehshua ha Mashiach.
Well children work according My heart pleasing. You are trying, but let Me tell you once again, you are trying to be stubborn. Let Me tell you this; have you seen a soldier who wants to go to battle and the soldier engage himself in talking? The reply was NO Father.

Child Yahwehgrant do you say NO?, but all of you are doing it, if somebody gives you work to do, and in the man beauty of life’s presence, can you do this you all are doing? Child Immanuyahweh, when you are doing your research work, can you do this you are doing? All of you should be very, very careful, you should be very, very careful. I have forgiven you all. But all of you be very, very careful.

My Child Yahwehnedu, all these children I gave to you, Child Yahwehvictor and daughter Yahwehmiracle, since they fell sick, have you felt well? But when you see Yitzchak smiling around, you take him to console yourself. What do you think of the Maker of all? Who has more feeling than yourself, seeing the man beauty of life I made is dying. What do you think will be My pain?

The conclusion is that the entire people of the earth has falling sick, which will lead to their destruction. But if suddenly your little earthly children I gave to you gets well, you will be happy. That is how in all this effort I make, it is the healing I am applying, if they accept it, well it is their healing. Child of truth, as you are forcing your earthly children to drink their medicine, that is how I am doing it to man beauty of life. How many times now have I given message to Kumuyi, Ohanebo, Margaret and others? If they wish to accept, deliverance and healing is assured, but if they disobey their destruction is assured.

My peace, My power, and My glory I release upon you. Conquer your enemy. Children you don’t have enemy. The enemy you have is the deceiver of the whole world. Child Yahwehnedu, there is a prayer you do pray, that I should have mercy on all those who refused My call and messages. That prayer touches Me. Even to their Governors, you prayed I should have mercy on them because they don’t know what they are doing.

My little children, there is a mystery: do you know that all this people who read the messages I give, I through My Ruach do always give them convictions, but they wish not to recognize My voice. For instance, My Child Yahwehlawrence, when you read this message, did you not receive conviction? Child ImmanuYahweh, when you received this message was there no conviction? And another voice told you don’t, if you have followed the wrong voice, would you have been here now? My Child Yahwehma, what about you? All of them who read My word, I was by their side and I gave them conviction. As you all received conviction, so also I gave to them. But at the last day then, they will realize.
Children when they carry the message I spoke to them, but they wish not to obey Me. As the Igbos heard that they should vacate the Hausa’s territories, are they not leaving? The land called Hausa land, is it truly there land? But the Igbos have not hearken to My own voice, yet very soon, they will see My wrath. Carry this message to the Igbos and tell them they should see My deliverance.

Tell the Igbos I have given them Truth Date [Calendar], Truth Time, Truth Holy Scriptures and the United Nations of Truth, and in My own land, there is no Hausa, Igbos or Yoruba. These names are based on idolatry that is why the clothing the Hausa women beauties of life put on is printed stars on them. Tell the Igbos that I come to tell them, that they are idol worshippers themselves; when they make their prayers, their reply is usually “Iseee” which is to say “ka odi Otua” as they thought, but it is not true. What “Iseee” means is simply five star of the kingdom of Satan. They should be delivered of that. Tell them they are idol worshippers. Tell Nnamdi that himself claims to know Me, but is playing politics. Tell him that his own punishment will be great, himself is using My name to do wickedness. Tell Nnamdi Kanu that as many that are killed by his establishment, himself will pay for it.

Children they are idol worshippers, children you can see tigers as their logo. Tell Nnamdi that there is time for him now to return to Me. Yes I can repeat My word before now. I said there is no day they will have freedom by that name Biafra. Tell men beauties of life that they should know that NO man beauty of life can do all these things I instituted now, they are My work.

Children, My Child, Child of the truth and My Child Yahwehgrant, the day you went to Nnamdi, did you not see the cap on his head? His general attire are they not of tradition? But Nnamdi is claiming that himself knows Me. The reason that Nnamdi knows Me, is it by the fact of his traveling? Children, nobody can know Me by traveling. To know Me, is by revealing Myself to him. Children have the male beauty of life of your Maker Yahweh I am using traveled any where?

Tell Nnamdi, when I sent My servants to him, himself was asking them are they going by Judaism? Child ImmanuYahweh have you come across Judaism? Judaism is cult. Even My disciples did not witness Judaism. Imagine how many decades of years that has past, it is the Romans that changed their name to “Jews”. Children since you are going with Me, have you not been giving out to people mysteries? I will stop here, round up your pray.

The Qahal [Church] of Our Redeemer YAHWEHSHUA ha MASHIACH
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